test_that("Deletion functions work", { # The first four words of the vector exist in (possibly modified) form in the # word count matrix of the test data source_path <- test_path("data", "test_data.csv") obj <- MetaNLP(source_path) deletion_list <- c("beautiful", "considering", "facts", "find", "algebra") obj_delete <- delete_words(obj, deletion_list) obj_stop_words <- delete_stop_words(obj) # delete_words and delete_stop_words return MetaNLP objects expect_true( isClass(obj_delete, MetaNLP) ) expect_true( isClass(obj_stop_words, MetaNLP) ) # the data frame in obj_delete should have 4 columns less expect_true( ncol(obj@data_frame) - 4 == ncol(obj_delete@data_frame) ) # check that the correct columns have been deleted expect_true( !("beauti" %in% names(obj_delete) | "consid" %in% names(obj_delete) | "fact" %in% names(obj_delete) | "find" %in% names(obj_delete)) ) # check that stop words have been deleted expect_false( !(any(tm::stopwords() %in% names(obj@data_frame))) ) expect_true( !(any(tm::stopwords() %in% names(obj_stop_words@data_frame))) ) }) test_that("Special characters can be replaces", { # load french data set source_path_fr <- test_path("data", "french_data.csv") obj_fr <- MetaNLP(source_path_fr, bounds = c(1, Inf), language = "french") # add a column name that contains all possible special characters obj_fr@data_frame <- data.frame(obj_fr@data_frame, "äàáâãåăëèéêîïíöôóõüùúûßçñ" = c(0, 1)) obj_fr_rep <- replace_special_characters(obj_fr) # check that all characters were replaced expect_true( all(unlist(strsplit(colnames(obj_fr_rep@data_frame[-c(1, 2)]), "")) %in% letters) ) expect_true( !is.null(obj_fr_rep@data_frame$aaaaaaaeeeeiiioooouuuusscn) ) })