context("test-ldmatrix") test_that("ldmatrix throws an error", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() expect_error(LDmatrix(snps = c("rs4853519", "rs7598883", "Rs4853736"), pop = c("YRI","CEU"), r2d = "r2", token = Sys.getenv("LDLINK_TOKEN"), file = FALSE, genome_build = "grch40")) expect_error(LDmatrix(snps = c("rs4853519", "rs7598883"), pop = "YRI", r2d = "d", token = Sys.getenv("LDLINK_TOKEN"), file = FALSE, genome_build = c("grch37", "grch38"))) }) test_that("ldmatrix works", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() expect_named(LDmatrix(c("rs3", "rs4", "rs148890987"), "YRI", "r2", token = Sys.getenv("LDLINK_TOKEN"))) }) test_that("ldmatrix throws an error when list of variants is greater than 2500", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() # generate list of variants that exceeds 2500 rs_variants <- paste0("rs", 1:2501) expect_error(LDmatrix(snps = rs_variants, pop = "YRI", r2d = "r2", token = Sys.getenv("LDLINK_TOKEN") ) ) }) test_that("ldmatrix throws an error when list of variants is less than 2", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() expect_error(LDmatrix(snps = "rs3", pop = "YRI", r2d = "r2", token = Sys.getenv("LDLINK_TOKEN") ) ) })