context("geks indices") load(system.file("testdata","testData_geks.RData",package = "IndexNumR")) test_that("geks splice functions return the correct values",{ splices <- c("window", "movement", "mean", "half", "wisp", "hasp", "mean_pub") for(j in seq_along(splices)){ expect_equal(GEKSIndex(CES_sigma_2, pvar="prices", qvar="quantities", pervar="time", prodID = "prodID", indexMethod = "tornqvist", sample = "matched", window=11, splice = splices[j]), as.matrix(testData[[splices[j]]])) } }) test_that("geks functions return the correct values for different index methods", { methods <- c("fisher", "tornqvist", "tpd", "walsh", "jevons") for(j in seq_along(methods)){ expect_equal(GEKSIndex(CES_sigma_2, pvar="prices", qvar="quantities", pervar="time", prodID = "prodID", indexMethod = methods[j], sample = "matched", window = 12), as.matrix(testData[[methods[j]]])) } }) test_that("error is thrown when wrong column names are given",{ expect_error(GEKSIndex(CES_sigma_2,pvar = "price",qvar = "quantities", pervar = "time", prodID = "prodID", indexMethod = "tornqvist", sample = "matched"), "are not column names of the input data frame") }) test_that("Error is thrown for wrong splice method", { expect_error(GEKSIndex(CES_sigma_2,pvar = "prices",qvar = "quantities", pervar = "time", prodID = "prodID", indexMethod = "tornqvist", sample = "matched", window = 12, splice = "wrongSplice"), "Not a valid splicing method.") }) test_that("Error is thrown for wrong imputePrices parameter", { expect_error(GEKSIndex(CES_sigma_2,pvar = "prices",qvar = "quantities", pervar = "time", prodID = "prodID", indexMethod = "tornqvist", sample = "matched", window = 12, splice = "window", imputePrices = "wrongImpute"), "Invalid imputePrices argument") }) test_that("Error is thrown when time/product combinations are not unique", { duped <- CES_sigma_2 # set the time for the second observation on product 1 to period 1 # which creates a duplicate time/product combination duped$time[2] <- 1 expect_error(GEKSIndex(duped, pvar="prices", qvar="quantities", pervar="time", prodID = "prodID", window = 9)) }) rm(testData) #load CES_sigma_2 and make period 3 missing dat <- CES_sigma_2 dat$time[dat$time==3] = 2 test_that("error is thrown when a time period is missing",{ expect_error(GEKSIndex(dat, pvar="prices",qvar="quantities", pervar = "time", prodID = "prodID", indexMethod = "tornqvist", window = 12), "The time period variable is not continuous. Missing periods: 3") }) rm(dat) # setup a random ordering of the 4 products for 4 periods v1 <- 1:4 v2 <- rev(v1) v3 <- c(4,2,1,3) v4 <- rev(v3) CESUnordered <-, nrow = 16, ncol = 4)) # bind the 4 periods of data in the order defined by v1-v4 CESUnordered[1:4,] <- CES_sigma_2[CES_sigma_2$time == 1,][v1,] CESUnordered[5:8,] <- CES_sigma_2[CES_sigma_2$time == 2,][v2,] CESUnordered[9:12,] <- CES_sigma_2[CES_sigma_2$time == 3,][v3,] CESUnordered[13:16,] <- CES_sigma_2[CES_sigma_2$time == 4,][v4,] colnames(CESUnordered) <- colnames(CES_sigma_2) CESOrdered <- CES_sigma_2[CES_sigma_2$time %in% 1:4,] test_that("GEKS index returns the same answer regardless of product ordering",{ indexMethods <- c("fisher", "tornqvist") doIndex <- function(dataset, method){ GEKSIndex(dataset, pvar = "prices", qvar = "quantities", prodID = "prodID", pervar = "time", indexMethod = method, window = 3, splice = "mean") } indexEqual <- function(dataset1, method, dataset2){ expect_equal(doIndex(dataset1, method), doIndex(dataset2, method)) } for(i in seq_along(indexMethods)){ indexEqual(CESOrdered, indexMethods[i], CESUnordered) } }) test_that("intGEKS gives the same result as GEKS with no product change", { indexMethods <- c("fisher", "tornqvist", "tpd", "walsh", "jevons") testMethod <- function(method){ intFalse <- GEKSIndex(CES_sigma_2, pvar = "prices", qvar = "quantities", pervar = "time", prodID = "prodID", indexMethod = method, window = 12, intGEKS = FALSE) intTrue <- GEKSIndex(CES_sigma_2, pvar = "prices", qvar = "quantities", pervar = "time", prodID = "prodID", indexMethod = method, window = 12, intGEKS = TRUE) expect_equal(intFalse, intTrue) } for(i in 1:length(indexMethods)){ testMethod(indexMethods[i]) } }) test_that("can replicate intGEKS result in Lamboray & Krsinich", { x1 <- c(1, 1*cumprod(rep(0.99, 7))) x2 <- c(1, 1*(0.9), 1*(0.9^2), 1*(0.9^3), rep(NA, 4)) x3 <- c(rep(NA, 4), 1, 1*(0.9), 1*(0.9^2), 1*(0.9^3)) df <- data.frame(p = c(x1, x2, x3), q = rep(1, 24), prod = c(rep(1, 8), rep(2, 8), rep(3, 8)), t = rep(1:8, 3)) df <- df[!$p),] ind <- IndexNumR::GEKSIndex(df, pvar = "p", qvar = "q", pervar = "t", prodID = "prod", window = 8, sample = "matched", indexMethod = "tornqvist", intGEKS = TRUE) # test for the result in table 2 in Lamboray and Krsinich (2016) expect_equal(ind[5]/ind[4], 0.99) }) test_that("The right GEKSIndex result is given when prices are imputed", { df <- CES_sigma_2[-c(2:3),] result <- GEKSIndex(df, pvar = "prices", qvar = "quantities", pervar = "time", prodID = "prodID", indexMethod = "fisher", imputePrices = "carry", window = 12) expect_equal(result, as.matrix(c(1, 0.876105290522952, 1.08127159852239, 1.10437571515941, 0.911053419297449, 1.16689616688954, 1.1114839943134, 0.922249166063837, 1.08436534352444, 0.930263143473634, 1.11519231402879, 1.11806626998895 ))) })