source("") test_that("pk.nca", { # Note that generate.conc sets the random seed, so it doesn't have to happen # here. tmpconc <- generate.conc(2, 1, 0:24) tmpdose <- generate.dose(tmpconc) myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmpconc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID) mydose <- PKNCAdose(tmpdose, formula=dose~time|treatment+ID) mydata <- PKNCAdata(myconc, mydose) myresult <- pk.nca(mydata) expect_equal(names(myresult), c("result", "data", "columns"), info="Make sure that the result has the expected names (and only the expected names) in it.") expect_true(checkProvenance(myresult), info="Provenance works on results") mydata.failure <- mydata # There's no way to automatically make a PKNCAdata object with no intervals, # but we want to ensure that users cannot cause this error by playing in the # internals. mydata.failure$intervals <- data.frame() expect_warning(myresult.failure <- pk.nca(mydata.failure), regexp="No intervals given; no calculations will be done.", info="An empty result is returned if there are no intervals") tmpconc <- generate.conc(2, 1, 0:24) tmpdose <- generate.dose(tmpconc) myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmpconc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID) mydose.nodose <- PKNCAdose(tmpdose, formula=~time|treatment+ID) mydata.nodose <- PKNCAdata(myconc, mydose.nodose) expect_equal( pk.nca(mydata.nodose)$result, myresult$result, info="missing dose information is handled without an issue" ) # Test each of the pieces for myresult for accuracy expect_equal(myresult$data, { tmp <- mydata # The options should be the default options after the calculations are done. tmp$options <- PKNCA.options() tmp }, info="The data is just a copy of the input data plus an instantiation of the PKNCA.options") verify.result <- tibble::tibble( treatment="Trt 1", ID=rep(c(1, 2), each=14), start=0, end=c(24, rep(Inf, 13), 24, rep(Inf, 13)), PPTESTCD=rep(c("auclast", "cmax", "tmax", "tlast", "clast.obs", "lambda.z", "r.squared", "adj.r.squared", "lambda.z.time.first", "lambda.z.n.points", "clast.pred", "", "span.ratio", "aucinf.obs"), times=2), PPORRES=c(13.54, 0.9998, 4.000, 24.00, 0.3441, 0.04297, 0.9072, 0.9021, 5.000, 20.00, 0.3356, 16.13, 1.178, 21.55, 14.03, 0.9410, 2.000, 24.00, 0.3148, 0.05689, 0.9000, 0.8944, 5.000, 20.00, 0.3011, 12.18, 1.560, 19.56), exclude=NA_character_ ) expect_equal( myresult$result, verify.result, tolerance=0.001, info=paste("The specific order of the levels isn't important--", "the fact that they are factors and that the set", "doesn't change is important.") ) # Specifying new intervals mydata.newinterval <- PKNCAdata(myconc, mydose, intervals=data.frame(start=0, end=c(24, Inf), auclast=c(TRUE, FALSE), aucinf.obs=c(FALSE, TRUE), cmax=c(FALSE, TRUE), tmax=c(FALSE, TRUE),, TRUE))) myresult.newinterval <- pk.nca(mydata) expect_equal(myresult.newinterval$result, myresult$result, info="Intervals can be specified manually, and will apply across appropriate parts of the grouping variables.") # Dosing not at time 0 tmpconc.multi <- generate.conc(2, 1, 0:24) tmpdose.multi <- generate.dose(tmpconc.multi) tmpconc.multi$time <- tmpconc.multi$time + 2 tmpdose.multi$time <- tmpdose.multi$time + 2 myconc.multi <- PKNCAconc(tmpconc.multi, conc~time|treatment+ID) mydose.multi <- PKNCAdose(tmpdose.multi, dose~time|treatment+ID) mydata.multi <- PKNCAdata(myconc.multi, mydose.multi) myresult.multi <- pk.nca(mydata.multi) verify.result.multi <- verify.result verify.result.multi$start <- verify.result.multi$start + 2 verify.result.multi$end <- verify.result.multi$end + 2 expect_equal(myresult.multi$result, verify.result.multi, tolerance=0.001, info="Shifted dosing works the same as un-shifted where time parameters like tmax and tlast are reported relative to the start of the interval") tmpconc <- generate.conc(2, 1, 0:24) tmpdose <- generate.dose(tmpconc) myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmpconc, conc~time|treatment+ID) mydose <- PKNCAdose(tmpdose, dose~time|treatment+ID) mydata <- PKNCAdata(myconc, mydose, intervals=data.frame(start=0, end=Inf, cmax=TRUE)) myresult <- pk.nca(mydata) expect_equal(myresult$result$PPORRES, c(0.99981, 0.94097), tolerance=0.00001, info="Calculations work with a single row of intervals and a single parameter requested") mydata <- PKNCAdata(myconc, mydose, intervals=data.frame(start=0, end=Inf, cl.obs=TRUE)) myresult <- pk.nca(mydata) expect_equal(subset(myresult$result, PPTESTCD %in% "cl.obs")$PPORRES, c(0.04640, 0.05111), tolerance=0.0001, info="PK intervals work with passing in dose as a parameter") tmpconc <- generate.conc(2, 1, 0:24) tmpdose <- generate.dose(tmpconc) myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmpconc, conc~time|treatment+ID) mydose <- PKNCAdose(tmpdose, dose~time|treatment+ID) mydata <- PKNCAdata(myconc, mydose, intervals=data.frame(start=0, end=24, cmax=TRUE, cav=TRUE)) myresult <- pk.nca(mydata) expect_equal(subset(myresult$result, PPTESTCD %in% "cav")$PPORRES, c(0.5642, 0.5846), tolerance=0.0001, info="PK intervals work with passing in start and end as parameters") # Ensure that the correct number of doses are included in parameters that use dosing. tmpconc <- generate.conc(2, 1, 0:24) tmpdose <- generate.dose(tmpconc) tmpdose$time <- NULL tmpdose <- merge(tmpdose, data.frame(time=c(0, 6, 12, 18, 24))) myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmpconc, conc~time|treatment+ID) mydose <- PKNCAdose(tmpdose, dose~time|treatment+ID) mydata <- PKNCAdata(myconc, mydose, intervals=data.frame(start=0, end=24, cl.obs=TRUE)) myresult <- pk.nca(mydata) expect_equal(myresult$result$PPORRES[myresult$result$PPTESTCD %in% "cl.obs"], 4/myresult$result$PPORRES[myresult$result$PPTESTCD %in% "aucinf.obs"], tolerance=0.0001, info="The correct number of doses is selected for an interval (>=start and