threads <- 1 test_that("test cv", { skip_on_cran() mat <- matrix(rnorm(1000), ncol = 10) label <- rnorm(100) dtrain <- xgboost::xgb.DMatrix(data = mat, label = label, nthread = threads) model <- = dtrain, nrounds = 10, nfold = 5, verbose = FALSE, nthread = threads) expect_s3_class(model, "") # using the custom low memory cv function model_lowmem <- = dtrain, nfold = 3, nrounds = 10, verbose = FALSE, nthread = threads) expect_s3_class(model_lowmem, "") # with custom folds (similar to generating using caret::createFolds()) folds <- list() folds$Fold1 <- 1:20 folds$Fold2 <- 21:40 folds$Fold3 <- 41:60 folds$Fold4 <- 61:80 folds$Fold5 <- 81:100 model <- = dtrain, nrounds = 10, folds = folds, verbose = FALSE, nthread = threads) expect_s3_class(model, "") model_lowmem <- = dtrain, folds = folds, nrounds = 10, verbose = FALSE, prediction = TRUE, nthread = threads) expect_s3_class(model_lowmem, "") # check members expected_fields <- c("call", "params", "callbacks", "evaluation_log", "niter", "nfeatures", "folds") expect_contains(names(model), expected_fields) expect_contains(names(model_lowmem), expected_fields) # check eval log names are same expect_equal(names(model$evaluation_log), names(model_lowmem$evaluation_log)) # using some additional callbacks, other fields are added model <- = dtrain, prediction = TRUE, nrounds = 10, folds = folds, verbose = FALSE, callbacks = list( = TRUE) ), nthread = threads ) expect_s3_class(model, "") expect_contains(names(model), c(expected_fields, "pred", "models")) # to save models in lowmem cv, use the save_models argument model_lowmem <- = dtrain, folds = folds, nrounds = 10, verbose = FALSE, prediction = TRUE, save_models = TRUE, nthread = threads) expect_s3_class(model_lowmem, "") expect_contains(names(model_lowmem), c(expected_fields, "pred", "models")) expect_equal(dim(model$pred), dim(model_lowmem$pred)) expect_equal(dim(model$models), dim(model_lowmem$models)) # using one fold with standard cv function # (i.e., similar to test train split) fails folds <- list() folds$Test <- 1:20 expect_error( = dtrain, nrounds = 10, folds = folds, verbose = FALSE, nthread = threads) ) # using one fold with lowmem cv function works model_lowmem <- = dtrain, nfold = .8, nrounds = 10, verbose = FALSE, prediction = TRUE, save_models = TRUE, nthread = threads) expect_s3_class(model_lowmem, "") expect_contains(names(model_lowmem), c(expected_fields, "pred", "models")) }) test_that("iris example", { data(iris) iris <- iris[sample(1:nrow(iris)), ] # make labels , 0 indexed labels <- as.integer(iris$Species) - 1 dtrain <- xgboost::xgb.DMatrix(data = as.matrix(iris[, -5]), label = labels, nthread = threads) # make folds folds <- list() for (i in 1:5) { folds[[paste0("Fold", i)]] <- which((1:150) %% 5 == i - 1) } model <- = dtrain, nrounds = 10, nfold = 5, verbose = FALSE, prediction = TRUE, folds = folds, num_class = 3, objective = "multi:softprob", nthread = threads) expect_s3_class(model, "") # convert preds to class preds <- apply(model$pred, 1, which.max) - 1 # check accuracy accuracy <- mean(preds == labels) # now use the lowmem cv function model_lowmem <- = dtrain, nfold = 5, nrounds = 10, verbose = FALSE, prediction = TRUE, folds = folds, num_class = 3, objective = "multi:softprob", nthread = threads) expect_s3_class(model_lowmem, "") # convert preds to class preds_lowmem <- apply(model_lowmem$pred, 1, which.max) - 1 # check accuracy accuracy_lowmem <- mean(preds_lowmem == labels) expect_equal(accuracy, accuracy_lowmem, tolerance = 1e-6) })