testthat::skip_on_cran() set.seed(1) test_that("packages can be loaded properly", { library("NeuralEstimators") expect_equal(1, 1) }) test_that("plotestimates() is working", { K <- 50 df <- data.frame( estimator = c("Estimator 1", "Estimator 2"), parameter = rep(c("mu", "sigma"), each = K), truth = 1:(2*K), estimate = 1:(2*K) + rnorm(4*K) ) estimator_labels <- c("Estimator 1" = expression(hat(theta)[1]("·")), "Estimator 2" = expression(hat(theta)[2]("·"))) parameter_labels <- c("mu" = expression(mu), "sigma" = expression(sigma)) plotestimates(df, parameter_labels = parameter_labels, estimator_labels) expect_equal(1, 1) }) test_that("plotdistribution() is working", { # Single parameter: estimators <- c("Estimator 1", "Estimator 2") df <- data.frame( estimator = estimators, truth = 0, parameter = "mu", estimate = rnorm(2*50), replicate = rep(1:50, each = 2) ) parameter_labels <- c("mu" = expression(mu)) estimator_labels <- c("Estimator 1" = expression(hat(theta)[1]("·")), "Estimator 2" = expression(hat(theta)[2]("·"))) plotdistribution(df, parameter_labels = parameter_labels, estimator_labels = estimator_labels) plotdistribution(df, parameter_labels = parameter_labels, type = "density") # Two parameters: df <- rbind(df, data.frame( estimator = estimators, truth = 1, parameter = "sigma", estimate = rgamma(2*50, shape = 1, rate = 1), replicate = rep(1:50, each = 2) )) parameter_labels <- c(parameter_labels, "sigma" = expression(sigma)) plotdistribution(df, return_list = TRUE) plotdistribution(df, parameter_labels = parameter_labels) plotdistribution(df, parameter_labels = parameter_labels, flip = TRUE) plotdistribution(df, parameter_labels = parameter_labels, flip = TRUE, return_list = TRUE) plotdistribution(df, parameter_labels = parameter_labels, type = "density") plotdistribution(df, parameter_labels = parameter_labels, type = "scatter") # Three parameters: df <- rbind(df, data.frame( estimator = estimators, truth = 0.25, parameter = "alpha", estimate = 0.5 * runif(2*50), replicate = rep(1:50, each = 2) )) parameter_labels <- c(parameter_labels, "alpha" = expression(alpha)) plotdistribution(df, parameter_labels = parameter_labels) plotdistribution(df, parameter_labels = parameter_labels, type = "density") plotdistribution(df, parameter_labels = parameter_labels, type = "scatter") plotdistribution(df, parameter_labels = parameter_labels, type = "scatter", pairs = TRUE) plotdistribution(df, parameter_labels = parameter_labels, type = "scatter", pairs = TRUE, legend = FALSE) # Pairs plot with user-specified plots in the upper triangle: upper_triangle_plots <- lapply(1:3, function(i) { x = rnorm(10) y = rnorm(10) shape = sample(c("Class 1", "Class 2"), 10, replace = TRUE) ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, shape = shape)) + ggplot2::labs(shape = "") + ggplot2::theme_bw() }) plotdistribution(df, parameter_labels = parameter_labels, type = "scatter", pairs = TRUE, upper_triangle_plots = upper_triangle_plots) expect_equal(1, 1) })