context("blrm_trial tests") set.seed(123144) eps <- 1E-4 suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(dplyr)) ## check that a blrm_trial object is produced check_basic <- function(example) { expect_class( blrm_trial(example$histdata, example$dose_info, example$drug_info), "blrm_trial" ) # No warning should be produced expect_failure(expect_warning(blrm_trial(example$histdata, example$dose_info, example$drug_info), regexp = "does not correspond to a pre-specified dose")) } test_that( "blrm_trial runs for a basic single-agent example", check_basic(examples$single_agent) ) test_that( "blrm_trial runs for a basic combo2 example", check_basic(examples$combo2) ) test_that( "blrm_trial runs for a basic combo3 example", check_basic(examples$combo3) ) test_that( "blrm_trial runs for a basic single-agent example with multiple strata", check_basic(examples$single_drug_with_strata) ) # Check printing works ---------------------------------------------------- check_print_trial <- function(example) { expect_output(print(blrm_trial(example$histdata, example$dose_info, example$drug_info))) } check_print_trial_with_prior <- function(example) { trial <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(blrm_trial( example$histdata, example$dose_info, example$drug_info, simplified_prior = TRUE ))) expect_output(suppressWarnings(print(trial))) } test_that( "blrm_trial prints without prior", check_print_trial(examples$single_agent) ) test_that( "blrm_trial prints with prior", check_print_trial_with_prior(examples$single_agent) ) # Check summary works for data & dose_info -------------------------------- check_trial_summary <- function(example) { with(example, { trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info) expect_list(summary(trial, summarize = "dimensionality")) expect_tibble(summary(trial, summarize = "data")) expect_tibble(summary(trial, summarize = "drug_info")) expect_tibble(summary(trial, summarize = "dose_info")) expect_numeric(summary(trial, summarize = "interval_prob")) expect_numeric(summary(trial, summarize = "interval_max_mass")) }) } check_trial_with_prior_summary <- function(example) { with(example, { suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info, simplified_prior = TRUE))) expect_list(summary(trial, summarize = "dimensionality")) expect_tibble(summary(trial, summarize = "data")) expect_tibble(summary(trial, summarize = "drug_info")) expect_tibble(summary(trial, summarize = "dose_info")) expect_data_frame(summary(trial, summarize = "blrmfit")) expect_class(summary(trial, summarize = "blrm_exnex_call"), "call") expect_tibble(summary(trial, summarize = "data_prediction")) expect_tibble(summary(trial, summarize = "dose_prediction")) expect_numeric(summary(trial, summarize = "interval_prob")) expect_numeric(summary(trial, summarize = "interval_max_mass")) expect_tibble(summary(trial, summarize = "ewoc_check")) suppressMessages(newdata_summary <- summary(trial, summarize = "newdata_prediction", newdata = histdata)) expect_tibble(newdata_summary) expect_equal(nrow(histdata), nrow(newdata_summary)) suppressMessages(newdata_summary <- summary(trial, summarize = "ewoc_check", newdata = histdata)) expect_tibble(newdata_summary) expect_equal(nrow(histdata), nrow(newdata_summary)) # num_patients and num_toxicities should not be required columns in newdata newdata <- summary(trial, "dose_info") %>% slice(1:(nrow(.) - 1)) newdata_summary <- summary(trial, summarize = "newdata_prediction", newdata = newdata) expect_tibble(newdata_summary) expect_equal(nrow(newdata), nrow(newdata_summary)) # newdata_prediction should not give warning if dose is not provisional dose newdata <- tibble( group_id = levels(summary(trial, "dose_info")$group_id[0])[1] ) newdata[1, summary(trial, "drug_info")$drug_name] <- runif(1) expect_failure(expect_warning(suppressMessages(summary(trial, "newdata_prediction", newdata = newdata)), regexp = "does not correspond to a pre-specified dose")) }) } test_that( "blrm_trial summary without prior", check_trial_summary(examples$single_agent) ) test_that( "blrm_trial summary with prior", check_trial_with_prior_summary(examples$single_agent) ) ## Check for consistent behavior on group_id ------------------------------- ## check that factor levels can be predefined, and the order of the levels is respected check_factor_accepted <- function(example) { with(example, { # reverse the levels of the factor; separate levels for the two df's levels <- c(paste0("hist_", c("B", "A")), paste0("cur_", c("B", "A"))) histdata$group_id <- factor(histdata$group_id, levels) dose_info$group_id <- factor(dose_info$group_id, levels) ## blrm_trial should accept group_id factors with consistent levels trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info) ## make sure blrm_trial has not switched the order of factor levels expect_equal(levels(trial$group_id_factor), levels) }) } ## check that if factor levels are used, they must be consistent (error otherwise) check_factor_not_inconsistent <- function(example) { with(example, { # reverse the levels of the factor; separate levels for the two df's levels <- c(paste0("hist_", c("B", "A")), paste0("cur_", c("B", "A"))) # Separate levels should error histdata$group_id <- factor(histdata$group_id, paste0("hist_", c("B", "A"))) dose_info$group_id <- factor(dose_info$group_id, paste0("cur_", c("B", "A"))) expect_error(blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info), ".*inconsistent.*") }) } ## check ordering of factor levels check_factor_group_id_reorder <- function(example) { with(example, { # reverse the levels of the factor; separate levels for the two df's levels <- c(paste0("hist_", c("B", "A")), paste0("cur_", c("B", "A"))) levels_permuted <- c(paste0("hist_", c("A", "B")), paste0("cur_", c("A", "B"))) # Separate levels should error histdata$group_id <- factor(histdata$group_id, levels) dose_info$group_id <- factor(dose_info$group_id, levels_permuted) expect_error(blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info), ".*inconsistent.*") }) } ## check behavior when both are characters check_character_group_id <- function(example) { with(example, { trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info) levs <- unique(c(histdata$group_id, dose_info$group_id)) expect_equal(levels(trial$group_id_factor), levs) # reorder histdata and dose_info histdata <- histdata %>% arrange(desc(group_id)) dose_info <- dose_info %>% arrange(desc(group_id)) trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info) levs <- unique(c(histdata$group_id, dose_info$group_id)) expect_equal(levels(trial$group_id_factor), levs) }) } ## check behavior when one is a factor, the other are characters check_character_factor_group_id <- function(example) { with(example, { levs <- unique(c(histdata$group_id, dose_info$group_id)) histdata_fct <- mutate(histdata, group_id = factor(group_id, levels = levs)) dose_info_fct <- mutate(dose_info, group_id = factor(group_id, levels = levs)) expect_warning( blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info_fct, drug_info) ) suppressWarnings(trial_dose_info_fct <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info_fct, drug_info)) expect_equal(levels(summary(trial_dose_info_fct, summarize = "data")$group_id), levels(dose_info_fct$group_id)) expect_equal(levels(summary(trial_dose_info_fct, summarize = "dose_info")$group_id), levels(dose_info_fct$group_id)) expect_warning( blrm_trial(histdata_fct, dose_info, drug_info) ) suppressWarnings(trial_histdata_fct <- blrm_trial(histdata_fct, dose_info, drug_info)) expect_equal(levels(summary(trial_histdata_fct, summarize = "data")$group_id), levels(histdata_fct$group_id)) expect_equal(levels(summary(trial_histdata_fct, summarize = "dose_info")$group_id), levels(histdata_fct$group_id)) expect_error(suppressWarnings(blrm_trial(mutate(histdata, group_id = "this group_id does not exist in the dose_info_fct group_id factor"), dose_info_fct, drug_info))) expect_error(suppressWarnings(blrm_trial(histdata_fct, mutate(dose_info, group_id = "this group_id does not exist in the histdata_fct group_id factor"), drug_info))) }) } ## check behavior when histdata contains unobserved factor levels check_factor_group_id_unobserved <- function(example) { with(example, { # check when there are unobserved levels in histdata$group_id levels <- c(paste0("hist_", c("A", "B", "C")), paste0("cur_", c("A", "B"))) histdata$group_id <- factor(histdata$group_id, levels) dose_info$group_id <- factor(dose_info$group_id, levels) trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info) # make sure blrm_trial did not remove the unobserved levels expect_equal(levels(trial$group_id_factor), levels) }) } test_that( "blrm_trial accepts group_id factor levels", check_factor_accepted(examples$combo2) ) test_that( "blrm_trial errors if inconsistent factor levels for group_id are input in data / dose_info", check_factor_not_inconsistent(examples$combo2) ) test_that( "blrm_trial does not reorder group_id factor levels from input group_id's", check_factor_group_id_reorder(examples$combo2) ) test_that( "blrm_trial handles group_id as expected when they are input as characters", check_character_group_id(examples$combo2) ) test_that( "blrm_trial handles group_id as expected when one of dose_info / histdata is a factor, the other characters", check_character_factor_group_id(examples$combo2) ) test_that( "blrm_trial does not drop unobserved factor levels from input group_id's", check_factor_group_id_unobserved(examples$combo3) ) ## Check for consistent behavior on stratum_id ----------------------------- ## check that factor levels can be predefined, and the order of the levels is respected check_stratum_factor_accepted <- function(example) { with(example, { # reverse the levels of the factor; separate levels for the two df's levels <- c(paste0("strat_", c("B", "A"))) histdata$stratum_id <- factor(histdata$stratum_id, levels) dose_info$stratum_id <- factor(dose_info$stratum_id, levels) ## blrm_trial should accept stratum_id factors with consistent levels trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info) ## make sure blrm_trial has not switched the order of factor levels expect_equal(levels(trial$stratum_id_factor), levels) }) } ## check that if factor levels are used, they must be consistent (error otherwise) check_stratum_factor_not_inconsistent <- function(example) { with(example, { # reverse the levels of the factor; separate levels for the two df's levels <- c(paste0("strat_", c("A", "B", "C", "D"))) levels_reversed <- c(paste0("strat_", c("A", "B"))) # Separate levels should error histdata$stratum_id <- factor(histdata$stratum_id, levels) dose_info$stratum_id <- factor(dose_info$stratum_id, levels_reversed) expect_error(blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info), ".*inconsistent.*") }) } ## check ordering of factor levels check_stratum_factor_group_id_reorder <- function(example) { with(example, { # reverse the levels of the factor; separate levels for the two df's levels <- c(paste0("strat_", c("B", "A"))) levels_permuted <- c(paste0("strat_", c("A", "B"))) # Separate levels should error histdata$stratum_id <- factor(histdata$stratum_id, levels) dose_info$stratum_id <- factor(dose_info$stratum_id, levels_permuted) expect_error(blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info), ".*inconsistent.*") }) } ## check behavior when both are characters check_character_stratum_id <- function(example) { with(example, { trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info) levs <- unique(c(histdata$stratum_id, dose_info$stratum_id)) expect_equal(levels(trial$stratum_id_factor), levs) # reorder histdata and dose_info histdata <- histdata %>% arrange(desc(stratum_id)) dose_info <- dose_info %>% arrange(desc(stratum_id)) trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info) levs <- unique(c(histdata$stratum_id, dose_info$stratum_id)) expect_equal(levels(trial$stratum_id_factor), levs) }) } ## check behavior when one is a factor, the other are characters check_character_factor_stratum_id <- function(example) { with(example, { levs <- unique(c(histdata$stratum_id, dose_info$stratum_id)) histdata_fct <- mutate(histdata, stratum_id = factor(stratum_id, levels = levs)) dose_info_fct <- mutate(dose_info, stratum_id = factor(stratum_id, levels = levs)) expect_warning(suppressMessages(blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info_fct, drug_info))) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(trial_dose_info_fct <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info_fct, drug_info))) expect_equal(levels(summary(trial_dose_info_fct, summarize = "data")$stratum_id), levels(dose_info_fct$stratum_id)) expect_equal(levels(summary(trial_dose_info_fct, summarize = "dose_info")$stratum_id), levels(dose_info_fct$stratum_id)) expect_warning(suppressMessages(blrm_trial(histdata_fct, dose_info, drug_info))) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(trial_histdata_fct <- blrm_trial(histdata_fct, dose_info, drug_info))) expect_equal(levels(summary(trial_histdata_fct, summarize = "data")$stratum_id), levels(histdata_fct$stratum_id)) expect_equal(levels(summary(trial_histdata_fct, summarize = "dose_info")$stratum_id), levels(histdata_fct$stratum_id)) expect_error(suppressWarnings(blrm_trial(mutate(histdata, stratum_id = "this stratum_id does not exist in the dose_info_fct stratum_id factor"), dose_info_fct, drug_info))) expect_error(suppressWarnings(blrm_trial(histdata_fct, mutate(dose_info, stratum_id = "this stratum_id does not exist in the histdata_fct stratum_id factor"), drug_info))) }) } ## check behavior when histdata contains unobserved factor levels check_factor_stratum_id_unobserved <- function(example) { with(example, { # check when there are unobserved levels in histdata$group_id levels <- c(paste0("strat_", c("A", "B", "C"))) histdata$stratum_id <- factor(histdata$stratum_id, levels) dose_info$stratum_id <- factor(dose_info$stratum_id, levels) suppressMessages(trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info)) # make sure blrm_trial did not remove the unobserved levels expect_equal(levels(trial$stratum_id_factor), levels) }) } check_for_group_being_in_multiple_strata <- function() { hist_data <- tibble( group_id = as.factor(c(rep("trial_a", 2), rep("trial_b", 3), rep("trial_c", 1))), stratum_id = as.factor(c(rep("reg1", 2), rep("reg2", 2), "reg3", rep("reg1", 1))), drug = c(20 * 5, 30 * 5, 20 * 14, 30 * 14, 45 * 7, 10), num_toxicities = c(0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0), num_patients = c(2, 6, 3, 4, 9, 29) ) dose_info <- tibble( group_id = as.factor(c(rep("trial_a", 2), rep("trial_b", 2), rep("trial_c", 1))), stratum_id = as.factor(c(rep("reg1", 2), rep("reg2", 1), "reg3", rep("reg1", 1))), drug = c(20 * 5, 30 * 5, 20 * 14, 30 * 14, 45 * 7) ) drug_info <- tibble::tibble( drug_name = "drug", dose_ref = 1, dose_unit = "ngogn", reference_p_dlt = 0.1 ) expect_error( trial <- blrm_trial(hist_data, dose_info, drug_info), "^Inconsistent.*" ) } test_that( "blrm_trial accepts stratum_id factor levels", check_stratum_factor_accepted(examples$single_drug_with_strata) ) test_that( "blrm_trial errors if inconsistent factor levels for stratum_id are input in data / dose_info", check_stratum_factor_not_inconsistent(examples$single_drug_with_strata) ) test_that( "blrm_trial does not reorder stratum_id factor levels from input stratum_ids", check_stratum_factor_group_id_reorder(examples$single_drug_with_strata) ) test_that( "blrm_trial handles stratum_ids as expected when they are input as characters", check_character_stratum_id(examples$single_drug_with_strata) ) test_that( "blrm_trial handles stratum_ids as expected when one of dose_info / histdata is a factor, the other characters", check_character_factor_stratum_id(examples$single_drug_with_strata) ) test_that( "blrm_trial does not drop unobserved factor levels from input stratum_ids", check_factor_stratum_id_unobserved(examples$single_drug_with_strata) ) test_that( "blrm_trial does not accept groups that are in multiple strata", check_for_group_being_in_multiple_strata() ) # Check bind_rows_0 ------------------------------------------------------ check_bind_rows_0 <- function() { example_A <- tibble( group_id = "hist_A", drug1 = 1 ) example_A_full <- tibble( group_id = "hist_A", drug1 = 1, drug2 = 0 ) example_B <- tibble( group_id = "hist_B", drug2 = 100 * (1:2) ) example_B_full <- tibble( group_id = "hist_B", drug1 = 0, drug2 = 100 * (1:2) ) ## Check that bind_rows_0 creates non-existing columns and sets their value to 0 example_bound <- bind_rows_0(example_A, example_B, example_A) expect_equal(example_bound, rbind(example_A_full, example_B_full, example_A_full)) ## Check for error in case of NAs } check_bind_rows_0_error_on_NA <- function() { example_A <- tibble( group_id = "hist_A", drug1 = NA ) ## Check for error in case of NAs present expect_error(bind_rows_0(example_A)) } test_that( "bind_rows_0 sets non-existing columns to 0 and merges tibbles correctly", check_bind_rows_0() ) test_that( "bind_rows_0 errors in case some provided elements are NA", check_bind_rows_0_error_on_NA() ) # Test prior_summary ------------------------------------------------------ check_blrm_trial_prior_summary <- function(example) { with(example, { # Test on trial that has no prior specified suppressMessages(trial_no_prior <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info)) expect_error(prior_summary(trial_no_prior)) suppressWarnings(trial_with_prior <- blrm_trial(mutate(histdata, stratum_id="strat_A"), mutate(dose_info, stratum_id="strat_A"), drug_info, simplified_prior = TRUE)) ps <- prior_summary(trial_with_prior) expect_class(ps, "prior_summary.blrm_trial") expect_class(ps$prior_summary.blrmfit, "prior_summary.blrmfit") }) } test_that( "prior_summary calls blrmfit after setting up simplified prior", check_blrm_trial_prior_summary(examples$single_agent) ) # Test an example with update, adding data -------------------------------- check_blrm_trial_update <- function(example, formula_generator) { with(example, { suppressWarnings(trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info, simplified_prior = TRUE, formula_generator = formula_generator)) new_data <- filter(summary(trial, "dose_info"), dose_id == 1) new_data$num_patients <- 6 new_data$num_toxicities <- 1 suppressWarnings(trial_with_new_data <- update(trial, add_data = new_data)) new_trial_data <- summary(trial_with_new_data, "data", prob = c(0.95, 0.5)) # Data should have increased by one row expect_equal(nrow(new_trial_data), nrow(histdata) + nrow(new_data)) # This row should be the original row (plus potentially additional information such as cohort_time) expect_equal(new_data, select(new_trial_data[nrow(new_trial_data), ], colnames(new_data))) suppressWarnings(trial_with_replaced_data <- update(trial, data = new_trial_data)) expect_equal(new_trial_data, summary(trial_with_replaced_data, "data")) # Test data aggregation works correctly suppressWarnings(trial_with_new_data_2 <- update(trial_with_new_data, add_data = new_data)) new_trial_data_2 <- summary(trial_with_new_data_2, "data", prob = c(0.95, 0.5)) # Data should have increased by one row expect_equal(nrow(new_trial_data_2), nrow(new_trial_data) + nrow(new_data)) # Check for internal consistency with blrmfit data blrmfit_data <- trial_with_new_data$blrmfit$data blrmfit_data_2 <- trial_with_new_data_2$blrmfit$data internal_data <- filter(blrmfit_data, group_id == new_data$group_id, drug1 == new_data$drug1) internal_trial_data <- filter(new_trial_data, group_id == new_data$group_id, drug1 == new_data$drug1) expect_equal(internal_trial_data$num_patients, new_data$num_patients) expect_equal(internal_trial_data$num_toxicities, new_data$num_toxicities) expect_equal(internal_data$num_patients, new_data$num_patients) expect_equal(internal_data$num_toxicities, new_data$num_toxicities) internal_data_2 <- filter(blrmfit_data_2, group_id == new_data$group_id, drug1 == new_data$drug1) internal_trial_data_2 <- filter(new_trial_data_2, group_id == new_data$group_id, drug1 == new_data$drug1) expect_equal(sum(internal_trial_data_2$num_patients), 2 * new_data$num_patients) expect_equal(sum(internal_trial_data_2$num_toxicities), 2 * new_data$num_toxicities) expect_equal(internal_data_2$num_patients, 2 * new_data$num_patients) expect_equal(internal_data_2$num_toxicities, 2 * new_data$num_toxicities) # Number of rows should not increase if same data is added twice expect_equal(nrow(blrmfit_data_2), nrow(blrmfit_data)) }) } test_that( "update function for blrm_trial adds data with add_data= and replaces data with data= as expected", check_blrm_trial_update(examples$single_agent, blrm_formula_linear) ) # Test EWOC criterion ----------------------------------------------------- check_ewoc_criterion_defaults <- function(example) { with(example, { ## create basic blrm trial suppressWarnings(trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info, simplified_prior = T)) # Test EWOC criterion is computed correctly interval_pred <- summary(trial, "data") # Check for reasonable default underdose probability behavior interval_pred_underdose <- interval_pred interval_pred_underdose[["prob_underdose"]] <- 1 interval_pred_underdose[["prob_target"]] <- 0 interval_pred_underdose[["prob_overdose"]] <- 0 interval_pred_underdose <- OncoBayes2:::.blrm_trial_compute_ewoc(trial, interval_pred_underdose) expect_true(all(interval_pred_underdose$ewoc_ok)) # Check for reasonable default target probability behavior interval_pred_target <- interval_pred interval_pred_target[["prob_underdose"]] <- 0 interval_pred_target[["prob_target"]] <- 1 interval_pred_target[["prob_overdose"]] <- 0 interval_pred_target <- OncoBayes2:::.blrm_trial_compute_ewoc(trial, interval_pred_target) expect_true(all(interval_pred_target$ewoc_ok)) # Check for reasonable default overdose probability behavior interval_pred_target <- interval_pred interval_pred_target[["prob_underdose"]] <- 0 interval_pred_target[["prob_target"]] <- 0 interval_pred_target[["prob_overdose"]] <- 1 interval_pred_target <- OncoBayes2:::.blrm_trial_compute_ewoc(trial, interval_pred_target) expect_true(!any(interval_pred_target$ewoc_ok)) }) } check_ewoc_criterion_intervals <- function(example) { with(example, { for (named_interval in c(TRUE)) { ## create basic blrm trial interval_prob <- c(0, 0.16, 0.33, 1) if (named_interval) { interval_max_mass <- c(prob_underdose = 1, prob_target = 1, prob_overdose = 0.25) } else { interval_max_mass <- c(1, 1, 0.25) } suppressWarnings(trial <- blrm_trial( histdata, dose_info, drug_info, interval_prob = interval_prob, interval_max_mass = interval_max_mass, simplified_prior = T )) # Test EWOC criterion is computed correctly interval_pred <- summary(trial, "data") # Check EWOC OK if barely not overdosing barely_not_overdosing <- interval_max_mass[[3]] * 0.95 interval_pred_ok <- interval_pred interval_pred_ok[["prob_underdose"]] <- 1 - barely_not_overdosing interval_pred_ok[["prob_target"]] <- 0 interval_pred_ok[["prob_overdose"]] <- barely_not_overdosing interval_pred_ok <- OncoBayes2:::.blrm_trial_compute_ewoc(trial, interval_pred_ok) expect_true(all(interval_pred_ok$ewoc_ok)) # Check EWOC OK if barely overdosing barely_overdosing <- interval_max_mass[[3]] * 1.05 interval_pred_not_ok <- interval_pred interval_pred_not_ok[["prob_underdose"]] <- 1 - barely_overdosing interval_pred_not_ok[["prob_target"]] <- 0 interval_pred_not_ok[["prob_overdose"]] <- barely_overdosing interval_pred_not_ok <- OncoBayes2:::.blrm_trial_compute_ewoc(trial, interval_pred_not_ok) expect_true(!any(interval_pred_not_ok$ewoc_ok)) } }) } check_ewoc_criterion_empty_intervals <- function(example) { with(example, { ## create blrm trial with empty intervals and one probability interval_prob <- c(1) interval_max_mass <- numeric(0) suppressWarnings(trial <- blrm_trial( histdata, dose_info, drug_info, interval_prob = interval_prob, interval_max_mass = interval_max_mass, simplified_prior = TRUE )) # Test EWOC criterion is computed correctly --- interval_pred <- summary(trial, "data_prediction") # ewoc_ok column must exist expect_names(names(interval_pred), must.include = "ewoc_ok") # ewoc_ok should be set ewoc_ok_column <- interval_pred[["ewoc_ok"]] expect_true(all(ewoc_ok_column)) ## create blrm trial with empty intervals and empty probability interval_prob <- numeric(0) suppressWarnings(trial <- blrm_trial( histdata, dose_info, drug_info, interval_prob = interval_prob, interval_max_mass = interval_max_mass, simplified_prior = TRUE )) # Test EWOC criterion is computed correctly interval_pred2 <- summary(trial, "data_prediction") # ewoc_ok column must exist expect_names(names(interval_pred2), must.include = "ewoc_ok") # ewoc_ok should be set ewoc_ok_column2 <- interval_pred2[["ewoc_ok"]] expect_true(all(ewoc_ok_column2)) }) } test_that( "EWOC defaults for 100% underdosing / target / overdosing probability are sane", check_ewoc_criterion_defaults(examples$single_agent) ) test_that( "EWOC interval limits are respected", check_ewoc_criterion_intervals(examples$single_agent) ) test_that( "EWOC intervals can be empty", check_ewoc_criterion_empty_intervals(examples$single_agent) ) # Test update function with inconsistent dose_id, group_id, stratum_id -------------------- check_update_group_stratum_id_char <- function(example) { with(example, { suppressWarnings(trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info, simplified_prior = TRUE)) new_data <- filter(summary(trial, "dose_info"), dose_id == 1) new_data$num_patients <- 6 new_data$num_toxicities <- 1 # Providing group_id and stratum_id as characters should not error and resolve correctly new_data_char_factors <- new_data new_data_char_factors$group_id <- as.character(new_data_char_factors$group_id) new_data_char_factors$stratum_id <- as.character(new_data_char_factors$stratum_id) suppressWarnings(trial_with_new_data <- update(trial, add_data = new_data_char_factors)) new_data_in_trial <- summary(trial_with_new_data, summarize = "data") expect_equal(new_data$group_id, new_data_in_trial[nrow(new_data_in_trial), ]$group_id) expect_equal(new_data$stratum_id, new_data_in_trial[nrow(new_data_in_trial), ]$stratum_id) # Same for replacing the data new_data_in_trial_char_factors <- new_data_in_trial new_data_in_trial_char_factors$group_id <- as.character(new_data_in_trial_char_factors$group_id) new_data_in_trial_char_factors$stratum_id <- as.character(new_data_in_trial_char_factors$stratum_id) suppressWarnings(trial_with_new_data_replaced <- update(trial_with_new_data, data = new_data_in_trial_char_factors)) new_data_in_trial_replaced <- summary(trial_with_new_data_replaced, summarize = "data") expect_equal(new_data_in_trial, new_data_in_trial_replaced) }) } check_update_group_stratum_id_consistency <- function(example) { with(example, { suppressWarnings(trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info, simplified_prior = TRUE)) new_data <- filter(summary(trial, "dose_info"), dose_id == 1) new_data$num_patients <- 6 new_data$num_toxicities <- 1 # Providing nonsense strings for group_id and stratum_id should error new_data_nonsense_group <- new_data new_data_nonsense_group$group_id <- "this group is nonsense" trial_copy <- trial expect_error(suppressWarnings(update(trial_copy, add_data = new_data_nonsense_group))) trial_copy <- trial expect_error(suppressWarnings(update(trial_copy, data = new_data_nonsense_group))) new_data_nonsense_stratum <- new_data new_data_nonsense_stratum$stratum_id <- "this stratum is nonsense" trial_copy <- trial expect_error(suppressWarnings(update(trial_copy, add_data = new_data_nonsense_stratum))) trial_copy <- trial expect_error(suppressWarnings(update(trial_copy, data = new_data_nonsense_stratum))) # Providing nonsense factors for group_id and stratum_id should error new_data_nonsense_group <- new_data new_data_nonsense_group$group_id <- factor( as.character(new_data$group_id), levels = c(levels(new_data$group_id), "nonsense_level") ) trial_copy <- trial expect_error(suppressWarnings(update(trial_copy, add_data = new_data_nonsense_group))) trial_copy <- trial expect_error(suppressWarnings(update(trial_copy, data = new_data_nonsense_group))) new_data_nonsense_stratum <- new_data new_data_nonsense_stratum$stratum_id <- factor( as.character(new_data$stratum_id), levels = c(levels(new_data$stratum_id), "nonsense_level") ) trial_copy <- trial expect_error(suppressWarnings(update(trial_copy, add_data = new_data_nonsense_stratum))) trial_copy <- trial expect_error(suppressWarnings(update(trial_copy, data = new_data_nonsense_stratum))) }) } check_update_additional_column <- function(example) { with(example, { dose_info_foo <- mutate(dose_info, foo = "bar") histdata_foo <- mutate(histdata, foo = "bar") suppressWarnings(setup <- blrm_trial(histdata_foo, dose_info_foo, drug_info, simplified_prior = TRUE)) result_colnames <- colnames(summary(setup, "dose_prediction")) expect("foo" %in% result_colnames, failure_message = "Additional column shall be present in result") expect(!("foo.x" %in% result_colnames), failure_message = "Additional column shall not be duplicated") suppressWarnings(trial <- update(setup, add_data = histdata_foo)) result_colnames <- colnames(summary(trial, "dose_prediction")) expect("foo" %in% result_colnames, failure_message = "Additional column shall be present in result after update") expect(!("foo.x" %in% result_colnames), failure_message = "Additional column shall not be duplicated after update") }) } test_that( "update() resolves string factors for group_id, stratum_id correctly", check_update_group_stratum_id_char(examples$single_agent) ) test_that( "update() errors on inconsistent factors for group_id, stratum_id", check_update_group_stratum_id_consistency(examples$single_agent) ) test_that( "update() allows user defined-columns", check_update_additional_column(examples$single_agent) ) # Test dose_id and dose_info for consistency, if provided --------------------------------- check_update_resolves_doses_to_dose_id <- function(example) { with(example, { suppressWarnings(trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info, simplified_prior = TRUE)) new_data <- filter(summary(trial, "dose_info"), dose_id == 3) new_data$num_patients <- 6 new_data$num_toxicities <- 1 new_data_without_dose <- new_data new_data_without_dose$dose_id <- NULL ## Providing existing doses should resolve the dose_id suppressWarnings(trial_with_new_data <- update(trial, add_data = new_data_without_dose)) new_data_in_trial <- summary(trial_with_new_data, summarize = "data") expect_equal(select(new_data_in_trial[nrow(new_data_in_trial), ], colnames(new_data)), new_data) ## Providing a non-predefined dose should create a warning new_data_not_predefined <- new_data_without_dose new_data_not_predefined$drug1 <- 1234 expect_warning(update(trial, add_data = new_data_not_predefined)) }) } check_update_error_on_inconsistent_dose_id <- function(example) { with(example, { suppressWarnings(trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info, simplified_prior = TRUE)) new_data <- filter(summary(trial, "dose_info"), dose_id == 3) new_data$num_patients <- 6 new_data$num_toxicities <- 1 new_data_with_inconsistent_dose <- new_data new_data_with_inconsistent_dose$dose_id <- 1 expect_error(update(trial, add_data = new_data_with_inconsistent_dose)) new_data_with_NA_dose <- new_data new_data_with_NA_dose$drug1 <- 1234 new_data_with_NA_dose$dose_id <- NA expect_warning(update(trial, add_data = new_data_with_NA_dose)) }) } test_that( "update resolves dose combos to dose_id", check_update_resolves_doses_to_dose_id(examples$single_agent) ) test_that( "update prevents inconsistent dose combo to dose_id mapping and warns on NA dose_id", check_update_error_on_inconsistent_dose_id(examples$single_agent) ) # Test the three ways of specifying a prior ----------------------------------------------------- check_simplified_prior <- function(example, formula_generator) { with(example, { suppressWarnings(trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info, simplified_prior = TRUE, formula_generator = formula_generator)) expect_tibble(summary(trial, "data_prediction")) }) } check_simplified_prior_no_hist_data <- function(example, formula_generator) { with(example, { suppressWarnings(trial <- blrm_trial(data = NULL, dose_info = dose_info, drug_info = drug_info, simplified_prior = TRUE, formula_generator = formula_generator)) expect_tibble(summary(trial, "dose_prediction")) # Summary of trial should not error expect_tibble(summary(trial)) }) } check_full_prior_with_update <- function(example, formula_generator) { with(example, { suppressWarnings(trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info, formula_generator = formula_generator)) dims <- summary(trial, "dimensionality") prior_EX_mu_comp <- replicate(dims[["num_components"]], mixmvnorm(c(1, logit(0.1), 0, diag(c(2, 1)^2))), FALSE) ## Prior mean and sd on tau_{alpha_{s,i}}, tau{beta_{s,i}} prior_EX_tau_comp <- replicate(dims[["num_components"]], mixmvnorm(c(1, log(c(0.5, 0.25)), diag(c(log(4) / 1.96, log(4) / 1.96 )^2) )), FALSE) # Prior mean and sd on mu_{eta} if(dims[["num_interaction_terms"]] > 0) { prior_EX_mu_inter <- mixmvnorm(c(1,, dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]), diag(^2, dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]), dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]))) prior_EX_tau_inter <- mixmvnorm(c(log(0.5),, dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]), diag(^2, dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]), dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]))) } else { prior_EX_mu_inter <- NULL prior_EX_tau_inter <- NULL } prior_is_EXNEX_comp <- rep(FALSE, dims[["num_components"]]) prior_EX_prob_comp <- matrix(1, nrow = dims[["num_groups"]], ncol = dims[["num_components"]]) prior_is_EXNEX_inter <- rep(FALSE, dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]) prior_EX_prob_inter <- matrix(1, nrow = dims[["num_groups"]], ncol = dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]) prior_tau_dist <- 1 suppressWarnings(trial <- update(trial, prior_EX_mu_comp = prior_EX_mu_comp, prior_EX_tau_comp = prior_EX_tau_comp, prior_EX_mu_inter = prior_EX_mu_inter, prior_EX_tau_inter = prior_EX_tau_inter, prior_is_EXNEX_comp = prior_is_EXNEX_comp, prior_EX_prob_comp = prior_EX_prob_comp, prior_is_EXNEX_inter = prior_is_EXNEX_inter, prior_EX_prob_inter = prior_EX_prob_inter, prior_tau_dist = prior_tau_dist )) expect_tibble(summary(trial, "data_prediction")) }) } check_full_prior_direct <- function(formula_generator) { with(examples$single_agent, { dims <- list( num_components = 1, num_interaction_terms = 0, num_groups = 4, num_strata = 1 ) prior_EX_mu_comp <- replicate(dims[["num_components"]], mixmvnorm(c(1, logit(0.1), 0, diag(c(2, 1)^2))), FALSE) ## Prior mean and sd on tau_{alpha_{s,i}}, tau{beta_{s,i}} prior_EX_tau_comp <- replicate(dims[["num_components"]], mixmvnorm(c(1, log(c(0.5, 0.25)), diag(c(log(4) / 1.96, log(4) / 1.96 )^2) )), FALSE) # Prior mean and sd on mu_{eta} if(dims[["num_interaction_terms"]] > 0) { prior_EX_mu_inter <- mixmvnorm(c(1,, dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]), diag(^2, dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]), dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]))) prior_EX_tau_inter <- mixmvnorm(c(log(0.5),, dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]), diag(^2, dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]), dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]))) } else { prior_EX_mu_inter <- NULL prior_EX_tau_inter <- NULL } prior_is_EXNEX_comp <- rep(FALSE, dims[["num_components"]]) prior_EX_prob_comp <- matrix(1, nrow = dims[["num_groups"]], ncol = dims[["num_components"]]) prior_is_EXNEX_inter <- rep(FALSE, dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]) prior_EX_prob_inter <- matrix(1, nrow = dims[["num_groups"]], ncol = dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]) prior_tau_dist <- 1 suppressWarnings(trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info, prior_EX_mu_comp = prior_EX_mu_comp, prior_EX_tau_comp = prior_EX_tau_comp, prior_EX_mu_inter = prior_EX_mu_inter, prior_EX_tau_inter = prior_EX_tau_inter, prior_is_EXNEX_comp = prior_is_EXNEX_comp, prior_EX_prob_comp = prior_EX_prob_comp, prior_is_EXNEX_inter = prior_is_EXNEX_inter, prior_EX_prob_inter = prior_EX_prob_inter, prior_tau_dist = prior_tau_dist, formula_generator = formula_generator )) expect_tibble(summary(trial, "data_prediction")) }) } test_that( "simplified prior specification enables prediction", check_simplified_prior(examples$single_agent, blrm_formula_linear) ) test_that( "simplified prior specification enables prediction with NULL hist data", check_simplified_prior_no_hist_data(examples$single_agent, blrm_formula_linear) ) test_that( "Full prior specification with update() enables prediction", check_full_prior_with_update(examples$single_agent, blrm_formula_linear) ) test_that( "Full prior specification with blrm_trial() enables prediction", check_full_prior_direct(blrm_formula_linear) ) # Test with saturating model ------------------------------------------------------------------ test_that( "simplified prior specification enables prediction (single-agent, saturating interaction model)", check_simplified_prior(examples$single_agent, blrm_formula_saturating) ) test_that( "simplified prior specification enables prediction (combo2, saturating interaction model)", check_simplified_prior(examples$combo2, blrm_formula_saturating) ) test_that( "simplified prior specification enables prediction (combo3, saturating interaction model)", check_simplified_prior(examples$combo3, blrm_formula_saturating) ) test_that( "Full prior specification with update() enables prediction (saturating interaction model)", check_full_prior_with_update(examples$single_agent, blrm_formula_saturating) ) test_that( "Full prior specification with blrm_trial() enables prediction (saturating interaction model)", check_full_prior_direct(blrm_formula_saturating) ) test_that( "update function for blrm_trial adds data with add_data= and replaces data with data= as expected (saturating interaction model)", check_blrm_trial_update(examples$single_agent, blrm_formula_saturating) ) # Test custom interaction terms with saturating model ------------------------- test_that( "simplified prior specification works with custom saturating model (combo2)", check_simplified_prior( examples$combo2, function(ref_doses) { blrm_formula_saturating( ref_doses, specific_interaction_terms = list(c("drug1", "drug2")) ) } ) ) test_that( "simplified prior specification works with custom saturating model (combo3)", check_simplified_prior( examples$combo3, function(ref_doses) { blrm_formula_saturating( ref_doses, specific_interaction_terms = list(c("drug1", "drug2")) ) } ) ) test_that( "zero length specific_interaction_terms should lead to an error with saturating model", with(examples$combo3, { custom_formula_generator <- function(ref_doses) { blrm_formula_saturating( ref_doses, specific_interaction_terms = list(character()) ) } expect_error(blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info, formula_generator = custom_formula_generator )) }) ) test_that( "Duplicated specific_interaction_terms should lead to an error with saturating model", with(examples$combo3, { custom_formula_generator <- function(ref_doses) { blrm_formula_linear( ref_doses, specific_interaction_terms = list( c("drug1", "drug2"), c("drug1", "drug2") ) ) } expect_error(blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info, formula_generator = custom_formula_generator )) }) ) # Test custom interaction terms with linear model ------------------------- test_that( "simplified prior specification works with custom linear model (combo2)", check_simplified_prior( examples$combo2, function(ref_doses) { blrm_formula_linear( ref_doses, specific_interaction_terms = list(c("drug1", "drug2")) ) } ) ) test_that( "simplified prior specification works with custom linear model (combo3)", check_simplified_prior( examples$combo3, function(ref_doses) { blrm_formula_linear( ref_doses, specific_interaction_terms = list(c("drug1", "drug2")) ) } ) ) test_that( "zero length specific_interaction_terms should lead to an error with linear model", with(examples$combo3, { custom_formula_generator <- function(ref_doses) { blrm_formula_linear( ref_doses, specific_interaction_terms = list(character()) ) } expect_error(blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info, formula_generator = custom_formula_generator )) }) ) test_that( "Duplicated specific_interaction_terms should lead to an error with linear model", with(examples$combo3, { custom_formula_generator <- function(ref_doses) { blrm_formula_linear( ref_doses, specific_interaction_terms = list( c("drug1", "drug2"), c("drug1", "drug2") ) ) } expect_error(blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info, formula_generator = custom_formula_generator )) }) ) # Test sorting in .blrm_trial_merge_data ------------------------------------------------------ set_prior <- function(trial, mu_sd_inter = 0.5) { dims <- summary(trial, "dimensionality") prior_EX_mu_comp <- replicate(dims[["num_components"]], mixmvnorm(c(1, logit(0.1), 0, diag(c(2, 1)^2))), FALSE) ## Prior mean and sd on tau_{alpha_{s,i}}, tau{beta_{s,i}} prior_EX_tau_comp <- replicate(dims[["num_strata"]], replicate(dims[["num_components"]], mixmvnorm(c(1, 0, 0, diag(c(log(4) / 1.96, log(4) / 1.96 )^2) )), FALSE), FALSE) # Prior mean and sd on mu_{eta} if(dims[["num_interaction_terms"]] > 0) { prior_EX_mu_inter <- mixmvnorm(c(1,, dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]), diag(^2, dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]), dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]))) prior_EX_tau_inter <- replicate(dims[["num_strata"]], mixmvnorm(c(1,, dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]), diag(^2, dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]), dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]))), FALSE) } else { prior_EX_mu_inter <- NULL prior_EX_tau_inter <- NULL } prior_is_EXNEX_comp <- rep(FALSE, dims[["num_components"]]) prior_EX_prob_comp <- matrix(1, nrow = dims[["num_groups"]], ncol = dims[["num_components"]]) prior_is_EXNEX_inter <- rep(FALSE, dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]) prior_EX_prob_inter <- matrix(1, nrow = dims[["num_groups"]], ncol = dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]) suppressWarnings(update( trial, prior_EX_mu_comp = prior_EX_mu_comp, prior_EX_tau_comp = prior_EX_tau_comp, prior_EX_mu_inter = prior_EX_mu_inter, prior_EX_tau_inter = prior_EX_tau_inter, prior_is_EXNEX_comp = prior_is_EXNEX_comp, prior_EX_prob_comp = prior_EX_prob_comp, prior_is_EXNEX_inter = prior_is_EXNEX_inter, prior_EX_prob_inter = prior_EX_prob_inter, prior_tau_dist = 0 )) } set_prior_EXNEX <- function(trial, mu_sd_inter = 0.5) { dims <- summary(trial, "dimensionality") prior_EX_mu_comp <- replicate(dims[["num_components"]], mixmvnorm(c(1, logit(0.1), 0, diag(c(2, 1)^2))), FALSE) ## Prior mean and sd on tau_{alpha_{s,i}}, tau{beta_{s,i}} prior_EX_tau_comp <- replicate(dims[["num_strata"]], replicate(dims[["num_components"]], mixmvnorm(c(1, 0, 0, diag(c(log(4) / 1.96, log(4) / 1.96 )^2) )), FALSE), FALSE) # Prior mean and sd on mu_{eta} if(dims[["num_interaction_terms"]] > 0) { prior_EX_mu_inter <- mixmvnorm(c(1,, dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]), diag(^2, dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]), dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]))) prior_EX_tau_inter <- replicate(dims[["num_strata"]], mixmvnorm(c(1,, dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]), diag(^2, dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]), dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]))), FALSE) } else { prior_EX_mu_inter <- NULL prior_EX_tau_inter <- NULL } prior_is_EXNEX_comp <- rep(TRUE, dims[["num_components"]]) prior_EX_prob_comp <- matrix(0.8, nrow = dims[["num_groups"]], ncol = dims[["num_components"]]) prior_is_EXNEX_inter <- rep(TRUE, dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]) prior_EX_prob_inter <- matrix(0.8, nrow = dims[["num_groups"]], ncol = dims[["num_interaction_terms"]]) suppressWarnings(update( trial, prior_EX_mu_comp = prior_EX_mu_comp, prior_EX_tau_comp = prior_EX_tau_comp, prior_EX_mu_inter = prior_EX_mu_inter, prior_EX_tau_inter = prior_EX_tau_inter, prior_is_EXNEX_comp = prior_is_EXNEX_comp, prior_EX_prob_comp = prior_EX_prob_comp, prior_is_EXNEX_inter = prior_is_EXNEX_inter, prior_EX_prob_inter = prior_EX_prob_inter, prior_tau_dist = 0 )) } check_data_sorting <- function(example) { with(example, { suppressWarnings(trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info)) trial <- set_prior(trial) new_data <- filter(summary(trial, "dose_info")) new_data <- mutate(new_data, num_patients = 2 * dose_id) new_data$num_toxicities <- 1 new_data <- arrange(new_data, dose_id) rev_new_data <- arrange(new_data, desc(dose_id)) suppressWarnings(trial_2 <- update(trial, add_data = new_data)) suppressWarnings(trial_2_rev <- update(trial, add_data = rev_new_data)) expect_equal(trial_2$blrmfit$data, trial_2_rev$blrmfit$data) }) } test_that( ".blrm_trial_merge_data sorts data", check_data_sorting(examples$single_agent) ) test_that( ".blrm_trial_merge_data sorts data", check_data_sorting(examples$single_drug_with_strata) ) # Test for corner cases ----------------------------------------------------------------------- check_trial_with_EXNEX_prior <- function(example) { with(example, { suppressWarnings(trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info)) expect_output(print(trial)) trial <- set_prior_EXNEX(trial) expect_output(print(trial)) }) } test_that( "Try EXNEX with one group, but multiple components / interactions", check_trial_with_EXNEX_prior(examples$multi_drug_single_group) ) check_trial_with_duplicate_dose_ids <- function(example) { with(example, { dose_info$dose_id <- 1 histdata$dose_id <- 1 expect_error(blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info), ".*inconsistent.*") }) } test_that( "Ensure duplicate dose_ids fail when instantiating a trial", check_trial_with_duplicate_dose_ids(examples$single_agent) ) check_trial_with_duplication_through_additional_column <- function(example) { with(example, { expect_error(blrm_trial(histdata, bind_rows(dose_info, dose_info), drug_info), ".*must contain unique entries.*") dose_info_2 <- bind_rows( mutate(dose_info, foo = "a"), mutate(dose_info, foo = "b") ) expect_error(blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info_2, drug_info), ".*must contain unique entries.*") }) } test_that( "Ensure duplicate dose / group / stratum fails when instantiating a trial", check_trial_with_duplication_through_additional_column(examples$single_agent) ) check_trial_update_with_duplicate_dose_ids <- function(example) { with(example, { suppressWarnings(trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info, simplified_prior = TRUE)) # At least two unique rows of data must be present in the example assert_that(nrow(unique(dplyr::select(histdata, -num_patients, -num_toxicities))) >= 2) # Overwrite dose_id histdata_2 <- histdata histdata_2$dose_id <- 1 expect_error(update(trial, add_data = histdata_2), ".*inconsistent.*") }) } test_that( "Ensure duplicate dose_ids fail when updating a trial", check_trial_update_with_duplicate_dose_ids(examples$single_agent) ) check_trial_update_with_mismatching_additional_columns <- function(example) { with(example, { # Test without dose_id dose_info_foo <- mutate(dose_info, foo = "foo") suppressWarnings(trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info_foo, drug_info, simplified_prior = TRUE)) foo_cohort <- mutate( dose_info_foo[1, ], num_patients = 10, num_toxicities = 1 ) suppressWarnings(trial <- update(trial, add_data = foo_cohort)) bar_cohort <- mutate( foo_cohort, foo = "bar" ) expect_error(update(trial, add_data = bar_cohort), ".*does not uniquely resolve.*") # Test with dose_id suppressWarnings(trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info_foo, drug_info, simplified_prior = TRUE)) dose_info_foo_with_dose_id <- summary(trial, "dose_info") foo_cohort <- mutate( dose_info_foo_with_dose_id[1, ], num_patients = 10, num_toxicities = 1 ) suppressWarnings(trial <- update(trial, add_data = foo_cohort)) bar_cohort <- mutate( foo_cohort, foo = "bar" ) expect_error(update(trial, add_data = bar_cohort), ".*dose_id inconsistent with dose combinations.*") }) } test_that( "Ensure trial update with mismatching additional columns fails", check_trial_update_with_mismatching_additional_columns(examples$single_agent) ) check_ewoc_warnings <- function(example) { with(example, { dose_info2 <- dose_info[1, ] dose_info2[, drug_info$drug_name] <- lapply(dose_info2[, drug_info$drug_name], as.numeric) main_drug <- drug_info$drug_name[1] main_drug_interval <- range(dose_info[, main_drug]) dose_info2[, drug_info$drug_name[-1]] <- 0 dose_info2 hd <- mutate(histdata, num_patients = 20, num_toxicities = 5) hd[, drug_info$drug_name[-1]] <- 0 suppressWarnings(trial <- blrm_trial(hd, dose_info2, drug_info, simplified_prior = TRUE, iter = 200, warmup = 100, chains = 1)) ## set main drug to EWOC boundary dose which needs to trigger EWOC imprecise warnings main_drug_crit_dose <- critical_quantile(trial, x = main_drug, interval.x = main_drug_interval) dose_info_test_fail <- summary(trial, summarize = "dose_info")[1, ] dose_info_test_fail[, main_drug] <- main_drug_crit_dose dose_info_test_fail[, main_drug] <- NULL dose_info_test_fail <- expand_grid(dose_info_test_fail, main_drug = seq(main_drug_crit_dose / 4, main_drug_crit_dose * 4, length = 11)) names(dose_info_test_fail)[names(dose_info_test_fail) == "main_drug"] <- main_drug dose_info_test_fail$dose_id <- NULL dose_info_test_ok <- dose_info_test_fail dose_info_test_ok[, main_drug] <- dose_info_test_ok[, main_drug] / 100.0 expect_warning(ec_fail <- summary(trial, summarize = "ewoc_check", newdata = dose_info_test_fail), regexp = "ewoc metrics are within the") expect_silent(ec_ok <- summary(trial, summarize = "ewoc_check", newdata = dose_info_test_ok)) nd_fail <- summary(trial, summarize = "newdata_prediction", prob = 0.5, transform = TRUE, newdata = dose_info_test_fail) nd_ok <- summary(trial, summarize = "newdata_prediction", prob = 0.5, transform = TRUE, newdata = dose_info_test_ok) expect_equal(ec_ok$prob_overdose_est, nd_ok$`75%`) expect_equal(ec_fail$prob_overdose_est, nd_fail$`75%`) ## check consistency of the estimate after and update to test ## that things get updated ec <- summary(trial, summarize = "ewoc_check") s <- summary(trial, summarize = "dose_prediction", prob = 0.5) expect_equal(ec$prob_overdose_est, s$`75%`) suppressWarnings(upd_trial <- update(trial, add_data = mutate(dose_info2, num_patients = 12, num_toxicities = 3))) upd_ec <- summary(upd_trial, summarize = "ewoc_check") upd_s <- summary(upd_trial, summarize = "dose_prediction", prob = 0.5) expect_equal(upd_ec$prob_overdose_est, upd_s$`75%`) }) } test_that( "ewoc_check issues warnings (single-agent)", check_ewoc_warnings(examples$single_agent) ) test_that( "ewoc_check issues warnings (combo2)", check_ewoc_warnings(examples$combo2) ) test_that( "ewoc_check issues warnings (combo3)", check_ewoc_warnings(examples$combo3) ) check_ewoc_check_fields <- function(example, interval_prob, interval_max_mass) { with(example, { suppressWarnings(trial <- blrm_trial(histdata, dose_info, drug_info, simplified_prior = TRUE, interval_prob = interval_prob, interval_max_mass = interval_max_mass )) ec <- summary(trial, summarize = "ewoc_check") crit_interval_names <- names(interval_max_mass)[interval_max_mass != 1] postfix <- c("est", "stat", "mcse", "ess", "rhat") fields <- expand.grid(interval = crit_interval_names, est = postfix) fields <- paste(fields$interval, fields$est, sep = "_") expect_subset(sapply(paste0(postfix, "$"), grep, x = names(ec), value = TRUE), fields) }) } test_that( "ewoc_check contains all columns needed 1 (single-agent)", check_ewoc_check_fields(examples$single_agent, c(0, 0.16, 0.33, 1), c(prob_under = 1, target = 0.9, over = 0.5)) ) test_that( "ewoc_check contains all columns needed 2 (single-agent)", check_ewoc_check_fields(examples$single_agent, c(0, 0.16, 0.33, 1), c(prob_under = 0.2, target = 1.0, over = 0.5)) ) test_that( "ewoc_check contains all columns needed 3 (single-agent)", check_ewoc_check_fields(examples$single_agent, c(0.4, 1), c(over = 0.5)) ) test_that( "ewoc_check contains all columns needed (combo2)", check_ewoc_check_fields(examples$combo2, c(0, 0.16, 0.33, 1), c(prob_under = 1, target = 0.9, over = 0.5)) ) test_that( "ewoc_check contains all columns needed (combo3)", check_ewoc_check_fields(examples$combo3, c(0, 0.16, 0.33, 1), c(prob_under = 1, target = 0.9, over = 0.5)) )