set.seed(0130) M <- 2 rho.default <- 0.5 default.rho.matrix <- gen_corr_matrix(M = M, rho.scalar = rho.default) model.params.list <- list( M = 2 # number of outcomes , J = 20 # number of schools , K = 10 # number of districts (for two-level model, set K = 1) , nbar = 50 # number of individuals per school , rho.default = rho.default # default rho value (optional) , = NULL # N-length vector of indiv school assignments (optional) , = NULL # N-length vector of indiv district assignments (optional) ################################################## grand mean otucome and impact , Xi0 = 0 # scalar grand mean outcome under no treatment , MDES = rep(0.125, M) # minimum detectable effect size ################################################## level 3: districts , R2.3 = rep(0.1, M) # percent of district variation explained by district covariates , rho.V = default.rho.matrix # MxM correlation matrix of district covariates , ICC.3 = rep(0.2, M) # district intraclass correlation , omega.3 = rep(0.1, M) # ratio of district effect size variability to random effects variability , rho.w0 = default.rho.matrix # MxM matrix of correlations for district random effects , rho.w1 = default.rho.matrix # MxM matrix of correlations for district impacts , theta.w = matrix(0, M, M) # MxM matrix of correlations between district random effects and impacts ################################################## level 2: schools , R2.2 = rep(0.1, M) # percent of school variation explained by school covariates , rho.X = default.rho.matrix # MxM correlation matrix of school covariates , ICC.2 = rep(0.2, M) # school intraclass correlation , omega.2 = rep(0.1, M) # ratio of school effect size variability to random effects variability , rho.u0 = default.rho.matrix # MxM matrix of correlations for school random effects , rho.u1 = default.rho.matrix # MxM matrix of correlations for school impacts , theta.u = matrix(0, M, M) # MxM matrix of correlations between school random effects and impacts ################################################## level 1: individuals , R2.1 = rep(0.1, M) # percent of indiv variation explained by indiv covariates , rho.C = default.rho.matrix # MxM correlation matrix of individual covariates , rho.r = default.rho.matrix # MxM matrix of correlations for individual residuals ) model.params.default <- model.params.list # calculate expected variance of Y0 <- function(dgp.params.list) { return( ifelse(is.null(dgp.params.list[['xi']]), 0, dgp.params.list[['xi']][1]^2) + ifelse(is.null(dgp.params.list[['eta0.sq']]), 0, dgp.params.list[['eta0.sq']][1]) + dgp.params.list[['delta']][1]^2 + dgp.params.list[['tau0.sq']][1] + dgp.params.list[['gamma']][1]^2 + 1 ) } # -------------------------------------------- # start with all parameters at 0 # -------------------------------------------- d_m <- "d2.2_m2rc" model.params.list[['d_m']] <- d_m model.params.list[['K']] <- 1 model.params.list[['ICC.3']] <- 0 model.params.list[['omega.3']] <- 0 model.params.list[['R2.3']] <- 0 model.params.list[['MDES']] <- rep(0, M) model.params.list[['omega.2']] <- 0 model.params.list[['ICC.2']] <- rep(0, M) model.params.list[['R2.1']] <- rep(0, M) model.params.list[['R2.2']] <- rep(0, M) rho.default <- 0 default.rho.matrix <- gen_corr_matrix(M = M, rho.scalar = rho.default) model.params.list[['rho.default']] <- rho.default model.params.list[['rho.X']] <- model.params.list[['rho.C']] <- default.rho.matrix model.params.list[['rho.u0']] <- model.params.list[['rho.u1']] <- model.params.list[['rho.r']] <- default.rho.matrix dgp.params.list <- convert_params(model.params.list) samp.full <- gen_base_sim_data(model.params.list, = FALSE) exp.Y0.var <- test_that( 'Y0 variances are within 40% of expected variance', { expect_equal(round(var(samp.full$Y0[,1]), 2), exp.Y0.var, tolerance = 0.4) expect_equal(round(var(samp.full$Y0[,2]), 2), exp.Y0.var, tolerance = 0.4) }) test_that('Outcomes are within 30% of expected correlation = 0',{ expect_equal(cor(samp.full$Y0[,1], samp.full$Y0[,2]), rho.default, tolerance = 0.3) }) # -------------------------------------------- # test when Effect size = 0.125 # -------------------------------------------- model.params.list[['MDES']] <- rep(0.125, M) dgp.params.list <- convert_params(model.params.list) samp.full <- gen_base_sim_data(model.params.list, = FALSE) exp.Y0.var <- test_that( 'Y0 variances are within 40% of expected variance for MDES = 0.125', { expect_equal(round(var(samp.full$Y0[,1]), 2), exp.Y0.var, tolerance = 0.4) expect_equal(round(var(samp.full$Y0[,2]), 2), exp.Y0.var, tolerance = 0.4) }) test_that('Outcomes are within 30% of expected correlation = 0',{ expect_equal(cor(samp.full$Y0[,1], samp.full$Y0[,2]), rho.default, tolerance = 0.3) }) # -------------------------------------------- # test when ICC.2 = 0.5 (which actually adds some variance) # -------------------------------------------- model.params.list[['ICC.2']] <- rep(0.5, M) dgp.params.list <- convert_params(model.params.list) samp.full <- gen_base_sim_data(model.params.list, = FALSE) exp.Y0.var <- test_that( 'Y0 variances are within 40% of expected variance for ICC.2 = 0.5', { expect_equal(round(var(samp.full$Y0[,1]), 2), exp.Y0.var, tolerance = 0.4) expect_equal(round(var(samp.full$Y0[,2]), 2), exp.Y0.var, tolerance = 0.4) }) test_that('Outcomes are within 30% of expected correlation = 0',{ expect_equal(cor(samp.full$Y0[,1], samp.full$Y0[,2]), rho.default, tolerance = 0.3) }) # -------------------------------------------- # Allow for correlation between outcomes of 0.5 # -------------------------------------------- rho.default <- 0.5 default.rho.matrix <- gen_corr_matrix(M = M, rho.scalar = rho.default) model.params.list[['rho.default']] <- rho.default model.params.list[['rho.X']] <- model.params.list[['rho.C']] <- default.rho.matrix model.params.list[['rho.u0']] <- model.params.list[['rho.u1']] <- model.params.list[['rho.r']] <- default.rho.matrix dgp.params.list <- convert_params(model.params.list) samp.full <- gen_base_sim_data(model.params.list, = FALSE) exp.Y0.var <- test_that( 'Y0 variances are within 40% of expected variance for rho.default = 0.5', { expect_equal(round(var(samp.full$Y0[,1]), 2), exp.Y0.var, tolerance = 0.4) expect_equal(round(var(samp.full$Y0[,2]), 2), exp.Y0.var, tolerance = 0.4) }) test_that('Outcomes are positively correlated for rho.default = 0.5',{ expect_gt(cor(samp.full$Y0[,1], samp.full$Y0[,2]), 0) }) test_that('Outcomes are within 30% of expected correlation = 0.5',{ expect_equal(cor(samp.full$Y0[,1], samp.full$Y0[,2]), rho.default, tolerance = 0.3) }) # -------------------------------------------- # check a 3 level model # -------------------------------------------- model.params.default$d_m = "d3.2" model.params.list <- model.params.default dgp.params.list <- convert_params(model.params.list) samp.full <- gen_base_sim_data(model.params.list, = FALSE) exp.Y0.var <- test_that( 'Y0 variances are within 40% of expected variance for level 3', { expect_equal(round(var(samp.full$Y0[,1]), 2), exp.Y0.var, tolerance = 0.4) expect_equal(round(var(samp.full$Y0[,2]), 2), exp.Y0.var, tolerance = 0.4) }) test_that('Outcomes are positively correlated for level 3',{ expect_gt(cor(samp.full$Y0[,1], samp.full$Y0[,2]), 0) }) # -------------------------------------------- # Test observed code conversion # -------------------------------------------- samp.obs <- samp.full T.x <- rep(1, length(samp.full$Y0)) samp.obs$Yobs <- gen_Yobs(samp.full, T.x) test_that( 'Observed data matches true data for all treated', expect_equal(samp.obs$Yobs[,1], samp.full$Y1[,1]) ) T.x <- rep(0, length(samp.full$Y0)) samp.obs$Yobs <- gen_Yobs(samp.full, T.x) test_that( 'Observed data matches true data for all control', expect_equal(samp.obs$Yobs[,1], samp.full$Y0[,1]) ) T.x <- c(rep(0, length(samp.full$Y0)/2), rep(1, length(samp.full$Y0)/2)) samp.obs$Yobs <- gen_Yobs(samp.full, T.x) test_that( 'Observed data matches true data for a standard assignment', { expect_equal(samp.obs$Yobs[T.x == 1,1], samp.full$Y1[T.x == 1,1]) expect_equal(samp.obs$Yobs[T.x == 0,1], samp.full$Y0[T.x == 0,1]) }) # -------------------------------------------- # Test estimated treatment impact # -------------------------------------------- T.x <- c(rep(0, length(samp.full$Y0)/2), rep(1, length(samp.full$Y0)/2)) samp.obs$Yobs <- gen_Yobs(samp.full, T.x) true.tau <- abs(mean(samp.full$Y1[,1] - samp.full$Y0[,1])) test_that( 'Treatment impact estimate is within 10% of true value', { expect_equal( abs(mean(samp.obs$Yobs[T.x == 1,1]) - mean(samp.obs$Yobs[T.x == 0,1])), true.tau, tolerance = 0.1, scale = true.tau) }) # -------------------------------------------- # Test block assignments # -------------------------------------------- J <- 20 K <- 10 nbar <- 50 assignments <- gen_cluster_ids( J = J, K = K, nbar = nbar) <- assignments[['']] <- assignments[['']] test_that('The number of schools is correct',{ expect_equal(length(unique(, J * K) }) test_that('The number of districts is correct',{ expect_equal(length(unique(, K) }) test_that('The number of units in each school is correct',{ expect_equal(as.numeric(unname(table(, rep(nbar, J * K)) }) # -------------------------------------------- # Test treatment assignments # -------------------------------------------- Tbar <- 0.5 # two level K <- 1 assignments <- gen_cluster_ids( J = J, K = K, nbar = nbar) <- assignments[['']] <- assignments[['']] T.x <- randomizr::block_ra(, prob = Tbar ) empirical.Tbar <- rep(NA, J) for(j in unique( { empirical.Tbar[j] <- mean(T.x[ == j]) } test_that('Each block has completely random assignment with correct probability',{ expect_equal(empirical.Tbar, rep(Tbar, J * K)) }) # cluster 2 level T.x <- randomizr::cluster_ra(, prob = Tbar ) empirical.Tbar <- rep(NA, J) for(j in unique( { empirical.Tbar[j] <- sum(T.x[ == j]) } test_that('Each cluster is assigned to either treatment or control',{ expect_equal(sort(empirical.Tbar), c(rep(0, J/2), rep(nbar, J/2))) }) # 3 level K <- 10 assignments <- gen_cluster_ids( J = J, K = K, nbar = nbar) <- assignments[['']] <- assignments[['']] # cluster 3 level T.x <- randomizr::cluster_ra(, prob = Tbar ) empirical.Tbar <- rep(NA, K) for(k in unique( { empirical.Tbar[k] <- sum(T.x[ == k]) } test_that('Each cluster is assigned to either treatment or control',{ expect_equal(sort(empirical.Tbar), c(rep(0, K/2), rep(nbar*J, K/2))) }) # blocked cluster T.x <- randomizr::block_and_cluster_ra( blocks =, clusters =, prob = Tbar ) empirical.Tbar <- rep(NA, J*K) for(j in unique( { empirical.Tbar[j] <- sum(T.x[ == j]) } test_that('Each cluster is assigned to either treatment or control',{ expect_equal(sort(empirical.Tbar), c(rep(0, J*K/2), rep(nbar, J*K/2))) }) test_that('There is an equal number of clusters for treatment and control',{ expect_equal(sum(empirical.Tbar == 0), J*K/2) }) test_that('First block has clusters assigned properly',{ expect_equal(sum(empirical.Tbar[1:J] == 0), J/2) })