test_that("interval2state works as expected", { #create a interval dataset states <- tibble::tibble(Datetime = c("2023-08-29 6:00:00", "2023-08-29 23:00:00", "2023-08-30 6:00:00", "2023-08-30 22:00:00", "2023-08-31 6:30:00", "2023-09-01 1:00:00", "2023-09-01 6:00:00", "2023-09-01 22:00:00", "2023-09-02 6:00:00", "2023-09-02 23:00:00", "2023-09-03 6:00:00", "2023-09-03 22:00:00"), State = rep(c("wake", "sleep"), 6), Id = rep(c("Participant", "Environment"), each = 6)) %>% dplyr::group_by(Id) states <- states |> dplyr::mutate(Datetime = lubridate::force_tz( lubridate::as_datetime(Datetime), tzone = "Europe/Berlin")) intervals <- sc2interval(states) #create a dataset with states data <- sample.data.environment %>% interval2state(State.interval.dataset = intervals) %>% dplyr::slice(6000, 28000) %>% dplyr::pull(State) #test expect_equal(data,c(NA, "wake", "sleep")) #if a state starts before the first datapoint, it is still included in it data2 <- suppressWarnings( sample.data.environment %>% dplyr::group_by(Id) %>% dplyr::slice(6000, 28000) %>% interval2state(State.interval.dataset = intervals) %>% dplyr::pull(State) ) expect_equal(data2,c(NA, "wake", "sleep")) }) test_that("interval2state throws errors as expected", { #create a interval dataset states <- tibble::tibble(Datetime = c("2023-08-29 6:00:00", "2023-08-29 23:00:00", "2023-08-30 6:00:00", "2023-08-30 22:00:00", "2023-08-31 6:30:00", "2023-09-01 1:00:00", "2023-09-01 6:00:00", "2023-09-01 22:00:00", "2023-09-02 6:00:00", "2023-09-02 23:00:00", "2023-09-03 6:00:00", "2023-09-03 22:00:00"), State = rep(c("wake", "sleep"), 6), Id = "Participant") intervals <- sc2interval(states) #create a dataset with states expect_error(interval2state("Data", State.interval.dataset = intervals), "dataset is not a dataframe") expect_error(interval2state(dataset = sample.data.environment, State.interval.dataset = intervals, Id.colname.dataset = Source), "Id.colname.dataset must be part of the dataset") expect_error(interval2state(dataset = sample.data.environment, Interval.colname = Interval2, State.interval.dataset = intervals), "Interval.colname must be part of the State.interval.dataset") expect_error(interval2state(dataset = sample.data.environment, State.interval.dataset = intervals, Id.colname.interval = Source), "Id.colname.interval must be part of the State.interval.dataset") expect_error(interval2state(dataset = sample.data.environment, State.interval.dataset = sample.data.environment, State.colname = Source, Interval.colname = Datetime)) expect_warning(interval2state(dataset = sample.data.environment %>% dplyr::mutate( Datetime = lubridate::with_tz( Datetime, "Europe/Berlin") ), State.interval.dataset = intervals %>% dplyr::group_by(Id) ), "The time zone of the dataset and the State.interval.dataset are not the same. This might lead to unexpected results or time shifts.") })