## for R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL : library(stats) library(utils) library(Matrix) ### Matrix Products including cross products source(system.file("test-tools.R", package = "Matrix")) # is.EQ.mat(), dnIdentical() ..etc doExtras options(warn=1, # show as they happen Matrix.verbose = doExtras) ##' Check matrix multiplications with (unit) Diagonal matrices chkDiagProd <- function(M) { if(is.matrix(M)) { noRN <- function(x) { if(!is.null(dn <- dimnames(x))) dimnames(x) <- c(list(NULL), dn[2L]) x } noCN <- function(x) { if(!is.null(dn <- dimnames(x))) dimnames(x) <- c(dn[1L], list(NULL)) x } } else if(is(M, "Matrix")) { noRN <- function(x) { x@Dimnames <- c(list(NULL), x@Dimnames[2L]) x } noCN <- function(x) { x@Dimnames <- c(x@Dimnames[1L], list(NULL)) x } } else stop("'M' must be a [mM]atrix") I.l <- Diagonal(nrow(M)) # I_n -- "unit" Diagonal I.r <- Diagonal(ncol(M)) # I_d D2.l <- Diagonal(nrow(M), x = 2) # D_n D2.r <- Diagonal(ncol(M), x = 2) # I_d stopifnot(is.EQ.mat(noCN(M), M %*% I.r), is.EQ.mat(noRN(M), I.l %*% M), is.EQ.mat(noCN(2*M), M %*% D2.r), is.EQ.mat(noRN(M*2), D2.l %*% M), ## crossprod is.EQ.mat(noCN(t(M)), crossprod(M, I.l)), is.EQ.mat(noRN(M), crossprod(I.l, M)), is.EQ.mat(noCN(t(2*M)), crossprod(M, D2.l)), is.EQ.mat(noRN(M*2) , crossprod(D2.l, M)), ## tcrossprod is.EQ.mat(noCN(M), tcrossprod(M, I.r)), is.EQ.mat(noRN(t(M)), tcrossprod(I.r, M)), is.EQ.mat(noCN(2*M), tcrossprod(M, D2.r)), is.EQ.mat(noRN(t(M*2)), tcrossprod(D2.r, M))) } ### dimnames -- notably for matrix products ---------------- # ##' Checks that matrix products are the same, including dimnames ##' ##' @param m matrix = traditional-R-matrix version of M ##' @param M optional Matrix = "Matrix class version of m" ##' @param browse chkDnProd <- function(m = as(M, "matrix"), M = Matrix(m), browse=FALSE, warn.ok=FALSE) { ## TODO: ## if(browse) stopifnot <- f.unction(...) such that it enters browser() when it is not fulfilled if(!warn.ok) { # NO warnings allowd op <- options(warn = 2) on.exit(options(op)) } stopifnot(is.matrix(m), is(M, "Matrix"), identical(dim(m), dim(M)), dnIdentical(m,M)) ## m is n x d (say) is.square <- nrow(m) == ncol(m) p1 <- (tm <- t(m)) %*% m ## d x d p1. <- crossprod(m) stopifnot(is.EQ.mat3(p1, p1., crossprod(m,m))) t1 <- m %*% tm ## n x n t1. <- tcrossprod(m) stopifnot(is.EQ.mat3(t1, t1., tcrossprod(m,m))) if(is.square) { mm <- m %*% m stopifnot(is.EQ.mat3(mm, crossprod(tm,m), tcrossprod(m,tm))) } chkDiagProd(m)## was not ok in Matrix 1.2.0 ## Now the "Matrix" ones -- should match the "matrix" above M0 <- M cat("sparse: ") for(sparse in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { cat(sparse, "; ") M <- as(M0, if(sparse) "sparseMatrix" else "denseMatrix") P1 <- (tM <- t(M)) %*% M P1. <- crossprod(M) stopifnot(is.EQ.mat3(P1, P1., p1), is.EQ.mat3(P1., crossprod(M,M), crossprod(M,m)), is.EQ.mat (P1., crossprod(m,M))) ## P1. is "symmetricMatrix" -- semantically "must have" symm.dimnames PP1 <- P1. %*% P1. ## still d x d R <- triu(PP1); r <- as(R, "matrix") # upper - triangular L <- tril(PP1); l <- as(L, "matrix") # lower - triangular stopifnot(isSymmetric(P1.), isSymmetric(PP1), isDiagonal(L) || is(L,"triangularMatrix"), isDiagonal(R) || is(R,"triangularMatrix"), isTriangular(L, upper=FALSE), isTriangular(R, upper=TRUE), is.EQ.mat(PP1, (pp1 <- p1 %*% p1)), dnIdentical(PP1, R), dnIdentical(L, R)) T1 <- M %*% tM T1. <- tcrossprod(M) stopifnot(is.EQ.mat3(T1, T1., t1), is.EQ.mat3(T1., tcrossprod(M,M), tcrossprod(M,m)), is.EQ.mat (T1., tcrossprod(m,M)), is.EQ.mat(tcrossprod(T1., tM), tcrossprod(t1., tm)), is.EQ.mat(crossprod(T1., M), crossprod(t1., m))) ## Now, *mixing* Matrix x matrix: stopifnot(is.EQ.mat3(tM %*% m, tm %*% M, tm %*% m)) if(is.square) stopifnot(is.EQ.mat (mm, M %*% M), is.EQ.mat3(mm, crossprod(tM,M), tcrossprod(M,tM)), ## "mixing": is.EQ.mat3(mm, crossprod(tm,M), tcrossprod(m,tM)), is.EQ.mat3(mm, crossprod(tM,m), tcrossprod(M,tm))) ## Symmetric and Triangular stopifnot(is.EQ.mat(PP1 %*% tM, pp1 %*% tm), is.EQ.mat(R %*% tM, r %*% tm), is.EQ.mat(L %*% tM, L %*% tm)) ## Diagonal : chkDiagProd(M) } cat("\n") invisible(TRUE) } # chkDnProd() ## All these are ok {now, (2012-06-11) also for dense (m <- matrix(c(0, 0, 2:0), 3, 5)) m00 <- m # *no* dimnames dimnames(m) <- list(LETTERS[1:3], letters[1:5]) (m.. <- m) # has *both* dimnames m0. <- m.0 <- m.. dimnames(m0.)[1] <- list(NULL); m0. dimnames(m.0)[2] <- list(NULL); m.0 d <- diag(3); dimnames(d) <- list(c("u","v","w"), c("X","Y","Z")); d dU <- diagN2U(Matrix(d, doDiag = FALSE)) # unitriangular sparse tU <- dU; tU[1,2:3] <- 3:4; tU[2,3] <- 7; tU # ditto "unitri" sparse (T <- new("dtrMatrix", diag = "U", x= c(0,0,5,0), Dim= c(2L,2L), Dimnames= list(paste0("r",1:2),paste0("C",1:2)))) # unitriangular dense pT <- pack(T)# ^^^^^^^^^^^^ mt <- m[,2:3] %*% pT # deprecation warning in pre-1.5-4 stopifnot(is(pT, "dtpMatrix"), validObject(pT), validObject(mt), is(mt, "dgeMatrix"), identical(as.matrix(mt), array(c(1,0,0, 5,2,1), dim = 3:2, dimnames = list(c("A","B","C"), c("C1","C2")))) ) A <- matrix(c(0.4, 0.1, 0, 0), 2) B <- matrix(c(1.1, 0, 0, 0), 2); ABt <- tcrossprod(A, B) ## Matrix version # both Matrix version: class(AM <- as(A, "triangularMatrix")) # dtr class(BM <- as(B, "Matrix")) # ddi class(Bs <- as(as(B, "CsparseMatrix"), "symmetricMatrix")) # "dsC" (ABst <- tcrossprod(A, Bs)) # was wrong since at least Matrix 1.3-3 (R-4.0.5) assert.EQ.mat(ABst, ABt) assert.EQ.mat(tcrossprod(AM, BM), ABt) assert.EQ.mat(tcrossprod(AM, Bs), ABt) assert.EQ.mat(tcrossprod(A , Bs), ABt) ## currently many warnings about sub-optimal matrix products : chkDnProd(m..) chkDnProd(m0.) chkDnProd(m.0) chkDnProd(m00) chkDnProd(M = T) chkDnProd(M = t(T)) if(FALSE) { ## FIXME: ## Matrix() bug fix has revealed that diagonalMatrix product methods are not ## handling (have never handled?) 'Dimnames' correctly, causing these to fail chkDnProd(M = dU) chkDnProd(M = t(dU)) } ## all the above failed in 1.2-0 and 1.1-5, 1.1-4 some even earlier chkDnProd(M = tU) chkDnProd(M = t(tU)) ## the two above failed in Matrix <= 1.4-1 chkDnProd(M = Diagonal(4)) chkDnProd(diag(x=3:1)) if(FALSE) { ## FIXME: as for dU, t(dU) above chkDnProd(d) chkDnProd(M = as(d, "denseMatrix"))# M: dtrMatrix (diag = "N") } m5 <- 1 + as(diag(-1:4)[-5,], "generalMatrix") ## named dimnames: dimnames(m5) <- list(Rows= LETTERS[1:5], paste("C", 1:6, sep="")) tr5 <- tril(m5[,-6]) m. <- as(m5, "matrix") m5.2 <- local({t5 <- as.matrix(tr5); t5 %*% t5}) stopifnotValid(tr5, "dtrMatrix") stopifnot(dim(m5) == 5:6, class(cm5 <- crossprod(m5)) == "dpoMatrix") assert.EQ.mat(t(m5) %*% m5, as(cm5, "matrix")) assert.EQ.mat(tr5.2 <- tr5 %*% tr5, m5.2) stopifnotValid(tr5.2, "dtrMatrix") stopifnot(as.vector(rep(1,6) %*% cm5) == colSums(cm5), as.vector(cm5 %*% rep(1,6)) == rowSums(cm5)) ## uni-diagonal dtrMatrix with "wrong" entries in diagonal ## {the diagonal can be anything: because of diag = "U" it should never be used}: tru <- Diagonal(3, x=3); tru[i.lt <- lower.tri(tru, diag=FALSE)] <- c(2,-3,4) tru@diag <- "U" ; stopifnot(diag(trm <- as.matrix(tru)) == 1) ## TODO: Also add *upper-triangular* *packed* case !! stopifnot((tru %*% tru)[i.lt] == (trm %*% trm)[i.lt]) ## crossprod() with numeric vector RHS and LHS i5 <- rep.int(1, 5) isValid(S5 <- tcrossprod(tr5), "dpoMatrix")# and inherits from "dsy" G5 <- as(S5, "generalMatrix")# "dge" assert.EQ.mat( crossprod(i5, m5), rbind( colSums(m5))) assert.EQ.mat( crossprod(i5, m.), rbind( colSums(m5))) assert.EQ.mat( crossprod(m5, i5), cbind( colSums(m5))) assert.EQ.mat( crossprod(m., i5), cbind( colSums(m5))) assert.EQ.mat( crossprod(i5, S5), rbind( colSums(S5))) # failed in Matrix 1.1.4 ## tcrossprod() with numeric vector RHS and LHS : stopifnot(identical(tcrossprod(i5, S5), # <- lost dimnames tcrossprod(i5, G5) -> m51), identical(dimnames(m51), list(NULL, Rows = LETTERS[1:5])) ) m51 <- m5[, 1, drop=FALSE] # [6 x 1] m.1 <- m.[, 1, drop=FALSE] ; assert.EQ.mat(m51, m.1) ## The only (M . v) case assert.EQ.mat(tcrossprod(m51, 5:1), tcrossprod(m.1, 5:1)) ## The two (v . M) cases: assert.EQ.mat(tcrossprod(rep(1,6), m.), rbind( rowSums(m5)))# |v| = ncol(m) assert.EQ.mat(tcrossprod(rep(1,3), m51), tcrossprod(rep(1,3), m.1))# ncol(m) = 1 ## classes differ tc.m5 <- m5 %*% t(m5) # "dge*", no dimnames (FIXME) (tcm5 <- tcrossprod(m5)) # "dpo*" w/ dimnames assert.EQ.mat(tc.m5, mm5 <- as(tcm5, "matrix")) ## tcrossprod(x,y) : assert.EQ.mat(tcrossprod(m5, m5), mm5) assert.EQ.mat(tcrossprod(m5, m.), mm5) assert.EQ.mat(tcrossprod(m., m5), mm5) M50 <- m5[,FALSE, drop=FALSE] M05 <- t(M50) s05 <- as(M05, "sparseMatrix") s50 <- t(s05) assert.EQ.mat(M05, matrix(1, 0,5)) assert.EQ.mat(M50, matrix(1, 5,0)) assert.EQ.mat(tcrossprod(M50), tcrossprod(as(M50, "matrix"))) assert.EQ.mat(tcrossprod(s50), tcrossprod(as(s50, "matrix"))) assert.EQ.mat( crossprod(s50), crossprod(as(s50, "matrix"))) stopifnot(identical( crossprod(s50), tcrossprod(s05)), identical( crossprod(s05), tcrossprod(s50))) (M00 <- crossprod(M50))## used to fail -> .Call(dgeMatrix_crossprod, x, FALSE) stopifnot(identical(M00, tcrossprod(M05)), all(M00 == t(M50) %*% M50), dim(M00) == 0) ## simple cases with 'scalars' treated as 1x1 matrices: d <- Matrix(1:5) d %*% 2 10 %*% t(d) assertError(3 %*% d) # must give an error , similar to assertError(5 %*% as.matrix(d)) # -> error ## right and left "numeric" and "matrix" multiplication: (p1 <- m5 %*% c(10, 2:6)) (p2 <- c(10, 2:5) %*% m5) (pd1 <- m5 %*% diag(1:6)) (pd. <- m5 %*% Diagonal(x = 1:6)) (pd2 <- diag (10:6) %*% m5) (pd..<- Diagonal(x = 10:6) %*% m5) stopifnot(exprs = { dim(crossprod(t(m5))) == c(5,5) c(class(p1),class(p2),class(pd1),class(pd2), class(pd.),class(pd..)) == "dgeMatrix" identical(dimnames(pd.), c(dimnames(m5)[1L], list(NULL))) identical(dimnames(pd..), c(list(NULL), dimnames(m5)[2L])) }) assert.EQ.mat(p1, cbind(c(20,30,33,38,54))) assert.EQ.mat(pd1, m. %*% diag(1:6)) assert.EQ.mat(pd2, diag(10:6) %*% m.) assert.EQ.mat(pd., as(pd1,"matrix")) assert.EQ.mat(pd..,as(pd2,"matrix")) ## check that 'solve' and '%*%' are inverses suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")); set.seed(1) A <- Matrix(rnorm(25), ncol = 5) y <- rnorm(5) all.equal((A %*% solve(A, y))@x, y) Atr <- new("dtrMatrix", Dim = A@Dim, x = A@x, uplo = "U") all.equal((Atr %*% solve(Atr, y))@x, y) ## R-forge bug 5933 by Sebastian Herbert, ## https://r-forge.r-project.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=5933&group_id=61&atid=294 mLeft <- matrix(data = double(0), nrow = 3, ncol = 0) mRight <- matrix(data = double(0), nrow = 0, ncol = 4) MLeft <- Matrix(data = double(0), nrow = 3, ncol = 0) MRight <- Matrix(data = double(0), nrow = 0, ncol = 4) stopifnot(exprs = { class(mLeft) == class(mRight) class(MLeft) == class(MRight) class(MLeft) == "dgeMatrix" }) Qidentical3 <- function(a,b,c) Q.eq(a,b) && Q.eq(b,c) Qidentical4 <- function(a,b,c,d) Q.eq(a,b) && Q.eq(b,c) && Q.eq(c,d) chkP <- function(mLeft, mRight, MLeft, MRight, cl = class(MLeft)) { ident4 <- if(extends(cl, "generalMatrix")) { function(a,b,c,d) { r <- eval(Matrix:::.as.via.virtual( class(a)[1L], cl[1], quote(a))) identical4(r,b,c,d) } } else { function(a,b,c,d) { assert.EQ.mat(M=b, m=a, tol=0) Qidentical3(b,c,d) } } mm <- mLeft %*% mRight # ok m.m <- crossprod(mRight) mm. <- tcrossprod(mLeft, mLeft) stopifnot(mm == 0, ident4(mm, mLeft %*% MRight, MLeft %*% mRight, MLeft %*% MRight),# now ok m.m == 0, identical(m.m, crossprod(mRight, mRight)), mm. == 0, identical(mm., tcrossprod(mLeft, mLeft)), allow.logical0 = TRUE) stopifnot(ident4(m.m, crossprod(MRight, MRight), crossprod(MRight, mRight), crossprod(mRight, MRight))) stopifnot(ident4(mm., tcrossprod(mLeft, MLeft), tcrossprod(MLeft, MLeft), tcrossprod(MLeft, mLeft))) } chkP(mLeft, mRight, MLeft, MRight, "dgeMatrix") m0 <- mLeft[FALSE,] # 0 x 0 for(cls in c("triangularMatrix", "symmetricMatrix")) { cat(cls,": "); stopifnotValid(ML0 <- as(MLeft[FALSE,], cls), cls) chkP(m0, mRight, ML0, MRight, class(ML0)) chkP(mLeft, m0 , MLeft, ML0 , class(ML0)) chkP(m0, m0 , ML0, ML0 , class(ML0)); cat("\n") } ## New in R 3.2.0 -- for traditional matrix m and vector v for(spV in c(FALSE,TRUE)) { cat("sparseV:", spV, "\n") v <- if(spV) as(1:3, "sparseVector") else 1:3 stopifnot(identical(class(v2 <- v[1:2]), class(v))) assertError(crossprod(v, v2)) ; assertError(v %*% v2) assertError(crossprod(v, 1:2)); assertError(v %*% 1:2) assertError(crossprod(v, 2)) ; assertError(v %*% 2) assertError(crossprod(1:2, v)); assertError(1:2 %*% v) cat("doing vec x vec ..\n") stopifnot(identical(crossprod(2, v), t(2) %*% v), identical(5 %*% v, 5 %*% t(v))) for(sp in c(FALSE, TRUE)) { m <- Matrix(1:2, 1,2, sparse=sp) cat(sprintf("class(m): '%s'\n", class(m))) stopifnot(identical( crossprod(m, v), t(m) %*% v), # m'v gave *outer* prod wrongly! identical(tcrossprod(m, v2), m %*% v2)) assert.EQ.Mat(m %*% v2, m %*% 1:2, tol=0) } ## gave error "non-conformable arguments" } ## crossprod(m, v) t(1 x 2) * 3 ==> (2 x 1) * (1 x 3) ==> 2 x 3 ## tcrossprod(m,v2) 1 x 2 * 2 ==> (1 x 2) * t(1 x 2) ==> 1 x 1 ### ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ### Sparse Matrix products ### ------ ## solve() for dtC* mc <- round(chol(crossprod(A)), 2) B <- A[1:3,] # non-square on purpose stopifnot(all.equal(sum(rowSums(B %*% mc)), 5.82424475145)) assert.EQ.mat(tcrossprod(B, mc), as.matrix(t(tcrossprod(mc, B)))) m <- kronecker(Diagonal(2), mc) stopifnot(is(mc, "dtrMatrix"), is(m, "sparseMatrix")) im <- solve(m) round(im, 3) itm <- solve(t(m)) iim <- solve(im) # should be ~= 'm' of course iitm <- solve(itm) I <- Diagonal(nrow(m)) (del <- c(mean(abs(as.numeric(im %*% m - I))), mean(abs(as.numeric(m %*% im - I))), mean(abs(as.numeric(im - t(itm)))), mean(abs(as.numeric( m - iim))), mean(abs(as.numeric(t(m)- iitm))))) stopifnot(is(m, "triangularMatrix"), is(m, "sparseMatrix"), is(im, "dtCMatrix"), is(itm, "dtCMatrix"), is(iitm, "dtCMatrix"), del < 1e-15) ## crossprod(.,.) & tcrossprod(), mixing dense & sparse v <- c(0,0,2:0) mv <- as.matrix(v) ## == cbind(v) (V <- Matrix(v, 5,1, sparse=TRUE)) sv <- as(v, "sparseVector") a <- as.matrix(A) cav <- crossprod(a,v) tva <- tcrossprod(v,a) assert.EQ.mat(crossprod(A, V), cav) # gave infinite recursion assert.EQ.mat(crossprod(A,sv), cav) assert.EQ.mat(tcrossprod( sv, A), tva) assert.EQ.mat(tcrossprod(t(V),A), tva) ## [t]crossprod() for . incl. one arg.: stopifnotValid(s.s <- crossprod(sv,sv), "Matrix") stopifnotValid(ss. <- tcrossprod(sv,sv), "sparseMatrix") stopifnot(identical(as(s.s, "symmetricMatrix"), crossprod(sv)), identical(as(ss., "symmetricMatrix"), tcrossprod(sv))) assert.EQ.mat(s.s, crossprod(v,v)) assert.EQ.mat(ss., tcrossprod(v,v)) dm <- Matrix(v, sparse=FALSE) sm <- Matrix(v, sparse=TRUE) vvt <- tcrossprod(v, v) validObject(d.vvt <- as(as(vvt, "unpackedMatrix"), "generalMatrix")) validObject(s.vvt <- as(as(vvt, "CsparseMatrix"), "generalMatrix")) stopifnot( identical4(tcrossprod(v, v), tcrossprod(mv, v), tcrossprod(v,mv), tcrossprod(mv,mv))## (base R) , identical4(d.vvt, tcrossprod(dm, v), tcrossprod(v,dm), tcrossprod(dm,dm)) ## (v, dm) failed , identical(s.vvt, tcrossprod(sm,sm)) , identical3(d.vvt, tcrossprod(sm, v), tcrossprod(v,sm)) ## both (sm,v) and (v,sm) failed ) assert.EQ.mat(d.vvt, vvt) assert.EQ.mat(s.vvt, vvt) M <- Matrix(0:5, 2,3) ; sM <- as(M, "sparseMatrix"); m <- as(M, "matrix") v <- 1:3; v2 <- 2:1 sv <- as( v, "sparseVector") sv2 <- as(v2, "sparseVector") tvm <- tcrossprod(v, m) assert.EQ.mat(tcrossprod( v, M), tvm) assert.EQ.mat(tcrossprod( v,sM), tvm) assert.EQ.mat(tcrossprod(sv,sM), tvm) assert.EQ.mat(tcrossprod(sv, M), tvm) assert.EQ.mat(crossprod(M, sv2), crossprod(m, v2)) stopifnot(identical(tcrossprod(v, M), v %*% t(M)), identical(tcrossprod(v,sM), v %*% t(sM)), identical(tcrossprod(v, M), crossprod(v, t(M))), identical(tcrossprod(sv,sM), sv %*% t(sM)), identical(crossprod(sM, sv2), t(sM) %*% sv2), identical(crossprod(M, v2), t(M) %*% v2)) ## *unit* triangular : t1 <- new("dtTMatrix", x= c(3,7), i= 0:1, j=3:2, Dim= as.integer(c(4,4))) ## from 0-diagonal to unit-diagonal {low-level step}: tu <- t1 ; tu@diag <- "U" cu <- as(tu, "CsparseMatrix") cl <- t(cu) # unit lower-triangular cl10 <- cl %*% Diagonal(4, x=10) assert.EQ.mat(cl10, as(cl, "matrix") %*% diag(4, x=10)) stopifnot(is(cl,"dtCMatrix"), cl@diag == "U") (cu2 <- cu %*% cu) cl2 <- cl %*% cl validObject(cl2) cu3 <- tu[-1,-1] assert.EQ.mat(crossprod(tru, cu3),## <- "FIXME" should return triangular ... crossprod(trm, as.matrix(cu3))) cl2 mcu <- as.matrix(cu) cu2. <- Diagonal(4) + Matrix(c(rep(0,9),14,0,0,6,0,0,0), 4,4) D4 <- Diagonal(4, x=10:7); d4 <- as(D4, "matrix") D.D4 <- crossprod(D4); assert.EQ.mat(D.D4, crossprod(d4)) stopifnotValid(D.D4, "ddiMatrix") stopifnotValid(su <- crossprod(cu), "dsCMatrix") asGe <- function(x) as(as(x, "unpackedMatrix"), "generalMatrix") stopifnot(exprs = { all(cu2 == cu2.) ## was wrong for ver. <= 0.999375-4 identical(D.D4, tcrossprod(D4)) identical4(crossprod(d4, D4), crossprod(D4, d4), tcrossprod(d4, D4), asGe(D.D4)) is(cu2, "dtCMatrix") # triangularity preserved is(cl2, "dtCMatrix") cu2@diag == "U" # unit triangularity preserved cl2@diag == "U" all.equal(D4 %*% mcu, asGe(D4 %*% cu)) all.equal(mcu %*% D4, asGe(cu %*% D4)) all(D4 %*% su == D4 %*% as.mat(su)) all(su %*% D4 == as.mat(su) %*% D4) identical(t(cl2), cu2) ## !! identical(crossprod(mcu, D4), asGe(crossprod(cu, D4))) identical4(asGe(tcrossprod(cu, D4)), tcrossprod(mcu, D4), asGe(cu %*% D4), mcu %*% D4) identical4(asGe(tcrossprod(D4, cu)), tcrossprod(D4,mcu), asGe(D4 %*% t(cu)), D4 %*% t(mcu)) identical( crossprod(cu), Matrix( crossprod(mcu),sparse=TRUE)) identical(tcrossprod(cu), Matrix(tcrossprod(mcu),sparse=TRUE)) }) assert.EQ.mat( crossprod(cu, D4), crossprod(mcu, d4)) assert.EQ.mat(tcrossprod(cu, D4), tcrossprod(mcu, d4)) tr8 <- kronecker(Matrix(rbind(c(2,0),c(1,4))), cl2) T8 <- tr8 %*% (tr8/2) # triangularity preserved? T8.2 <- (T8 %*% T8) / 4 stopifnot(is(T8, "triangularMatrix"), T8@uplo == "L", is(T8.2, "dtCMatrix")) mr8 <- as(tr8,"matrix") m8. <- (mr8 %*% mr8 %*% mr8 %*% mr8)/16 assert.EQ.mat(T8.2, m8.) data(KNex, package = "Matrix") mm <- KNex$mm M <- mm[1:500, 1:200] MT <- as(M, "TsparseMatrix") cpr <- t(mm) %*% mm cpr. <- crossprod(mm) cpr.. <- crossprod(mm, mm) stopifnot(is(cpr., "symmetricMatrix"), identical(cpr, cpr..), all.equal(cpr, as(cpr., "generalMatrix"), tol = 2e-15) ) ## with dimnames: m <- Matrix(c(0, 0, 2:0), 3, 5) dimnames(m) <- list(LETTERS[1:3], letters[1:5]) m p1 <- t(m) %*% m (p1. <- crossprod(m)) t1 <- m %*% t(m) (t1. <- tcrossprod(m)) stopifnot(isSymmetric(p1.), isSymmetric(t1.), all.equal(p1, as(p1., "generalMatrix"), tol = 2e-15), all.equal(t1, as(t1., "generalMatrix"), tol = 2e-15), identical(dimnames(p1), dimnames(p1.)), identical(dimnames(p1), list(colnames(m), colnames(m))), identical(dimnames(t1), dimnames(t1.)) ) showMethods("%*%", classes=class(M)) v1 <- rep(1, ncol(M)) str(r <- M %*% Matrix(v1)) str(rT <- MT %*% Matrix(v1)) stopifnot(identical(r, rT)) str(r. <- M %*% as.matrix(v1)) stopifnot(identical4(r, r., rT, M %*% as(v1, "matrix"))) v2 <- rep(1,nrow(M)) r2 <- t(Matrix(v2)) %*% M r2T <- v2 %*% MT str(r2. <- v2 %*% M) stopifnot(identical3(r2, r2., t(as(v2, "matrix")) %*% M)) ###------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Close to singular matrix W ### (from micEconAids/tests/aids.R ... priceIndex = "S" ) (load(system.file("external", "symW.rda", package="Matrix"))) # "symW" stopifnot(is(symW, "symmetricMatrix")) n <- nrow(symW) I <- .sparseDiagonal(n, shape="g") S <- as(symW, "matrix") sis <- solve(S, S) ## solve(, ) when Cholmod fails was buggy for *long*: o. <- options(Matrix.verbose = 2) # <-- showing Cholmod error & warning now SIS <- solve(symW, symW) iw <- solve(symW) ## << TODO: LU *not* saved in @factors iss <- iw %*% symW ## nb-mm3 openBLAS (Avi A.) assert.EQ.(I, drop0(sis), tol = 1e-8)# 2.6e-10; 7.96e-9 assert.EQ.(I, SIS, tol = 1e-7)# 8.2e-9 assert.EQ.(I, iss, tol = 4e-4)# 3.3e-5 ## solve(, ) : I <- diag(nrow=n) SIS <- solve(symW, as(symW,"denseMatrix")) iw <- solve(symW, I) iss <- iw %*% symW assert.EQ.mat(SIS, I, tol = 1e-7, giveRE=TRUE) assert.EQ.mat(iss, I, tol = 4e-4, giveRE=TRUE) rm(SIS,iss) WW <- as(symW, "generalMatrix") # the one that gave problems IW <- solve(WW) class(I1 <- IW %*% WW)# "dge" or "dgC" (!) class(I2 <- WW %*% IW) ## these two were wrong for for M.._1.0-13: assert.EQ.(as(I1,"matrix"), I, tol = 1e-4) assert.EQ.(as(I2,"matrix"), I, tol = 7e-7) ## now slightly perturb WW (and hence break exact symmetry set.seed(131); ii <- sample(length(WW), size= 100) WW[ii] <- WW[ii] * (1 + 1e-7*runif(100)) SW. <- symmpart(WW) SW2 <- forceSymmetric(WW) stopifnot(all.equal(as(SW.,"matrix"), as(SW2,"matrix"), tolerance = 1e-7)) (ch <- all.equal(WW, as(SW., "generalMatrix"), tolerance = 0)) stopifnot(is.character(ch), length(ch) == 1)## had length(.) 2 previously IW <- solve(WW) # ( => stores in WW@factors !) class(I1 <- IW %*% WW)# "dge" or "dgC" (!) class(I2 <- WW %*% IW) I <- diag(nrow=nrow(WW)) stopifnot(all.equal(as(I1,"matrix"), I, check.attributes=FALSE, tolerance = 1e-4), ## "Mean relative difference: 3.296549e-05" (or "1.999949" for Matrix_1.0-13 !!!) all.equal(as(I2,"matrix"), I, check.attributes=FALSE)) #default tol gives "1" for M.._1.0-13 options(o.) # revert to less Matrix.verbose if(doExtras) { print(kappa(WW)) ## [1] 5.129463e+12 print(rcond(WW)) ## [1] 6.216103e-14 ## Warning message: rcond(.) via sparse -> dense coercion } class(Iw. <- solve(SW.))# FIXME? should be "symmetric" but is not class(Iw2 <- solve(SW2))# FIXME? should be "symmetric" but is not class(IW. <- as(Iw., "denseMatrix")) class(IW2 <- as(Iw2, "denseMatrix")) ### The next two were wrong for very long, too assert.EQ.(I, as.matrix(IW. %*% SW.), tol= 4e-4) assert.EQ.(I, as.matrix(IW2 %*% SW2), tol= 4e-4) dIW <- as(IW, "denseMatrix") assert.EQ.(dIW, IW., tol= 4e-4) assert.EQ.(dIW, IW2, tol= 8e-4) ##------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Sparse Cov.matrices from Harri Kiiveri @ CSIRO a <- matrix(0,5,5) a[1,2] <- a[2,3] <- a[3,4] <- a[4,5] <- 1 a <- a + t(a) + 2*diag(5) b <- as(a, "CsparseMatrix") ## ok, but we recommend to use Matrix() ``almost always'' : (b. <- Matrix(a, sparse = TRUE)) stopifnot(identical(b, b.)) ## calculate conditional variance matrix ( vars 3 4 5 given 1 2 ) (B2 <- b[1:2, 1:2]) bb <- b[1:2, 3:5] stopifnot(is(B2, "dsCMatrix"), # symmetric indexing keeps symmetry identical(as.mat(bb), rbind(0, c(1,0,0))), ## TODO: use fully-sparse cholmod_spsolve() based solution : is(z.s <- solve(B2, bb), "sparseMatrix")) assert.EQ.mat(B2 %*% z.s, as(bb, "matrix")) ## -> dense RHS and dense result z. <- solve(as(B2, "generalMatrix"), bb)# now *sparse* z <- solve( B2, as(bb, "denseMatrix")) stopifnot(is(z., "sparseMatrix"), all.equal(z, as(z.,"denseMatrix"))) ## finish calculating conditional variance matrix v <- b[3:5,3:5] - crossprod(bb,z) stopifnot(all.equal(as.mat(v), matrix(c(4/3, 1:0, 1,2,1, 0:2), 3), tolerance = 1e-14)) ###--- "logical" Matrices : --------------------- ##__ FIXME __ now works for lsparse* and nsparse* but not yet for lge* and nge* ! ## Robert's Example, a bit more readable fromTo <- rbind(c(2,10), c(3, 9)) N <- 10 nrFT <- nrow(fromTo) rowi <- rep.int(1:nrFT, fromTo[,2]-fromTo[,1] + 1) - 1:1 coli <- unlist(lapply(1:nrFT, function(x) fromTo[x,1]:fromTo[x,2])) - 1:1 # ## "n" --- nonzero pattern Matrices chk.ngMatrix <- function(M, verbose = TRUE) { if(!(is(M, "nsparseMatrix") && length(d <- dim(M)) == 2 && d[1] == d[2])) stop("'M' must be a square sparse [patter]n Matrix") if(verbose) show(M) m <- as(M, "matrix") ## Part I : matrix products of pattern Matrices ## ------ For now [by default]: *pattern* <==> boolean arithmetic ## ==> FIXME ??: warning that this will change? MM <- M %*% M # numeric (dgC) if(verbose) { cat("M %*% M:\n"); show(MM) } assert.EQ.mat(MM, m %*% m) assert.EQ.mat(t(M) %&% M, (t(m) %*% m) > 0, tol=0) cM <- crossprod(M) # pattern {FIXME ?? warning ...} tM <- tcrossprod(M) # pattern {FIXME ?? warning ...} if(verbose) {cat( "crossprod(M):\n"); show(cM) } if(verbose) {cat("tcrossprod(M):\n"); show(tM) } stopifnot(is(cM,"symmetricMatrix"), is(tM,"symmetricMatrix"), identical(as(as(cM, "CsparseMatrix"), "generalMatrix"), t(M) %&% M), identical(as(as(tM, "CsparseMatrix"), "generalMatrix"), M %&% t(M))) assert.EQ.mat(cM, crossprod(m) > 0) assert.EQ.mat(tM, as(tcrossprod(m), "matrix") > 0) ## Part II : matrix products pattern Matrices with numeric: ## ## "n" x "d" (and "d" x "n") --> "d", i.e. numeric in any case dM <- as(M, "dMatrix") stopifnot(exprs = { ## dense ones: identical(M %*% m, m %*% M -> Mm) ## sparse ones : identical3(M %*% dM, dM %*% M -> sMM, eval(Matrix:::.as.via.virtual( "matrix", class(sMM), quote(m %*% m)))) }) if(verbose) {cat( "M %*% m:\n"); show(Mm) } stopifnotValid(Mm, "dMatrix") # not "n.." stopifnotValid(sMM, "dMatrix") # not "n.." stopifnotValid(cdM <- crossprod(dM, M), "CsparseMatrix") stopifnotValid(tdM <- tcrossprod(dM, M), "CsparseMatrix") assert.EQ.mat (cdM, crossprod(m)) assert.EQ.mat (tdM, tcrossprod(m)) stopifnot(identical( crossprod(dM), as(cdM, "symmetricMatrix"))) stopifnot(identical(tcrossprod(dM), as(tdM, "symmetricMatrix"))) invisible(TRUE) } sM <- new("ngTMatrix", i = rowi, j=coli, Dim=as.integer(c(N,N))) chk.ngMatrix(sM) # "ngTMatrix" chk.ngMatrix(tsM <- as(sM, "triangularMatrix")) # ntT chk.ngMatrix(as( sM, "CsparseMatrix")) # ngC chk.ngMatrix(as(tsM, "CsparseMatrix")) # ntC ## "l" --- logical Matrices -- use usual 0/1 arithmetic nsM <- sM sM <- as(sM, "lMatrix") sm <- as(sM, "matrix") stopifnot(identical(sm, as.matrix(nsM))) stopifnotValid(sMM <- sM %*% sM, "dsparseMatrix") assert.EQ.mat (sMM, sm %*% sm) assert.EQ.mat(t(sM) %*% sM, t(sm) %*% sm, tol=0) stopifnotValid(cM <- crossprod(sM), "dsCMatrix") stopifnotValid(tM <- tcrossprod(sM), "dsCMatrix") stopifnot(identical(cM, as(t(sM) %*% sM, "symmetricMatrix")), identical(tM, forceSymmetric(sM %*% t(sM)))) assert.EQ.mat( cM, crossprod(sm)) assert.EQ.mat( tM, as(tcrossprod(sm),"matrix")) dm <- as(sM, "denseMatrix") ## the following 6 products (dm o sM) all failed up to 2013-09-03 stopifnotValid(dm %*% sM, "denseMatrix")## failed {missing coercion} stopifnotValid(crossprod (dm , sM),"denseMatrix") stopifnotValid(tcrossprod(dm , sM),"denseMatrix") dm[2,1] <- TRUE # no longer triangular stopifnotValid( dm %*% sM, "denseMatrix") stopifnotValid(crossprod (dm , sM),"denseMatrix") stopifnotValid(tcrossprod(dm , sM),"denseMatrix") ## A sparse example - with *integer* matrix: M <- Matrix(cbind(c(1,0,-2,0,0,0,0,0,2.2,0), c(2,0,0,1,0), 0, 0, c(0,0,8,0,0),0)) t(M) (-4:5) %*% M stopifnot(as.vector(print(t(M %*% 1:6))) == c(as(M,"matrix") %*% 1:6)) (M.M <- crossprod(M)) MM. <- tcrossprod(M) stopifnot(class(MM.) == "dsCMatrix", class(M.M) == "dsCMatrix") M3 <- Matrix(c(rep(c(2,0),4),3), 3,3, sparse=TRUE) I3 <- as(Diagonal(3), "CsparseMatrix") m3 <- as.matrix(M3) iM3 <- solve(m3) stopifnot(all.equal(unname(iM3), matrix(c(3/2,0,-1,0,1/2,0,-1,0,1), 3))) assert.EQ.mat(solve(as(M3, "sparseMatrix")), iM3) assert.EQ.mat(solve(I3,I3), diag(3)) assert.EQ.mat(solve(M3, I3), iM3)# was wrong because I3 is unit-diagonal assert.EQ.mat(solve(m3, I3), iM3)# gave infinite recursion in (<=) 0.999375-10 stopifnot(identical(ttI3 <- crossprod(tru, I3), t(tru) %*% I3), identical(tI3t <- crossprod(I3, tru), t(I3) %*% tru), identical(I3tt <- tcrossprod(I3, tru), I3 %*% t(tru))) I3@uplo # U pper triangular tru@uplo# L ower triangular ## "FIXME": These are all FALSE now; the first one *is* ok (L o U); the others *not* isValid(tru %*% I3, "triangularMatrix") isValid(ttI3, "triangularMatrix") isValid(tI3t, "triangularMatrix") isValid(I3tt, "triangularMatrix") ## even simpler m <- matrix(0, 4,7); m[c(1, 3, 6, 9, 11, 22, 27)] <- 1 (mm <- Matrix(m)) (cm <- Matrix(crossprod(m))) stopifnot(identical(crossprod(mm), cm)) (tm1 <- Matrix(tcrossprod(m))) #-> had bug in 'Matrix()' ! (tm2 <- tcrossprod(mm)) Im2 <- solve(tm2[-4,-4]) P <- as(as.integer(c(4,1,3,2)),"pMatrix") p <- as(P, "matrix") P %*% mm assertError(mm %*% P) # dimension mismatch assertError(m %*% P) # ditto assertError(crossprod(t(mm), P)) # ditto stopifnotValid(tm1, "dsCMatrix") stopifnot(exprs = { all.equal(tm1, tm2, tolerance = 1e-15) all.equal(Im2 %*% tm2[1:3,], Matrix(cbind(diag(3), 0))) identical(p, as.matrix(P)) all(P %*% m == as.matrix(P) %*% m) all(P %*% mm == P %*% m) all(P %*% mm - P %*% m == 0) all(t(mm) %*% P == t(m) %*% P) all(crossprod(m, P) == crossprod(mm, P)) }) d <- function(m) as(m,"dsparseMatrix") IM1 <- as(c(3,1,2), "indMatrix") IM2 <- as(c(1,2,1), "indMatrix") assert.EQ.Mat(crossprod( IM1, IM2), crossprod(d(IM1),d(IM2)), tol=0)# failed at first iM <- as(cbind2(IM2, 0), "indMatrix") assert.EQ.Mat(crossprod(iM), Diagonal(x = 2:0)) assert.EQ.Mat(crossprod(iM, iM), Diagonal(x = 2:0)) N3 <- Diagonal(x=1:3) U3 <- Diagonal(3) # unit diagonal (@diag = "U") C3 <- as(N3, "CsparseMatrix") lM <- as(IM2, "lMatrix") nM <- as(IM2, "nMatrix") nCM <- as(nM, "CsparseMatrix") NM <- N3 %*% IM2 NM. <- C3 %*% IM2 stopifnot(Q.C.identical(NM, ## <- failed d(N3) %*% d(IM2), checkClass=FALSE), identical(NM, N3 %*% lM), identical(NM, N3 %*% nM) , ## all these "work" (but partly wrongly gave non-numeric Matrix: Q.C.identical(NM, NM., checkClass=FALSE) , mQidentical(as.matrix(NM.), array(c(1, 0, 3, 0, 2, 0), dim=3:2)) , identical(NM., C3 %*% lM) , identical(NM., C3 %*% nM) # wrongly gave n*Matrix , isValid(U3 %*% IM2, "dsparseMatrix")# was l* , isValid(U3 %*% lM, "dsparseMatrix")# was l* , isValid(U3 %*% nM, "dsparseMatrix")# was n* , identical(C3 %*% nM -> C3n, # wrongly gave ngCMatrix C3 %*% nCM) , isValid(C3n, "dgCMatrix") , identical3(U3 %*% IM2, # wrongly gave lgTMatrix U3 %*% lM -> U3l, # ditto U3 %*% nM) # wrongly gave ngTMatrix , isValid(U3l, "dgRMatrix") ) selectMethod("%*%", c("dtCMatrix", "ngTMatrix")) # x %*% .T.2.C(y) --> selectMethod("%*%", c("dtCMatrix", "ngCMatrix")) # .Call(Csparse_Csparse_prod, x, y) selectMethod("%*%", c("ddiMatrix", "indMatrix")) # x %*% as(y, "lMatrix") -> selectMethod("%*%", c("ddiMatrix", "lgTMatrix")) # diagCspprod(as(x, "Csp.."), y) selectMethod("%*%", c("ddiMatrix", "ngTMatrix")) # (ditto) stopifnot( isValid(show(crossprod(C3, nM)), "dgCMatrix"), # wrongly gave ngCMatrix identical3(## the next 4 should give the same (since C3 and U3 are symmetric): show(crossprod(U3, IM2)),# wrongly gave ngCMatrix crossprod(U3, nM), # ditto crossprod(U3, lM))) # wrongly gave lgCMatrix set.seed(123) for(n in 1:250) { n1 <- 2 + rpois(1, 10) n2 <- 2 + rpois(1, 10) N <- rpois(1, 25) ii <- seq_len(N + min(n1,n2)) IM1 <- as(c(sample(n1), sample(n1, N, replace=TRUE))[ii], "indMatrix") IM2 <- as(c(sample(n2), sample(n2, N, replace=TRUE))[ii], "indMatrix") ## stopifnot(identical(crossprod( IM1, IM2), ## crossprod(d(IM1), d(IM2)))) if(!identical(C1 <- crossprod( IM1, IM2 ), CC <- crossprod(d(IM1), d(IM2))) && !all(C1 == CC)) { cat("The two crossprod()s differ: C1 - CC =\n") print(C1 - CC) stop("The two crossprod()s differ!") } else if(n %% 25 == 0) cat(n, " ") }; cat("\n") ## two with an empty column --- these failed till 2014-06-14 X <- as(c(1,3,4,5,3), "indMatrix") Y <- as(c(2,3,4,2,2), "indMatrix") ## kronecker: stopifnot(identical(X %x% Y, as(as.matrix(X) %x% as.matrix(Y), "indMatrix"))) ## crossprod: (XtY <- crossprod(X, Y))# gave warning in Matrix 1.1-3 XtY_ok <- as(crossprod(as.matrix(X), as.matrix(Y)), "TsparseMatrix") assert.EQ.Mat(XtY, XtY_ok) # not true, previously ###------- %&% -------- Boolean Arithmetic Matrix products x5 <- c(2,0,0,1,4) D5 <- Diagonal(x=x5) N5 <- as(D5 != 0, "nMatrix") ## an "ndiMatrix" D. <- Diagonal(x=c(TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE)) stopifnot(identical(D5 %&% D., N5)) stopifnot(identical(D5 %&% as(D.,"CsparseMatrix"), as(N5,"CsparseMatrix"))) set.seed(7) L <- Matrix(rnorm(20) > 1, 4,5) (N <- as(L, "nMatrix")) D <- Matrix(round(rnorm(30)), 5,6) # "dge", values in -1:1 (for this seed) L %&% D stopifnot(identical(L %&% D, N %&% D), all(L %&% D == as((L %*% abs(D)) > 0, "sparseMatrix"))) stopifnotValid(show(crossprod(N )) , "nsCMatrix") # (TRUE/FALSE : boolean arithmetic) stopifnotValid(show(crossprod(N +0)) -> cN0, "dsCMatrix") # -> numeric Matrix (with same "pattern") stopifnot(all(crossprod(N) == t(N) %&% N), identical(crossprod(N, boolArith=TRUE) -> cN., as(cN0 != 0, "nMatrix")), identical (cN., crossprod(L, boolArith=TRUE)), identical3(cN0, crossprod(L), crossprod(L, boolArith=FALSE)) ) stopifnotValid(cD <- crossprod(D, boolArith = TRUE), "nsCMatrix") # sparse: "for now" ## another slightly differing test "series" L.L <- crossprod(L) (NN <- as(L.L > 0,"nMatrix")) nsy <- as(NN,"denseMatrix") stopifnot(identical(NN, crossprod(NN)))# here stopifnotValid(csy <- crossprod(nsy), "nsCMatrix") stopifnotValid(csy. <- crossprod(nsy, boolArith=TRUE),"nsCMatrix") stopifnot(all((csy > 0) == csy.), all(csy. == (nsy %&% nsy))) ## for "many" more seeds: set.seed(7); for(nn in 1:256) { L <- Matrix(rnorm(20) > 1, 4,5) D <- Matrix(round(rnorm(30)), 5,6) stopifnot(all(L %&% D == as((L %*% abs(D)) > 0, "sparseMatrix"))) } ## [Diagonal] o [0-rows/colums] : m20 <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 0); m02 <- t(m20) M20 <- Matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 0); M02 <- t(M20) stopifnot(identical(dim(Diagonal(x=c(1,2)) %*% m20), c(2L, 0L)), identical(dim(Diagonal(2) %*% M20), c(2L, 0L)), identical(dim(Diagonal(x=2:1) %*% M20), c(2L, 0L))) stopifnot(identical(dim(m02 %*% Diagonal(x=c(1,2))), c(0L, 2L)), identical(dim(M02 %*% Diagonal(2) ), c(0L, 2L)), identical(dim(M02 %*% Diagonal(x=2:1) ), c(0L, 2L))) ## RsparseMatrix --- Arko Bose (Jan.2022): "Method for %*% " (m <- Matrix(c(0,0,2:0), 3,5)) stopifnotValid(R <- as(m, "RsparseMatrix"), "RsparseMatrix") stopifnotValid(T <- as(m, "TsparseMatrix"), "TsparseMatrix") stopifnot(exprs = { all.equal(as(t(R) %*% R, "symmetricMatrix"), crossprod(R) -> cR) all.equal(as(R %*% t(R), "symmetricMatrix"), tcrossprod(R) -> tR) all.equal(as(R %*% t(m), "symmetricMatrix"), as(tcrossprod(m), "RsparseMatrix")) all.equal(as(m %*% t(R), "symmetricMatrix"), as(tcrossprod(m), "CsparseMatrix")) ## failed in Matrix <= 1.4.1 (since 1.2.0, when 'boolArith' was introduced): all.equal(as(cR, "RsparseMatrix"), as( crossprod(R, T), "symmetricMatrix")) all.equal(as(cR, "CsparseMatrix"), as( crossprod(T, R), "symmetricMatrix")) all.equal(as(tR, "RsparseMatrix"), as(tcrossprod(R, T), "symmetricMatrix")) all.equal(as(tR, "CsparseMatrix"), as(tcrossprod(T, R), "symmetricMatrix")) }) ## More for kronecker() ------------------------------------------------ checkKronecker <- function(X, Y, ...) { k1 <- as(k0 <- kronecker(X, Y, ...), "matrix") k2 <- kronecker(as(X, "matrix"), as(Y, "matrix"), ...) cldX <- getClassDef(class(X)) cldY <- getClassDef(class(Y)) if(extends(cldX, "indMatrix") && extends(cldY, "indMatrix")) { stopifnot(is(k0, "indMatrix")) storage.mode(k2) <- "logical" } if(extends(cldX, "triangularMatrix") && extends(cldY, "triangularMatrix") && X@uplo == Y@uplo) stopifnot(is(k0, "triangularMatrix"), k0@uplo == X@uplo, k0@diag == (if(X@diag == "N" || Y@diag == "N") "N" else "U")) else if(extends(cldX, "symmetricMatrix") && extends(cldY, "symmetricMatrix")) stopifnot(is(k0, "symmetricMatrix"), k0@uplo == X@uplo) ## could test for more special cases if(!isTRUE(ae <- all.equal(k1, k2))) stop(sprintf("checkKronecker(<%s>, <%s>):\n %s", class(X), class(Y), paste0(ae, collapse = "\n "))) } set.seed(145133) lXY <- lapply(rpois(2L, 10), function(n) { x <- rsparsematrix(n, n, 0.6) dn <- replicate(2L, if(sample(c(FALSE, TRUE), 1L)) sample(letters, n, TRUE), simplify = FALSE) x@Dimnames <- dn x4 <- list(as(as(x, "dMatrix"), "denseMatrix"), as(as(x, "dMatrix"), "CsparseMatrix"), as(as(x, "lMatrix"), "RsparseMatrix"), as(as(x, "nMatrix"), "TsparseMatrix")) mkList <- function(y) list(x, triu(x), tril(x), { z <- triu(x, 1L); z@diag <- "U"; z }, { z <- tril(x, -1L); z@diag <- "U"; z }, forceSymmetric(x, "U"), forceSymmetric(x, "L"), { z <- Diagonal(x = diag(x)); z@Dimnames <- dn; z }, as(sample.int(n, replace = TRUE), "indMatrix"), as(x, "matrix")) unlist(lapply(x4, mkList), FALSE, FALSE) }) lX <- lXY[[1L]] lY <- lXY[[2L]] for(i in seq_along(lX)) for(j in seq_along(lY)) checkKronecker(lX[[i]], lY[[j]], make.dimnames = TRUE) cat('Time elapsed: ', proc.time(),'\n') # for ``statistical reasons''