library(tibble) library(dplyr) example_csv <- tibble( "variable" = c("var1", "var2", "var3"), "source_folder" = c("folder1", "folder2", "folder3"), "source_table" = c("table1", "table2", "table3") ) test_that("read_view_reference handles missing .csv file", { missing_csv <- "thispathdoesnotexist" expect_error(.read_view_reference(missing_csv)) }) test_that("read_view_reference handles existing .csv file", { expect_s3_class( with_mocked_bindings( .read_view_reference("test_path"), "read_csv" = function(file, show_col_types, trim_ws) example_csv ), "tbl_df" ) }) test_that("read_view_reference handles null value for `reference_csv` argument", { expect_error( .read_view_reference(NULL), "You must provide a .csv file with variables and tables to subset" ) }) tibble_to_rename <- tibble( folder = c(1, 2, 3), table = c("A", "B", "C") ) test_that("It renames 'folder' column to 'source_folder'", { renamed_reference <- .rename_reference_columns(tibble_to_rename, "folder", "source_folder") expect_equal("source_folder" %in% colnames(renamed_reference), TRUE) expect_equal("folder" %in% colnames(renamed_reference), FALSE) }) test_that("It renames 'table' column to 'source_table'", { renamed_reference <- .rename_reference_columns(tibble_to_rename, "table", "source_table") expect_equal("source_table" %in% colnames(renamed_reference), TRUE) expect_equal("table" %in% colnames(renamed_reference), FALSE) }) test_that("It throws an error when required columns are missing", { df <- data.frame( variable = c("var1", "var2"), target_folder = c("folder1", "folder2") ) expect_error(.check_reference_columns(df), ".csv file must contain columns entitled 'source_folder', 'source_table' and 'variable'") }) test_that("It throws an error when extra columns are present", { df <- data.frame( source_folder = c("folder1", "folder2"), source_table = c("table1", "table2"), variable = c("var1", "var2"), extra_column = c("extra1", "extra2") ) expect_error(.check_reference_columns(df), ".csv column name 'extra_column' is not permitted: allowed names are 'source_folder, source_table, variable, target_folder, target_table'") }) test_that("It throws an error when there are missing cells", { df <- data.frame( source_folder = c("folder1", NA, "folder_2"), source_table = c("table1", "table2", NA), variable = c(NA, "var1", "var2") ) expect_error(.check_reference_columns(df), "The input .csv file contains empty cells: please check and try again") }) test_that("It nests the 'target_vars' column in the dataframe", { df <- data.frame( source_folder = c("folder1", "folder2"), source_table = c("table1", "table2"), variable = c("var1", "var2") ) subset_ref <- as_tibble(df) formatted_df <- .format_reference(subset_ref) expect_equal(class(formatted_df$target_vars), "list") expect_equal(length(formatted_df$target_vars), nrow(formatted_df)) }) test_that("It sets default values for 'target_folder' and 'target_table'", { df <- tibble( source_folder = c("folder1", "folder2"), source_table = c("table1", "table2"), variable = c("var1", "var2") ) modified_df <- .set_default_targets(df) expect_true("target_folder" %in% colnames(modified_df)) expect_true("target_table" %in% colnames(modified_df)) expect_equal(unique(modified_df$target_folder), unique(df$source_folder)) expect_equal(unique(modified_df$target_table), unique(df$source_table)) }) test_that("It does not modify the dataframe if 'target_folder' and 'target_table' columns are already present", { df <- tibble( source_folder = c("folder1", "folder2"), source_table = c("table1", "table2"), target_folder = c("folderA", "folderB"), target_table = c("tableA", "tableB"), variable = c("var1", "var2") ) modified_df <- .set_default_targets(df) expect_identical(df, modified_df) }) test_that("It returns a tibble when a valid .csv file path is provided", { output_df <- with_mocked_bindings( armadillo.subset_definition("test_path"), "read_csv" = function(file, show_col_types, trim_ws) example_csv ) expect_s3_class(output_df, "tbl_df") expect_true(all(c("source_folder", "source_table", "target_vars", "target_folder", "target_table") %in% colnames(output_df))) expect_equal(nrow(output_df), 3) }) test_that("It throws an error if source_project is NULL", { expect_error( .check_args_valid( input_source = "subset_def", source_project = NULL, subset_def = "subset_def", source_folder = "source_folder", source_table = "source_table", target_project = "target_project", target_folder = "target_folder", target_table = "target_table", target_vars = "target_vars", new_project = NULL, dry_run = NULL ), "You must provide the name of the source project from which you will subset" ) }) test_that("It throws an error if target_project is NULL", { expect_error( .check_args_valid( input_source = "subset_def", source_project = "source_project", target_project = NULL, subset_def = "subset_def", source_folder = "source_folder", source_table = "source_table", target_folder = "target_folder", target_table = "target_table", target_vars = "target_vars", new_project = NULL, dry_run = NULL ), "You must provide a name for the target project" ) }) test_that("It throws an error if input_source is 'subset_def' but subset_def is NULL", { expect_error( .check_args_valid( input_source = "subset_def", source_project = "source_project", target_project = "target_project", subset_def = NULL, source_folder = "source_folder", source_table = "source_table", target_folder = "target_folder", target_table = "target_table", target_vars = "target_vars", new_project = NULL, dry_run = NULL ), "You have specified `input_source = subset_ref` but you have not provided an object created by armadillo.subset_definition containing details of the variables and tables to include in the subset" ) }) test_that("It throws an error if input_source is 'arguments' but required arguments are NULL", { expect_error( .check_args_valid( input_source = "arguments", source_project = "source_project", target_project = "target_project", subset_def = NULL, source_folder = NULL, source_table = NULL, target_folder = "target_folder", target_table = "target_table", target_vars = "target_vars", new_project = NULL, dry_run = NULL ), "You must provide source_folder, source_table, target_folder, target_table and target_vars if input_source = 'arguments'" ) }) test_that("It displays a message if new_project is provided (deprecated)", { expect_message( .check_args_valid( input_source = "subset_def", source_project = "source_project", target_project = "target_project", new_project = "new_project", subset_def = "subset_def", source_folder = "source_folder", source_table = "source_table", target_folder = "target_folder", target_table = "target_table", target_vars = "target_vars", dry_run = NULL ), "Argument `new project` has now been deprecated: please use `target_project` instead" ) }) test_that("It displays a message if dry_run is provided (defunct)", { expect_message( .check_args_valid( input_source = "subset_def", source_project = "source_project", target_project = "target_project", dry_run = TRUE, subset_def = "subset_def", source_folder = "source_folder", source_table = "source_table", target_folder = "target_folder", target_table = "target_table", target_vars = "target_vars", new_project = "new_project" ), "Argument `dry_run` is now defunct" ) }) expected_subset_def <- tibble( target_vars = list(tibble(target_vars = c("var1", "var2", "var3"))), source_folder = "source_folder", source_table = "source_table", target_folder = "target_folder", target_table = "target_table" ) test_that("It creates a subset definition object with the specified arguments", { target_vars <- c("var1", "var2", "var3") source_folder <- "source_folder" source_table <- "source_table" target_folder <- "target_folder" target_table <- "target_table" actual_subset_def <- .create_subset_def_from_arguments( target_vars, source_folder, source_table, target_folder, target_table ) expect_equal(actual_subset_def, expected_subset_def) }) api_data <- list( expected_body = list( sourceObjectName = paste0("source_folder", "/", "source_table"), sourceProject = "source_project", linkedObject = paste0("target_folder", "/", "target_table"), variables = paste0(c("var1", "var2", "var3"), collapse = ",") ), expected_headers = list( Accept = "*/*", `Content-Type` = "application/json", Authorization = structure("Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=", names = "Authorization") ), expected_response = list( method = "POST", url = "http://localhost:8080/storage/projects/link-test222/objects/link", status_code = 409 ), json_response_body = list( timestamp = "2024-04-17T09:41:25.159+00:00", status = 409, error = "Conflict", message = "Project 'link-test222' already has an object 'core-variables/nonrep.alf'", path = "/storage/projects/link-test222/objects/link" ) ) attr(api_data$expected_headers$Authorization, "names") <- "Authorization" api_data$expected_request <- request("mocked_post_url") |> req_body_json(api_data$expected_body) |> req_headers(!!!api_data$expected_headers) test_that("It creates the URL for the API request with the specified target project", { expect_equal( with_mocked_bindings( .make_post_url(target_project = "test_project"), ".get_url" = function() "" ), "" ) }) test_that("It creates JSON body for the API request with the specified parameters", { actual_body <- .make_json_body( "source_project", "source_folder", "source_table", "target_project", "target_folder", "target_table", c("var1", "var2", "var3") ) expect_equal(actual_body, api_data$expected_body) }) test_that("It creates the URL for the API request with the specified target project", { expect_equal( with_mocked_bindings( .make_post_url(target_project = "test_project"), ".get_url" = function() "" ), "" ) }) test_that("It makes headers for API requests", { expect_equal( with_mocked_bindings( .make_headers(), ".get_auth_header" = function() structure("Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=", names = "Authorization") ), api_data$expected_headers ) }) test_that("It builds the API request object correctly", { expect_equal( with_mocked_bindings( .make_api_request( "source_project", "source_folder", "source_table", "target_project", "target_folder", "target_table", c("var1", "var2", "var3") ), ".make_post_url" = function(target_project) "mocked_post_url", ".get_auth_header" = function() structure("Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=", names = "Authorization") ), api_data$expected_req ) }) test_that(".put_api_request sends a PUT request to the API", { expect_equal( with_mocked_bindings( .put_api_request(api_data$expected_req), "req_perform" = function(req) api_data$expected_response ), api_data$expected_response ) }) two_row_def <- bind_rows(expected_subset_def, expected_subset_def) response_list <- list(api_data$expected_response, api_data$expected_response) test_that(".loop_api_request loops through API requests for each subset", { expect_equal( with_mocked_bindings( .loop_api_request(two_row_def, "test_source_project", "test_target_project", FALSE), ".make_post_url" = function(target_project) "mocked_post_url", ".get_auth_header" = function() structure("Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=", names = "Authorization"), "req_perform" = function(req) api_data$expected_response, ".check_missing_vars_message" = function(result) {FALSE} ), response_list ) }) test_that(".get_status gets the status of API responses", { expect_equal( with_mocked_bindings( .get_status(response_list), "resp_status" = function(resp) 409 ), c(409, 409) ) }) test_that(".format_api_posts formats API posts based on subset definition", { formatted <- with_mocked_bindings( .format_api_posts(response_list, two_row_def), ".get_status" = function(resp) c(409, 409) ) expect_equal(colnames(formatted), c("target_folder", "target_table", "post", "status")) expect_equal(dim(formatted), c(2, 4)) }) test_that(".split_success_failure splits formatted posts based on status", { success_fail <- with_mocked_bindings( .format_api_posts(response_list, two_row_def), ".get_status" = function(resp) c(204, 409) ) expect_equal( with_mocked_bindings( .split_success_failure(success_fail), ".format_api_posts" = function(response_list, two_row_def) success_fail ), list(success = success_fail[1, ], failure = success_fail[2, ]) ) }) failure_message_list <- list( "Project 'link-test222' already has an object 'core-variables/nonrep.alf'", "Project 'link-test222' already has an object 'core-variables/nonrep.alf'" ) test_that(".get_failure_messages gets failure messages from API response", { expect_equal( with_mocked_bindings( .get_failure_messages(response_list), "resp_body_json" = function(response_list) api_data$json_response_body ), failure_message_list ) }) failure <- with_mocked_bindings( .format_api_posts(response_list, two_row_def), ".get_status" = function(resp) c(409, 409) ) %>% mutate(message = failure_message_list) failure_message_list <- list( "View 'target_folder/target_table' failed with status '409': 'Project 'link-test222' already has an object 'core-variables/nonrep.alf'", "View 'target_folder/target_table' failed with status '409': 'Project 'link-test222' already has an object 'core-variables/nonrep.alf'" ) test_that(".format_failure_message formats failure messages for display", { expect_equal( .format_failure_message(failure), failure_message_list ) }) test_that(".format_success_message formats success messages for display", { success <- with_mocked_bindings( .format_api_posts(list(api_data$expected_response), expected_subset_def), ".get_status" = function(resp) 204 ) expect_equal( .format_success_message(success), list("View 'target_folder/target_table' successfully created") ) }) test_that(".handle_failure_message outputs cli alert message", { out_message <- as.character( with_mocked_bindings( .handle_failure_messages(failure[1, ]), "resp_body_json" = function(response_list) api_data$json_response_body ) ) expect_equal( out_message, failure_message_list[[1]] ) }) test_that(".handle_success_message outputs cli alert message", { success <- with_mocked_bindings( .format_api_posts(list(api_data$expected_response), expected_subset_def), ".get_status" = function(resp) 204 ) expect_equal( as.character(.handle_success_messages(success)), "View 'target_folder/target_table' successfully created" ) }) test_that("armadillo.subset_definition should return proper subset definition", { df <- data.frame( folder = c("outcome", "outcome", "outcome"), table = c("yearlyrep", "yearlyrep", "yearlyrep"), variable = c("row_id", "child_id", "int_raw_3") ) expected <- tibble( source_folder = "outcome", source_table = "yearlyrep", target_vars = list(as_tibble_col( c( "row_id", "child_id", "int_raw_3" ), column_name = "variable" )), target_folder = "outcome", target_table = "yearlyrep" ) with_mocked_bindings( obj <- armadillo.subset_definition("data.csv"), "read_csv" = function(file, show_col_types, trim_ws) df ) expect_identical(obj, expected) }) test_that("armadillo.subset_definition will throw error when .csv file doesn't exist", { expect_error( armadillo.subset_definition(NULL, NULL), "You must provide a .csv file with variables and tables to subset" ) }) test_that("armadillo.subset fails if source project is NULL", { message <- paste0( "You must provide the name of the source ", "project from which you will subset" ) expect_error( armadillo.subset( input_source = "subset_def", source_project = NULL, subset_def = "subset_def", source_folder = "source_folder", source_table = "source_table", target_project = "target_project", target_folder = "target_folder", target_table = "target_table", target_vars = "target_variables", new_project = NULL, dry_run = NULL ), message, fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("armadillo.subset fails if subset_def is NULL", { message <- paste0( "You have specified `input_source = subset_ref` but you have not provided an object created by armadillo.subset_definition containing details of the variables and tables to include in the subset" ) expect_error( armadillo.subset( input_source = "subset_def", source_project = "source_project", subset_def = NULL, source_folder = "source_folder", source_table = "source_table", target_project = "target_project", target_folder = "target_folder", target_table = "target_table", target_vars = "target_variables", new_project = NULL, dry_run = NULL ), message, fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that(".add_slash_if_missing adds a slash to the end of the URL if not present", { expect_equal( .add_slash_if_missing(""), "" ) expect_equal( .add_slash_if_missing(""), "" ) }) test_that(".check_backend_version throws an error if version is below 4.7.1", { stub_request('get', uri = '') info_from_api <- list( build = list( artifact = "molgenis-armadillo", name = "molgenis-armadillo", time = "2024-10-22T10:50:48.110Z", version = "4.1.3", group = "org.molgenis" ), auth = list( issuerUri = "", clientId = "b1b52e3c-4505-4326-993b-3d99df64ef6c" ) ) expect_error( with_mocked_bindings( .check_backend_version(), resp_body_json = function(api_response){info_from_api}, request = function(url){}, req_perform = function(object){} ) ) }) test_that(".check_backend_version doesn't throw an error if version is equal or above 4.7.1", { stub_request('get', uri = '') info_from_api <- list( build = list( artifact = "molgenis-armadillo", name = "molgenis-armadillo", time = "2024-10-22T10:50:48.110Z", version = "4.7.1", group = "org.molgenis" ), auth = list( issuerUri = "", clientId = "b1b52e3c-4505-4326-993b-3d99df64ef6c" ) ) expect_silent( with_mocked_bindings( .check_backend_version(), resp_body_json = function(api_response){info_from_api}, request = function(url){}, req_perform = function(object){} ) ) }) test_that(".extract missing vars extracts variable names from put object", { expect_equal( with_mocked_bindings( .extract_missing_vars(result), resp_body_json = function(result) {list(message = "Variables '[var_1, var_2, var_3]' do not exist in object 'lifecycle/core/nonrep'")} ), c("var_1", "var_2", "var_3") ) }) .print_missing_vars_message <- function(missing_vars, source_table, target_folder, target_table) test_that(".print_missing_vars_message prints correct messages", { missing_vars <- c("var1", "var2", "var3") source_table <- "source_table" target_folder <- "target_folder" target_table <- "target_table" expect_message( .print_missing_vars_message(missing_vars, source_table), "Variable\\(s\\) 'var1, var2, and var3' do not exist in object 'source_table'.", fixed = FALSE ) expect_message( .print_missing_vars_message(missing_vars, source_table, target_folder, target_table), "View was created without these variables", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that(".define_non_missing_vars filters out missing variables from a tibble", { target_vars <- tibble(variable = c("var1", "var2", "var3", "var4")) missing_vars <- c("var2", "var4") result <- .define_non_missing_vars(target_vars, missing_vars) expected <- tibble(variable = c("var1", "var3")) expect_equal(result, expected) }) test_that(".check_missing_vars_message returns TRUE where 404 and target text present", { expect_equal( with_mocked_bindings( .check_missing_vars_message(result), resp_status = function(result) {404}, resp_body_json = function(result) {list(message = "Variables '[var_1, var_2, var_3]' do not exist in object 'lifecycle/core/nonrep'")} ), TRUE ) }) test_that(".check_missing_vars_message returns FALSE where 404 present but target text not", { expect_equal( with_mocked_bindings( .check_missing_vars_message(result), resp_status = function(result) {404}, resp_body_json = function(result) {list(message = "Other error message")} ), FALSE ) }) test_that(".check_missing_vars_message returns FALSE where either 404 or target text not present", { expect_equal( with_mocked_bindings( .check_missing_vars_message(result), resp_status = function(result) {204}, resp_body_json = function(result) {list(message = "Variables '[var_1, var_2, var_3]' do not exist in object 'lifecycle/core/nonrep'")} ), FALSE ) expect_equal( with_mocked_bindings( .check_missing_vars_message(result), resp_status = function(result) {204}, resp_body_json = function(result) {list(message = "Other text that we don't care about")} ), FALSE ) }) test_that(".stop_if_all_missing aborts when all variables are missing", { missing_vars <- c("var1", "var2", "var3") source_table <- "source_data" updated_target_vars <- data.frame(variable = c("var1", "var2", "var3")) source_folder <- "data_folder" target_table <- "target_data" expect_error( .stop_if_all_missing(missing_vars, source_table, updated_target_vars, source_folder, target_table), "None of the variables specified for target table 'target_data' exist in 'data_folder/source_data'." ) }) test_that(".stop_if_all_missing does not abort when some variables are present", { missing_vars <- c("var1", "var2") source_table <- "source_data" updated_target_vars <- data.frame(variable = c("var1", "var2", "var3")) source_folder <- "data_folder" target_table <- "target_data" expect_silent( .stop_if_all_missing(missing_vars, source_table, updated_target_vars, source_folder, target_table) ) })