test_that("IncidencePrevalence shiny", { skip_on_cran() cdm <- omock::mockPerson(nPerson = 100) |> omock::mockObservationPeriod() |> omock::mockCohort(recordPerson = 0.5) con <- duckdb::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb()) cdm <- CDMConnector::copyCdmTo(con = con, cdm = cdm, schema = "main") ageGroup <- list(c(0, 19), c(20, 39), c(40, 59), c(60, 79), c(80, 150)) cdm <- IncidencePrevalence::generateDenominatorCohortSet( cdm = cdm, name = "denominator", ageGroup = ageGroup, sex = c("Male", "Female", "Both") ) # mock results result <- omopgenerics::bind( IncidencePrevalence::estimateIncidence( cdm = cdm, denominatorTable = "denominator", outcomeTable = "cohort", outcomeWashout = c(0, 365, Inf) ), IncidencePrevalence::estimatePeriodPrevalence( cdm = cdm, denominatorTable = "denominator", outcomeTable = "cohort" ), IncidencePrevalence::estimatePointPrevalence( cdm = cdm, denominatorTable = "denominator", outcomeTable = "cohort" ) ) # generate shiny tdir <- tempdir() expect_no_error(exportStaticApp(result = result, directory = tdir, summary = TRUE)) expect_true("shiny" %in% list.files(tdir)) # test ui snapshot ui <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "ui.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(ui, sep = "\n")) # test server snapshot server <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "server.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(server, sep = "\n")) # test global snapshot global <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "global.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(global, sep = "\n")) # delete created shiny unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny"), recursive = TRUE) # test summary = FALSE expect_no_error(exportStaticApp(result = result, directory = tdir, summary = FALSE)) expect_true("shiny" %in% list.files(tdir)) # test ui snapshot ui <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "ui.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(ui, sep = "\n")) # delete created shiny unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny"), recursive = TRUE) PatientProfiles::mockDisconnect(cdm) }) test_that("DrugUtilisation shiny", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(Sys.getenv("EUNOMIA_DATA_FOLDER") == "") con <- duckdb::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), CDMConnector::eunomiaDir()) cdm <- CDMConnector::cdmFromCon( con = con, cdmSchema = "main", writeSchema = "main") codes <- CodelistGenerator::getDrugIngredientCodes( cdm = cdm, name = "acetaminophen") ingredient <- 1125315 cdm <- DrugUtilisation::generateDrugUtilisationCohortSet( cdm = cdm, name = "my_cohort", conceptSet = codes, gapEra = 30 ) codes <- CodelistGenerator::getDrugIngredientCodes( cdm = cdm, name = c("amoxicillin", "morphine", "warfarin")) cdm <- DrugUtilisation::generateDrugUtilisationCohortSet( cdm = cdm, name = "switch_cohort", conceptSet = codes, gapEra = 30 ) codes <- list( sinusitis = c(4294548, 40481087, 4283893, 257012), bronchitis = c(260139, 258780) ) cdm$indication <- CohortConstructor::conceptCohort( cdm = cdm, conceptSet = codes, name = "indication" ) ageGroup <- list(c(0, 19), c(20, 39), c(40, 59), c(60, 79), c(80, 150)) cdm$my_cohort <- cdm$my_cohort |> PatientProfiles::addDemographics( age = FALSE, ageGroup = ageGroup, sex = TRUE, priorObservation = FALSE, futureObservation = FALSE, name = "my_cohort" ) strata <- omopgenerics::combineStrata(c("age_group", "sex")) # mock results result <- omopgenerics::bind( DrugUtilisation::summariseDoseCoverage(cdm = cdm, ingredientConceptId = ingredient), cdm$my_cohort |> DrugUtilisation::summariseDrugRestart( switchCohortTable = "switch_cohort", strata = strata, restrictToFirstDiscontinuation = TRUE ), cdm$my_cohort |> DrugUtilisation::summariseDrugUtilisation( strata = strata, ingredientConceptId = ingredient ), cdm$my_cohort |> DrugUtilisation::summariseIndication( indicationCohortName = "indication", indicationWindow = list(c(-Inf, 0), c(-30, 0), c(0, 0)), unknownIndicationTable = "condition_occurrence" ), cdm$my_cohort |> DrugUtilisation::summariseProportionOfPatientsCovered(strata = strata), cdm$my_cohort |> DrugUtilisation::summariseTreatment( window = list(c(-Inf, -1), c(0, 0), c(1, 365), c(366, Inf)), treatmentCohortName = "switch_cohort", strata = strata ) ) # generate shiny tdir <- tempdir() expect_no_error(exportStaticApp(result = result, directory = tdir, summary = TRUE)) expect_true("shiny" %in% list.files(tdir)) # test ui snapshot ui <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "ui.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(ui, sep = "\n")) # test server snapshot server <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "server.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(server, sep = "\n")) # test global snapshot global <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "global.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(global, sep = "\n")) # delete created shiny unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny"), recursive = TRUE) # test summary = FALSE expect_no_error(exportStaticApp(result = result, directory = tdir, summary = FALSE)) expect_true("shiny" %in% list.files(tdir)) # test ui snapshot ui <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "ui.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(ui, sep = "\n")) # delete created shiny unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny"), recursive = TRUE) PatientProfiles::mockDisconnect(cdm) }) test_that("CohortCharacteristics shiny", { skip_on_cran() # create mock cdm set.seed(123456) cdm <- omock::mockCdmReference() |> omock::mockPerson(nPerson = 100) |> omock::mockObservationPeriod() |> omock::mockConditionOccurrence(recordPerson = 3) |> omock::mockDrugExposure(recordPerson = 4.5) |> omock::mockCohort( numberCohorts = 3, cohortName = c("covid", "tb", "asthma")) # TO BE REMOVED WHEN CohortCharacteristics works with local cdms cdm <- CDMConnector::copyCdmTo( con = duckdb::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb()), cdm = cdm, schema = "main") # generate result set result <- omopgenerics::bind( cdm$cohort |> CohortCharacteristics::summariseCharacteristics(), cdm$cohort |> CohortCharacteristics::summariseCohortAttrition(), cdm$cohort |> PatientProfiles::addAge(ageGroup = list(c(0, 44), c(45, Inf))) |> PatientProfiles::addSex(name = "cohort") |> CohortCharacteristics::summariseCohortCount( strata = list("sex", "age_group", c("age_group", "sex")) ), cdm$cohort |> CohortCharacteristics::summariseCohortOverlap(), cdm$cohort |> CohortCharacteristics::summariseCohortTiming(), cdm$cohort |> CohortCharacteristics::summariseLargeScaleCharacteristics( eventInWindow = "condition_occurrence", episodeInWindow = "drug_exposure" ) ) # generate shiny tdir <- tempdir() expect_no_error(exportStaticApp(result = result, directory = tdir, summary = TRUE)) expect_true("shiny" %in% list.files(tdir)) # test ui snapshot ui <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "ui.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(ui, sep = "\n")) # test server snapshot server <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "server.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(server, sep = "\n")) # test global snapshot global <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "global.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(global, sep = "\n")) # delete created shiny unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny"), recursive = TRUE) # test summary = FALSE expect_no_error(exportStaticApp(result = result, directory = tdir, summary = FALSE)) expect_true("shiny" %in% list.files(tdir)) # test ui snapshot ui <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "ui.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(ui, sep = "\n")) # delete created shiny unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny"), recursive = TRUE) PatientProfiles::mockDisconnect(cdm) }) test_that("OmopSketch shiny", { skip_on_cran() cdm <- OmopSketch::mockOmopSketch() # mock results result <- omopgenerics::bind( OmopSketch::summariseObservationPeriod(cdm$observation_period, sex = TRUE), OmopSketch::summariseOmopSnapshot(cdm) ) # generate shiny tdir <- tempdir() expect_no_error(exportStaticApp(result = result, directory = tdir, summary = FALSE)) expect_true("shiny" %in% list.files(tdir)) # test ui snapshot ui <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "ui.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(ui, sep = "\n")) # test server snapshot server <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "server.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(server, sep = "\n")) # test global snapshot global <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "global.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(global, sep = "\n")) # delete created shiny unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny"), recursive = TRUE) CDMConnector::cdmDisconnect(cdm = cdm) }) test_that("CodelistGenerator shiny", { skip_on_cran() skip_if(Sys.getenv("CDM5_POSTGRESQL_DBNAME") == "") # test cdm object db <- RPostgres::dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres(), dbname = Sys.getenv("CDM5_POSTGRESQL_DBNAME"), host = Sys.getenv("CDM5_POSTGRESQL_HOST"), user = Sys.getenv("CDM5_POSTGRESQL_USER"), password = Sys.getenv("CDM5_POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD")) cdm <- CDMConnector::cdmFromCon( con = db, cdmSchema = Sys.getenv("CDM5_POSTGRESQL_CDM_SCHEMA"), writeSchema = c( schema = Sys.getenv("CDM5_POSTGRESQL_SCRATCH_SCHEMA"), prefix = "ov_"), achillesSchema = Sys.getenv("CDM5_POSTGRESQL_CDM_SCHEMA") ) # create mock result codes <- CodelistGenerator::getCandidateCodes( cdm = cdm, domains = "condition", keywords = "sinusitis", includeDescendants = FALSE ) codelist <- list("sinusitis" = codes$concept_id) cdm$my_cohort <- CohortConstructor::conceptCohort( cdm = cdm, conceptSet = codelist, name = "my_cohort" ) # mock results result <- omopgenerics::bind( codelist |> CodelistGenerator::summariseOrphanCodes(cdm = cdm), codelist |> CodelistGenerator::summariseCohortCodeUse( cdm = cdm, cohortTable = "my_cohort", timing = "entry" ), codelist |> CodelistGenerator::summariseCodeUse(cdm = cdm, byYear = TRUE, bySex = TRUE), codelist |> CodelistGenerator::summariseAchillesCodeUse(cdm = cdm) ) # generate shiny tdir <- tempdir() expect_no_error(exportStaticApp(result = result, directory = tdir, summary = FALSE)) expect_true("shiny" %in% list.files(tdir)) # test ui snapshot ui <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "ui.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(ui, sep = "\n")) # test server snapshot server <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "server.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(server, sep = "\n")) # test global snapshot global <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "global.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(global, sep = "\n")) # delete created shiny unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny"), recursive = TRUE) CDMConnector::cdmDisconnect(cdm) })