# # Check FP=100% and FN=100% # test.false_positive <- function() { r <- check_falsies(1,0) checkTrue(r, "fpr set to 1 so stim should be seen") } test.false_negative <- function() { r <- check_falsies(0,1) checkTrue(!r, "fnr set to 1 so stim should not be seen") } ################################################ # Given the two false repsonse rates, # return seen/not-seen ################################################ check_falsies <- function(fpr=0,fnr=0) { require(OPI) data("RtDbUnits") checkTrue(chooseOpi("SimHensonRT"), 'RT Henson sim is chosen') e <- opiInitialize(type="C", A=NA, B=NA, cap=6, display=NULL, maxStim=10000/pi, rtData=RtDbUnits, rtFP=1:1600) checkEquals(NULL, e) SPEED = 3; LEVEL = dbTocd(0,10000) stim <- list(path=list(x=c(20,10), y=c(-5,32)),sizes=(0.43), colors=("white"), levels=(LEVEL), speeds=c(SPEED)) class(stim) <- "opiKineticStimulus" result <- opiPresent(stim, tt= list(c(30,30,30,30,30)), fpr=fpr, fnr=fnr) checkEquals(NULL, opiClose()) return(result$seen) }