library(PTXQC) ## the next require() is needed to prevent a spurious error in certain R versions (might be a bug in R or a package) ## error message is: ## Error in Scales$new : could not find function "loadMethod" require(methods) context("createReport.R") test_that("createReport", { ## this is a rather lengthy function, and its hard to test in all its granularity (hence we test ## the functions within in other tests), but at least we want to see that it produces ## results -- even though its hard to test if the resulting PDF report is exactly what we expect ## without going into mindboggling image-comparison tests... ## get some data local_zip = tempfile(fileext=".zip") ## getting the correct URL is tricky, since download methods like 'curl' will not follow ## redirects, but download the server message instead. Try 'curl' etc on the command line, to see ## what's going on and find the right URL (for GitHub: we need https and raw.github....) target_url = "" dl = NULL tryCatch({ dl = download.file(target_url, destfile = local_zip, quiet = TRUE) }, silent = TRUE, warning = function(w) { }, error = function(err) { ## in case of error, try with Curl tryCatch({ dl = download.file(target_url, destfile = local_zip, method='curl', quiet = TRUE) ## for Linux/MacOSX }, silent = TRUE, warning = function(w) { }, error = function(err2) { print("Internet down. Aborting test gracefully") return(); ## fail gracefully }) }) if (is.null(dl)) return() unzip(local_zip, exdir = tempdir()) ## extracts content txt_folder = file.path(tempdir(), "txt") ## ## test mqPar parser while we have the data here.. ## expect_equal(getMQPARValue(paste0(txt_folder, "/mqpar.xml"), "//firstSearchTol"), "20") expect_equal(getMQPARValue(paste0(txt_folder, "/mqpar.xml"), "//matchingTimeWindow"), "0.7") expect_equal(getMQPARValue(paste0(txt_folder, "/mqpar.xml"), "//string[parent::filePaths|parent::Filenames]", allow_multiple = TRUE), c("M:\\projects\\QC\\ecoli_small\\Toni_20120502_GM_Ecoli_01.raw", "M:\\projects\\QC\\ecoli_small\\Toni_20120502_GM_Ecoli_02.raw")) yaml_obj = list() ## no special config... r = PTXQC::createReport(txt_folder, NULL, yaml_obj) expect_equal(c("yaml_file", "heatmap_values_file", "R_plots_file", "filename_sorting", "mzQC_file", "log_file", "report_file_prefix", "report_file_PDF", "report_file_HTML"), names(r)) rep_files = c(r[["report_file_PDF"]], r[["report_file_HTML"]]) print(list.files(path = txt_folder)) for (f in rep_files) { cat("Checking file ", f, "\n") # HTML file might not exist if PANDOC is not installed if (file.exists(f)) expect_equal($size > 50*1024, TRUE) ## PDF 70kb & HTML 161kb } expect_equal(file.exists(r[["heatmap_values_file"]]), TRUE) d_heatmap = read.delim(r[["heatmap_values_file"]]) expect_equal(dim(d_heatmap)[1], 2) ## two files expect_equal(dim(d_heatmap)[2] >= 22, TRUE) ## 22 (or more) metrics expect_equal(as.character(d_heatmap$fc.raw.file), c("..Ecoli_01", "..Ecoli_02")) expect_equal(file.exists(r[["filename_sorting"]]), TRUE) d_filenamesort = read.delim(r[["filename_sorting"]], comment.char="#") expect_equal(dim(d_filenamesort), c(2, 3)) ## two files, three columns expect_equal(as.character(d_filenamesort$new.Name), c("..Ecoli_01", "..Ecoli_02")) ## remove creationDate, contactName, and URI from mzQC file, since its changing dynamically no_volatile = function(file) { lines = readLines(file, warn = FALSE) grep("\"creationDate\"|\"contactName\"|\"location\"|\"version\"|\"uri\"", lines, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE) } expect_equal(no_volatile(r[["mzQC_file"]]), no_volatile(system.file("./examples/report_ecoli_small.mzQC", package="PTXQC"))) unlink(local_zip) ## delete zip unlink(txt_folder, recursive = TRUE) ## delete txt-folder })