test_that("take_sample() works without a `.by` argument", { one <- mtcars |> take_sample(n=1) expect_equal(1, nrow(one)) }) test_that("take_sample() works with a character string `.by` argument", { one <- take_sample(mtcars, n=1, .by = "cyl") expect_equal(3, nrow(one)) two <- take_sample(mtcars, n=1, .by = c("cyl", "vs")) expect_equal(5, nrow(two)) }) test_that("take_sample() works with unquoted names in `.by` argument", { one <- take_sample(mtcars, n=1, .by = cyl) expect_equal(3, nrow(one)) two <- take_sample(mtcars, n=1, .by = c(cyl, vs)) expect_equal(5, nrow(two)) }) test_that("take_sample() works with datasim object", { one <- take_sample(sim_01, n=3) expect_equal(3, nrow(one)) })