R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-18 r87748 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(testthat) > library(MiscMetabar) Loading required package: phyloseq Loading required package: ggplot2 Loading required package: dada2 Loading required package: Rcpp Loading required package: dplyr Attaching package: 'dplyr' The following object is masked from 'package:testthat': matches The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': filter, lag The following objects are masked from 'package:base': intersect, setdiff, setequal, union Loading required package: purrr Attaching package: 'purrr' The following object is masked from 'package:testthat': is_null > > test_check("MiscMetabar") Starting 2 test processes Superclass process has cloneable=FALSE, but subclass r_session has cloneable=TRUE. A subclass cannot be cloneable when its superclass is not cloneable, so cloning will be disabled for r_session. Superclass process has cloneable=FALSE, but subclass r_session has cloneable=TRUE. A subclass cannot be cloneable when its superclass is not cloneable, so cloning will be disabled for r_session. [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 75 | PASS 83 ] ══ Skipped tests (75) ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ • On CRAN (63): 'test_adonis.R:1:1', 'test_controls.R:7:3', 'test_controls.R:14:3', 'test_controls.R:46:3', 'test_deprecated.R:1:1', 'test_clean_pq.R:8:3', 'test_clean_pq.R:17:3', 'test_figures_alpha_div.R:17:3', 'test_figures_alpha_div.R:63:3', 'test_figures_alpha_div.R:73:3', 'test_figures_alpha_div.R:95:3', 'test_figures_alpha_div.R:122:3', 'test_figures_alpha_div.R:151:3', 'test_figures_alpha_div.R:157:3', 'test_deseq2_edgeR.R:16:5', 'test_deseq2_edgeR.R:25:3', 'test_deseq2_edgeR.R:48:5', 'test_deseq2_edgeR.R:59:3', 'test_figures_biplot.R:14:3', 'test_figures_biplot.R:52:3', 'test_figures_misc.R:26:3', 'test_figures_misc.R:35:3', 'test_figures_beta_div.R:22:3', 'test_figures_beta_div.R:73:5', 'test_figures_beta_div.R:92:3', 'test_figures_beta_div.R:102:5', 'test_figures_beta_div.R:159:5', 'test_figures_beta_div.R:241:5', 'test_figures_beta_div.R:259:5', 'test_figures_beta_div.R:289:5', 'test_figures_beta_div.R:314:3', 'test_figures_beta_div.R:346:3', 'test_figures_beta_div.R:355:3', 'test_figures_beta_div.R:387:3', 'test_figures_summary_plot.R:10:3', 'test_figures_summary_plot.R:20:3', 'test_figures_summary_plot.R:30:3', 'test_krona.R:7:3', 'test_figures_taxo.R:64:3', 'test_figures_taxo.R:165:3', 'test_figures_taxo.R:209:5', 'test_figures_taxo.R:252:5', 'test_figures_taxo.R:319:5', 'test_figures_taxo.R:354:3', 'test_figures_taxo.R:379:3', 'test_phyloseq_class.R:10:3', 'test_phyloseq_class.R:51:3', 'test_rw.R:8:3', 'test_rw.R:24:3', 'test_subset.R:7:3', 'test_subset.R:18:3', 'test_table_functions.R:34:5', 'test_table_functions.R:47:5', 'test_misc.R:11:3', 'test_misc.R:30:3', 'test_misc.R:97:3', 'test_tuckey.R:5:3', 'test_tuckey.R:17:3', 'test_tuckey.R:26:3', 'test_targets.R:5:3', 'test_targets.R:56:3', 'test_targets.R:101:3', 'test_targets.R:111:3' • On Windows (12): 'test_figures_misc.R:10:3', 'test_figures_misc.R:18:3', 'test_figures_beta_div.R:208:3', 'test_figures_beta_div.R:401:3', 'test_figures_beta_div.R:413:3', 'test_figures_taxo.R:413:3', 'test_phyloseq_class.R:92:3', 'test_rw.R:38:3', 'test_table_functions.R:5:3', 'test_table_functions.R:18:3', 'test_targets.R:83:3', 'test_targets.R:128:3' [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 75 | PASS 83 ] > > # expect_equal() is equal within small numerical tolerance? > # expect_identical() is exactly equal? > # expect_match() matches specified string or regular > # expect_output() prints specified output? > # expect_message() displays specified message? > # expect_warning() displays specified warning? > # expect_error() throws specified error? > # expect_is() output inherits from certain class? > # expect_false() returns FALSE? > # expect_true() returns TRUE? > > ## expect_error(1 / "a", "non-numeric argument") > ## expect_warning(log(-1), "NaNs produced") > > proc.time() user system elapsed 16.18 1.85 55.48