testthat::context("Testing prepare.functions") # Tested datasets must have at least 5 agents - options are HF2PPIT, psoriasis, ssri, osteopain, gout(?) alldfs <- list(triptans, psoriasis75, ssri, osteopain, gout) datanams <- c("triptans", "psoriasis75", "ssri", "osteopain", "gout") for (dat in seq_along(alldfs)) { datanam <- datanams[dat] dataset <- alldfs[[dat]] print(datanam) ### Datasets #### network <- mbnma.network(dataset) df1 <- dataset df2 <- df1 df2$agent <- as.character(df2$agent) df2$agent[df2$dose==0] <- network$agents[2] if ("class" %in% names(dataset)) { df.class <- dataset } # df.class <- HF2PPITT # df.class$class <- NA # df.class$class[df.class$agent %in% c("placebo", "eletriptan")] <- 1 # df.class$class[is.na(df.class$class)] <- 2 datalist <- list(df1, df2) ################### Testing ################ testthat::test_that(paste0("mbnma.validate.data functions correctly for: ", datanam), { df.err <- dataset arm <- df.err[df.err$studyID==df.err$studyID[1],] arm <- arm[1,] df.err <- df.err[df.err$studyID!=df.err$studyID[1],] df.err <- rbind(arm, df.err) expect_error(mbnma.validate.data(df.err), regexp = "single study arm") df.err <- dataset df.err$dose[10] <- -1 expect_error(mbnma.validate.data(df.err), regexp = "All values for `dose`") df.err <- dataset[, !(names(dataset) %in% c("r", "y"))] expect_error(mbnma.validate.data(df.err), regexp = "Required variable names are") df.err <- dataset if ("r" %in% names(df.err)) { df.err$r[20] <- NA } else if ("y" %in% names(df.err)) { df.err$y[20] <- NA } expect_error(mbnma.validate.data(df.err), regexp = "NA values in:") if ("class" %in% names(dataset)) { df.err <- dataset df.err$class[1] <- 3 expect_error(mbnma.validate.data(df.err), regexp = "Class codes are different") expect_silent(mbnma.validate.data(df.class)) } if ("y" %in% names(dataset)) { new.df <- dataset new.df$standsd <- 0.5 expect_silent(mbnma.validate.data(new.df)) df.err <- new.df df.err$standsd[1] <- 2 expect_error(mbnma.validate.data(df.err), "must be identical within each study") } }) test_that(paste0("add_index functions correctly for: ", datanam), { df <- dataset index <- add_index(df) expect_message(add_index(df)) expect_equal(index[["treatments"]][1], "Placebo_0") expect_equal(index[["agents"]][1], "Placebo") lvl <- c("treatment", "agent") lvls <- c("treatments", "agents") if ("class" %in% names(df)) { expect_equal(index[["classes"]][1], "Placebo") lvl <- append(lvl, "class") lvls <- append(lvls, "classes") } for (i in seq_along(lvls)) { expect_equal(length(index[[lvls[i]]]), length(unique(index$data.ab[[lvl[i]]]))) checkmate::assertNumeric(index$data.ab[[lvl[i]]], lower=1, any.missing = FALSE, finite=TRUE) } }) test_that(paste0("mbnma.network functions correctly for: ", datanam), { expect_message(mbnma.network(df1)) if (datanam!="osteopain") { expect_message(mbnma.network(df2)) } else { expect_error(mbnma.network(df2), "Class codes are different") } df.err <- dataset arm <- df.err[df.err$studyID==df.err$studyID[1],] arm <- arm[1,] df.err <- df.err[df.err$studyID!=df.err$studyID[1],] df.err <- rbind(arm, df.err) expect_error(mbnma.network(df.err), regex="single study arm") y <- 5 expect_error(mbnma.network(y)) }) test_that(paste0("mbnma.comparions functions correctly for: ", datanam), { for (i in seq_along(datalist)) { if (i==2 & datanam!="osteopain") { network <- mbnma.network(datalist[[i]]) expect_error(mbnma.comparisons(network)) comps <- mbnma.comparisons(network$data.ab) expect_equal(names(comps), c("t1", "t2", "nr")) checkmate::assertDataFrame(comps, any.missing = FALSE, types="numeric") expect_equal(all(comps$t1<=comps$t2), TRUE) } else { # Created to avoid skips expect_equal(5,5) } } }) test_that(paste0("drop.disconnected functions correctly for: ", datanam), { # Creating a broken network df.num <- mbnma.network(df1)$data.ab sepcomp <- mbnma.comparisons(df.num)[nrow(mbnma.comparisons(df.num)),] keep <- df.num$studyID[df.num$treatment %in% c(sepcomp$t1, sepcomp$t2)] df.num <- df.num[!(df.num$studyID %in% keep & !df.num$treatment %in% c(sepcomp$t1, sepcomp$t2)),] df.num <- df.num %>% dplyr::group_by(studyID) %>% dplyr::mutate(narm=dplyr::n()) df.num <- df.num[df.num$narm>1,] network <- mbnma.network(df.num) expect_warning(plot(network)) drops <- drop.disconnected(network) expect_equal(nrow(df.num) > nrow(drops$data.ab), TRUE) # With a complete network if (datanam %in% c("triptans", "psoriasis75", "ssri", 2)) { df.num <- mbnma.network(df1)$data.ab fullrow <- nrow(df.num) network <- mbnma.network(df.num) expect_warning(plot(network), NA) drops <- drop.disconnected(network) expect_equal(fullrow, nrow(drops$data.ab)) } }) test_that(paste0("genspline functions correctly for: ", datanam), { xlist <- list(c(0:50), c(10,25,89), c(5,10), c(1)) for (i in seq_along(xlist)) { x <- xlist[[i]] expect_silent(genspline(x, spline="ns", knots=2, max.dose=max(x))) expect_silent(genspline(x, spline="ns", knots=3, max.dose=max(x))) knots <- 3 splines <- genspline(x, spline="ns", knots=knots, max.dose=max(x)) expect_equal(nrow(splines), length(x)) expect_equal(ncol(splines), knots+1) if (max(x)>10) { knots <- c(0.35,0.5,0.1) expect_silent(genspline(x, spline="ns", knots=knots, max.dose=10)) if (length(x)>1) { expect_equal(ncol(genspline(x, spline="ns", knots=3, max.dose=10)), length(knots)+1) } } expect_error(genspline(x, spline="ns", knots=15, max.dose=max(x)), "complexity") expect_error(genspline(x, spline="ns", knots=c(1,2,3), max.dose=max(x)), "'probs' outside") expect_error(genspline(x, spline="badger", knots=3, max.dose=max(x))) } }) test_that(paste0("getjagsdata functions correctly for: ", datanam), { data.ab <- network$data.ab expect_error(getjagsdata(data.ab, class=FALSE, fun=demax(), nodesplit = c(1,3)), NA) expect_error(getjagsdata(data.ab, fun=dspline(type="ns", knots=c(0.2,0.5), beta.1="common", beta.2 = "rel", beta.3="random")), NA) mult <- dmulti( c(rep(list(dpoly(degree=1)),2), rep(list(dspline(knots = 2, type="ns", beta.1=0.2)),1), rep(list(dfpoly(degree=2)),length(network$agents)-3) )) expect_error(getjagsdata(data.ab, fun=mult), NA) mult <- dmulti( c(rep(list(dpoly(degree=1)),2), rep(list(dspline(knots = c(0.1,0.5), type="ns", beta.1=0.2)),1), rep(list(dspline(knots = 3, type="ls", beta.2="common")),length(network$agents)-3) )) expect_error(getjagsdata(data.ab, fun=mult), NA) expect_error(getjagsdata(data.ab, class=FALSE, fun=demax(hill=0.5)), NA) }) }