test_that("Determine the type of parameters", { expect_error(motif_count(c(1:10)), "Error: please check the tyep of network.or.subnet_mat1 and other parameters!!!") expect_error(motif_count(c("a", "b", "c")), "Error: please check the tyep of network.or.subnet_mat1 and other parameters!!!") expect_error(motif_count(c(T, F, F, T, NA)), "Error: please check the tyep of network.or.subnet_mat1 and other parameters!!!") expect_error(motif_count(matrix(1:10,2,5),c("a", "b", "c")), "Error: please check the tyep of network.or.subnet_mat1 and other parameters!!!") m1<-matrix(1:10,5,2) rownames(m1)<-paste0("species",seq=1:5) m3<-matrix(1:12,6,2) rownames(m3)<-c(paste0("species",seq=1:5),NA) m4<-matrix(1:10,5,2) rownames(m4)<-c(paste0("species",seq=1:4),NA) m5<-matrix(1:15,5,3) rownames(m5)<-c(paste0("species",seq=1:4),NA) m6<-matrix(1:15,5,3) rownames(m6)<-paste0("species",seq=2:6) m7<-matrix(1:18,6,3) rownames(m7)<-c(paste0("species",seq=c(1,3,2,5,4)),NA) expect_error(motif_count(m1,m7), "Make sure matrices either have no row names or have full row names. No NA!!!") expect_error(motif_count(m1,m6), "Error: please check whether the column name of network.or.subnet_mat1 is corresponding to the row name of subnet_mat2!!!") expect_error(motif_count(m4,m5), "Error: There is NA in the column name of network.or.subnet_mat1 or the row name of subnet_mat2!!!") expect_error(motif_count(m3,m7), "Error: There is NA in the column name of network.or.subnet_mat1 or the row name of subnet_mat2!!!") }) test_that("Input a big network data", { ma<-Multi_motif("all") for(i in 21:28){ expect_error(motif_count(ma[[i]]), "Error: please input a large 'number of interconnecting species >=4' network data!!!") } MAT <- build_net(11,22,21,0.2,asmatrices=TRUE) expect_error(motif_count(t(MAT[[3]]),t(MAT[[4]])), "Error: please input a large 'number of interconnecting species >=4' network data!!!") MA<-build_net(5,3,3,0.9) expect_error(motif_count(MA), "Error: please input a large 'number of interconnecting species >=4' network data!!!") m8<-matrix(1:6,3,2) colnames(m8)<-paste0("species",seq=1:2) m9<-matrix(1:8,2,4) rownames(m9)<-paste0("species",seq=c(2,1)) expect_error(motif_count(m8,m9), "Error: please input a large 'number of interconnecting species >=4' network data!!!") })