test_that("Test zzz functions ... they should still work", { testthat::skip_on_cran() ##get right answer expect_equal(get_rightAnswer(), 46) expect_equal(get_rightAnswer("test"), 46) ##get quote expect_silent(get_Quote()) expect_silent(get_Quote(ID = 1)) expect_silent(get_Quote(ID = 10, separated = TRUE)) expect_silent(get_Quote(ID = 1e06)) ##tune data expect_warning(tune_Data(1:10)) expect_warning(tune_Data(data.frame(runif(n = 10, 8,12),runif(n = 10, 0.1,0.3) ), decrease.error = TRUE)) expect_warning(tune_Data(data.frame(runif(n = 10, 8,12),runif(n = 10, 0.1,0.3) ), increase.data = TRUE)) ##sTeve ## read example data set data(ExampleData.DeValues, envir = environment()) ExampleData.DeValues <- convert_Second2Gray(ExampleData.DeValues$BT998, c(0.0438,0.0019)) ## create plot straightforward expect_silent(plot_KDE(data = ExampleData.DeValues)) expect_silent(sTeve(type = 1)) expect_silent(sTeve(type = 2, t_animation = 1)) expect_silent(sTeve(type = 3, t_animation = 1, n.tree = 2)) expect_error(sTeve("error"), "'n_frames' should be of class 'integer' or 'numeric'") })