source("") test_that("PKNCAconc expected errors", { tmp.conc <- generate.conc(nsub=1, ntreat=1, time.points=0:24) tmp.conc$foo <- "A" expect_error( PKNCAconc(conc~time, volume="foo", data=tmp.conc), regexp="Volume must be numeric" ) expect_error( PKNCAconc(conc~time, duration="foo", data=tmp.conc), regexp="duration must be numeric without missing (NA) or infinite values, and all values must be >= 0", fixed=TRUE ) }) test_that("PKNCAconc", { tmp.conc <- generate.conc(nsub=5, ntreat=2, time.points=0:24) tmp.conc.analyte <- generate.conc(nsub=5, ntreat=2, time.points=0:24, nanalytes=2) <- generate.conc(nsub=5, ntreat=2, time.points=0:24, nstudies=2) <- generate.conc(nsub=5, ntreat=2, time.points=0:24, nanalytes=2, nstudies=2) # Data exists expect_error(PKNCAconc(data.frame()), regexp="data must have at least one row.", info="PKNCAconc requires data") # Variables present expect_error( PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=XXX~time|treatment+ID), regexp="All of the variables in the formula must be in the data. Missing: XXX", info="All formula parameters must be in the data (LHS)" ) expect_error( PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~XXX|treatment+ID), regexp="All of the variables in the formula must be in the data. Missing: XXX", info="All formula parameters must be in the data (RHS)" ) expect_error( PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|XXX+ID), regexp="All of the variables in the formula must be in the data. Missing: XXX", info="All formula parameters must be in the data (groups)" ) # Number of variables expect_error(PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc+ID~time|treatment+ID), regexp="The left hand side of the formula must have exactly one variable", info="The right number of parameters in the formula (LHS)") expect_error(PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time+ID|treatment+ID), regexp="The right hand side of the formula \\(excluding groups\\) must have exactly one variable", info="The right number of parameters in the formula (RHS)") # Subject assignment expect_equal(PKNCAconc(tmp.conc.analyte, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID/analyte), PKNCAconc(tmp.conc.analyte, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID/analyte, subject="ID")) expect_error(PKNCAconc(tmp.conc.analyte, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID/analyte, subject=5), regexp="subject must be a character string") expect_error(PKNCAconc(tmp.conc.analyte, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID/analyte, subject=c("", "foo")), regexp="subject must be a scalar") expect_error(PKNCAconc(tmp.conc.analyte, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID/analyte, subject="foo"), regexp="The subject parameter must map to a name in the data") # Keys must be unique expect_error(PKNCAconc(tmp.conc.analyte, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID), regexp="Rows that are not unique per group and time", info="Duplicated key rows") expect_equal( PKNCAconc( tmp.conc.analyte, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID/analyte ), PKNCAconc( dplyr::as_tibble(tmp.conc.analyte), formula=conc~time|treatment+ID/analyte ), info="tibble and data.frame classes both work and create identical objects" ) }) test_that("PKNCAconc with input other than data.frames", { tmp <- structure(list(), class="foo") captured_message <- tryCatch(, error=function(e) e$message) expect_error(PKNCAconc(tmp, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID), regexp=captured_message, fixed=TRUE, info="Attempt to coerce into a data.frame.") }) test_that("model frame and parameter extractions", { tmp.conc <- generate.conc(nsub=5, ntreat=2, time.points=0:24) tmp_conc_single <- generate.conc(nsub=1, ntreat=1, time.points=0:24) expect_equal(model.frame(PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID)), tmp.conc[,c("conc", "time", "treatment", "ID")], info="model.frame.PKNCAconc extracts the correct components") expect_equal(getDepVar(PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID)), tmp.conc$conc, info="getDepVar.PKNCAconc extracts the correct component") expect_equal(getIndepVar(PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID)), tmp.conc$time, info="getIndepVar.PKNCAconc extracts the correct component") expect_equal(getGroups.PKNCAconc(PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID)), tmp.conc[,c("treatment", "ID")], info="getGroups.PKNCAconc extracts the correct components") tmp.conc <- generate.conc(nsub=5, ntreat=1, time.points=0:24) expect_equal(getGroups.PKNCAconc(PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|ID)), tmp.conc[,"ID", drop=FALSE], info="getGroups.PKNCAconc returns a data.frame even with a single grouping level") # Levels tmp.conc <- generate.conc(nsub=5, ntreat=2, time.points=0:24) expect_equal(getGroups.PKNCAconc(PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID), level=1), tmp.conc[,"treatment", drop=FALSE], info="getGroups.PKNCAconc the correct level (numeric scalar)") expect_equal(getGroups.PKNCAconc(PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID), level=-1), tmp.conc[,"ID", drop=FALSE], info="getGroups.PKNCAconc the correct level (negative numeric scalar)") expect_equal(getGroups.PKNCAconc(PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID), level=1:2), tmp.conc[,c("treatment", "ID"), drop=FALSE], info="getGroups.PKNCAconc the correct level (numeric vector)") expect_equal(getGroups.PKNCAconc(PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID), level=2:1), tmp.conc[,c("ID", "treatment"), drop=FALSE], info="getGroups.PKNCAconc the correct level (numeric vector)") expect_equal(getGroups.PKNCAconc(PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID), level="ID"), tmp.conc[,"ID", drop=FALSE], info="getGroups.PKNCAconc the correct level (character string scalar)") expect_equal(getGroups.PKNCAconc(PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID), level=c("ID", "treatment")), tmp.conc[,c("ID", "treatment"), drop=FALSE], info="getGroups.PKNCAconc the correct level (character string vector)") expect_error(getGroups.PKNCAconc(PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID), level="foo"), regexp="Not all levels are listed in the group names", info="getGroups.PKNCAconc gives an error if a group name is not present") expect_equal( group_vars.PKNCAconc(PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID)), c("treatment", "ID") ) expect_equal( group_vars.PKNCAconc(PKNCAconc(tmp_conc_single, formula=conc~time)), character(0), info="Ungrouped data works with group_vars" ) }) test_that("print.PKNCAconc", { tmp.conc <- generate.conc(nsub=2, ntreat=2, time.points=0:24) myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID) expect_output(print.PKNCAconc(myconc), regexp="Formula for concentration: conc ~ time | treatment + ID With 2 subjects defined in the 'ID' column. Nominal time column is not specified. First 6 rows of concentration data: treatment ID time conc Trt 1 1 0 0.0000000 Trt 1 1 1 0.7052248 Trt 1 1 2 0.7144320 Trt 1 1 3 0.8596094 Trt 1 1 4 0.9998126 Trt 1 1 5 0.7651474", info="Generic print.PKNCAconc works") expect_output(print.PKNCAconc(myconc, n=0), regexp="Formula for concentration: conc ~ time | treatment + ID With 2 subjects defined in the 'ID' column. Nominal time column is not specified.", info="print.PKNCAconc respects the n argument.") expect_output(print.PKNCAconc(myconc, n=-98), regexp="Formula for concentration: conc ~ time | treatment + ID With 2 subjects defined in the 'ID' column. Nominal time column is not specified. First 2 rows of concentration data: treatment ID time conc Trt 1 1 0 0.0000000 Trt 1 1 1 0.7052248", info="print.PKNCAconc accurately uses negative n argument.") tmp.conc <- generate.conc(nsub=1, ntreat=1, time.points=0:24) myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time) expect_output( print(myconc), regexp="As a single-subject dataset" ) expect_output( print(myconc, summarize=TRUE), regexp="No groups\\." ) expect_output( print(myconc, n=1e6), regexp="Data for concentration" ) myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID, time.nominal="time") expect_output( print(myconc), regexp = "Nominal time column is: time" ) }) test_that("summary.PKNCAconc", { tmp.conc <- generate.conc(nsub=2, ntreat=2, time.points=0:24) myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID) expect_output(summary(myconc), regexp="Formula for concentration: conc ~ time | treatment + ID With 2 subjects defined in the 'ID' column. Nominal time column is not specified. Group summary: Group Name Count treatment 2 ID 4", info="Generic summary.PKNCAconc works.") }) test_that("PKNCAconc with exclusions", { tmp.conc <- generate.conc(nsub=2, ntreat=2, time.points=0:24) tmp.conc$excl <- NA_character_ myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID, exclude="excl") expect_equal( myconc, structure( list(data=cbind(tmp.conc, volume=NA_real_, duration=0), formula=conc~time|treatment+ID, columns= list( concentration="conc", time="time", groups= list( group_vars=c("treatment", "ID"), group_analyte=character() ), subject="ID", exclude="excl", volume="volume", duration="duration" ) ), class=c("PKNCAconc", "list") ) ) }) test_that("PKNCAconc with duration", { tmp.conc <- generate.conc(nsub=2, ntreat=2, time.points=0:24) tmp.conc$duration_test <- 0.1 myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID, duration="duration_test") expect_equal( myconc, structure( list(data=cbind(tmp.conc, data.frame(exclude=NA_character_, volume=NA_real_, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)), formula=conc~time|treatment+ID, columns= list( concentration="conc", time="time", groups= list( group_vars=c("treatment", "ID"), group_analyte=character() ), subject="ID", exclude="exclude", volume="volume", duration="duration_test" ) ), class=c("PKNCAconc", "list") ) ) }) test_that("PKNCAconc with nominal time added", { tmp.conc <- generate.conc(nsub=2, ntreat=2, time.points=0:24) tmp.conc$tnom <- tmp.conc$time myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID, time.nominal="tnom") expect_equal( myconc, structure( list(data=cbind(tmp.conc, data.frame(exclude=NA_character_, volume=NA_real_, duration=0, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)), formula=conc~time|treatment+ID, columns= list( concentration="conc", time="time", groups= list( group_vars=c("treatment", "ID"), group_analyte=character() ), subject="ID", exclude="exclude", volume="volume", duration="duration", time.nominal="tnom")), class=c("PKNCAconc", "list") ) ) expect_equal( PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID, time.nominal="foo"), structure( list(data=cbind(tmp.conc, data.frame(exclude=NA_character_, volume=NA_real_, duration=0, foo=NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)), formula=conc~time|treatment+ID, columns= list( concentration="conc", time="time", groups= list( group_vars=c("treatment", "ID"), group_analyte=character() ), subject="ID", exclude="exclude", volume="volume", duration="duration", time.nominal="foo" ) ), class=c("PKNCAconc", "list")) ) }) test_that("PKNCAconc with volume added", { tmp.conc <- generate.conc(nsub=2, ntreat=2, time.points=0:24) tmp.conc$vol <- seq_len(nrow(tmp.conc)) myconc <- PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID, volume="vol") expect_equal( myconc, structure( list(data=cbind(tmp.conc, data.frame(exclude=NA_character_, duration=0, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)), formula=conc~time|treatment+ID, columns=list( concentration="conc", time="time", groups= list( group_vars=c("treatment", "ID"), group_analyte=character() ), subject="ID", exclude="exclude", volume="vol", duration="duration" ) ), class=c("PKNCAconc", "list")) ) myconc_manual_vol <- PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID, volume=2) expect_equal( myconc_manual_vol, structure( list(data=cbind(tmp.conc, data.frame(exclude=NA_character_, volume=2, duration=0, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)), formula=conc~time|treatment+ID, columns= list( concentration="conc", time="time", groups= list( group_vars=c("treatment", "ID"), group_analyte=character() ), subject="ID", exclude="exclude", volume="volume", duration="duration" ) ), class=c("PKNCAconc", "list") ) ) myconc_manual_vol_vector <- PKNCAconc(tmp.conc, formula=conc~time|treatment+ID, volume=seq_len(nrow(tmp.conc))) expect_equal( myconc_manual_vol_vector, structure( list( data= cbind( tmp.conc, data.frame( exclude=NA_character_, volume=seq_len(nrow(tmp.conc)), duration=0 ) ), formula=conc~time|treatment+ID, columns= list( concentration="conc", time="time", groups= list( group_vars=c("treatment", "ID"), group_analyte=character() ), subject="ID", exclude="exclude", volume="volume", duration="duration" ) ), class=c("PKNCAconc", "list") ) ) }) test_that("", { tmp_conc <- generate.conc(nsub=1, ntreat=1, time.points=0:24) result_conc <- tmp_conc result_conc$exclude <- NA_character_ result_conc$volume <- NA_real_ result_conc$duration <- 0 expect_equal(, data=tmp_conc)), result_conc ) }) test_that("PKNCAconc with sparse data", { d_sparse <- data.frame( id = c(1L, 2L, 3L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 7L, 8L, 9L), conc = c(0, 0, 0, 1.75, 2.2, 1.58, 4.63, 2.99, 1.52, 3.03, 1.98, 2.22, 3.34, 1.3, 1.22, 3.54, 2.84, 2.55, 0.3, 0.0421, 0.231), time = c(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6, 2, 2, 2, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 24, 24, 24), dose = c(100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100) ) o_conc_sparse <- PKNCAconc(d_sparse, conc~time|id, sparse=TRUE) expect_true("data_sparse" %in% names(o_conc_sparse)) expect_false("data" %in% names(o_conc_sparse)) d_sparse_aug <- d_sparse d_sparse_aug$exclude <- NA_character_ d_sparse_aug$volume <- NA_real_ d_sparse_aug$duration <- 0 expect_equal( o_conc_sparse$data_sparse, d_sparse_aug ) }) test_that("print.PKNCAconc with sparse data", { d_sparse <- data.frame( id = c(1L, 2L, 3L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 7L, 8L, 9L), conc = c(0, 0, 0, 1.75, 2.2, 1.58, 4.63, 2.99, 1.52, 3.03, 1.98, 2.22, 3.34, 1.3, 1.22, 3.54, 2.84, 2.55, 0.3, 0.0421, 0.231), time = c(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6, 2, 2, 2, 10, 10, 10, 4, 4, 4, 24, 24, 24), dose = c(100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100) ) o_conc_sparse <- PKNCAconc(d_sparse, conc~time|id, sparse=TRUE) expect_output(print.PKNCAconc(o_conc_sparse), regexp="Formula for concentration: conc ~ time | id Data are sparse PK. With 9 subjects defined in the 'id' column. Nominal time column is not specified. First 6 rows of concentration data: id conc time dose exclude volume duration 1 0.00 0 100 NA 0 2 0.00 0 100 NA 0 3 0.00 0 100 NA 0 1 1.75 1 100 NA 0 2 2.20 1 100 NA 0 3 1.58 1 100 NA 0" ) })