context("test-plnfit") data(trichoptera) trichoptera <- prepare_data(trichoptera$Abundance, trichoptera$Covariate) test_that("PLN fit: check classes, getters and field access", { expect_output(model <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1, data = trichoptera, control = PLN_param(trace = 1)), " Initialization... Adjusting a full covariance PLN model with nlopt optimizer Post-treatments... DONE!" ) expect_output(model <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1, data = trichoptera, control = PLN_param(trace = 1, inception = model)), " Initialization... Adjusting a full covariance PLN model with nlopt optimizer Post-treatments... DONE!" ) expect_is(model, "PLNfit") expect_equal(model$n, nrow(trichoptera$Abundance)) expect_equal(model$p, ncol(trichoptera$Abundance)) expect_equal(model$d, 1) ## S3 methods: values expect_equal(coef(model), model$model_par$B) expect_equal(coef(model, type = "covariance"), sigma(model)) expect_equal(sigma(model), model$model_par$Sigma) # expect_equal(vcov(model), model$vcov_coef) ## S3 methods: class expect_true(inherits(coef(model), "matrix")) expect_true(inherits(sigma(model), "matrix")) # expect_true(inherits(vcov(model), "dsCMatrix")) ## S3 methods: dimensions ## expect_equal(dim(vcov(model)), c(model$d * model$p, model$d * model$p)) ## R6 bindings expect_is(model$latent, "matrix") expect_true(is.numeric(model$latent)) expect_equal(dim(model$latent), c(model$n, model$p)) }) test_that("PLN fit: check print message", { expect_output(model <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1, data = trichoptera)) output <- paste( "A multivariate Poisson Lognormal fit with full covariance model. ==================================================================", capture_output(print($criteria, digits = 3), row.names = ""))), "================================================================== * Useful fields $model_par, $latent, $latent_pos, $var_par, $optim_par $loglik, $BIC, $ICL, $loglik_vec, $nb_param, $criteria * Useful S3 methods print(), coef(), sigma(), vcov(), fitted() predict(), predict_cond(), standard_error()", sep = "\n") expect_output(model$show(), output, fixed = TRUE) ## show and print are equivalent expect_equal(capture_output(model$show()), capture_output(model$print())) }) test_that("PLN fit: Check prediction", { model1 <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1, data = trichoptera, subset = 1:30) model1_off <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1 + offset(log(Offset)), data = trichoptera, subset = 1:30) model2 <- PLN(Abundance ~ Pressure, data = trichoptera, subset = 1:30) newdata <- trichoptera[31:49, ] # newdata$Abundance <- NULL pred1 <- predict(model1, newdata = newdata, type = "response") pred1_off <- predict(model1_off, newdata = newdata, type = "response") pred2 <- predict(model2, newdata = newdata, type = "response") pred2_ve <- predict(model2, newdata = newdata, type = "response", responses = newdata$Abundance) ## predict returns fitted values if no data is provided expect_equal(model2$predict(), model2$fitted) ## Adding covariates improves fit expect_gt( mean((newdata$Abundance - pred1)^2), mean((newdata$Abundance - pred2)^2) ) ## Doing one VE step improves fit expect_gt( mean((newdata$Abundance - pred2)^2), mean((newdata$Abundance - pred2_ve)^2) ) ## R6 methods ## with offset, predictions should vary across samples expect_gte(min(apply(pred1_off, 2, sd)), .Machine$double.eps) newdata$Offset <- NULL ## without offsets, predictions should be the same for all samples expect_equal(unname(apply(pred1, 2, sd)), rep(0, ncol(pred1))) ## Unequal factor levels in train and prediction datasets suppressWarnings( toy_data <- prepare_data( counts = matrix(c(1, 3, 1, 1), ncol = 1), covariates = data.frame(Cov = c("A", "B", "A", "A")), offset = rep(1, 4)) ) model <- PLN(Abundance ~ Cov + offset(log(Offset)), data = toy_data[1:2,]) expect_length(predict(model, newdata = toy_data[3:4, ], type = "r"), 2L) }) test_that("PLN fit: Check conditional prediction", { n_cond = 10 p_cond = 2 p <- ncol(trichoptera$Abundance) myPLN <- PLN(Abundance ~ Temperature, trichoptera) Yc <- trichoptera$Abundance[1:n_cond, 1:p_cond, drop=FALSE] newX <- data.frame(1, Temperature = trichoptera$Temperature[1:n_cond]) pred <- predict_cond(myPLN, newX, Yc, type = "response") # check dimensions of the predictions (#TODO: modify pred$pred if we decide not to return M,S) expect_equal(dim(pred), c(n_cond,p-p_cond)) # check if the RMSE of conditional predictions are greater than the marginal ones expect_gt( mean((trichoptera$Abundance[1:n_cond, (p_cond+1):p] - predict(myPLN, newdata = newX, type = "response")[1:n_cond, (p_cond+1):p])^2), mean((trichoptera$Abundance[1:n_cond, (p_cond+1):p] - pred)^2) ) # check the dimension of the variational parameters when sent back pred <- predict_cond(myPLN, newX, Yc, type = "response", var_par = TRUE) expect_equal(dim(attr(pred, "M")), dim(pred)) expect_equal(dim(attr(pred, "S")), c(p-p_cond, p-p_cond, n_cond)) }) test_that("PLN fit: Check number of parameters", { p <- ncol(trichoptera$Abundance) model <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1, data = trichoptera) expect_equal(model$nb_param, p*(p+1)/2 + p * 1) model <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1 + Wind, data = trichoptera) expect_equal(model$nb_param, p*(p+1)/2 + p * 2) model <- PLN(Abundance ~ Group + 0 , data = trichoptera) expect_equal(model$nb_param, p*(p+1)/2 + p * nlevels(trichoptera$Group)) modelS <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1, data = trichoptera, control = PLN_param(covariance = "spherical")) expect_equal(modelS$nb_param, 1 + p * 1) expect_equal(modelS$vcov_model, "spherical") modelD <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1, data = trichoptera, control = PLN_param(covariance = "diagonal")) expect_equal(modelD$nb_param, p + p * 1) expect_equal(modelD$vcov_model, "diagonal") model <- PLN(Abundance ~ 1, data = trichoptera, control = PLN_param(covariance = "fixed", Omega = as.matrix(modelD$model_par$Omega))) expect_equal(model$nb_param, 0 + p * 1) expect_equal(model$vcov_model, "fixed") })