source("") test_that("PKNCAresults object creation", { minimal_result <- PKNCAresults(data.frame(a=1), data=list()) expect_equal(minimal_result$columns$exclude, "exclude") result_with_exclude_col <- PKNCAresults(data.frame(exclude=1), data=list()) expect_equal(result_with_exclude_col$columns$exclude, "exclude.exclude") }) test_that("PKNCAresults generation", { # Note that generate.conc sets the random seed, so it doesn't have # to happen here. tmpconc <- generate.conc(2, 1, 0:24) tmpdose <- generate.dose(tmpconc) myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmpconc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID) mydose <- PKNCAdose(tmpdose, formula=dose~time|treatment+ID) mydata <- PKNCAdata(myconc, mydose) myresult <- pk.nca(mydata) expect_equal( names(myresult), c("result", "data", "columns"), info="Make sure that the result has the expected names (and only the expected names) in it." ) expect_true( checkProvenance(myresult), info="Provenance exists and can be confirmed on results" ) # Test each of the pieces for myresult for accuracy expect_equal( myresult$data, { tmp <- mydata # The options should be the default options after the # calculations are done. tmp$options <- PKNCA.options() tmp }, info="The data is just a copy of the input data plus an instantiation of the PKNCA.options" ) verify.result <- tibble::tibble( treatment="Trt 1", ID=as.integer(rep(c(1, 2), each=14)), start=0, end=c(24, rep(Inf, 13), 24, rep(Inf, 13)), PPTESTCD=rep(c("auclast", "cmax", "tmax", "tlast", "clast.obs", "lambda.z", "r.squared", "adj.r.squared", "lambda.z.time.first", "lambda.z.n.points", "clast.pred", "", "span.ratio", "aucinf.obs"), times=2), PPORRES=c(13.54, 0.9998, 4.000, 24.00, 0.3441, 0.04297, 0.9072, 0.9021, 5.000, 20.00, 0.3356, 16.13, 1.178, 21.55, 14.03, 0.9410, 2.000, 24.00, 0.3148, 0.05689, 0.9000, 0.8944, 5.000, 20.00, 0.3011, 12.18, 1.560, 19.56), exclude=NA_character_ ) expect_equal( myresult$result, verify.result, tolerance=0.001, info="The specific order of the levels isn't important-- the fact that they are factors and that the set doesn't change is important." ) # Test conversion to a data.frame expect_equal(, verify.result, tolerance=0.001, info="Conversion of PKNCAresults to a data.frame in long format (default long format)" ) expect_equal(, out_format="long"), verify.result, tolerance=0.001, info="Conversion of PKNCAresults to a data.frame in long format (specifying long format)" ) expect_equal(, out_format="wide"), tidyr::spread(verify.result, key="PPTESTCD", value="PPORRES"), tolerance=0.001, info="Conversion of PKNCAresults to a data.frame in wide format (specifying wide format)" ) tmpconc <- generate.conc(2, 1, 0:24) tmpdose <- generate.dose(tmpconc) myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmpconc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID) mydose <- PKNCAdose(tmpdose, formula=dose~time|treatment+ID) mydata <- PKNCAdata(myconc, mydose, intervals=data.frame(start=0, end=12, aucint.inf.obs=TRUE)) myresult <- pk.nca(mydata) tmpconc12 <- tmpconc tmpconc12$time <- tmpconc$time + 12 tmpdose12 <- generate.dose(tmpconc12) myconc12 <- PKNCAconc(tmpconc12, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID) mydose12 <- PKNCAdose(tmpdose12, formula=dose~time|treatment+ID) mydata12 <- PKNCAdata(myconc12, mydose12, intervals=data.frame(start=12, end=24, aucint.inf.obs=TRUE)) myresult12 <- pk.nca(mydata12) comparison_orig <- comparison_12 <- expect_equal( comparison_orig$PPORRES[comparison_orig$PPTESTCD %in% "aucint.inf.obs"], comparison_12$PPORRES[comparison_12$PPTESTCD %in% "aucint.inf.obs"], info="Time shift does not affect aucint calculations." ) }) test_that("PKNCAresults has exclude, when applicable", { tmpconc <- generate.conc(2, 1, 0:24) tmpconc$conc[tmpconc$ID %in% 2] <- 0 tmpdose <- generate.dose(tmpconc) myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmpconc, conc~time|treatment+ID) mydose <- PKNCAdose(tmpdose, dose~time|treatment+ID) mydata <- PKNCAdata(myconc, mydose) # Not capturing the warning due to R bug # #expect_warning(myresult <- pk.nca(mydata), # regexp="Too few points for half-life calculation") suppressWarnings(myresult <- pk.nca(mydata)) myresult_df <- expect_true( all(myresult_df$PPTESTCD %in% c( "adj.r.squared", "aucinf.obs", "auclast", "clast.obs", "clast.pred", "cmax", "", "lambda.z", "lambda.z.n.points", "lambda.z.time.first", "r.squared", "span.ratio", "tlast", "tmax" ) ), info="verify that only expected results are present" ) expect_equal( unique( myresult_df$exclude[ myresult_df$ID == 2 & myresult_df$PPTESTCD %in% c("lambda.z", "r.squared", "adj.r.squared", "lambda.z.time.first", "lambda.z.n.points", "clast.pred", "", "span.ratio") ] ), "Too few points for half-life calculation (min.hl.points=3 with only 0 points)", info="exclusions are propogated to results" ) expect_equal( unique( myresult_df$exclude[ !(myresult_df$ID == 2 & myresult_df$PPTESTCD %in% c("lambda.z", "r.squared", "adj.r.squared", "lambda.z.time.first", "lambda.z.n.points", "clast.pred", "", "span.ratio") ) ] ), NA_character_, info="exclusions are propogated to results only when applicable" ) }) test_that("ptr works as a parameter", { tmpconc <- generate.conc(2, 1, 0:24) tmpdose <- generate.dose(tmpconc) myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmpconc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID) mydose <- PKNCAdose(tmpdose, formula=dose~time|treatment+ID) myinterval <- data.frame(start=0, end=24, ptr=TRUE) mydata <- PKNCAdata(myconc, mydose, intervals=myinterval) myresult <- pk.nca(mydata) ptr_result <- expect_equal( ptr_result$PPORRES[ptr_result$PPTESTCD %in% "ptr"], c(2.9055, 2.9885), tolerance=0.0001 ) }) test_that("exclude values are maintained in derived parameters during automatic calculation (#112)", { my_conc <- data.frame( conc = c(0, 2.5, 3, 2.7, 2.3), time = 0:4, subject = 1 ) conc_obj <- PKNCAconc(my_conc, conc~time|subject) data_obj <- PKNCAdata( data.conc=conc_obj, intervals= data.frame( start=0, end=Inf, aucinf.obs=TRUE ) ) expect_message( expect_warning( results_obj <- pk.nca(data_obj), regexp="Too few points for half-life" ), regexp="No dose information provided" ) d_results <- expect_equal( d_results$exclude[d_results$PPTESTCD == "aucinf.obs"], d_results$exclude[d_results$PPTESTCD == ""] ) }) test_that("ctrough is correctly calculated", { my_conc <- data.frame(time=0:6, conc=2^(0:-6), subject=1) conc_obj <- PKNCAconc(my_conc, conc~time|subject) data_obj <- PKNCAdata( data.conc=conc_obj, intervals= data.frame( start=0, end=c(6, Inf), ctrough=TRUE ) ) expect_message( expect_equal($PPORRES, c(2^-6, NA_real_) ), regexp="No dose information provided" ) }) test_that("single subject, ungrouped data works (#74)", { my_conc <- data.frame(time=0:6, conc=2^(0:-6)) conc_obj <- PKNCAconc(my_conc, conc~time) data_obj <- PKNCAdata( data.conc=conc_obj, intervals= data.frame( start=0, end=Inf, cmax=TRUE ) ) expect_message( expect_equal($PPORRES, 1 ), regexp="No dose information provided", ) }) test_that("units work for calculations and summaries with one set of units across all analytes", { tmpconc <- generate.conc(2, 1, 0:24) tmpdose <- generate.dose(tmpconc) myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmpconc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID) mydose <- PKNCAdose(tmpdose, formula=dose~time|treatment+ID) mydata <- PKNCAdata(myconc, mydose) myresult <- pk.nca(mydata) d_units_orig <- pknca_units_table(concu="ng/mL", doseu="mg", amountu="mg", timeu="hr") d_units_std <- pknca_units_table( concu="ng/mL", doseu="mg", amountu="mg", timeu="hr", conversions=data.frame(PPORRESU="ng/mL", PPSTRESU="mg/mL") ) mydata_orig <- PKNCAdata(myconc, mydose, units=d_units_orig) myresult_units_orig <- pk.nca(mydata_orig) mydata_std <- PKNCAdata(myconc, mydose, units=d_units_std) myresult_units_std <- pk.nca(mydata_std) # Summaries are the same except for the column names expect_equal( unname(summary(myresult)), unname(summary(myresult_units_orig)), # The caption attribute will differ ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal( summary(myresult_units_orig) %>% dplyr::select(-`Cmax (ng/mL)`), summary(myresult_units_std) %>% dplyr::select(-`Cmax (mg/mL)`) ) # The units are converted to standard units, if requested expect_equal( summary(myresult_units_orig)$`Cmax (ng/mL)`, c(".", "0.970 [4.29]") ) expect_equal( summary(myresult_units_std)$`Cmax (mg/mL)`, c(".", "9.70e-7 [4.29]") ) # Wide conversion works for original and standardized units df_wide_orig <-, out_format="wide") df_wide_std <-, out_format="wide") expect_equal(, out_format="wide"), # The difference is the addition of units to the column names df_wide_orig %>% dplyr::rename_with(.fn=gsub, pattern=" \\(.*$", replacement="") ) expect_true( all( names(df_wide_orig) %in% c("treatment", "ID", "start", "end", "exclude") | grepl(x=names(df_wide_orig), pattern=" (", fixed=TRUE) ) ) # Everything is the same unless it is a concentration which has been converted expect_equal( df_wide_orig %>% dplyr::select(-`cmax (ng/mL)`, -`clast.obs (ng/mL)`, -`clast.pred (ng/mL)`), df_wide_std %>% dplyr::select(-`cmax (mg/mL)`, -`clast.obs (mg/mL)`, -`clast.pred (mg/mL)`) ) # Concentration conversion works correctly expect_equal( df_wide_orig$`cmax (ng/mL)`, df_wide_std$`cmax (mg/mL)`*1e6 ) }) test_that("units work for calculations and summaries with one set of units across all analytes", { tmpconc1 <- generate.conc(2, 1, 0:24) tmpconc1$analyte <- "drug1" tmpconc2 <- tmpconc1 tmpconc2$analyte <- "drug2" tmpconc <- rbind(tmpconc1, tmpconc2) tmpdose <- generate.dose(tmpconc) myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmpconc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID/analyte) mydose <- PKNCAdose(tmpdose, formula=dose~time|treatment+ID) mydata <- PKNCAdata(myconc, mydose) myresult <- pk.nca(mydata) d_units_std1 <- pknca_units_table( concu="ng/mL", doseu="mg", amountu="mg", timeu="hr", conversions=data.frame(PPORRESU="ng/mL", PPSTRESU="mg/mL") ) d_units_std1$analyte <- "drug1" d_units_std2 <- pknca_units_table( concu="ng/mL", doseu="mg", amountu="mg", timeu="hr", conversions=data.frame(PPORRESU="ng/mL", PPSTRESU="mmol/L", conversion_factor=2) ) d_units_std2$analyte <- "drug2" d_units_std <- rbind(d_units_std1, d_units_std2) mydata_std <- PKNCAdata(myconc, mydose, units=d_units_std) myresult_units_std <- pk.nca(mydata_std) summary_myresult_units_std <- summary(myresult_units_std) # Everything is the same between analytes except for "cmax" for (nm in setdiff(names(summary_myresult_units_std), c("analyte", "Cmax"))) { expect_equal( summary_myresult_units_std[[nm]][1:2], summary_myresult_units_std[[nm]][3:4] ) } # Different units in the same column are shown in the cell expect_equal( summary_myresult_units_std$Cmax, c(".", "9.70e-7 [4.29] mg/mL", ".", "1.94 [4.29] mmol/L") ) # I can't think of a way to trigger this error without explicit manipulation. myresult_units_manipulated <- myresult_units_std myresult_units_manipulated$result$PPSTRESU[myresult_units_manipulated$result$PPTESTCD %in% "auclast"][1] <- "foo" expect_error( summary(myresult_units_manipulated), regexp="Multiple units cannot be summarized together. For auclast, trying to combine: foo, hr*ng/mL", fixed=TRUE ) }) test_that("getGroups.PKNCAresults", { tmpconc <- generate.conc(2, 1, 0:24) tmpdose <- generate.dose(tmpconc) myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmpconc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID) mydose <- PKNCAdose(tmpdose, formula=dose~time|treatment+ID) mydata <- PKNCAdata(myconc, mydose) myresult <- pk.nca(mydata) expect_equal( getGroups(myresult, level="treatment"), myresult$result[, "treatment", drop=FALSE] ) expect_equal( getGroups(myresult, level=factor("treatment")), myresult$result[, "treatment", drop=FALSE] ) expect_error( getGroups(myresult, level="foo"), regexp="Not all levels are listed in the group names. Missing levels are: foo" ) expect_equal( getGroups(myresult, level=2), myresult$result[, c("treatment", "ID")] ) expect_equal( getGroups(myresult, level=2:3), myresult$result[, c("ID", "start")] ) }) test_that(" can filter for only requested parameters", { tmpconc <- generate.conc(2, 1, 0:24) tmpdose <- generate.dose(tmpconc) myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmpconc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID) mydose <- PKNCAdose(tmpdose, formula=dose~time|treatment+ID) mydata <- PKNCAdata(myconc, mydose, intervals = data.frame(start = 0, end = Inf, = TRUE)) myresult <- pk.nca(mydata) expect_equal(nrow(, 20) expect_equal(nrow(, filter_requested = TRUE)), 2) }) test_that(" can filter to remove excluded parameters", { tmpconc <- generate.conc(2, 1, c(0, 2, 6, 12, 24)) tmpdose <- generate.dose(tmpconc) myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmpconc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID) mydose <- PKNCAdose(tmpdose, formula=dose~time|treatment+ID) mydata <- PKNCAdata(myconc, mydose, intervals = data.frame(start = 0, end = Inf, = TRUE)) myresult <- exclude(pk.nca(mydata), FUN = exclude_nca_span.ratio(1)) expect_equal(nrow(, 20) expect_equal(nrow(, filter_excluded = TRUE)), 12) })