make_name <- function(n=20) { paste0(sample(letters, n, TRUE), collapse="") } write_file <- function(dir=tempdir(), size=1000, fname=tempfile(tmpdir=dir)) { bytes <- openssl::rand_bytes(size) writeBin(bytes, fname) fname } files_identical <- function(set1, set2) { all(mapply(function(f1, f2) { s1 <- file.size(f1) s2 <- file.size(f2) s1 == s2 && identical(readBin(f1, "raw", s1), readBin(f2, "raw", s2)) }, set1, set2)) } filter_esc <- function(x) { gsub("'", "''", x) } get_test_token <- function(tenant, app, scopes, ...) { # if using MS365 CLI or Azure CLI app IDs... # - with org tenant: set to .default scope # - with consumers tenant: fail consumers_tenant <- tenant %in% c("consumers", "9188040d-6c67-4c5b-b112-36a304b66dad") special_app <- app %in% c("31359c7f-bd7e-475c-86db-fdb8c937548e", "04b07795-8ddb-461a-bbee-02f9e1bf7b46") if(special_app) { if(consumers_tenant) return(NULL) else scopes <- ".default" } scopes <- c(file.path("", scopes), "openid", "offline_access") tok <- try(AzureAuth::get_azure_token(scopes, tenant, app, ..., version=2), silent=TRUE) if(inherits(tok, "try-error")) return(NULL) tok }