context("test-plnldafit") data(trichoptera) trichoptera <- prepare_data(trichoptera$Abundance, trichoptera$Covariate) model0 <- PLNLDA(Abundance ~ 0 + offset(log(Offset)), grouping = Group, data = trichoptera) model <- PLNLDA(Abundance ~ 1 + offset(log(Offset)), grouping = Group, data = trichoptera) test_that("PLNLDA fit: check classes, getters and field access", { n <- nrow(trichoptera$Abundance) p <- ncol(trichoptera$Abundance) g <- length(unique(trichoptera$Group)) expect_is(model, "PLNLDAfit") expect_equal(model$n, n) expect_equal(model$p, p) expect_equal(model$d, g) expect_equal(model$rank, g - 1) expect_null(coef(model)) expect_lt(sum((model$group_means - model$model_par$Theta)^2), .Machine$double.eps) expect_equal(sigma(model), model$model_par$Sigma) expect_error(vcov(model)) expect_null(model$vcov_coef) expect_true(inherits(model$group_means, "matrix")) expect_true(inherits(sigma(model), "matrix")) # expect_true(inherits(vcov(model), "dsCMatrix")) # expect_equal(dim(vcov(model)), c(model$d * model$p, model$d * model$p)) ## fields and active bindings expect_equal(dim(model$model_par$C), c(p, p)) expect_equal(dim(model$model_par$Sigma), c(p, p)) expect_equal(dim(model$var_par$M), c(n, p)) expect_equal(dim(model$var_par$S), c(n, p)) expect_equal(sum(model$loglik_vec), model$loglik) expect_lt(model$BIC, model$loglik) expect_lt(model$ICL, model$loglik) expect_gt(model$R_squared, 0) expect_equal(model$nb_param, p * g + p * (p + 1)/2) expect_equal(dim(model$group_means), c(p, g)) expect_equal(dim(model$scores), c(n, model$rank)) expect_true(all(model$percent_var >= 0)) expect_equal(dim(model$corr_map), c(p, model$rank)) ## S3 methods expect_equal(dim(fitted(model)), c(n, p)) expect_equal(sigma(model), model$model_par$Sigma) expect_error(vcov(model, "main")) expect_null(model$vcov_coef) expect_equal(vcov(model, "covariance"), model$model_par$Sigma) expect_equal(vcov(model, "covariance"), sigma(model)) expect_true(inherits(plot(model, map = "variable", plot = FALSE), "ggplot")) expect_true(inherits(plot(model, map = "individual", plot = FALSE), "ggplot")) expect_true(inherits(plot(model, map = "both", plot = FALSE), "grob")) ## R6 methods expect_true(inherits(model$plot_correlation_map(plot = FALSE), "ggplot")) expect_true(inherits(model$plot_individual_map(plot = FALSE), "ggplot")) expect_true(inherits(model$plot_LDA(plot = FALSE), "grob")) }) test_that("PLNLDA fit: check print message", { output <- paste( "Linear Discriminant Analysis for Poisson Lognormal distribution ==================================================================", capture_output(print($criteria, digits = 3), row.names = ""))), "================================================================== * Useful fields $model_par, $latent, $latent_pos, $var_par, $optim_par $loglik, $BIC, $ICL, $loglik_vec, $nb_param, $criteria * Useful S3 methods print(), coef(), sigma(), vcov(), fitted() predict(), predict_cond(), standard_error() * Additional fields for LDA $percent_var, $corr_map, $scores, $group_means * Additional S3 methods for LDA plot.PLNLDAfit(), predict.PLNLDAfit()", sep = "\n" ) expect_output(model$show(), output, fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("plot_LDA works for binary groups:", { trichoptera$custom_group <- ifelse(trichoptera$Cloudiness <= 50, "Sunny", "Cloudy") ## One axis only expect_true(inherits(model$plot_LDA(plot = FALSE), "grob")) }) test_that("plot_LDA works for 4 or more axes:", { expect_true(inherits(model$plot_LDA(nb_axes = 4, plot = FALSE), "grob")) }) test_that("PLNLDA fit: Check number of parameters", { p <- ncol(trichoptera$Abundance) mdl <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1, data = trichoptera) expect_equal(mdl$nb_param, p*(p+1)/2 + p * 1) mdl <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1 + Wind, data = trichoptera) expect_equal(mdl$nb_param, p*(p+1)/2 + p * 2) mdl <- PLN(Abundance ~ Group + 0 , data = trichoptera) expect_equal(mdl$nb_param, p*(p+1)/2 + p * nlevels(trichoptera$Group)) mdl <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1, data = trichoptera, control = PLNLDA_param(covariance = "diagonal")) expect_equal(mdl$nb_param, p + p * 1) mdl <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1, data = trichoptera, control = PLNLDA_param(covariance = "spherical")) expect_equal(mdl$nb_param, 1 + p * 1) }) ## add tests for predictions, tests for fit -------------------------------------------- test_that("Predictions have the right dimensions.", { predictions_response <- predict(model, newdata = trichoptera, type = "response") predictions_post <- predict(model, newdata = trichoptera) predictions_prob <- predict(model, newdata = trichoptera, scale = "prob") predictions_score <- predict(model, newdata = trichoptera) ## Train = Test expect_length(predictions_response, nrow(trichoptera)) expect_is(predictions_response, "factor") expect_equal(dim(predictions_post), c(nrow(trichoptera), length(levels(trichoptera$Group)))) expect_equal(dim(predictions_score), c(nrow(trichoptera), length(levels(trichoptera$Group)))) ## log-posterior probabilities are nonpositive expect_lt(max(predictions_post), 0) ## Posterior probabilities are between 0 and 1 expect_lte(max(predictions_prob), 1) expect_gte(min(predictions_prob), 0) ## Train != Test ## test failing due to core dump test <- 1:nrow(trichoptera) < (nrow(trichoptera)/2) expect_equal(dim(predict(model, newdata = trichoptera[test, ], type = "scores")), c(sum(test), model$rank)) }) test_that("Predictions are not affected by inclusion of an intercept.", { expect_equal(predict(model0, newdata = trichoptera), predict(model , newdata = trichoptera)) }) test_that("Predictions works when train and test data have different factor levels.", { sample_names <- paste0("S", 1:4) species_names <- paste0("Y", 1:2) toy_data <- prepare_data( counts = matrix(c(1, 4, 2, 1, 1, 8, 2, 1), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(sample_names, species_names)), covariates = data.frame(Cov = c("A", "B", "B", "A"), Group = c("a", "b", "a", "a"), row.names = sample_names), offset = matrix(rep(1, 8), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(sample_names, species_names)) ) model <- PLNLDA(Abundance ~ Cov + offset(log(Offset)), grouping = Group, data = toy_data[1:4,]) expect_length(predict(model, newdata = toy_data[c(1,4), ], type = "r"), 2L) expect_identical(predict(model, newdata = toy_data[c(1,4), ], type = "r"), factor(c(`S1` = "a", `S4` = "a"), levels = c("a", "b"))) }) test_that("Prediction fails for non positive prior probabilities.", { nb_groups <- length(levels(trichoptera$Group)) expect_error(predict(model, newdata = trichoptera, type = "response", prior = rep(0, nb_groups)), "Prior group proportions should be positive.") expect_error(predict(model, newdata = trichoptera, type = "response", prior = rep(NA, nb_groups)), "Prior group proportions should be positive.") }) # Commenting due to failure on CRAN # test_that("Predictions succeeds for positive prior probabilities.", { # nb_groups <- model$rank + 1 # expect_length(predict(model, newdata = trichoptera, type = "response", prior = rep(1, nb_groups)), # nrow(trichoptera)) # ## Predictions can be set to 6 (sixth class) by putting enough prior weight on it # prior <- rep(1, nb_groups) # ## the posterior difference between class 6 and best class in log scale is at most 248.5, # ## which corresponds to 1e108 # prior[6] <- 1e108 # expect_equal(predict(model, newdata = trichoptera, type = "response", prior = prior), # setNames(factor(rep(6, nrow(trichoptera)), levels = levels(trichoptera$Group)), # rownames(trichoptera))) # }) #