context("plotMsiSlice") m <- c(createMassSpectrum(mass=1:10, intensity=1:10), createMassSpectrum(mass=2:11, intensity=2:11)) coordinates(m) <- cbind(1:2, c(1, 1)) test_that("plotMsiSlice throws errors", { expect_error(plotMsiSlice(m, center=c(3, 5), tolerance=0.5, colRamp=list(A=1, B=2, C=3)), paste0(".*number of centers.* has to be the same ", "as the length of the list .*colRamp.*")) }) test_that("plotMsiSlice throws warnings", { expect_error(tryCatch(plotMsiSlice(m, center=c(3, 5), tolerance=0.5), warning=function(w)stop(conditionMessage(w))), paste0(".*plotMsiSlice.* was called for multiple slices on an ", "interactive device. Only the first slice is plotted.")) })