R Under development (unstable) (2024-08-15 r87022 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > # This file is part of the standard setup for testthat. > # It is recommended that you do not modify it. > # > # Where should you do additional test configuration? > # Learn more about the roles of various files in: > # * https://r-pkgs.org/tests.html > # * https://testthat.r-lib.org/reference/test_package.html#special-files > > library(testthat) > library(MUVR2) > data("mosquito") > data("freelive2") > data("freelive") > data("crisp") > > test_check("MUVR2") all 1147 variables are numeric. There are originally 1147 variables They are transformed into 1147 variables by onehotencoding X is transformed to a matrix by onehotencoding. Missing ID -> Assume all unique (i.e. sample independence) Missing fitness -> RMSEPType 'citation("pROC")' for a citation. Attaching package: 'pROC' The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': cov, smooth, var Repetition 1 of 2: Segment 1 (variables):1147...688...412...247...148...88...52...31...18...10...6...3... Segment 2 (variables):1147...688...412...247...148...88...52...31...18...10...6...3... Segment 3 (variables):1147...688...412...247...148...88...52...31...18...10...6...3... Segment 4 (variables):1147...688...412...247...148...88...52...31...18...10...6...3... Repetition 2 of 2: Segment 1 (variables):1147...688...412...247...148...88...52...31...18...10...6...3... Segment 2 (variables):1147...688...412...247...148...88...52...31...18...10...6...3... Segment 3 (variables):1147...688...412...247...148...88...52...31...18...10...6...3... Segment 4 (variables):1147...688...412...247...148...88...52...31...18...10...6...3... Elapsed time 0.1166667 mins all 1678 variables are numeric. There are originally 1678 variables They are transformed into 1678 variables by onehotencoding X is transformed to a matrix by onehotencoding. 940 variables with near zero variance detected -> removed from X and stored under $nzv Missing ID -> Assume all unique (i.e. sample independence) Y is factor -> Classification (3 classes) Missing fitness -> BERLoading required package: Matrix Loaded glmnet 4.1-8 Attaching package: 'magrittr' The following objects are masked from 'package:testthat': equals, is_less_than, not Repetition 1 of 2: Segment 1 (Inner repeat): 1 ... Segment 2 (Inner repeat): 1 ... Segment 3 (Inner repeat): 1 ... Segment 4 (Inner repeat): 1 ... Repetition 2 of 2: Segment 1 (Inner repeat): 1 ... Segment 2 (Inner repeat): 1 ... Segment 3 (Inner repeat): 1 ... Segment 4 (Inner repeat): 1 ... Elapsed time 0.9031667 mins Missing ID -> Assume all unique (i.e. sample independence) Multilevel -> Regression on (-1, 1) & fitness = "MISS"randomForest 4.7-1.1 Type rfNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes. Repetition 1 of 2: Segment 1 (variables):1508...904...542...325...195...117...70...42...25...15...9...5...3... Segment 2 (variables):1508...904...542...325...195...117...70...42...25...15...9...5...3... Segment 3 (variables):1508...904...542...325...195...117...70...42...25...15...9...5...3... Segment 4 (variables):1508...904...542...325...195...117...70...42...25...15...9...5...3... Repetition 2 of 2: Segment 1 (variables):1508...904...542...325...195...117...70...42...25...15...9...5...3... Segment 2 (variables):1508...904...542...325...195...117...70...42...25...15...9...5...3... Segment 3 (variables):1508...904...542...325...195...117...70...42...25...15...9...5...3... Segment 4 (variables):1508...904...542...325...195...117...70...42...25...15...9...5...3...Setting levels: control = -1, case = 1 Setting direction: controls < cases Setting levels: control = -1, case = 1 Setting direction: controls < cases Setting levels: control = -1, case = 1 Setting direction: controls < cases Elapsed time 0.2583333 mins Missing ID -> Assume all unique (i.e. sample independence)all 1678 variables are numeric. There are originally 1678 variables They are transformed into 1678 variables by onehotencoding X is transformed to a matrix by onehotencoding. 940 variables with near zero variance detected -> removed from X and stored under $nzv Missing ID -> Assume all unique (i.e. sample independence) Y is factor -> Classification (3 classes) Missing fitness -> BER Repetition 1 of 2: Segment 1 (Inner repeat): 1 ... Repetition 2 of 2: Segment 1 (Inner repeat): 1 ... This is onehot encoding. All variables are transformed to numeric. There is/are 1 factor variable(s). 1 non-numeric variable(s) 0 numeric variable(s) There are originally 1 variables They are transformed into 3 variables by onehotencoding This is onehot encoding. All variables are transformed to numeric. There is/are 1 factor variable(s). 1 non-numeric variable(s) 0 numeric variable(s) There are originally 1 variables They are transformed into 3 variables by onehotencoding Missing ID -> Assume all unique (i.e. sample independence) Missing fitness -> RMSEP Repetition 1 of 2: Segment 1 (variables):1147..860..645..483..362..271..203..152..114..85..63..47..35..26..19..14..10..7..5..3..2.. Segment 2 (variables):1147..860..645..483..362..271..203..152..114..85..63..47..35..26..19..14..10..7..5..3..2.. Segment 3 (variables):1147..860..645..483..362..271..203..152..114..85..63..47..35..26..19..14..10..7..5..3..2.. Repetition 2 of 2: Segment 1 (variables):1147..860..645..483..362..271..203..152..114..85..63..47..35..26..19..14..10..7..5..3..2.. Segment 2 (variables):1147..860..645..483..362..271..203..152..114..85..63..47..35..26..19..14..10..7..5..3..2.. Segment 3 (variables):1147..860..645..483..362..271..203..152..114..85..63..47..35..26..19..14..10..7..5..3..2.. Elapsed time 0.1718333 mins all 1147 variables are numeric. There are originally 1147 variables They are transformed into 1147 variables by onehotencoding X is transformed to a matrix by onehotencoding. In X There are 1147 numeric variables, 0 factor variables 0 character varaibles 0 logical variables. Y is a numeric variable with 58 obsevations Original input(call) and the input that will used in MUVR2: all 1147 variables are numeric. There are originally 1147 variables They are transformed into 1147 variables by onehotencoding X is transformed to a matrix by onehotencoding. In X There are 1147 numeric variables, 0 factor variables 0 character varaibles 0 logical variables. Y is a numeric variable with 58 obsevations Not yet supported Not yet supported Not yet supportedZero offset: 0 Offset: 0 Missing ID -> Assume all unique (i.e. sample independence)[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 60 ] There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50) > > proc.time() user system elapsed 88.32 3.85 92.15