R Under development (unstable) (2024-06-20 r86796 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > if (MuMIn:::testStart("mgcv")) { + + RNGkind("Mersenne") + set.seed(0) ## simulate some data... + dat <- gamSim(1, n = 400, dist = "binary", scale = 2) + #gam1 <- gam(y~s(x0)+s(x1)+s(x2)+s(x3), data=dat) + + ops <- options(warn = -1) + + gam1 <- gam(y ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3) + (x1+x2+x3)^2, + data = dat, method = "GCV.Cp", family = binomial) + + dd <- dredge(gam1, subset = !`s(x0)` & (!`s(x1)` | !x1) & + (!`s(x2)` | !x2) & (!`s(x3)` | !x3), fixed = "x1") + + gm <- get.models(dd, cumsum(weight) <= .95) + ma <- model.avg(gm) + + print(summary(ma)) + + print(predict(ma, dat[1:10, ], se.fit = TRUE, type = "link")) + print(predict(ma, dat[1:10, ], se.fit = TRUE, type = "response")) + print(predict(ma, dat[1:10, ], se.fit = TRUE, type = "link", + backtransform = TRUE)) + + options(ops) + } Loading required package: MuMIn Gu & Wahba 4 term additive model Fixed terms are "x1" and "(Intercept)" Call: model.avg(object = gm) Component model call: gam(formula = y ~ <3 unique rhs>, family = binomial, data = dat, method = GCV.Cp) Component models: df logLik AICc delta weight 1234 12.74 -77.91 182.20 0.00 0.68 12 10.70 -81.42 184.88 2.68 0.18 123 11.71 -80.62 185.42 3.23 0.14 Term codes: s(x2) x1 x3 x1:x3 1 2 3 4 Model-averaged coefficients: (full average) Estimate Std. Error Adjusted SE z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) 2.915 3.008 3.017 0.966 0.334028 x3 1.324 1.767 1.770 0.748 0.454519 x1 10.827 2.791 2.795 3.873 0.000107 *** x1:x3 -4.730 4.127 4.132 1.145 0.252346 s(x2).1 -19.689 10.553 10.585 1.860 0.062879 . s(x2).2 14.779 8.620 8.647 1.709 0.087428 . s(x2).3 8.089 5.747 5.765 1.403 0.160623 s(x2).4 -25.331 15.801 15.849 1.598 0.109989 s(x2).5 -17.329 9.758 9.788 1.770 0.076662 . s(x2).6 -15.183 15.290 15.337 0.990 0.322203 s(x2).7 -4.143 4.733 4.748 0.873 0.382875 s(x2).8 -7.833 16.566 16.617 0.471 0.637375 s(x2).9 -1.814 5.579 5.596 0.324 0.745896 (conditional average) Estimate Std. Error Adjusted SE z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) 2.915 3.008 3.017 0.966 0.334028 x3 1.613 1.827 1.831 0.881 0.378251 x1 10.827 2.791 2.795 3.873 0.000107 *** x1:x3 -6.910 3.133 3.143 2.199 0.027895 * s(x2).1 -19.689 10.553 10.585 1.860 0.062879 . s(x2).2 14.779 8.620 8.647 1.709 0.087428 . s(x2).3 8.089 5.747 5.765 1.403 0.160623 s(x2).4 -25.331 15.801 15.849 1.598 0.109989 s(x2).5 -17.329 9.758 9.788 1.770 0.076662 . s(x2).6 -15.183 15.290 15.337 0.990 0.322203 s(x2).7 -4.143 4.733 4.748 0.873 0.382875 s(x2).8 -7.833 16.566 16.617 0.471 0.637375 s(x2).9 -1.814 5.579 5.596 0.324 0.745896 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 $fit [1] 12.3576831 0.8926846 -2.2950596 0.6662617 4.6175152 32.6953214 [7] 5.3384148 14.5012915 0.1423755 13.4264833 $se.fit [1] 5.6777285 0.5455619 0.6434792 1.0850647 0.8316784 14.0126044 [7] 0.9901408 5.8734567 0.6859540 6.7944752 $fit [1] 0.99999376 0.70764701 0.09214508 0.64015829 0.99010371 1.00000000 [7] 0.99511015 0.99999891 0.53284002 0.99999689 $se.fit [1] 4.522290e-05 1.119387e-01 5.410270e-02 2.331701e-01 8.238283e-03 [6] 6.867608e-13 4.902802e-03 9.213400e-06 1.654727e-01 3.026702e-05 $fit [1] 0.99999570 0.70944388 0.09153295 0.66066560 0.99021930 1.00000000 [7] 0.99521948 0.99999950 0.53553386 0.99999852 $se.fit [1] 2.439480e-05 1.124585e-01 5.350830e-02 2.432569e-01 8.054838e-03 [6] 3.111423e-15 4.710756e-03 2.958438e-06 1.706224e-01 1.002552e-05 > > proc.time() user system elapsed 2.06 0.25 2.29