## load data data(ExampleData.RLum.Analysis) data(ExampleData.RLum.Data.Image, envir = environment()) data(ExampleData.XSYG, envir = environment()) test_that("input validation", { testthat::skip_on_cran() expect_error(view(set_RLum("RLum.Data.Image")), "'info' slot cannot be an empty list") }) test_that("check functionality", { testthat::skip_on_cran() ## Risø.BINfileData file <- system.file("extdata/BINfile_V8.binx", package = "Luminescence") risoe <- read_BIN2R(file, verbose = FALSE) ## RLum.Data.Curve curve <- get_RLum(OSL.SARMeasurement$Sequence.Object, recordType = "TL (UVVIS)")[[1]] ## RLum.Data.Image image <- ExampleData.RLum.Data.Image ## RLum.Data.Spectrum spect <- TL.Spectrum ## RLum.Results results <- calc_FastRatio(curve, verbose = FALSE, plot = FALSE) ## RLum.Analysis analysis <- OSL.SARMeasurement[[2]] ## we need to mock the utils::View function as it otherwise generates this ## error on CI: ## Error in `check_screen_device("View()")`: ## View() should not be used in examples etc with_mocked_bindings(".view" = function(x, ...) NULL, { expect_null(view(risoe)) expect_null(view(curve)) expect_null(view(image)) expect_null(view(spect)) expect_null(view(results)) expect_null(view(analysis)) }) })