lines <- c( "1,M,1.45,Rotterdam", "2,F,12.00,Amsterdam", "3,,.22,Berlin", ",M,22,Paris", "4,F,12345,London", "5,M,,Copenhagen", "6,M,-12.1,", "7,F,-1,Oslo") data <- data.frame( id=c(1,2,3,NA,4,5,6,7), gender=factor(c("M", "F", NA, "M", "F", "M", "M", "F"), levels=c("M", "F")), x=c(1.45, 12, 0.22, 22, 12345, NA, -12.1, -1), city=c("Rotterdam", "Amsterdam", "Berlin", "Paris", "London", "Copenhagen", "", "Oslo"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE ) tmpcsv <- tempfile() writeLines(lines, con=tmpcsv, sep="\n") context("Test changing of levels") laf <- laf_open_csv(filename=tmpcsv, column_types=c("integer", "categorical", "double", "string")) test_that( "setting levels works", { levels(laf)[["V1"]] <- data.frame(levels=1:10, labels=paste0("C", 1:10), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) expect_true([["V1"]])) expect_equal(nrow(levels(laf)[["V1"]]), 10) data$id <- factor(data$id, levels=1:10, labels=paste0("C", 1:10)) expect_equal(laf$V1[], data$id) levels(data$id) <- paste0("D", 1:10) c <- laf$V1 levels(c) <- data.frame(levels=1:10, labels=paste0("D", 1:10), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) expect_equal(c[], data$id) }) test_that("write_dm and read_dm work with levels", { tmpyaml <- tempfile() levels(laf)[["V1"]] <- data.frame(levels=1:10, labels=paste0("C", 1:10), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) write_dm(laf, modelfile=tmpyaml) model <- read_dm(tmpyaml) laf2 <- laf_open(model) expect_equal(laf[], laf2[]) file.remove(tmpyaml) }) file.remove(tmpcsv) test_that("levels work with process_blocks (regression test issue 2", { tmpcsv <- tempfile() lines <- c("1;1;A", "2;1;A", "3;1;B", "4;2;B") writeLines(lines, tmpcsv) dm <- detect_dm_csv(tmpcsv, sep=";") laf <- laf_open(dm) levels(laf)[[2]] <- data.frame(levels=1:2, labels=c("een", "twee"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) test <- process_blocks(laf, nrow=2, function(d, r) { if (is.null(r)) r <- FALSE r <- r || any(unlist( }) expect_false(test) file.remove(tmpcsv) })