library(Matrix) ### Do all kinds of object creation and coercion source(system.file("test-tools.R", package = "Matrix")) .drop.factors <- function(x, check = FALSE) `slot<-`(x, "factors", check = check, value = list()) ## the empty ones: checkMatrix(new("dgeMatrix")) checkMatrix(Matrix(,0,0)) ## "dge" assertError( new("dgeMatrix", Dim = c(2,2), x= 1:4) )# double 'Dim' assertError( new("dgeMatrix", Dim = as.integer(c(2,2)), x= 1:4) )# int 'x' assertError( new("dgeMatrix", Dim = 2:2, x=as.double(1:4)) )# length(Dim) !=2 assertError( new("dgeMatrix", Dim = as.integer(c(2,2)), x= as.double(1:5))) checkMatrix(m1 <- Matrix(1:6, ncol=2)) checkMatrix(m2 <- Matrix(1:7 +0, ncol=3)) # a (desired) warning c("dgeMatrix", "ddenseMatrix", "generalMatrix", "dMatrix", "denseMatrix", "compMatrix", "Matrix") -> stopifnot(!anyNA(match(, is(m1))), dim(t(m1)) == 2:3, identical(m1, t(t(m1)))) c.nam <- paste("C",1:2, sep='') dimnames(m1) <- list(NULL, c.nam) checkMatrix(m1) # failed in 0.999375-10 checkMatrix(tm1 <- t(m1)) stopifnot(colnames(m1) == c.nam, identical(dimnames(tm1), list(c.nam, NULL)), identical(m1, t(tm1))) ## an example of *named* dimnames (t34N <- as(unclass(table(x = gl(3,4), y=gl(4,3))), "unpackedMatrix")) stopifnot(identical(dimnames(t34N), dimnames(as(t34N, "matrix"))), identical(t34N, t(t(t34N)))) ## "dpo" checkMatrix(cm <- crossprod(m1)) checkMatrix(cp <- as(cm, "packedMatrix"))# 'dpp' + factors checkMatrix(cs <- as(cm, "dsyMatrix"))# 'dsy' + factors checkMatrix(dcm <- as(cm, "generalMatrix"))#'dge' checkMatrix(mcm <- as(cm, "dMatrix")) # 'dsy' + factors -- buglet? rather == cm? checkMatrix(mc. <- as(cm, "Matrix")) # dpo --> dsy -- (as above) FIXME? ?? stopifnot(identical(mc., mcm), identical(.drop.factors(cm), (2*cm)/2),# remains dpo identical(cm + cp, cp + cs),# dge identical(mc., mcm), all(2*cm == mcm * 2)) checkMatrix(eq <- cm == cs) stopifnot(all(eq@x), identical3(pack(eq), cs == cp, cm == cp), as.logical(!(cs < cp)), identical4(!(cs < cp), !(cp > cs), cp <= cs, cs >= cp)) ## Coercion to 'dpo' should give an error if result would be invalid M <- Matrix(diag(4) - 1) assertError(as(M, "dpoMatrix")) M. <- as(M, "generalMatrix") M.[1,2] <- 10 # -> not even symmetric anymore assertError(as(M., "dpoMatrix")) ## Cholesky checkMatrix(ch <- chol(cm)) checkMatrix(ch2 <- chol(as(cm, "dsyMatrix"))) checkMatrix(ch3 <- chol(as(cm, "generalMatrix"))) stopifnot(is.all.equal3(as(ch, "matrix"), as(ch2, "matrix"), as(ch3, "matrix"))) ### Very basic triangular matrix stuff assertError( new("dtrMatrix", Dim = c(2,2), x= 1:4) )# double 'Dim' assertError( new("dtrMatrix", Dim = as.integer(c(2,2)), x= 1:4) )# int 'x' ## This caused a segfault (before revision r1172 in ../src/dtrMatrix.c): assertError( new("dtrMatrix", Dim = 2:2, x=as.double(1:4)) )# length(Dim) !=2 assertError( new("dtrMatrix", Dim = as.integer(c(2,2)), x= as.double(1:5))) tr22 <- new("dtrMatrix", Dim = as.integer(c(2,2)), x=as.double(1:4)) tt22 <- t(tr22) (tPt <- tr22 + tt22) stopifnot(identical(10 * tPt, tPt * 10), as.vector(t.22 <- (tr22 / .5)* .5) == c(1,0,3,4), TRUE) ## not yet: class(t.22) == "dtrMatrix") ## non-square triagonal Matrices --- are forbidden --- assertError(new("dtrMatrix", Dim = 2:3, x=as.double(1:6), uplo="L", diag="U")) n <- 3:3 assertError(new("dtCMatrix", Dim = c(n,n), diag = "U")) validObject(T <- new("dtTMatrix", Dim = c(n,n), diag = "U")) validObject(M <- new("dtCMatrix", Dim = c(n,n), diag = "U", p =, n+1))) stopifnot(identical(as.mat(T), diag(n))) suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")); set.seed(3) (p9 <- p9. <- as(sample(9), "pMatrix")) (np9 <- np9. <- as(p9, "TsparseMatrix")) p9.[1,1] <- np9.[1,1] <- TRUE stopifnot(is.logical(p9[1,]), is(p9[2,, drop=FALSE], "indMatrix"), is(p9[9:1,], "indMatrix"), isTRUE(p9[-c(1:6, 8:9), 1]), identical(t(p9), solve(p9)), identical(p9[TRUE, ], p9), identical(p9[, TRUE], p9), identical(p9., np9.), identical(as(diag(9), "pMatrix"), as(1:9, "pMatrix")) ) assert.EQ.mat(p9[TRUE,], as.matrix(np9)) ## validObject --> Cparse_validate(.) mm <- new("dgCMatrix", Dim = c(3L, 5L), i = c(2L, 0L, 1L, 2L, 0L, 1L), x = c( 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2), p = c(0:2, 4L, 4L, 6L)) ## Previously unsorted columns were sorted - now are flagged as invalid m. <- mm ip <- c(1:2, 4:3, 6:5) # permute the 'i' and 'x' slot just "inside column": m.@i <- m.i <- mm@i[ip] m.@x <- m.x <- mm@x[ip] stopifnot(identical(1L, grep("not increasing within columns", validObject(m., test = TRUE)))) .validateCsparse(m., TRUE) # don't use this at home, boys! m. # now is fixed ## Make sure that validObject() objects... ## 1) to wrong 'p' m. <- mm; m.@p[1] <- 1L stopifnot(identical(1L, grep("first element of 'p' slot", validObject(m., test = TRUE)))) m.@p <- mm@p[c(1,3:2,4:6)] stopifnot(identical(1L, grep("not nondecreasing", validObject(m., test = TRUE)))) ## 2) to non-strictly increasing i's: m. <- mm ; ix <- c(1:3,3,5:6) m.@i <- mm@i[ix] m.@x <- mm@x[ix] stopifnot(identical(1L, grep("not increasing within columns", validObject(m., test = TRUE)))) ## ix <- c(1:3, 3:6) # now the the (i,x) slots are too large (and decreasing at end) ## m.@i <- mm@i[ix] ## m.@x <- mm@x[ix] ## stopifnot(identical(grep("^slot i is not.* increasing .*sort", ## (msg <- validObject(m., test=TRUE))),# seg.fault in the past ## 1L)) ## over-allocation of the i- and x- slot should be allowed: ## (though it does not really help in M[.,.] <- * yet) m. <- mm m.@i <- c(mm@i, NA, NA, NA) m.@x <- c(mm@x, 10:12) validObject(m.) m. # show() now works stopifnot(all(m. == mm), # in spite of length(m.@i) > length(mm@i), identical(t(t(m.)), mm), identical3(m. * m., m. * mm, mm * mm)) m.[1,4] <- 99 ## FIXME: warning and cuts (!) the over-allocated slots ## Low-level construction of invalid object: ## Ensure that it does *NOT* segfault foo <- new("ngCMatrix", i = as.integer(c(12204, 16799, 16799, 33517, 1128, 11930, 1128, 11930, 32183)), p = rep(0:9, c(2,4,1,11,10,0,1,0,9,12)), Dim = c(36952L, 49L)) validObject(foo)# TRUE foo@i[5] <- foo@i[5] + 50000L msg <- validObject(foo, test=TRUE)# is -- correctly -- *not* valid anymore stopifnot(is.character(msg)) ## Error in validObject(foo) : ## invalid class "ngCMatrix" object: all row indices must be between 0 and nrow-1 getLastMsg <- function(tryRes) { ## Extract "final" message from erronous try result sub("\n$", "", sub("^.*: ", "", as.character(tryRes))) } t1 <- try(show(foo)) # error t2 <- try(head(foo)) # error, but previously a segfault stopifnot(identical(msg, getLastMsg(t1)), identical(msg, getLastMsg(t2))) ## test that all prototypes of nonvirtual classes are valid for (cl in c(names(getClassDef("Matrix")@subclasses), names(getClassDef("MatrixFactorization")@subclasses))) if(!isVirtualClass(def <- getClassDef(cl))) validObject(new(def)) cat('Time elapsed: ', proc.time(),'\n') # "stats" if(!interactive()) warnings()