context('Testing straightPath') test_that('Test on gps with and without heading', { db <- system.file( 'extdata', 'PgDb.sqlite3', package='PAMmisc') con <- dbConnect(db, drv=SQLite()) gps <- dbReadTable(con, 'gpsData') gps$UTC <- as.POSIXct(gps$UTC, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', tz='UTC') straight <- straightPath(gps, nSmall=5, nLarge=15) expect_is(straight, 'data.frame') expect_is(straight$straight, 'logical') # nLarge - 1 NAs are expected because of rolling average length expect_equal(sum($straight)), 15-1) # should be a turn in there expect_true(any(!straight$straight)) bigThresh <- straightPath(gps, nSmall=20, nLarge=30, thresh = 60) # any with FALSE, NA only is NA so if NA means found no turns expect_equal(any(!bigThresh$straight), NA) dbDisconnect(con) })