library(NAIR) # Generate data ----------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(42) dat <- simulateToyData() dat[107, c("CloneCount", "CloneFrequency")] <- NA dat[11, c("CloneCount", "CloneFrequency")] <- NaN dat[5, c("CloneCount", "CloneFrequency")] <- -Inf dat[103, c("CloneCount", "CloneFrequency")] <- Inf dat[191, c("CloneCount", "CloneFrequency")] <- NA dat[192, c("CloneCount", "CloneFrequency")] <- NaN dat[193, c("CloneCount", "CloneFrequency")] <- -Inf dat[198, c("CloneCount", "CloneFrequency")] <- Inf suppressWarnings( net <- buildRepSeqNetwork(dat, "CloneSeq", plots = FALSE) ) net <- addNodeStats(net) net <- addClusterStats(net, count_col = "CloneCount", cluster_id_name = "cluster_greedy" ) net <- addClusterMembership(net = net, cluster_fun = "leiden", cluster_id_name = "cluster_leiden" ) suppressWarnings( net <- addPlots(net, print_plots = FALSE, color_nodes_by = c("cluster_greedy", "cluster_leiden"), color_scheme = "Viridis" ) ) suppressWarnings( net <- addPlots(net, print_plots = FALSE, color_nodes_by = c("transitivity", "CloneCount"), color_scheme = c("plasma-1", "default"), size_nodes_by = "CloneCount", node_size_limits = c(0.5, 2), color_title = c("Transitivity", "Clone Count"), size_title = "Clone Count" ) ) suppressWarnings( net <- addPlots(net, print_plots = FALSE, size_nodes_by = 2 ) ) suppressWarnings( net <- addPlots(net, print_plots = FALSE, color_nodes_by = c("eigen_centrality", "authority_score"), size_nodes_by = "eigen_centrality", color_title = c("Eigen Centrality", "auto"), plot_title = NULL, plot_subtitle = NULL ) ) suppressWarnings( net <- addPlots(net, print_plots = FALSE, color_nodes_by = "coreness", size_nodes_by = "coreness", color_legend = FALSE ) ) suppressWarnings( net <- addPlots(net, print_plots = FALSE, color_nodes_by = "page_rank", size_nodes_by = "page_rank", color_title = NULL ) ) suppressWarnings( net2 <- buildRepSeqNetwork(dat, "CloneSeq", print_plots = FALSE, drop_isolated_nodes = FALSE, cluster_stats = TRUE, count_col = "CloneCount" ) ) suppressWarnings( net3 <- buildRepSeqNetwork(dat, "CloneSeq", print_plots = FALSE, cluster_stats = TRUE ) ) suppressWarnings( net4 <- buildRepSeqNetwork(dat, "CloneSeq", print_plots = FALSE, node_stats = TRUE ) ) suppressWarnings( net5 <- buildRepSeqNetwork(dat, "CloneSeq", print_plots = FALSE) ) dat2 <- simulateToyData(chains = 2) suppressWarnings( sc_net <- buildRepSeqNetwork( dat2, seq_col = c("AlphaSeq", "BetaSeq"), count_col = "UMIs", node_stats = TRUE, stats_to_include = "all", cluster_stats = TRUE, color_nodes_by = "SampleID", size_nodes_by = "UMIs", node_size_limits = c(0.5, 3), print_plots = FALSE ) ) samples <- simulateToyData(sample_size = 10, output_dir = tempdir() ) sample_1 <- subset(samples, SampleID == "Sample1") sample_2 <- subset(samples, SampleID == "Sample2") utils::write.csv(sample_1, file.path(tempdir(), "Sample1.csv"), row.names = FALSE ) utils::write.csv(sample_2, file.path(tempdir(), "Sample2.csv"), row.names = FALSE ) utils::write.csv2(sample_1, file.path(tempdir(), "Sample1b.csv"), row.names = FALSE ) utils::write.csv2(sample_2, file.path(tempdir(), "Sample2b.csv"), row.names = FALSE ) utils::write.csv(sample_1, file.path(tempdir(), "Sample1c.csv"), row.names = TRUE ) utils::write.csv(sample_2, file.path(tempdir(), "Sample2c.csv"), row.names = TRUE ) utils::write.table(sample_1, file.path(tempdir(), "Sample1.txt"), row.names = TRUE ) utils::write.table(sample_2, file.path(tempdir(), "Sample2.txt"), row.names = TRUE ) utils::write.table(sample_1, file.path(tempdir(), "Sample1.tsv"), sep = "\t", row.names = TRUE ) utils::write.table(sample_2, file.path(tempdir(), "Sample2.tsv"), sep = "\t", row.names = TRUE ) utils::write.table(sample_1, file.path(tempdir(), "Sample1"), sep = "\t", row.names = TRUE, dec = ",", na = "NA!" ) utils::write.table(sample_2, file.path(tempdir(), "Sample2"), sep = "\t", row.names = TRUE, dec = ",", na = "NA!" ) utils::write.table(sample_1, file.path(tempdir(), "Sample1b"), sep = "@", row.names = TRUE, col.names = FALSE ) utils::write.table(sample_2, file.path(tempdir(), "Sample2b"), sep = "@", row.names = TRUE, col.names = FALSE ) save(sample_1, file = file.path(tempdir(), "Sample1.rda")) save(sample_2, file = file.path(tempdir(), "Sample2.rda")) x <- sample_1 save(x, file = file.path(tempdir(), "Sample1b.rda")) x <- sample_2 save(x, file = file.path(tempdir(), "Sample2b.rda")) samples_filtered <- filterInputData(samples, seq_col = "CloneSeq", min_seq_length = 13, drop_matches = "GGG", subset_cols = c("CloneSeq", "SampleID") ) samples_filtered$SampleID[samples_filtered$SampleID == "Sample1"] <- "id01" samples_filtered$SampleID[samples_filtered$SampleID == "Sample2"] <- "id02" # Distance Functions ------------------------------------------------------ test_that("hamDistBounded works as expected", { expect_equal( hamDistBounded("foo", "foo", 3), 0 ) expect_equal( hamDistBounded("foo", "fee", 3), 2 ) expect_equal( hamDistBounded("foo", "fie", 3), 2 ) expect_equal( hamDistBounded("foo", "foe", 3), 1 ) expect_equal( hamDistBounded("foo", "fum", 3), 2 ) expect_equal( hamDistBounded("foo", "bar", 3), 3 ) expect_equal( hamDistBounded("foo", "fee", 1), -1 ) expect_equal( hamDistBounded("foo", "fie", 1), -1 ) expect_equal( hamDistBounded("foo", "foe", 1), 1 ) expect_equal( hamDistBounded("foo", "fum", 1), -1 ) expect_equal( hamDistBounded("foo", "bar", 1), -1 ) expect_equal( hamDistBounded("foo", "fubar", 10), 4 ) expect_equal( hamDistBounded("foo", "foobar", 10), 3 ) expect_equal( hamDistBounded("foo", "barfoo", 10), 6 ) expect_equal( hamDistBounded("1234567", "1.23457", 7), 5 ) expect_equal( hamDistBounded("1234567", "1.23457", 3), -1 ) expect_equal( hamDistBounded("1234567890", "123456789", 10), 1 ) expect_equal( hamDistBounded("1234567890", "234567890", 10), 10 ) expect_equal( hamDistBounded("foobar", "fubar", 6), 5 ) cloneSeq <- c("A", "AA", "AB", "BB") cloneSeqB <- c("A", "AA", "ACCC", "AB", "BB") distMat_ham <- sapply(cloneSeq, function(x) { sapply(cloneSeq, function(y) { hamDistBounded(x, y, k = 5) }) }) distMat_ham_truth <- matrix(1, 4, 4) diag(distMat_ham_truth) <- 0 distMat_ham_truth[c(1, 2), 4] <- 2 distMat_ham_truth[4, c(1, 2)] <- 2 expect_equal(distMat_ham, distMat_ham_truth, ignore_attr = TRUE) distMatB_ham <- sapply(cloneSeqB, function(x) { sapply(cloneSeqB, function(y) { hamDistBounded(x, y, k = 5) }) }) distMatB_ham_truth <- matrix(1, 5, 5) diag(distMatB_ham_truth) <- 0 distMatB_ham_truth[c(1, 2), 5] <- 2 distMatB_ham_truth[5, c(1, 2)] <- 2 distMatB_ham_truth[3, c(1, 2, 4)] <- 3 distMatB_ham_truth[c(1, 2, 4), 3] <- 3 distMatB_ham_truth[5, 3] <- distMatB_ham_truth[3, 5] <- 4 expect_equal(distMatB_ham, distMatB_ham_truth, ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that("levDistBounded works as expected", { expect_equal( levDistBounded("foo", "foo", -5), -1 ) expect_equal( levDistBounded("foo", "foo", 0), 0 ) expect_equal( levDistBounded("foo", "bar", 0), -1 ) expect_equal( levDistBounded("foo", "foobar", 1), -1 ) expect_equal( levDistBounded("", "bar", 2), -1 ) expect_equal( levDistBounded("", "bar", 10), 3 ) expect_equal( levDistBounded("foo", "", 2), -1 ) expect_equal( levDistBounded("foo", "", 10), 3 ) expect_equal( levDistBounded("foobar", "foo__bar", 10), 2 ) expect_equal( levDistBounded("foo__bar", "foobar", 10), 2 ) expect_equal( levDistBounded("foo", "bar", 3), 3 ) expect_equal( levDistBounded("1234567", "1.23457", 7), 2 ) expect_equal( levDistBounded("1234567", "1.23457", 3), 2 ) expect_equal( levDistBounded("1234567890", "123456789", 10), 1 ) expect_equal( levDistBounded("1234567890", "234567890", 10), 1 ) expect_equal( levDistBounded("foobar", "fubar", 6), 2 ) cloneSeq <- c("A", "AA", "AB", "BB") cloneSeqB <- c("A", "AA", "ACCC", "AB", "BB") distMat_lev <- sapply(cloneSeq, function(x) { sapply(cloneSeq, function(y) { levDistBounded(x, y, k = 5) }) }) distMat_lev_truth <- matrix(1, 4, 4) diag(distMat_lev_truth) <- 0 distMat_lev_truth[c(1, 2), 4] <- 2 distMat_lev_truth[4, c(1, 2)] <- 2 expect_equal(distMat_lev, distMat_lev_truth, ignore_attr = TRUE) # lev distance matrix for cloneSeqB distMatB_lev <- sapply(cloneSeqB, function(x) { sapply(cloneSeqB, function(y) { levDistBounded(x, y, k = 5) }) }) distMatB_lev_truth <- matrix(1, 5, 5) diag(distMatB_lev_truth) <- 0 distMatB_lev_truth[c(1, 2), 5] <- 2 distMatB_lev_truth[5, c(1, 2)] <- 2 distMatB_lev_truth[3, c(1, 2, 4)] <- 3 distMatB_lev_truth[c(1, 2, 4), 3] <- 3 distMatB_lev_truth[5, 3] <- distMatB_lev_truth[3, 5] <- 4 expect_equal(distMatB_lev, distMatB_lev_truth, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(levDistBounded("AA", "CACC", 10), 3) expect_equal(levDistBounded("CACC", "AA", 10), 3) expect_equal(levDistBounded("AA", "ACCC", 10), 3) expect_equal(levDistBounded("ACCC", "AA", 10), 3) expect_equal(levDistBounded("AA", "CCCA", 10), 3) expect_equal(levDistBounded("CCCA", "AA", 10), 3) expect_equal(levDistBounded("A", "CCC", 10), 3) expect_equal(levDistBounded("CCC", "A", 10), 3) expect_equal(levDistBounded("A", "CC", 10), 2) expect_equal(levDistBounded("CC", "A", 10), 2) expect_equal(10, levDistBounded( "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", "ABC*****IJKLMNOPQRST*****Z", 10 ) ) expect_equal(-1, levDistBounded( "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", "ABC*****IJKLMNOPQRST*****Z", 9 ) ) expect_equal(levDistBounded("", "A", 10), 1) expect_equal(levDistBounded("", "", 10), 0) expect_equal(levDistBounded("A", "", 10), 1) expect_equal(levDistBounded("A", "A", 10), 0) expect_equal(levDistBounded("AAAA", "AABA", 10), 1) expect_equal(levDistBounded("AAAA", "AABBA", 1), -1) expect_equal(levDistBounded("AAAA", "AABBA", 2), 2) expect_equal(levDistBounded("AAAA", "", 10), 4) expect_equal(levDistBounded("", "AAAA", 10), 4) }) # Adjacency Matrix -------------------------------------------------------- test_that("generateAdjacencyMatrix behaves as expected", { methodCutoffLim <- function(method, cutoff) { if ((method == "sort" & cutoff != 1) || (method == "pattern" & cutoff > 2)) { return("default") } else { return(method) } } for (method in c("default", "pattern", "sort")) { cloneSeq <- c("A", "AA", "AB", "BB") cloneSeqB <- c("A", "AA", "ACCC", "AB", "BB") expect_warning( adjMat_k0 <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( cloneSeq, dist_cutoff = 0, dist_type = "levenshtein", method = methodCutoffLim(method, 0) ) ) adjMat_k1 <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( cloneSeq, dist_cutoff = 1, dist_type = "levenshtein", method = methodCutoffLim(method, 1) ) adjMat_k2 <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( cloneSeq, dist_cutoff = 2, dist_type = "levenshtein", method = methodCutoffLim(method, 2) ) expect_warning( adjMatB_k0 <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( cloneSeqB, dist_cutoff = 0, dist_type = "levenshtein", method = methodCutoffLim(method, 0) ) ) adjMatB_k1 <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( cloneSeqB, dist_cutoff = 1, dist_type = "levenshtein", method = methodCutoffLim(method, 1) ) adjMatB_k2 <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( cloneSeqB, dist_cutoff = 2, dist_type = "levenshtein", method = methodCutoffLim(method, 2) ) adjMatB_k3 <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( cloneSeqB, dist_cutoff = 3, dist_type = "levenshtein", method = methodCutoffLim(method, 3) ) adjMatB_k4 <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( cloneSeqB, dist_cutoff = 4, dist_type = "levenshtein", method = methodCutoffLim(method, 4) ) adjMat_k1_truth <- adjMat_k2_truth <- adjMatB_k2_truth <- matrix(1, nrow = 4, ncol = 4) adjMat_k1_truth[c(1, 2), 4] <- 0 adjMat_k1_truth[4, c(1, 2)] <- 0 adjMatB_k2_truth <- adjMat_k2_truth adjMatB_k1_truth <- adjMat_k1_truth adjMatB_k3_truth <- adjMatB_k4_truth <- matrix(1, nrow = 5, ncol = 5) adjMatB_k3_truth[3, 5] <- 0 adjMatB_k3_truth[5, 3] <- 0 expect_equal(0, length(adjMat_k0)) expect_equal( as.matrix(adjMat_k1), adjMat_k1_truth, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal( 1:4, as.numeric(dimnames(adjMat_k1)[[1]]) ) expect_equal( cloneSeq[1:4], dimnames(adjMat_k1)[[2]] ) expect_equal( as.matrix(adjMat_k2), adjMat_k2_truth, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal( 1:4, as.numeric(dimnames(adjMat_k2)[[1]]) ) expect_equal( cloneSeq[1:4], dimnames(adjMat_k2)[[2]] ) expect_equal(0, length(adjMatB_k0)) expect_equal( as.matrix(adjMatB_k1), adjMatB_k1_truth, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal( c(1, 2, 4, 5), as.numeric(dimnames(adjMatB_k1)[[1]]) ) expect_equal( cloneSeqB[c(1, 2, 4, 5)], dimnames(adjMatB_k1)[[2]] ) expect_equal( as.matrix(adjMatB_k2), adjMatB_k2_truth, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal( c(1, 2, 4, 5), as.numeric(dimnames(adjMatB_k2)[[1]]) ) expect_equal( cloneSeqB[c(1, 2, 4, 5)], dimnames(adjMatB_k2)[[2]] ) expect_equal( as.matrix(adjMatB_k3), adjMatB_k3_truth, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal( 1:5, as.numeric(dimnames(adjMatB_k3)[[1]]) ) expect_equal( cloneSeqB[1:5], dimnames(adjMatB_k3)[[2]] ) expect_equal( as.matrix(adjMatB_k4), adjMatB_k4_truth, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal( 1:5, as.numeric(dimnames(adjMatB_k4)[[1]]) ) expect_equal( cloneSeqB[1:5], dimnames(adjMatB_k4)[[2]] ) expect_warning( adjMat_k0 <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( cloneSeq, dist_cutoff = 0, dist_type = "hamming", method = methodCutoffLim(method, 0) ) ) adjMat_k1 <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( cloneSeq, dist_cutoff = 1, dist_type = "hamming", method = methodCutoffLim(method, 1) ) adjMat_k2 <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( cloneSeq, dist_cutoff = 2, dist_type = "hamming", method = methodCutoffLim(method, 2) ) expect_warning( adjMatB_k0 <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( cloneSeqB, dist_cutoff = 0, dist_type = "hamming", method = methodCutoffLim(method, 0) ) ) adjMatB_k1 <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( cloneSeqB, dist_cutoff = 1, dist_type = "hamming", method = methodCutoffLim(method, 1) ) adjMatB_k2 <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( cloneSeqB, dist_cutoff = 2, dist_type = "hamming", method = methodCutoffLim(method, 2) ) adjMatB_k3 <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( cloneSeqB, dist_cutoff = 3, dist_type = "hamming", method = methodCutoffLim(method, 3) ) adjMatB_k4 <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( cloneSeqB, dist_cutoff = 4, dist_type = "hamming", method = methodCutoffLim(method, 4) ) expect_equal(0, length(adjMat_k0)) expect_equal( as.matrix(adjMat_k1), adjMat_k1_truth, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal( 1:4, as.numeric(dimnames(adjMat_k1)[[1]]) ) expect_equal( cloneSeq[1:4], dimnames(adjMat_k1)[[2]] ) expect_equal( as.matrix(adjMat_k2), adjMat_k2_truth, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal( 1:4, as.numeric(dimnames(adjMat_k2)[[1]]) ) expect_equal( cloneSeq[1:4], dimnames(adjMat_k2)[[2]] ) expect_equal(0, length(adjMatB_k0)) expect_equal( as.matrix(adjMatB_k1), adjMatB_k1_truth, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal( c(1, 2, 4, 5), as.numeric(dimnames(adjMatB_k1)[[1]]) ) expect_equal( cloneSeqB[c(1, 2, 4, 5)], dimnames(adjMatB_k1)[[2]] ) expect_equal( as.matrix(adjMatB_k2), adjMatB_k2_truth, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal( c(1, 2, 4, 5), as.numeric(dimnames(adjMatB_k2)[[1]]) ) expect_equal( cloneSeqB[c(1, 2, 4, 5)], dimnames(adjMatB_k2)[[2]] ) expect_equal( as.matrix(adjMatB_k3), adjMatB_k3_truth, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal( 1:5, as.numeric(dimnames(adjMatB_k3)[[1]]) ) expect_equal( cloneSeqB[1:5], dimnames(adjMatB_k3)[[2]] ) expect_equal( as.matrix(adjMatB_k4), adjMatB_k4_truth, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal( 1:5, as.numeric(dimnames(adjMatB_k4)[[1]]) ) expect_equal( cloneSeqB[1:5], dimnames(adjMatB_k4)[[2]] ) mat <- matrix(1, nrow = 4, ncol = 4) mat[c(1, 2), 4] <- 0 mat[4, c(1, 2)] <- 0 rownames(mat) <- c(1, 2, 3, 5) colnames(mat) <- c("fee", "fie", "foe", "foo") mat <- Matrix::Matrix(mat, sparse = TRUE) mat2 <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( c("fee", "fie", "foe", "fum", "foo"), method = methodCutoffLim(method, 1) ) expect_s4_class(mat2, "sparseMatrix") expect_equal(mat, mat2) expect_equal(colnames(mat), colnames(mat2)) expect_equal(rownames(mat), rownames(mat2)) expect_warning( mat <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( c("foo", "foobar", "fubar", "bar"), method = methodCutoffLim(method, 1) ) ) expect_s4_class(mat, "sparseMatrix") expect_equal(dim(mat), c(0, 0)) expect_warning( mat <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( c("foo", "foobar", "fubar", "bar"), dist_cutoff = 2, method = methodCutoffLim(method, 2) ) ) expect_s4_class(mat, "sparseMatrix") expect_equal(dim(mat), c(0, 0)) mat <- as(diag(4), "dgCMatrix") mat2 <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( c("foo", "foobar", "fubar", "bar"), drop_isolated_nodes = FALSE, method = methodCutoffLim(method, 1) ) expect_s4_class(mat2, "sparseMatrix") expect_equal(mat, mat2) mat <- matrix(1, nrow = 3, ncol = 3) mat[1, 3] <- mat[3, 1] <- 0 rownames(mat) <- c(2, 3, 4) colnames(mat) <- c("foobar", "fubar", "bar") mat <- Matrix::Matrix(mat, sparse = TRUE) mat2 <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( c("foo", "foobar", "fubar", "bar"), dist_type = "levenshtein", dist_cutoff = 2, method = methodCutoffLim(method, 2) ) expect_s4_class(mat2, "sparseMatrix") expect_equal(mat, mat2) expect_equal(colnames(mat), colnames(mat2)) expect_equal(rownames(mat), rownames(mat2)) mat <- matrix(1, nrow = 3, ncol = 3) mat[2, 3] <- mat[3, 2] <- 0 rownames(mat) <- c(1, 2, 4) colnames(mat) <- c("foo", "foobar", "bar") mat <- Matrix::Matrix(mat, sparse = TRUE) mat2 <- generateAdjacencyMatrix( c("foo", "foobar", "fubar", "bar"), dist_cutoff = 3, method = methodCutoffLim(method, 3) ) expect_s4_class(mat2, "sparseMatrix") expect_equal(mat, mat2) expect_equal(colnames(mat), colnames(mat2)) expect_equal(rownames(mat), rownames(mat2)) expect_false(file.exists(file.path(tempdir(), "col_ids.txt"))) } }) # Network Building -------------------------------------------------------- test_that("generateNetworkObjects works", { expect_true(.isBaseNetworkOutput(generateNetworkObjects(dat, "CloneSeq"))) }) test_that("generateNetworkGraph works", { foo <- generateNetworkGraph(net$adjacency_matrix) expect_true(.isIgraph(foo)) expect_true(.doesIgraphMatchData(foo, net$node_data)) }) # Network Analysis -------------------------------------------------------- test_that("addNodeStats works", { expect_true(all(names(chooseNodeStats() %in% names(net$node_data)))) expect_true(.isPosIntegerVector(net$node_data$degree)) expect_true(.isNumericVector(net$node_data$transitivity)) expect_true(.hasNAs(net$node_data$transitivity)) expect_true(.isNumericVector(net$node_data$eigen_centrality)) expect_true(.isNumericVector(net$node_data$authority_score)) }) test_that("addClusterMembership works", { expect_message( addClusterMembership(net = net, cluster_id_name = "cluster_greedy"), "already contains a variable named" ) expect_true( .isPosIntegerVector(net$node_data$cluster_greedy, factor_ok = TRUE) ) expect_true( .isPosIntegerVector(net$node_data$cluster_leiden, factor_ok = TRUE) ) expect_equal( net$details$cluster_id_variable, c("fast_greedy" = "cluster_greedy", "leiden" = "cluster_leiden") ) }) test_that("addClusterStats works", { expect_true(.hasClusterData(net)) expect_equal(net$details$cluster_data_goes_with, "cluster_greedy") expect_equal(net$details$count_col_for_cluster_data, "CloneCount") expect_true(all( c("cluster_id", "eigen_centrality_eigenvalue") %in% names(net$cluster_data) )) expect_true( .isPosIntegerVector(net$cluster_data$cluster_id, factor_ok = TRUE) ) expect_true( .isPosIntegerVector(net$cluster_data$node_count) ) expect_true( .isCharVector(net$cluster_data$seq_w_max_count) ) expect_true( .isNumericVector(net$cluster_data$diameter_length) ) }) test_that("addClusterStats works with NA/Inf values in counts column", { expect_equal(net$cluster_data$agg_count[[3]], -Inf) expect_equal(net$cluster_data$max_count[[3]], 4422) expect_equal(net$cluster_data$agg_count[[6]], Inf) expect_equal(net$cluster_data$max_count[[6]], Inf) expect_true(.isBaseNetworkOutput(net2)) expect_true(.hasClusterData(net2)) expect_equal(net2$cluster_data$agg_count[[3]], -Inf) expect_equal(net2$cluster_data$max_count[[3]], 4422) expect_equal(net2$cluster_data$agg_count[[6]], Inf) expect_equal(net2$cluster_data$max_count[[6]], Inf) expect_equal(net2$cluster_data$agg_count[[95]], as.double(NA)) expect_equal(net2$cluster_data$max_count[[95]], as.double(NA)) expect_equal(net2$cluster_data$agg_count[[96]], as.double(NA)) expect_equal(net2$cluster_data$max_count[[96]], as.double(NA)) expect_equal(net2$cluster_data$agg_count[[97]], -Inf) expect_equal(net2$cluster_data$max_count[[97]], -Inf) expect_equal(net2$cluster_data$agg_count[[98]], Inf) expect_equal(net2$cluster_data$max_count[[98]], Inf) }) # Loading ----------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("loadDataFromFileList works", { expect_error( loadDataFromFileList( c(tempfile(), tempfile(), tempfile(), tempfile(), tempfile()), input_type = "rds" ), "specifies one or more nonexistent files" ) # RDS files all_samples <- loadDataFromFileList( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2, ".rds")), input_type = "rds" ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples, ignore_attr = TRUE) # RDA files, same symbol all_samples <- loadDataFromFileList( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2, "b.rda")), input_type = "rda", data_symbols = "x" ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples, ignore_attr = TRUE) # RDA files, different symbols all_samples <- loadDataFromFileList( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2, ".rda")), input_type = "rda", data_symbols = c("sample_1", "sample_2") ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples, ignore_attr = TRUE) # csv files all_samples <- loadDataFromFileList( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2, ".csv")), input_type = "csv" ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples, ignore_attr = TRUE) # semicolon-delimited with commas as decimals all_samples <- loadDataFromFileList( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2, "b.csv")), input_type = "csv2" ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples, ignore_attr = TRUE) # csv files with row names in first column all_samples <- loadDataFromFileList( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2, "c.csv")), input_type = "csv", read.args = list(row.names = 1) ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples, ignore_attr = TRUE) # space-separated files all_samples <- loadDataFromFileList( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2, ".txt")), input_type = "table", header = TRUE ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples, ignore_attr = TRUE) # tab-separated files all_samples <- loadDataFromFileList( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2, ".tsv")), input_type = "tsv", header = TRUE ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples, ignore_attr = TRUE) # files requiring custom arguments to read.table() all_samples <- loadDataFromFileList( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2)), input_type = "table", read.args = list( header = TRUE, sep = "\t", dec = ",", na.strings = "NA!", row.names = 1 ) ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples, ignore_attr = TRUE) # check that read.args values of header/sep override argument values all_samples <- loadDataFromFileList( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2)), input_type = "table", header = FALSE, sep = "", read.args = list( header = TRUE, sep = "\t", dec = ",", na.strings = "NA!", row.names = 1 ) ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples, ignore_attr = TRUE) all_samples <- loadDataFromFileList( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2, "b")), input_type = "table", sep = "@", read.args = list( row.names = 1, col.names = c("rownames", "CloneSeq", "CloneFrequency", "CloneCount", "SampleID" ) ) ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples, ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that("combineSamples works", { # No filters all_samples <- combineSamples( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2, ".rds")), input_type = "rds", ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples, ignore_attr = TRUE) # RDS files all_samples <- combineSamples( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2, ".rds")), input_type = "rds", seq_col = "CloneSeq", min_seq_length = 13, drop_matches = "GGG", subset_cols = "CloneSeq", sample_ids = c("id01", "id02"), ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples_filtered, ignore_attr = TRUE) # check subject and group IDs all_samples <- combineSamples( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2, ".rds")), input_type = "rds", seq_col = "CloneSeq", min_seq_length = 13, drop_matches = "GGG", subset_cols = "CloneSeq", sample_ids = c("id01", "id02"), subject_ids = c("s01", "s02"), group_ids = c("g1", "g2") ) expect_equal(names(all_samples), c(names(samples_filtered), "SubjectID", "GroupID")) expect_equal(unique(all_samples$SubjectID), c("s01", "s02")) expect_equal(unique(all_samples$GroupID), c("g1", "g2")) # RDA files, same symbol all_samples <- combineSamples( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2, "b.rda")), input_type = "rda", data_symbols = "x", seq_col = "CloneSeq", min_seq_length = 13, drop_matches = "GGG", subset_cols = "CloneSeq", sample_ids = c("id01", "id02") ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples_filtered, ignore_attr = TRUE) # RDA files, different symbols all_samples <- combineSamples( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2, ".rda")), input_type = "rda", data_symbols = c("sample_1", "sample_2"), seq_col = "CloneSeq", min_seq_length = 13, drop_matches = "GGG", subset_cols = "CloneSeq", sample_ids = c("id01", "id02") ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples_filtered, ignore_attr = TRUE) # csv files all_samples <- combineSamples( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2, ".csv")), input_type = "csv", seq_col = "CloneSeq", min_seq_length = 13, drop_matches = "GGG", subset_cols = "CloneSeq", sample_ids = c("id01", "id02") ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples_filtered, ignore_attr = TRUE) # semicolon-delimited with commas as decimals all_samples <- combineSamples( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2, "b.csv")), input_type = "csv2", seq_col = "CloneSeq", min_seq_length = 13, drop_matches = "GGG", subset_cols = "CloneSeq", sample_ids = c("id01", "id02") ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples_filtered, ignore_attr = TRUE) # csv files with row names all_samples <- combineSamples( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2, "c.csv")), input_type = "csv", read.args = list(row.names = 1), seq_col = "CloneSeq", min_seq_length = 13, drop_matches = "GGG", subset_cols = "CloneSeq", sample_ids = c("id01", "id02") ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples_filtered, ignore_attr = TRUE) # space-separated files all_samples <- combineSamples( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2, ".txt")), input_type = "table", header = TRUE, seq_col = "CloneSeq", min_seq_length = 13, drop_matches = "GGG", subset_cols = "CloneSeq", sample_ids = c("id01", "id02") ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples_filtered, ignore_attr = TRUE) # tab-separated files all_samples <- combineSamples( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2, ".tsv")), input_type = "tsv", seq_col = "CloneSeq", min_seq_length = 13, drop_matches = "GGG", subset_cols = "CloneSeq", sample_ids = c("id01", "id02") ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples_filtered, ignore_attr = TRUE) all_samples <- combineSamples( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2, ".tsv")), input_type = "table", header = TRUE, sep = "\t", seq_col = "CloneSeq", min_seq_length = 13, drop_matches = "GGG", subset_cols = "CloneSeq", sample_ids = c("id01", "id02") ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples_filtered, ignore_attr = TRUE) # custom files all_samples <- combineSamples( file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:2)), input_type = "table", read.args = list( header = TRUE, sep = "\t", dec = ",", na.strings = "NA!", row.names = 1 ), seq_col = "CloneSeq", min_seq_length = 13, drop_matches = "GGG", subset_cols = "CloneSeq", sample_ids = c("id01", "id02") ) expect_equal(all_samples, samples_filtered, ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # Saving ------------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("saveNetwork works", { # Individual suppressWarnings(saveNetwork(net3, tempdir(), "individual")) ndat <- read.csv(file.path(tempdir(), "MyRepSeqNetwork_NodeMetadata.csv"), row.names = 1 ) foo <- all.equal(net3$node_data, ndat) expect_true(length(foo) == 1) expect_match(foo, "is not a factor") expect_equal(rownames(net3$node_data), rownames(ndat)) cdat <- read.csv(file.path(tempdir(), "MyRepSeqNetwork_ClusterMetadata.csv")) foo <- all.equal(net3$cluster_data, cdat) expect_true(length(foo) == 1) expect_match(foo, "is not a factor") expect_equal(rownames(net3$cluster_data), rownames(cdat)) expect_true( file.exists(file.path(tempdir(), "MyRepSeqNetwork_Details.txt")) ) expect_true( file.exists(file.path(tempdir(), "MyRepSeqNetwork_EdgeList.txt")) ) expect_true( file.exists(file.path(tempdir(), "MyRepSeqNetwork_AdjacencyMatrix.mtx")) ) expect_true( file.exists(file.path(tempdir(), "MyRepSeqNetwork_Plots.rda")) ) expect_true( file.exists(file.path(tempdir(), "MyRepSeqNetwork.pdf")) ) expect_true( file.exists(file.path(tempdir(), "MyRepSeqNetwork_GraphLayout.txt")) ) # rds suppressWarnings(saveNetwork(net3, tempdir())) net3b <- readRDS(file.path(tempdir(), "MyRepSeqNetwork.rds")) expect_equal(sapply(net3, typeof), sapply(net3b, typeof)) expect_true(.isBaseNetworkOutput(net3b)) expect_true(.hasClusterData(net3b)) expect_true(.hasPlots(net3b)) # rda suppressWarnings(saveNetwork(net3, tempdir(), "rda")) net3_copy <- net3 load(file.path(tempdir(), "MyRepSeqNetwork.rda")) net3b <- net net3 <- net3_copy expect_equal(sapply(net3, typeof), sapply(net3b, typeof)) expect_true(.isBaseNetworkOutput(net3b)) expect_true(.hasClusterData(net3b)) expect_true(.hasPlots(net3b)) }) test_that("saveNetworkPlots works", { suppressWarnings( expect_message( saveNetworkPlots(net3$plots, outfile = file.path(tempdir(), "plots.pdf"), outfile_layout = file.path(tempdir(), "layout.txt"), verbose = TRUE ), "saved to file" ) ) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(tempdir(), "plots.pdf"))) expect_true(file.exists(file.path(tempdir(), "layout.txt"))) expect_equal( matrix(scan(file.path(tempdir(), "layout.txt"), quiet = TRUE), ncol = 2), net3$plots$graph_layout, tolerance = 1e-04 ) }) # Filtering and Subsetting ------------------------------------------------ test_that("filterInputData works", { filtered_data <- filterInputData( dat, seq_col = "CloneSeq", min_seq_length = 13, drop_matches = "GGGG", subset_cols = c("CloneSeq", "CloneFrequency", "SampleID") ) expect_equal(nrow(filtered_data), 105) }) test_that("getNeighborhood works", { set.seed(42) toy_data <- simulateToyData(sample_size = 500) # Get neighborhood around first clone sequence nbd <- getNeighborhood( toy_data, seq_col = "CloneSeq", target_seq = "GGGGGGGAATTGG" ) expect_true(nrow(nbd) == 67) expect_true(ncol(nbd) == 4) nbd_t <- table(nbd$CloneSeq) expect_true(length(nbd_t) == 22) expect_true(max(nbd_t) == 9) expect_true(names(nbd_t)[which.max(nbd_t)] == "GGGGGGGAATTGG") }) test_that("aggregateIdenticalClones works", { my_data <- data.frame( clone_seq = c("ATCG", rep("ACAC", 2), rep("GGGG", 4)), clone_count = rep(1, 7), clone_freq = rep(1/7, 7), time_point = c("t_0", rep(c("t_0", "t_1"), 3)), subject_id = c(rep(1, 5), rep(2, 2)) ) data_agg <- aggregateIdenticalClones( my_data, "clone_seq", "clone_count", "clone_freq", ) expect_equal(dim(data_agg), c(3, 4)) # group clones by time point data_agg_time <- aggregateIdenticalClones( my_data, "clone_seq", "clone_count", "clone_freq", grouping_cols = "time_point" ) expect_equal(dim(data_agg_time), c(5, 5)) # group clones by subject ID data_agg_subject <- aggregateIdenticalClones( my_data, "clone_seq", "clone_count", "clone_freq", grouping_cols = "subject_id" ) expect_equal(dim(data_agg_subject), c(4, 5)) # group clones by time point and subject ID data_agg_time_subject <- aggregateIdenticalClones( my_data, "clone_seq", "clone_count", "clone_freq", grouping_cols = c("subject_id", "time_point") ) expect_equal(dim(data_agg_time_subject), c(7, 6)) }) # Visualization ----------------------------------------------------------- test_that("addPlots works", { expect_true(.hasPlots(net)) expect_true(.hasElem(net$plots, "cluster_greedy")) expect_true(.hasElem(net$plots, "cluster_leiden")) expect_true(.isGgraph(net$plots$cluster_greedy)) expect_true(.isGgraph(net$plots$cluster_leiden)) }) test_that("extractLayout works", { my_layout <- extractLayout(net$plots[[1]]) expect_equal(my_layout, net$plots$graph_layout, ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that("plots legends behave correctly", { get_guide <- function(plot, aes) { if (inherits(plot$guides, "Guides")) { plot$guides$guides[[aes]] } else { plot$guides[[aes]] } } get_guide_params <- function(plot, aes) { if (inherits(plot$guides, "Guides")) { plot$guides$guides[[aes]]$params } else { plot$guides[[aes]] } } get_guide_names <- function(plot) { if (inherits(plot$guides, "Guides")) { names(plot$guides$guides) } else { names(plot$guides) } } expect_equal(get_guide_names(net$plots$cluster_greedy), "colour" ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net$plots$cluster_greedy, "colour")$title, "cluster_greedy" ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net$plots$cluster_greedy, "colour")$name, "legend" ) expect_equal(get_guide_names(net$plots$cluster_leiden), "colour" ) expect_equal(get_guide(net$plots$cluster_leiden, "colour"), "none" ) expect_match(net$plots$cluster_leiden$labels$subtitle, "Nodes colored by cluster_leiden" ) expect_equal(get_guide_names(net$plots$transitivity), c("colour", "size") ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net$plots$transitivity, "colour")$title, "Transitivity" ) expect_true(get_guide_params(net$plots$transitivity, "colour")$name %in% c("colorbar", "colourbar") ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net$plots$transitivity, "size")$title, "Clone Count" ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net$plots$transitivity, "size")$name, "legend" ) expect_equal(get_guide_names(net$plots$CloneCount), c("colour", "size") ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net$plots$CloneCount, "colour")$title, "Clone Count" ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net$plots$CloneCount, "colour")$name, "legend" ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net$plots$CloneCount, "size")$title, "Clone Count" ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net$plots$CloneCount, "size")$name, "legend" ) expect_equal(get_guide_names(net$plots$eigen_centrality), c("colour", "size") ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net$plots$eigen_centrality, "colour")$title, "Eigen Centrality" ) expect_true(get_guide_params(net$plots$eigen_centrality, "colour")$name %in% c("colorbar", "colourbar") ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net$plots$eigen_centrality, "size")$title, "eigen_centrality" ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net$plots$eigen_centrality, "size")$name, "legend" ) expect_equal(get_guide_names(net$plots$authority_score), c("colour", "size") ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net$plots$authority_score, "colour")$title, "authority_score" ) expect_true(get_guide_params(net$plots$authority_score, "colour")$name %in% c("colorbar", "colourbar") ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net$plots$authority_score, "size")$title, "eigen_centrality" ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net$plots$authority_score, "size")$name, "legend" ) expect_equal(get_guide_names(net$plots$coreness), c("colour", "size") ) expect_equal(get_guide(net$plots$coreness, "colour"), "none" ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net$plots$coreness, "size")$title, "coreness" ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net$plots$coreness, "size")$name, "legend" ) expect_equal(get_guide_names(net$plots$page_rank), c("colour", "size") ) expect_null(get_guide_params(net$plots$page_rank, "colour")$title ) expect_true(get_guide_params(net$plots$page_rank, "colour")$name %in% c("colorbar", "colourbar") ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net$plots$page_rank, "size")$title, "page_rank" ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net$plots$page_rank, "size")$name, "legend" ) expect_equal(get_guide_names(net2$plots$CloneCount), "colour" ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net2$plots$CloneCount, "colour")$title, "CloneCount" ) expect_true(get_guide_params(net2$plots$CloneCount, "colour")$name %in% c("colorbar", "colourbar") ) expect_equal(names(net3$plots), c("cluster_id", "graph_layout")) expect_equal(get_guide_names(net3$plots$cluster_id), "colour" ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net3$plots$cluster_id, "colour")$title, "cluster_id" ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net3$plots$cluster_id, "colour")$name, "legend" ) expect_equal(names(net4$plots), c("degree", "graph_layout")) expect_equal(get_guide_names(net4$plots$degree), "colour" ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(net4$plots$degree, "colour")$title, "degree" ) expect_true(get_guide_params(net4$plots$degree, "colour")$name %in% c("colorbar", "colourbar") ) expect_equal(names(net5$plots), c("uniform_color", "graph_layout")) expect_null(get_guide_names(net5$plots$uniform_color)) expect_equal(get_guide_names(sc_net$plots$SampleID), c("colour", "size") ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(sc_net$plots$SampleID, "colour")$title, "SampleID" ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(sc_net$plots$SampleID, "colour")$name, "legend" ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(sc_net$plots$SampleID, "size")$title, "UMIs" ) expect_equal(get_guide_params(sc_net$plots$SampleID, "size")$name, "legend" ) }) test_that("addPlots layout detection works", { expect_equal(extractLayout(net$plots$cluster_greedy), net$plots$graph_layout, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(extractLayout(net$plots$cluster_leiden), net$plots$graph_layout, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(extractLayout(net$plots$cluster_leiden), net$plots$graph_layout, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(extractLayout(net$plots$transitivity), net$plots$graph_layout, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(extractLayout(net$plots$CloneCount), net$plots$graph_layout, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(extractLayout(net$plots$eigen_centrality), net$plots$graph_layout, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(extractLayout(net$plots$authority_score), net$plots$graph_layout, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(extractLayout(net$plots$coreness), net$plots$graph_layout, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(extractLayout(net$plots$page_rank), net$plots$graph_layout, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_match( all.equal(extractLayout(net2$plots$CloneCount), net$plots$graph_layout, check.attributes = FALSE ), "400, 244" ) expect_match( all.equal(extractLayout(net3$plots[[1]]), net$plots$graph_layout, check.attributes = FALSE ), "Mean relative difference" ) expect_match( all.equal(extractLayout(net4$plots[[1]]), net$plots$graph_layout, check.attributes = FALSE ), "Mean relative difference" ) expect_match( all.equal(extractLayout(net5$plots[[1]]), net$plots$graph_layout, check.attributes = FALSE ), "Mean relative difference" ) expect_equal(extractLayout(net2$plots[[1]]), net2$plots$graph_layout, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(extractLayout(net3$plots[[1]]), net3$plots$graph_layout, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(extractLayout(net4$plots[[1]]), net4$plots$graph_layout, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(extractLayout(net5$plots[[1]]), net5$plots$graph_layout, ignore_attr = TRUE ) }) # Dual Chain Analysis ----------------------------------------------------- test_that("buildRepSeqNetwork works with dual-chain", { expect_true(.isBaseNetworkOutput(sc_net)) expect_true(.hasPlots(sc_net)) expect_true(.hasClusterData(sc_net)) expect_true(.hasDetails(sc_net)) expect_equal(sc_net$details$seq_col, c(a_col = "AlphaSeq", b_col = "BetaSeq") ) expect_true("mean_A_seq_length" %in% names(sc_net$cluster_data)) }) # Associated Clusters ----------------------------------------------------- set.seed(42) ## Simulate 30 samples from two groups (treatment/control) ## n_control <- n_treatment <- 15 n_samples <- n_control + n_treatment sample_size <- 30 # (seqs per sample) base_seqs <- # first five are associated with treatment c("CASSGAYEQYF", "CSVDLGKGNNEQFF", "CASSIEGQLSTDTQYF", "CASSEEGQLSTDTQYF", "CASSPEGQLSTDTQYF", "RASSLAGNTEAFF", "CASSHRGTDTQYF", "CASDAGVFQPQHF") # Relative generation probabilities by control/treatment group pgen_c <- matrix(rep(c(rep(1, 5), rep(30, 3)), times = n_control), nrow = n_control, byrow = TRUE) pgen_t <- matrix(rep(c(1, 1, rep(1/3, 3), rep(2, 3)), times = n_treatment), nrow = n_treatment, byrow = TRUE) pgen <- rbind(pgen_c, pgen_t) simulateToyData( samples = n_samples, sample_size = sample_size, prefix_length = 1, prefix_chars = c("", ""), prefix_probs = cbind(rep(1, n_samples), rep(0, n_samples)), affixes = base_seqs, affix_probs = pgen, num_edits = 0, output_dir = tempdir(), no_return = TRUE ) sample_files <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:n_samples, ".rds") ) group_labels <- c(rep("reference", n_control), rep("comparison", n_treatment)) associated_seqs <- findAssociatedSeqs( file_list = sample_files, input_type = "rds", group_ids = group_labels, seq_col = "CloneSeq", min_seq_length = NULL, drop_matches = NULL, min_sample_membership = 0, pval_cutoff = 0.1 ) dir2 <- tempfile() dir2b <- tempfile() dir2c <- tempfile() dir2d <- tempfile() dir2e <- tempfile() test_that("findAssociatedSeqs works", { expect_true( expect_true(nrow(associated_seqs) == 4) expect_true(ncol(associated_seqs) == 6) associated_seqs2 <- findAssociatedSeqs( file_list = sample_files, input_type = "rds", group_ids = group_labels, subject_ids = rep(1:15, each = 2), seq_col = "CloneSeq", min_seq_length = NULL, drop_matches = NULL, min_sample_membership = 0, pval_cutoff = 0.1 ) expect_true(nrow(associated_seqs2) == 3) expect_true(ncol(associated_seqs2) == 9) }) findAssociatedClones( file_list = sample_files, input_type = "rds", group_ids = group_labels, seq_col = "CloneSeq", assoc_seqs = associated_seqs$ReceptorSeq, min_seq_length = NULL, drop_matches = NULL, output_dir = dir2 ) tmp <- readRDS(list.files(dir2, full.names = TRUE)[[1]]) test_that("findAssociatedClones works", { expect_true(length(list.files(dir2)) == 4) expect_true(nrow(tmp) == 54) expect_true(ncol(tmp) == 6) }) test_that("buildAssociatedClusterNetwork works", { associated_clusters <- buildAssociatedClusterNetwork( file_list = list.files(dir2, full.names = TRUE ), seq_col = "CloneSeq", size_nodes_by = 1.5, print_plots = FALSE ) expect_true(.isBaseNetworkOutput(associated_clusters)) expect_true(nrow(associated_clusters$node_data) == 175) expect_true(ncol(associated_clusters$node_data) == 16) }) findAssociatedClones( file_list = sample_files, input_type = "rds", group_ids = group_labels, seq_col = "CloneSeq", assoc_seqs = associated_seqs$ReceptorSeq, min_seq_length = NULL, drop_matches = NULL, output_dir = dir2b, output_type = "rda" ) findAssociatedClones( file_list = sample_files, input_type = "rds", group_ids = group_labels, seq_col = "CloneSeq", assoc_seqs = associated_seqs$ReceptorSeq, min_seq_length = NULL, drop_matches = NULL, output_dir = dir2c, output_type = "csv" ) findAssociatedClones( file_list = sample_files, input_type = "rds", group_ids = group_labels, seq_col = "CloneSeq", assoc_seqs = associated_seqs$ReceptorSeq, min_seq_length = NULL, drop_matches = NULL, output_dir = dir2d, output_type = "tsv" ) findAssociatedClones( file_list = sample_files, input_type = "rds", group_ids = group_labels, seq_col = "CloneSeq", assoc_seqs = associated_seqs$ReceptorSeq, min_seq_length = NULL, drop_matches = NULL, output_dir = dir2e, output_type = "table" ) test_that("associated clusters functions exchange non-default intermediate data types correctly", { associated_clusters <- buildAssociatedClusterNetwork( file_list = list.files(dir2b, full.names = TRUE ), input_type = "rda", seq_col = "CloneSeq", size_nodes_by = 1.5, print_plots = FALSE ) expect_true(.isBaseNetworkOutput(associated_clusters)) expect_true(nrow(associated_clusters$node_data) == 175) expect_true(ncol(associated_clusters$node_data) == 16) associated_clusters <- buildAssociatedClusterNetwork( file_list = list.files(dir2c, full.names = TRUE ), input_type = "csv", seq_col = "CloneSeq", size_nodes_by = 1.5, print_plots = FALSE ) expect_true(.isBaseNetworkOutput(associated_clusters)) expect_true(nrow(associated_clusters$node_data) == 175) expect_true(ncol(associated_clusters$node_data) == 16) associated_clusters <- buildAssociatedClusterNetwork( file_list = list.files(dir2d, full.names = TRUE ), input_type = "tsv", seq_col = "CloneSeq", size_nodes_by = 1.5, print_plots = FALSE ) expect_true(.isBaseNetworkOutput(associated_clusters)) expect_true(nrow(associated_clusters$node_data) == 175) expect_true(ncol(associated_clusters$node_data) == 16) associated_clusters <- buildAssociatedClusterNetwork( file_list = list.files(dir2e, full.names = TRUE ), input_type = "table", seq_col = "CloneSeq", size_nodes_by = 1.5, print_plots = FALSE ) expect_true(.isBaseNetworkOutput(associated_clusters)) expect_true(nrow(associated_clusters$node_data) == 175) expect_true(ncol(associated_clusters$node_data) == 16) }) # Public Clusters --------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(42) ## Simulate 30 samples with a mix of public/private sequences ## n_samples <- 30 sample_size <- 30 # (seqs per sample) base_seqs <- c( "CASSIEGQLSTDTQYF", "CASSEEGQLSTDTQYF", "CASSSVETQYF", "CASSPEGQLSTDTQYF", "RASSLAGNTEAFF", "CASSHRGTDTQYF", "CASDAGVFQPQHF", "CASSLTSGYNEQFF", "CASSETGYNEQFF", "CASSLTGGNEQFF", "CASSYLTGYNEQFF", "CASSLTGNEQFF", "CASSLNGYNEQFF", "CASSFPWDGYGYTF", "CASTLARQGGELFF", "CASTLSRQGGELFF", "CSVELLPTGPLETSYNEQFF", "CSVELLPTGPSETSYNEQFF", "CVELLPTGPSETSYNEQFF", "CASLAGGRTQETQYF", "CASRLAGGRTQETQYF", "CASSLAGGRTETQYF", "CASSLAGGRTQETQYF", "CASSRLAGGRTQETQYF", "CASQYGGGNQPQHF", "CASSLGGGNQPQHF", "CASSNGGGNQPQHF", "CASSYGGGGNQPQHF", "CASSYGGGQPQHF", "CASSYKGGNQPQHF", "CASSYTGGGNQPQHF", "CAWSSQETQYF", "CASSSPETQYF", "CASSGAYEQYF", "CSVDLGKGNNEQFF") # Relative generation probabilities pgen <- cbind( stats::toeplitz(0.6^(0:(sample_size - 1))), matrix(1, nrow = n_samples, ncol = length(base_seqs) - n_samples) ) simulateToyData( samples = n_samples, sample_size = sample_size, prefix_length = 1, prefix_chars = c("", ""), prefix_probs = cbind(rep(1, n_samples), rep(0, n_samples)), affixes = base_seqs, affix_probs = pgen, num_edits = 0, output_dir = tempdir(), no_return = TRUE ) sample_files <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0("Sample", 1:n_samples, ".rds") ) dir1 <- tempfile() findPublicClusters( file_list = sample_files, input_type = "rds", seq_col = "CloneSeq", count_col = "CloneCount", min_seq_length = NULL, drop_matches = NULL, top_n_clusters = 3, min_node_count = 5, min_clone_count = 15000, output_dir = dir1 ) tmp <- readRDS( list.files(file.path(dir1, "node_meta_data"), full.names = TRUE)[[1]] ) test_that("buildPublicClusterNetwork works", { public_clusters <- buildPublicClusterNetwork( file_list = list.files( file.path(dir1, "node_meta_data"), full.names = TRUE ), seq_col = "CloneSeq", count_col = "CloneCount", print_plots = FALSE ) expect_true(.isBaseNetworkOutput(public_clusters)) expect_true(nrow(public_clusters$node_data) == 517) expect_true(ncol(public_clusters$node_data) == 28) }) test_that("buildPublicClusterNetworkByRepresentative works", { public_clusters <- buildPublicClusterNetworkByRepresentative( file_list = list.files( file.path(dir1, "cluster_meta_data"), full.names = TRUE ), print_plots = FALSE ) expect_true(.isBaseNetworkOutput(public_clusters)) expect_true(nrow(public_clusters$node_data) == 101) expect_true(ncol(public_clusters$node_data) == 31) }) dir1b <- tempfile() findPublicClusters( file_list = sample_files, input_type = "rds", seq_col = "CloneSeq", count_col = "CloneCount", min_seq_length = NULL, drop_matches = NULL, top_n_clusters = 3, min_node_count = 5, min_clone_count = 15000, output_dir = dir1b, output_type = "csv" ) dir1c <- tempfile() findPublicClusters( file_list = sample_files, input_type = "rds", seq_col = "CloneSeq", count_col = "CloneCount", min_seq_length = NULL, drop_matches = NULL, top_n_clusters = 3, min_node_count = 5, min_clone_count = 15000, output_dir = dir1c, output_type = "rda" ) test_that("public clusters functions exchange non-default intermediate data types correctly", { public_clusters <- buildPublicClusterNetwork( file_list = list.files( file.path(dir1b, "node_meta_data"), full.names = TRUE ), input_type = "csv", seq_col = "CloneSeq", count_col = "CloneCount", print_plots = FALSE ) expect_true(.isBaseNetworkOutput(public_clusters)) expect_true(nrow(public_clusters$node_data) == 517) expect_true(ncol(public_clusters$node_data) == 28) public_clusters <- buildPublicClusterNetwork( file_list = list.files( file.path(dir1c, "node_meta_data"), full.names = TRUE ), input_type = "rda", seq_col = "CloneSeq", count_col = "CloneCount", print_plots = FALSE ) expect_true(.isBaseNetworkOutput(public_clusters)) expect_true(nrow(public_clusters$node_data) == 517) expect_true(ncol(public_clusters$node_data) == 28) public_clusters <- buildPublicClusterNetworkByRepresentative( file_list = list.files( file.path(dir1c, "cluster_meta_data"), full.names = TRUE ), input_type = "rda", size_nodes_by = 1, print_plots = FALSE ) expect_true(.isBaseNetworkOutput(public_clusters)) expect_true(nrow(public_clusters$node_data) == 101) expect_true(ncol(public_clusters$node_data) == 31) public_clusters <- buildPublicClusterNetworkByRepresentative( file_list = list.files( file.path(dir1b, "cluster_meta_data"), full.names = TRUE ), input_type = "csv", size_nodes_by = 1, print_plots = FALSE ) expect_true(.isBaseNetworkOutput(public_clusters)) expect_true(nrow(public_clusters$node_data) == 101) expect_true(ncol(public_clusters$node_data) == 31) }) test_that("findPublicClusters works", { expect_true(length(list.files(file.path(dir1, "node_meta_data"))) == 30) expect_true(length(list.files(file.path(dir1, "cluster_meta_data"))) == 30) # expect_equal(nrow(tmp), 18) # sometimes reads as 15 (not consistently) expect_equal(ncol(tmp), 16) }) # Clean up temp files ----------------------------------------------------- # clean up temp files file.remove( file.path( tempdir(), c("MyRepSeqNetwork_NodeMetadata.csv", "MyRepSeqNetwork_ClusterMetadata.csv", "MyRepSeqNetwork_EdgeList.txt", "MyRepSeqNetwork_AdjacencyMatrix.mtx", "MyRepSeqNetwork_Details.txt", "MyRepSeqNetwork_Plots.rda", "MyRepSeqNetwork_GraphLayout.txt", "MyRepSeqNetwork.pdf", "MyRepSeqNetwork.rds", "MyRepSeqNetwork.rda" ) ) ) file.remove( file.path(tempdir(), c(paste0("Sample", 1:30, ".rds"), paste0("Sample", 1:2, ".rda"), paste0("Sample", 1:2, "b.rda"), paste0("Sample", 1:2, ".csv"), paste0("Sample", 1:2, "b.csv"), paste0("Sample", 1:2, "c.csv"), paste0("Sample", 1:2, ".tsv"), paste0("Sample", 1:2, ".txt"), paste0("Sample", 1:2), paste0("Sample", 1:2, "b") ) ) ) unlink( c(dir2, dir2b, dir2c, dir2d, dir2e, dir1, dir1b, dir1c), recursive = TRUE )