test_that("logo", { tdir <- tempdir() # test no logo expect_no_error(exportStaticApp( result = omopgenerics::emptySummarisedResult(), directory = tdir, logo = NULL )) expect_true("shiny" %in% list.files(tdir)) unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny"), recursive = TRUE) # test keywords for (key in logoKeywords) { expect_identical(basename(logoPath(key)), paste0(key, "_logo.svg")) expect_no_error(exportStaticApp( result = omopgenerics::emptySummarisedResult(), directory = tdir, logo = key )) expect_true("shiny" %in% list.files(tdir)) unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny"), recursive = TRUE) } # custom logo expect_no_error(exportStaticApp( result = omopgenerics::emptySummarisedResult(), directory = tdir, logo = system.file("oxford.png", package = "OmopViewer") )) expect_true("shiny" %in% list.files(tdir)) ui <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "ui.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(ui, sep = "\n")) unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny"), recursive = TRUE) }) test_that("empty shiny", { tdir <- tempdir() expect_no_error(exportStaticApp( result = omopgenerics::emptySummarisedResult(), directory = tdir )) expect_true("shiny" %in% list.files(tdir)) ui <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "ui.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(ui, sep = "\n")) server <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "server.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(server, sep = "\n")) unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny"), recursive = TRUE) }) test_that("title", { tdir <- tempdir() expect_no_error(exportStaticApp( result = omopgenerics::emptySummarisedResult(), directory = tdir, title = "example" )) # check shiny is created expect_true("shiny" %in% list.files(tdir)) # snapshot for ui ui <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "ui.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(ui, sep = "\n")) # delete created shiny unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny"), recursive = TRUE) }) test_that("order tabs", { # create mock cdm set.seed(123456) cdm <- omock::mockCdmReference() |> omock::mockPerson(nPerson = 100) |> omock::mockObservationPeriod() |> omock::mockConditionOccurrence(recordPerson = 3) |> omock::mockDrugExposure(recordPerson = 4.5) |> omock::mockCohort( numberCohorts = 3, cohortName = c("covid", "tb", "asthma")) # TO BE REMOVED WHEN CohortCharacteristics works with local cdms cdm <- CDMConnector::copyCdmTo( con = duckdb::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb()), cdm = cdm, schema = "main") # generate result set result <- omopgenerics::bind( cdm$cohort |> CohortCharacteristics::summariseCohortAttrition(), cdm$cohort |> CohortCharacteristics::summariseCohortCount(), cdm$cohort |> CohortCharacteristics::summariseCohortOverlap() ) # generate shiny tdir <- tempdir() expect_no_error(exportStaticApp( result = result, directory = tdir, panelStructure = list( "summarise_cohort_count", "summarise_cohort_overlap", "summarise_cohort_attrition" ) )) # snapshot ui ui <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "ui.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(ui, sep = "\n")) # delete created shiny unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny"), recursive = TRUE) # expect warning if panel is not present expect_warning(exportStaticApp( result = result, directory = tdir, panelStructure = list( "summarise_cohort_count", "summarise_cohort_attrition", "summarise_cohort_overlap", "not an option", "another missing result" ) )) # delete created shiny unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny"), recursive = TRUE) # expect warning if panel is not present expect_warning(exportStaticApp( result = result, directory = tdir, panelStructure = list("not an option") )) # delete created shiny unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny"), recursive = TRUE) # menu with results not in result expect_warning(exportStaticApp( result = result, directory = tdir, panelStructure = list( "CHARACTERISTICS" = c("summarise_characteristics", "summarise_large_scale_characteristics", "hi"), "summarise_cohort_overlap" ) )) # snapshot ui ui <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "ui.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(ui, sep = "\n")) # delete created shiny unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny"), recursive = TRUE) # menu for details expect_no_error(exportStaticApp( result = result, directory = tdir, panelStructure = list( "DETAILS" = c("summarise_cohort_count", "summarise_cohort_attrition"), "summarise_cohort_overlap" ), panelDetails = list( "summarise_cohort_attrition" = list( result_type = "summarise_cohort_attrition", title = "Attrition" ), "summarise_cohort_overlap" = list( result_type = "summarise_cohort_overlap", title = "Overlap" ) ) )) # snapshot ui ui <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "ui.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(ui, sep = "\n")) # delete created shiny unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny"), recursive = TRUE) # expect error if it is not a list expect_error(exportStaticApp(result = result, directory = tdir, panelStructure = c("must be a list"))) # expect error if duplicated elements expect_error(exportStaticApp(result = result, directory = tdir, panelStructure = list( "summarise_cohort_overlap", "summarise_cohort_overlap"))) }) test_that("theme", { tdir <- tempdir() expect_no_error(exportStaticApp( result = omopgenerics::emptySummarisedResult(), directory = tdir, theme = "theme1", open = FALSE )) ui <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "ui.R")) |> stringr::str_flatten() |> stringr::str_replace_all(" ", "") |> stringr::str_replace_all('"', "'") expectedTheme <- omopViewerThemes$theme1 |> stringr::str_replace_all("\n| ", "") |> stringr::str_replace_all('"', "'") expect_true(grepl(expectedTheme, ui, fixed = TRUE)) # delete created shiny unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny"), recursive = TRUE) # custom theme theme <- "bslib::bs_theme(bootswatch = 'sandstone', primary = '#605ca8', bg = 'white', fg = 'black', success = '#3B9AB2', base_font = bslib::font_google('Space Mono'), code_font = bslib::font_google('Space Mono'))" expect_message(exportStaticApp( result = omopgenerics::emptySummarisedResult(), theme = theme, directory = tdir, open = FALSE )) ui <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "ui.R")) |> stringr::str_flatten() |> stringr::str_replace_all(" ", "") |> stringr::str_replace_all('"', "'") expectedTheme <- theme |> stringr::str_replace_all("\n| ", "") |> stringr::str_replace_all('"', "'") expect_true(grepl(expectedTheme, ui, fixed = TRUE)) expect_no_error(exportStaticApp( result = omopgenerics::emptySummarisedResult(), directory = tdir, theme = NULL, open = FALSE )) ui <- readLines(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "ui.R")) expect_snapshot(cat(ui, sep = "\n")) # delete created shiny unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny"), recursive = TRUE) }) test_that("check preprocess file works", { # create mock cdm set.seed(123456) cdm <- omock::mockCdmReference() |> omock::mockPerson(nPerson = 100) |> omock::mockObservationPeriod() |> omock::mockConditionOccurrence(recordPerson = 3) |> omock::mockDrugExposure(recordPerson = 4.5) |> omock::mockCohort( numberCohorts = 3, cohortName = c("covid", "tb", "asthma")) # TO BE REMOVED WHEN CohortCharacteristics works with local cdms cdm <- CDMConnector::copyCdmTo( con = duckdb::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb()), cdm = cdm, schema = "main") # generate result set result <- omopgenerics::bind( cdm$cohort |> CohortCharacteristics::summariseCharacteristics(), cdm$cohort |> CohortCharacteristics::summariseCohortAttrition(), cdm$cohort |> CohortCharacteristics::summariseCohortCount(), cdm$cohort |> CohortCharacteristics::summariseCohortOverlap(), cdm$cohort |> CohortCharacteristics::summariseCohortTiming() ) # with no panelDetails tdir <- tempdir() expect_no_error(exportStaticApp( result = result, directory = tdir, open = FALSE )) expect_true(dir.exists(file.path(tdir, "shiny"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "data", "preprocess.R"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "data", "shinyData.RData"))) load(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "data", "shinyData.RData")) savedData <- data savedFilterValues <- filterValues # delete shinyData unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "data", "shinyData.RData")) expect_false(file.exists(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "data", "shinyData.RData"))) # create same file file with currentDirectory <- getwd() setwd(file.path(tdir, "shiny")) source(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "data", "preprocess.R")) setwd(currentDirectory) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "data", "shinyData.RData"))) load(file.path(tdir, "shiny", "data", "shinyData.RData")) # settings are in different order removeSettings <- function(x) { purrr::map(x, \(x) { attr(x, "settings") <- NULL return(x) }) } expect_identical(removeSettings(savedData), removeSettings(data)) expect_identical(savedFilterValues, filterValues) # delete created shiny unlink(file.path(tdir, "shiny"), recursive = TRUE) })