test_that("1-variable plots work", { P <- mtcars |> point_plot(cyl ~ 1) expect_snapshot_file(ggsave("1-var-plot.png", P)) }) # Deleted this for CRAN submission, since {natality2014} is not generally available # test_that("Transformations work", { # Babies <- natality2014::Natality_2014_10k |> select(combgest, dbwt) |> stats::na.omit() # Babies |> point_plot(dbwt ~ ntiles(combgest, n=3), annot="violin", point_ink = 0.01) -> P # # look for 4 violins, including one for NA # expect_snapshot_file(ggsave("transform-plot.png", P)) # }) test_that("Categorical responses trigger logistic regression", { P <- Birdkeepers |> point_plot(LC ~ YR, annot = "model") # Check that model function curves between NoCancer and Lung Cancer expect_snapshot_file(ggsave("bird-logistic-plot.png")) }) # Logistic models show up in the right spot compared to the data test_that("Logistic model values are 0-1", { Birdkeepers <- Birdkeepers |> mutate(cancer = zero_one(LC, one="LungCancer")) Birdkeepers |> point_plot(cancer ~ splines::ns(CD, 2), annot = "model") -> P # Look at the plot to make sure band goes in range [0, 1] expect_snapshot_file(ggsave("logistic-fun-plot.png", P)) }) test_that("NAs in color or faceting variables cause the corresponding row to be deleted.", { P <- Hill_racing |> point_plot(time ~ distance + climb + climb) expect_snapshot_file(suppressWarnings(ggsave("color-and-facet-na.png", P))) })