context("test-import-utils") data("trichoptera") counts <- data.matrix(trichoptera$Abundance) covariates <- trichoptera$Covariate ## Test common_samples ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("common_samples throws warnings on matrices with no dimension names", { ## No names for abundance matrix expect_warning(common_samples(`dimnames<-`(counts, NULL), covariates)) ## No rownames for abundance matrix (and therefore no matching names) expect_warning(common_samples(`rownames<-`(counts, NULL), covariates)) ## No names for covariates matrix ## (must transform covariates to matrix as data.frames always have rownames) expect_warning(common_samples(counts, data.matrix(covariates, rownames.force = FALSE))) }) test_that("common_samples fails on matrices with no dimension names and incompatibles dimensions", { ## No names for abundance matrix expect_error(suppressWarnings(common_samples(unname(counts) %>% t(), covariates))) ## No rownames for covariates matrix expect_error(suppressWarnings(common_samples(counts %>% t(), data.matrix(covariates, rownames.force = FALSE)))) }) test_that("common_samples succeeds on matrices with no or partial dimension names but compatible dimensions", { ## No dimensions names expect_warning(result <- common_samples(unname(counts), data.matrix(covariates))) expect_equal(result, list(transpose_counts = FALSE, common_samples = paste0("Sample_", 1:49), default_names = TRUE)) ## Partial dimensions names: sample names only in count table expect_warning(result <- common_samples(`colnames<-`(counts, NULL), data.matrix(covariates))) expect_equal(result, list(transpose_counts = FALSE, common_samples = paste0(1:49), default_names = TRUE)) ## Partial dimensions names: samples names only in covariates data.frame expect_warning(result <- common_samples(`rownames<-`(counts, NULL), covariates)) expect_equal(result, list(transpose_counts = FALSE, common_samples = paste0(1:49), default_names = TRUE)) }) test_that("common_samples fails on matrices with dimension names but no common samples", { expect_error( suppressWarnings( common_samples( `rownames<-`(counts, paste0("Sample_", 1:49)), covariates)), "Conflicting samples names in count matrix and covariates data frames" ) }) test_that("common_samples succeeds on matrices with dimension names and different orientations", { expect_equal(common_samples(t(counts), covariates), list(transpose_counts = TRUE, common_samples = as.character(1:49), default_names = FALSE)) }) test_that("common_samples find biggest subset of common samples and produces message.", { expect_message(result <- common_samples(counts, covariates[1:35, ]), "14 samples were dropped from the abundance matrix for lack of associated covariates.") expect_length(result$common_samples, 35) expect_equal(result$common_samples, as.character(1:35)) }) ## Test offset_functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## all samples are identical up to a proportionality coefficient (induce explicit simple computations) test_that("compute_offset provides correct answers for proportional samples", { sizes <- c(1, 2, 3, 5, 6) counts <- sizes %o% 1:10 median_scale_size <- median(sizes) geom_mean_size <- geom_mean(sizes) gmpr <- sapply(seq_along(sizes), function(i) { geom_mean(sizes[i]/sizes[-i]) } ) expected_tss <- sizes * sum(1:10) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "TSS"), expected_tss) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "TSS", scale = "count"), expected_tss) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "CSS"), sizes / median_scale_size) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "CSS", scale = "count"), expected_tss) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "RLE"), sizes / geom_mean_size) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "RLE", scale = "count"), expected_tss) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "TMM"), sizes / geom_mean_size) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "TMM", scale = "count"), expected_tss) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "GMPR"), gmpr) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "Wrench", type = "simple"), sizes / geom_mean_size) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "Wrench", type = "simple", scale = "count"), expected_tss) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "Wrench", type = "wrench"), sizes / geom_mean_size) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "Wrench", type = "wrench", scale = "count"), expected_tss) expect_null(compute_offset(counts, "none")) expect_null(compute_offset(counts, "none", scale = "count")) }) test_that("compute_offset( , 'GMPR') provides correct answers on the scale count", { sizes <- c(1, 1, 1) counts <- sizes %o% 1:10 gmpr <- sapply(seq_along(sizes), function(i) { geom_mean(sizes[i]/sizes[-i]) } ) expected_tss <- sizes * sum(1:10) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "GMPR"), gmpr) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "GMPR", scale = "count"), gmpr * expected_tss) }) test_that("compute_offset provides correct answers for single row matrices", { sizes <- c(2) counts <- sizes %o% 1:10 median_scale_size <- median(sizes) geom_mean_size <- exp(mean(log(sizes))) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "TSS"), sizes * sum(1:10)) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "CSS"), sizes / median_scale_size) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "RLE"), sizes / geom_mean_size) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "TMM"), sizes / geom_mean_size) expect_error(compute_offset(counts, "GMPR"), "GMPR is not defined when there is only one sample.") expect_error(compute_offset(counts, "Wrench"), "Wrench is not defined when there is only one sample.") expect_null(compute_offset(counts, "none")) }) test_that("compute_offset provides correct answers for single column matrices", { sizes <- c(1, 2, 5, 6) counts <- sizes %o% 1 median_scale_size <- median(sizes) geom_mean_size <- exp(mean(log(sizes))) gmpr <- sapply(seq_along(sizes), function(i) { exp(mean(log(sizes[i]/sizes[-i]))) } ) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "TSS"), sizes) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "CSS"), sizes / median_scale_size) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "RLE"), sizes / geom_mean_size) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "TMM"), sizes / geom_mean_size) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "GMPR"), gmpr) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "Wrench"), sizes / geom_mean_size) expect_null(compute_offset(counts, "none")) }) test_that("compute_offset provides correct answers for identical samples", { sizes <- rep(1, 5) counts <- sizes %o% 1:10 expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "TSS"), sizes * sum(1:10)) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "CSS"), sizes) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "RLE"), sizes) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "GMPR"), sizes) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "TMM"), sizes) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "Wrench"), sizes) expect_null(compute_offset(counts, "none")) }) test_that("compute_offset fails with an informative error when given a data.frame", { sizes <- rep(1, 5) counts <- sizes %o% 1:10 expect_error(compute_offset(counts, data.frame(counts)), regexp = "You supplied a data.frame to compute_offset(). Did you mean to supply a numeric matrix? Try converting your data.frame to a matrix with as.matrix().", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("offset_rle provides correct answers when adding pseudocounts", { sizes <- c(1, 2) counts <- sizes %o% rep(1, 10) geom_mean_size <- exp(mean(log(sizes+1))) ## External consistency expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "RLE", pseudocount = 1), (sizes+1) / geom_mean_size) ## Internal consistency expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "RLE", pseudocount = 1), compute_offset(counts + 1, "RLE")) }) ## low or no redundancy across samples test_that("offset_css throws a warning for nearly samples with limited inner variations", { sizes <- seq(from = 0.8, to = 1.2, by = 0.1) counts <- sizes %o% rep(1, 10) expect_warning(compute_offset(counts, "CSS"), "No instability detected in quantile distribution across samples, falling back to scaled TSS normalization.") }) test_that("offset_css throws a warning when a sample has less than two positive counts", { # [,1] [,2] [,3] # [1,] 1 1 0 # [2,] 0 0 1 counts <- matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE) expect_warning(compute_offset(counts, "CSS"), "Some samples only have 1 positive values. Can't compute quantiles and fall back to TSS normalization") }) test_that("offset_rle throws a warning when data is too sparse but samples share a common species", { ## One common species, 4 specific species # [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] # [1,] 1 1 0 1 0 # [2,] 1 0 1 0 1 counts <- matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE) expect_warning(compute_offset(counts, "RLE"), "Because of high sparsity, some samples have null or infinite offset.") }) test_that("offset_rle fails when no species is shared across samples", { # [,1] [,2] [,3] # [1,] 1 1 0 # [2,] 0 0 1 counts <- matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE) expect_error(compute_offset(counts, "RLE"), "Samples do not share any common species, RLE normalization failed.") }) test_that("offset_rle succeeds when no species is shared across samples but poscounts is activated", { # [,1] [,2] [,3] # [1,] 1 1 0 # [2,] 0 0 1 counts <- matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE) expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "RLE", type = "poscounts"), rep(1, 2)) }) test_that("offset_gmpr fails when a sample shares no species with any other sample", { # [,1] [,2] [,3] # [1,] 1 1 0 # [2,] 0 0 1 counts <- matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE) expect_error(compute_offset(counts, "GMPR"), "Some sample(s) do not share any species with other samples, GMPR normalization failed.", fixed = TRUE) ## repaired when some species are shared counts[2, 1] <- 1 expect_equal(compute_offset(counts, "GMPR"), c(1, 1)) }) test_that("offset_wrench works correctly with different groups and identical samples in each group", { sizes <- c(1, 2, 5, 6, 7) counts_A <- c(9L, 4L, 7L, 1L, 2L, 5L, 3L, 11L, 10L, 8L, 6L) counts_B <- c(1L, 5L, 10L, 2L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 3L, 11L, 4L, 9L) conditions <- rep(c('A', 'B'), times = c(2, 3)) counts <- rbind( sizes[1:2] %o% counts_A, ## group A sizes[3:5] %o% counts_B ## group B ) comp_factors <- colMeans(5 * cbind(A = counts_A, B = counts_B) / (2 * counts_A + 3 * counts_B))[conditions] %>% unname() expect_equal(offset_wrench(counts, groups = conditions, type = "simple"), comp_factors / geom_mean(comp_factors) * sizes / geom_mean(sizes)) expect_equal(offset_wrench(counts, groups = conditions, type = "wrench"), comp_factors / geom_mean(comp_factors) * sizes / geom_mean(sizes)) ## equal variances for all species sizes <- c(1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7) counts_A <- rep(c(1L, 2L, each = 5)) counts_B <- rep(c(2L, 1L, each = 5)) counts <- rbind( sizes[1:3] %o% counts_A, ## group A sizes[4:6] %o% counts_B ## group B ) expect_equal(offset_wrench(counts, type = "simple"), sizes / geom_mean(sizes)) expect_equal(offset_wrench(counts, type = "wrench"), sizes / geom_mean(sizes)) }) ## Numeric offset test_that("offset_numeric fails when the offsets are incompatible with the counts table", { # a b # A 1 4 # B 2 5 # C 3 6 counts <- structure(1:6, .Dim = 3:2, .Dimnames = list(c("A", "B", "C"), c("a", "b"))) offset <- counts ## No sample names expect_error(offset_numeric(counts, unname(offset[, 1])), "Rownames are used for sample matching.\nPlease specify them in the offset vector/matrix.", fixed = TRUE ) ## No offset for some samples rownames(offset) <- c("A", "B", "c") expect_error(offset_numeric(counts, offset), "Sample(s) C from the count table lack an offset.\nConsider checking your offset (orientation, rownames).", fixed = TRUE ) ## Wrong number of features rownames(offset) <- c("A", "B", "C") expect_error(offset_numeric(counts, offset[, c(1, 1, 2)]), "There should be one offset per feature in the count table.\nYou have 2 features but 3 offsets.", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("offset_numeric works for vectors and column-matrices.", { # a b # A 1 4 # B 2 5 # C 3 6 counts <- structure(1:6, .Dim = 3:2, .Dimnames = list(c("A", "B", "C"), c("a", "b"))) offset <- c(A = 1, C = 3, B = 2) ## No difference between vectors and column matrices expect_equal(offset_numeric(counts, offset), offset_numeric(counts, as.matrix(offset))) ## Correct dimensions expect_equal(dim(offset_numeric(counts, offset)), dim(counts)) ## Values in the correct order expect_equal(rownames(offset_numeric(counts, offset)), rownames(counts)) ## Correct values expect_equal(offset_numeric(counts, offset)[, 1], offset[rownames(counts)]) }) test_that("offset_numeric works for matrices.", { # a b # A 1 4 # B 2 5 # C 3 6 counts <- structure(1:6, .Dim = 3:2, .Dimnames = list(c("A", "B", "C"), c("a", "b"))) offset <- rbind(counts, counts) rownames(offset) <- LETTERS[6:1] ## too many offsets ## Correct values expect_equal(offset_numeric(counts, offset), offset[c("A", "B", "C"), ]) }) ## Test helper functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("geom_mean works as intented", { x <- c(1, 2, 4) expect_equal(geom_mean(rep(1, 4)), 1) expect_equal(geom_mean(x), 2) ## na.rm works as intended expect_equal(geom_mean(c(x, NA), na.rm = TRUE), 2) ## removes NA expect_equal(geom_mean(c(x, NA), na.rm = FALSE), NA_real_) ## poscounts works as intended expect_equal(geom_mean(c(x, 0), poscounts = FALSE), 0) expect_equal(geom_mean(c(x, 0), poscounts = TRUE), 2) }) test_that("species_variance works as intented", { sizes <- c(1, 2, 6, 8) counts_A <- 1:10 counts_B <- 10:1 conditions <- rep(c('A', 'B'), times = c(2, 2)) counts <- rbind( sizes[1:2] %o% counts_A, ## group A sizes[3:4] %o% counts_B ## group B ) ## Null variances when correcting for condition expect_equal(species_variance(counts, conditions, depths_as_offset = TRUE), rep(.Machine$double.eps, 10)) ## variances equal to [(log(i) - log(i * (10-i) / 2)]^2 * 4 / (n - 1) expect_equal(species_variance(counts, depths_as_offset = TRUE), (log(1:10) - log(10:1))^2 / 3) }) ## Test prepare_data functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("prepare_data drops samples with no positive counts", { counts[1:2, ] <- 0 expect_warning(result <- prepare_data(counts, covariates, offset = "none"), "Sample(s) 1 and 2 dropped for lack of positive counts.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_equal(dim(result), c(nrow(counts)-2, ncol(covariates)+1)) expect_equal(dim(result$Abundance), c(nrow(counts)-2, ncol(counts))) }) test_that("prepare_data replace NA with 0s", { counts[1:2, 1] <- NA expect_warning(result <- prepare_data(counts, covariates, offset = "none"), "NA values in count table replaced with 0.") expect_equal(dim(result), c(nrow(counts), ncol(covariates)+1)) expect_equal(dim(result$Abundance), c(nrow(counts), ncol(counts))) }) result <- data.frame( Abundance = NA, covariates ) result$Abundance <- counts test_that("prepare_data succeeds on simple data", { expect_identical(prepare_data(counts, covariates, offset = "none"), result) }) test_that("prepare_data succeeds on simple data with missing names", { expect_warning(res <- prepare_data(`rownames<-`(counts, NULL), covariates, offset = "none")) expect_identical(res, ## small hack to account for the fact that setting rownames via rownames<- ## changes its mode to character `rownames<-`(result, rownames(result)) ) }) test_that("prepare_data succeeds on simple data with missing names and numeric offset", { expect_warning(res <- prepare_data(`rownames<-`(counts, NULL), covariates, offset = rowSums(counts))) expect_equal(dim(res$Offset), dim(counts)) expect_equal(rownames(res$Offset), as.character(1:nrow(res))) expect_equal(colnames(res$Offset), colnames(counts)) }) test_that("prepare_data provides automatic variable names when missing from covariate", { res <- prepare_data(counts, unname(covariates)) expect_identical(colnames(res), c("Abundance", paste0("Variable", 1:ncol(covariates)), "Offset")) }) test_that("prepare_data succeeds when specifying a numeric offset", { ## On simple data res <- prepare_data(counts, covariates, offset = "TSS") res$Offset <- matrix(rep(res$Offset, ncol(counts)), ncol = ncol(counts), dimnames = dimnames(counts)) expect_identical(prepare_data(counts, covariates, offset = rowSums(counts)), res) ## On strange data (transposed count matrix) expect_identical(prepare_data(t(counts), covariates, offset = rowSums(counts)), res) }) test_that("prepare_data works on 1 column abundance matrices", { expect_warning(toy_data <- prepare_data( counts = matrix(c(1, 3, 1, 1), ncol = 1), covariates = data.frame(Cov = c("A", "B", "A", "A")), offset = rep(0, 4) )) expect_equal(dim(toy_data), c(4, 3)) expect_equal(dim(toy_data$Abundance), c(4, 1)) }) ## Test prepare_data_* functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # test_that("prepare_data_from_biom fails when covariates data.frame is missing", { # biom <- biomformat::make_biom(data = t(counts), sample_metadata = NULL) # expect_error(prepare_data_from_biom(biom, offset = "none")) # }) # # test_that("prepare_data_from_biom succeeds on biom specified by file name.", { # biom_file <- system.file("extdata", "rich_sparse_otu_table.biom", package = "biomformat") # biom <- biomformat::read_biom(biom_file) # expect_equal(prepare_data_from_biom(biom_file), # prepare_data_from_biom(biom)) # }) # # test_that("prepare_data_from_biom succeeds on proper biom objects (but converts all columns to character...)", { # biom <- biomformat::make_biom(data = t(counts), # sample_metadata = lapply(covariates, as.character) %>% # result_biom <- result # result_biom[-1] <- lapply(result_biom[-1], as.character) # rownames(result_biom) <- as.character(rownames(result_biom)) # expect_equal(prepare_data_from_biom(biom, offset = "none"), # result_biom) # }) # # ## massage rownames to fit phyloseq sample naming conventions # rownames(counts) <- rownames(covariates) <- paste0("Sample", 1:nrow(covariates)) # # test_that("prepare_data_from_phyloseq fails when covariate data.frame is missing", { # physeq <- phyloseq::phyloseq(phyloseq::otu_table(counts, taxa_are_rows = FALSE)) # expect_error(prepare_data_from_phyloseq(physeq, offset = "none"), # "physeq should be a phyloseq object.") # physeq <- phyloseq::phyloseq( # phyloseq::otu_table(counts, taxa_are_rows = FALSE), # phyloseq::tax_table(matrix(rep("", ncol(counts)), # dimnames = list(colnames(counts), "Kingdom"))) # ) # expect_error(prepare_data_from_phyloseq(physeq, offset = "none"), # paste("No covariates detected in physeq Consider:", # "- extracting count data from biom with as(otu_table(physeq), \"matrix\")", # "- preparing a covariates data.frame", # "- using prepare_data instead of prepare_data_from_phyloseq", # sep = "\n"), # fixed = TRUE) # }) # # test_that("prepare_data_from_phyloseq succeeds on proper phyloseq class objects", { # rownames(counts) <- rownames(covariates) <- paste0("Sample", 1:nrow(covariates)) # physeq <- phyloseq::phyloseq( # phyloseq::otu_table(counts, taxa_are_rows = FALSE), # phyloseq::sample_data(covariates) # ) # result_physeq <- result; rownames(result_physeq$Abundance) <- rownames(result_physeq) <- paste0("Sample", 1:nrow(covariates)) # expect_equal(prepare_data_from_phyloseq(physeq, offset = "none"), result_physeq) # })