context("nsr simple") test_that("example works", { # skip_if_offline(host = "") vcr::use_cassette("nsr_simple_example", { results <- NSR_simple(species = "Acer rubrum", country = "Canada", state_province = "Ontario", url=url, skip_internet_check = TRUE) }) # test below assume a data dictionary and will be skipped if one isn't returned skip_if_not(class(results) == "data.frame") expect_equal(object = nrow(results), expected = 1) }) test_that("second example works", { # skip_if_offline(host = "") vcr::use_cassette("nsr_simple_example2", { results2 <- NSR_simple(species = c("Acer rubrum", "Aspen tremuloides") , country = c("Canada","Canada"), state_province = c("Ontario","Ontario"), url=url, skip_internet_check = TRUE) }) # test below assume a data dictionary and will be skipped if one isn't returned skip_if_not(class(results2) == "data.frame") expect_equal(object = nrow(results2), expected = 2) })