testthat::test_that("the function 'get_URL_data()' gives an error if the input url is invalid!", { testthat::skip_on_cran() # skip on CRAN due to time limits and might fail testthat::expect_error(get_URL_data(URL = INVALID_URL, outputFormat = 'csv', download_method = 'curl', file_path_zip = NULL, verbose = FALSE)) }) testthat::test_that("the function 'get_URL_data()' returns a data.frame if the input url is valid!", { testthat::skip_on_cran() # skip on CRAN due to time limits and might fail expected_COLS = c("segment_id_beg", "segment_id_end", "longitude", "latitude", "h_te_best_fit", "h_te_uncertainty", "h_canopy", "h_canopy_uncertainty", "track_id", "beam", "file_name") res_df = get_URL_data(URL = VALID_URL_remaining, outputFormat = 'csv', download_method = 'curl', file_path_zip = NULL, verbose = FALSE) cols_df = colnames(res_df) testthat::expect_true(all(cols_df %in% expected_COLS) & ncol(res_df) == length(cols_df)) }) testthat::test_that("the function 'verify_RGTs()' gives an error if the input bounding box is invalid!", { testthat::skip_on_cran() # skip on CRAN due to time limits and might fail testthat::expect_error(verify_RGTs(nsidc_rgts = rgts, bbx_aoi = c(xmin = -53.108876, ymin = 60.119614, xmax = -19.203521, INVALID = 80.793117), verbose = TRUE)) }) testthat::test_that("the function 'verify_RGTs()' returns a data.table if the input parameters are valid!", { testthat::skip_on_cran() # skip on CRAN due to time limits and might fail dtbl = verify_RGTs(nsidc_rgts = rgts, bbx_aoi = bbx, verbose = FALSE) testthat::expect_true(nrow(dtbl) == 6 & ncol(dtbl) == 3 & all(colnames(dtbl) %in% c("Date_time", "RGT_OpenAlt", "RGT_NSIDC"))) })