# This test should only be used for local testing # with TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.refGene and org.Hs.eg.db installed/ skip_on_cran() if ( require("TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.refGene", quietly = TRUE) && require("org.Hs.eg.db", quietly = TRUE) && require("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19", quietly = TRUE) && require("TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene", quietly = TRUE) ) { # Working dir during tests is under projects/MOCHA/tests/testthat/. Assumes # PBMCSmall is under 'projects' ArchRProjDir <- "../../../PBMCSmall" if (require("ArchR", quietly = TRUE) & dir.exists(ArchRProjDir)) { test_that("We can call peaks by sample from an ArchR project", { capture.output( testProj <- ArchR::loadArchRProject(ArchRProjDir), type = "message" ) TxDb <- "TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.refGene" OrgDb <- "org.Hs.eg.db" capture.output( tiles <- MOCHA::callOpenTiles( ATACFragments = testProj, TxDb = TxDb, OrgDb = OrgDb, cellPopLabel = "Clusters", cellPopulations = c("C2", "C5"), numCores = 1, outDir = tempdir() ), type = "message" ) expect_snapshot( tiles, variant = "ArchR" ) tiles@metadata$Directory <- NULL # Directory uses tempdir() expect_snapshot( tiles@metadata, variant = "ArchR_metadata" ) }) } test_that("We can call peaks independent of ArchR", { TxDb <- "TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.refGene" OrgDb <- "org.Hs.eg.db" capture.output( tiles <- MOCHA::callOpenTiles( ATACFragments = MOCHA::exampleFragments, cellColData = MOCHA::exampleCellColData, blackList = MOCHA::exampleBlackList, genome = "hg19", TxDb = TxDb, OrgDb = OrgDb, outDir = tempdir(), cellPopLabel = "Clusters", cellPopulations = c("C2", "C5"), numCores = 1 ), type = "message" ) expect_snapshot( tiles, variant = "list" ) expect_snapshot( assays(metadata(tiles)$summarizedData)[["CellCounts"]], variant = "CellCounts" ) expect_snapshot( assays(metadata(tiles)$summarizedData)[["FragmentCounts"]], variant = "FragmentCounts" ) tiles@metadata$Directory <- NULL # Directory uses tempdir() expect_snapshot( tiles@metadata, variant = "list_metadata" ) }) test_that("We throw a warning when a sample has less than 5 cells", { TxDb <- "TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.refGene" OrgDb <- "org.Hs.eg.db" sample1frags <- GenomicRanges::GRanges( seqnames = Rle(c("chr1"), c(1)), ranges = IRanges(c(760101:760110), end = c(760111:760120), names = head(letters, 10)), strand = "*", RG = c("c1", "c2", "c2", "c3", "c3", "c4", "c4", "c4", "c5", "c5") ) sample2frags <- GenomicRanges::GRanges( seqnames = Rle(c("chr1"), c(1)), ranges = IRanges(c(760101:760110), end = c(760111:760120), names = head(letters, 10)), strand = "*", RG = c("c6", "c7", "c7", "c8", "c8", "c8", "c9", "c9", "c9", "c9") ) tiny_fragments <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(sample1frags, sample2frags) names(tiny_fragments) <- c("t_cd8_temra#sample1", "t_cd8_temra#sample2") tiny_cellColData <- data.frame( Sample = c(rep("sample1", 5), rep("sample2", 4)), cellPop = rep("t_cd8_temra", 9) ) rownames(tiny_cellColData) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3", "c4", "c5", "c6", "c7", "c8", "c9") expect_warning(tiles <- MOCHA::callOpenTiles( ATACFragments = tiny_fragments, cellColData = tiny_cellColData, blackList = MOCHA::exampleBlackList, genome = "hg19", TxDb = TxDb, OrgDb = OrgDb, outDir = tempdir(), cellPopLabel = "cellPop", cellPopulations = c("t_cd8_temra"), studySignal = 10, # manually provide or have nFrags col in cellColData numCores = 1, verbose = TRUE )) }) test_that("We error when nFrags is absent from cellColData", { sample1frags <- GenomicRanges::GRanges( seqnames = Rle(c("chr1"), c(1)), ranges = IRanges(c(760101:760110), end = c(760111:760120), names = head(letters, 10)), strand = "*", RG = c("c1", "c2", "c2", "c3", "c3", "c4", "c4", "c4", "c5", "c5") ) sample2frags <- GenomicRanges::GRanges( seqnames = Rle(c("chr1"), c(1)), ranges = IRanges(c(760101:760110), end = c(760111:760120), names = head(letters, 10)), strand = "*", RG = c("c6", "c7", "c7", "c8", "c8", "c8", "c9", "c9", "c9", "c9") ) tiny_fragments <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(sample1frags, sample2frags) names(tiny_fragments) <- c("t_cd8_temra#sample1", "t_cd8_temra#sample2") tiny_cellColData <- data.frame( Sample = c(rep("sample1", 5), rep("sample2", 4)), cellPop = rep("t_cd8_temra", 9) ) rownames(tiny_cellColData) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3", "c4", "c5", "c6", "c7", "c8", "c9") expect_error(tiles <- MOCHA::callOpenTiles( ATACFragments = tiny_fragments, cellColData = tiny_cellColData, blackList = MOCHA::exampleBlackList, genome = "hg19", TxDb = TxDb, OrgDb = OrgDb, outDir = tempdir(), cellPopLabel = "cellPop", cellPopulations = c("t_cd8_temra"), studySignal = NULL, # manually provide or have nFrags col in cellColData numCores = 1, verbose = FALSE )) }) test_that("We error when our fragments are all blacklisted", { sample1frags <- GenomicRanges::GRanges( seqnames = Rle(c("chr1"), c(1)), ranges = IRanges(c(101:110), end = c(111:120), names = head(letters, 10)), strand = "*", RG = c("c1", "c2", "c2", "c3", "c3", "c4", "c4", "c4", "c5", "c5") ) sample2frags <- GenomicRanges::GRanges( seqnames = Rle(c("chr1"), c(1)), ranges = IRanges(c(101:110), end = c(111:120), names = head(letters, 10)), strand = "*", RG = c("c6", "c7", "c7", "c8", "c8", "c8", "c9", "c9", "c9", "c9") ) tiny_fragments <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(sample1frags, sample2frags) names(tiny_fragments) <- c("t_cd8_temra#sample1", "t_cd8_temra#sample2") tiny_cellColData <- data.frame( Sample = c(rep("sample1", 5), rep("sample2", 4)), cellPop = rep("t_cd8_temra", 9) ) rownames(tiny_cellColData) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3", "c4", "c5", "c6", "c7", "c8", "c9") expect_error(tiles <- MOCHA::callOpenTiles( ATACFragments = tiny_fragments, cellColData = tiny_cellColData, blackList = MOCHA::exampleBlackList, genome = "hg19", TxDb = TxDb, OrgDb = OrgDb, outDir = tempdir(), cellPopLabel = "cellPop", cellPopulations = c("t_cd8_temra"), studySignal = 10, # manually provide or have nFrags col in cellColData numCores = 1, verbose = TRUE )) }) test_that("We error informatively when cellPopLabel is not in the metadata", { TxDb <- "TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.refGene" OrgDb <- "org.Hs.eg.db" expect_error( tiles <- MOCHA::callOpenTiles( ATACFragments = MOCHA::exampleFragments, cellColData = MOCHA::exampleCellColData, blackList = MOCHA::exampleBlackList, genome = "hg19", TxDb = TxDb, OrgDb = OrgDb, outDir = tempdir(), cellPopLabel = "INCORRECTCELLPOPLABEL", cellPopulations = c("C2", "C5"), numCores = 1 ), regexp = "cellColData must contain column 'cellPopLabel'" ) }) }