test_that("missing directory", { expect_error(load_rcc( # data_directory = "salmon_data", ssheet_csv = salmon_tidy, id_colname = "IDFILE", housekeeping_genes = NULL, housekeeping_predict = FALSE, housekeeping_norm = TRUE, normalisation_method = "GLM", n_comp = 10 )) }) test_that("missing sample sheet", { expect_error(load_rcc( data_directory = "salmon_data", # ssheet_csv = salmon_tidy, id_colname = "IDFILE", housekeeping_genes = NULL, housekeeping_predict = FALSE, housekeeping_norm = TRUE, normalisation_method = "GLM", n_comp = 10 )) }) test_that("missing id_colname", { expect_error(load_rcc( data_directory = "salmon_data", ssheet_csv = salmon_tidy, # id_colname = "IDFILE", housekeeping_genes = NULL, housekeeping_predict = FALSE, housekeeping_norm = TRUE, normalisation_method = "GLM", n_comp = 10 )) }) test_that("no housekeeping norm", { expect_s3_class({ load_rcc( data_directory = "salmon_data", ssheet_csv = salmon_tidy, id_colname = "IDFILE", housekeeping_genes = NULL, housekeeping_predict = FALSE, housekeeping_norm = FALSE, normalisation_method = "GLM", n_comp = 10 ) }, "nacho") }) test_that("no housekeeping norm and prediction", { expect_s3_class({ load_rcc( data_directory = "salmon_data", ssheet_csv = salmon_tidy, id_colname = "IDFILE", housekeeping_genes = NULL, housekeeping_predict = TRUE, housekeeping_norm = FALSE, normalisation_method = "GLM", n_comp = 10 ) }, "nacho") }) test_that("using GEO", { gse <- try(GEOquery::getGEO(GEO = "GSE74821"), silent = TRUE) if (!inherits(gse, "try-error")) { targets <- Biobase::pData(Biobase::phenoData(gse[[1]])) geo_files <- try(GEOquery::getGEOSuppFiles(GEO = "GSE74821", baseDir = tempdir()), silent = TRUE) if (!inherits(geo_files, "try-error")) { utils::untar(file.path(tempdir(), "GSE74821", "GSE74821_RAW.tar"), exdir = file.path(tempdir(), "GSE74821")) targets$IDFILE <- list.files(path = file.path(tempdir(), "GSE74821"), pattern = ".RCC.gz$") targets[] <- lapply(X = targets, FUN = iconv, from = "latin1", to = "ASCII") # test_that("using GEO GSE74821", { expect_s3_class({ load_rcc( data_directory = file.path(tempdir(), "GSE74821"), ssheet_csv = head(targets, 20), id_colname = "IDFILE", housekeeping_genes = NULL, housekeeping_predict = FALSE, housekeeping_norm = TRUE, normalisation_method = "GLM", n_comp = 10 ) }, "nacho") # }) # test_that("using GEO GSE74821 with prediction", { expect_s3_class({ load_rcc( data_directory = file.path(tempdir(), "GSE74821"), ssheet_csv = head(targets, 20), id_colname = "IDFILE", housekeeping_genes = NULL, housekeeping_predict = TRUE, housekeeping_norm = TRUE, normalisation_method = "GLM", n_comp = 10 ) }, "nacho") # }) } } closeAllConnections() gse <- try(GEOquery::getGEO(GEO = "GSE70970"), silent = TRUE) if (!inherits(gse, "try-error")) { targets <- Biobase::pData(Biobase::phenoData(gse[[1]])) geo_files <- try(GEOquery::getGEOSuppFiles(GEO = "GSE70970", baseDir = tempdir()), silent = TRUE) if (!inherits(geo_files, "try-error")) { utils::untar(file.path(tempdir(), "GSE70970", "GSE70970_RAW.tar"), exdir = file.path(tempdir(), "GSE70970")) targets$IDFILE <- list.files(path = file.path(tempdir(), "GSE70970"), pattern = ".RCC.gz$") targets[] <- lapply(X = targets, FUN = iconv, from = "latin1", to = "ASCII") # test_that("using GEO GSE70970", { expect_s3_class({ load_rcc( data_directory = file.path(tempdir(), "GSE70970"), ssheet_csv = head(targets, 20), id_colname = "IDFILE", housekeeping_genes = NULL, housekeeping_predict = FALSE, housekeeping_norm = TRUE, normalisation_method = "GLM", n_comp = 10 ) }, "nacho") # }) # test_that("using GEO GSE70970 with prediction", { expect_s3_class({ load_rcc( data_directory = file.path(tempdir(), "GSE70970"), ssheet_csv = head(targets, 20), id_colname = "IDFILE", housekeeping_genes = NULL, housekeeping_predict = TRUE, housekeeping_norm = TRUE, normalisation_method = "GLM", n_comp = 10 ) }, "nacho") # }) # test_that("ssheet_csv as vector", { expect_s3_class({ load_rcc( data_directory = file.path(tempdir(), "GSE70970"), ssheet_csv = head(targets[["IDFILE"]], 20), id_colname = "IDFILE", housekeeping_predict = TRUE, housekeeping_norm = TRUE ) }, class = "nacho" ) # }) # test_that("ssheet_csv as vector without id_colname", { expect_s3_class({ load_rcc( data_directory = file.path(tempdir(), "GSE70970"), ssheet_csv = head(targets[["IDFILE"]], 20), housekeeping_predict = TRUE, housekeeping_norm = TRUE ) }, class = "nacho" ) # }) # test_that("ssheet_csv as a named vector", { expect_s3_class({ load_rcc( data_directory = file.path(tempdir(), "GSE70970"), ssheet_csv = `names<-`( head(targets[["IDFILE"]], 20), head(letters, 20) ), # id_colname = "IDFILE", housekeeping_predict = TRUE, housekeeping_norm = TRUE ) }, class = "nacho" ) # }) # test_that("id_colname not defined when using df", { expect_error({ load_rcc( data_directory = file.path(tempdir(), "GSE70970"), ssheet_csv = head(targets, 20), housekeeping_predict = TRUE, housekeeping_norm = TRUE ) }) # }) } } closeAllConnections() # test_that("using RAW RCC multiplexed", { expect_s3_class({ load_rcc( data_directory = "salmon_data", ssheet_csv = salmon_tidy, id_colname = "IDFILE" ) }, "nacho") # }) # test_that("using RAW RCC multiplexed without plexset_id", { targets_tidy <- salmon_tidy targets_tidy$plexset_id <- NULL expect_error({ load_rcc( data_directory = "salmon_data", ssheet_csv = targets_tidy, id_colname = "IDFILE" ) }) # }) # test_that("using RAW RCC multiplexed with wrong path", { targets_tidy <- salmon_tidy targets_tidy$IDFILE[1] <- "something_wrong.RCC" # wrong path expect_error({ load_rcc( data_directory = "salmon_data", ssheet_csv = targets_tidy, id_colname = "IDFILE" ) }) # }) # test_that("Too high number of components", { expect_message({ load_rcc( data_directory = "salmon_data", ssheet_csv = salmon_tidy, id_colname = "IDFILE", n_comp = 1000 ) }, "has been set to") # }) # test_that("plexset", { expect_s3_class({ load_rcc( data_directory = "plexset_data", ssheet_csv = plexset_tidy, id_colname = "IDFILE", housekeeping_predict = TRUE, housekeeping_norm = TRUE ) }, class = "nacho" ) # }) # test_that("heterogenous", { expect_error({ load_rcc( data_directory = ".", ssheet_csv = plexset_salmon_tidy, id_colname = "IDFILE", housekeeping_predict = TRUE, housekeeping_norm = TRUE ) } ) # }) })