context("splitFields") test_that("basic",{ fileRef <- "testReference/splitFields_01.rds" res <- splitFields("%init;[%num2];%symbol") expect_equal_to_reference(res,fileRef) if(F){ res readRDS(fileRef) } }) context("NMreadParText") readRef <- FALSE test_that("muref SAEM",{ fileRef <- "testReference/NMreadParText_02.rds" file.mod <- "testData/nonmem/xgxr032.mod" NMdataConf(reset=T) NMdataConf("data.table") res <- NMreadParsText(file.mod,format="%init;%symbol") expect_equal_to_reference(res,fileRef) if(F){ NMreadSection(file.mod,section="theta") res readRDS(fileRef) } }) test_that("merge with NMreadExt output",{ fileRef <- "testReference/NMreadParText_03.rds" file.mod <- "testData/nonmem/xgxr032.mod" NMdataConf(reset=T) NMdataConf("data.table") res <- NMreadParsText(file.mod,format="%init;%symbol") res <- mergeCheck( res, NMreadExt(file.mod)[,.(parameter,est)], by="parameter") expect_equal_to_reference(res,fileRef) if(F){ res readRDS(fileRef) } }) test_that("complex delimiters",{ fileRef <- "testReference/NMreadParText_04.rds" NMdataConf(reset=T) NMdataConf("data.table") text <- c(" ; matches format $THETA (.1) ;[1]; LTVKA ; missing field $THETA (3) ; [] ;LTVV2 ; missing end field $THETA (1) ;[3] ; extra delim $THETA (4) ;[4] ;LTVV3 ; ; missing end field but has delim $THETA (-1) ; [5] ; $OMEGA 0 FIX $SIGMA 0 FIX ") lines <- strsplit(text,split="\n")[[1]] res <- NMreadParsText(lines=lines,format="%init;[%num2];%symbol") expect_equal_to_reference(res,fileRef) if(F){ res readRDS(fileRef) } }) test_that("No SIGMA",{ fileRef <- "testReference/NMreadParText_05.rds" NMdataConf(reset=T) NMdataConf("data.table") text <- c(" ; matches format $THETA (.1) ;[1]; LTVKA $OMEGA 0 FIX ") lines <- strsplit(text,split="\n")[[1]] res <- NMreadParsText(lines=lines,format="%init;[%num2];%symbol") expect_equal_to_reference(res,fileRef) if(F){ res readRDS(fileRef) } }) test_that("Complex OMEGA",{ fileRef <- "testReference/NMreadParText_06.rds" NMdataConf(reset=T) NMdataConf("data.table") text <- c(" ; matches format $THETA (.1) ;[1]; LTVKA (mL/h) $OMEGA BLOCK(3) 0.126303 ; IIV.CL ; 1 ;IIV ;Between-subject variability on CL;- 0.024 ; IIV.CL.V2.cov ; 1-2 ;IIV ;Covariance of BSV on CL and V2;- 0.127 ; IIV.V2 ; 2 ;IIV ;Between-subject variability on V2;- 0.2 ; IIV.CL.V3.cov ; 1-3 ;IIV ;Covariance of BSV on CL and V3;- 0.2 ; IIV.V2.V3.cov ; 2-3 ;IIV ;Covariance of BSV on V2 and V3;- 0.38 ; IIV.V3 ; 3 ;IIV ;Between-subject variability on V3;- $OMEGA 0 FIX ; IIV.KA ; 4 ;IIV ;Between-subject variability on KA;- $SIGMA 1 ") lines <- strsplit(text,split="\n")[[1]] res <- NMreadParsText(lines=lines,format="%init;[%num];%symbol (%unit)","%init ; %symbol ; %num ; %type ; %label ; %unit",field.idx="num" ## ,use.idx=T ) expect_equal_to_reference(res,fileRef) if(F){ res readRDS(fileRef) } }) test_that("OMEGA SAME",{ ### BLOCK SAME are being skipped fileRef <- "testReference/NMreadParText_07.rds" NMdataConf(reset=T) NMdataConf("data.table") text <- c(" $THETA (0,0.1) ; THE1 - 30) 1st theta (0,4.2) ; THE2 - 31) 2nd theta $OMEGA 0.08 ; IIV.TH1 ; 1 ;IIV $OMEGA BLOCK(1) 0.547465 ; IOV.TH1 ; 2 ;IOV $OMEGA BLOCK(1) SAME $OMEGA BLOCK(1) SAME") lines <- strsplit(text,split="\n")[[1]] res <- NMreadParsText(lines=lines, format="%init;%symbol - %idx) %label","%init; %symbol ; %idx ; %label " ) expect_equal_to_reference(res,fileRef) if(F){ res readRDS(fileRef) } }) test_that("muref SAEM -",{ fileRef <- "testReference/NMreadParText_08.rds" file.mod <- "testData/nonmem/xgxr032.mod" NMdataConf(reset=T) NMdataConf("data.table") res1 <- NMreadParsText(file.mod,format="%init;%symbol") res2 <- NMreadParsText(file.mod,format="%init;%symbol", expect_equal(res1,res2) })