context("examples") ## run examples with super-slim sampling to make sure they actually ## run ## DO NOT USE fake_sampling() if (FALSE) { ## does not run atm for odd reasons test_that("blrm_exnex example runs", example(blrm_exnex, package = "OncoBayes2", run.dontrun = TRUE)) test_that("prior_summary example runs", example(prior_summary.blrmfit, package = "OncoBayes2", run.dontrun = TRUE)) test_that("posterior_linpred example runs", example(posterior_linpred.blrmfit, package = "OncoBayes2", run.dontrun = TRUE)) test_that("posterior_predict example runs", example(posterior_predict.blrmfit, package = "OncoBayes2", run.dontrun = TRUE)) test_that("posterior_interval example runs", example(posterior_interval.blrmfit, package = "OncoBayes2", run.dontrun = TRUE)) test_that("predictive_interval example runs", example(predictive_interval.blrmfit, package = "OncoBayes2", run.dontrun = TRUE)) } test_that("example_model() lists expected models", { expect_set_equal(example_model(), names(example_cache)) })