set.seed(20211123) data.file <- system.file("test_data", "simulated_NUP107_data.csv", package="LOMAR") locs <- locs_from_csv(data.file) PS <- point_sets_from_locs(locs = locs, keep.locprec = TRUE) test_that("Cropping point set works", { pts <- crop_point_set(PS[[2]], c(60, 60, 120)) expect_equal(nrow(pts), 38) }) test_that("Localization precision can be converted to covariance matrix", { PS <- lapply(PS, function(p) { p <- cbind(p, locprecz = p[, "locprec"]) }) C <- locprec2cov(PS, scale = FALSE) expect_equal(length(C), length(PS)) expect_equal(length(dim(C[[1]])), 3) }) test_that("Image can be generated from localizations by histogram method", { I <- points2img(points =[[2]]), voxel.size = c(10, 10, 30), method = 'histogram') expect_equal(dim(I), c(30, 32, 29)) }) test_that("Image can be generated from localizations by photon method", { pts <-[[2]], split(locs$phot, locs$site)[[2]])) colnames(pts)[ncol(pts)] <- "phot" ncpu <- parallel::detectCores() if(ncpu>=2) { ncpu <- 2 } else { ncpu <- 1 } suppressWarnings(I <- points2img(points = pts, voxel.size = c(10, 10, 30), method = 'photon', ncpu = ncpu)) expect_equal(dim(I), c(30, 32, 29)) }) test_that("Circle Hough transform works", { I <- points2img(points =[[2]]), voxel.size = c(10, 10, 30), method = 'histogram') img <- apply(I, c(1,2), sum) # 2D projection along z df <- circle_hough_transform(img, rmin = 5, rmax = 5, threshold = 0.4) expect_equal(df[, c("x", "y", "r")], data.frame(x = 16, y = 12, r = 5)) }) test_that("coloc_index works", { ci <- coloc_index(P1 = standardize_coordinates(PS[[1]])$X, P2 = standardize_coordinates(PS[[2]])$X) ci <- sum(unlist(lapply(ci, mean))) expect_equal(ci, 0.650, tolerance = 0.001) })