library(Greg) library(dplyr) data("melanoma", package = "boot", envir = environment()) melanoma <- mutate(melanoma, status = factor(status, levels = 1:3, labels = c("Died from melanoma", "Alive", "Died from other causes")), ulcer = factor(ulcer, levels = 0:1, labels = c("Absent", "Present")), # All variables should be in the same time unit time = time/365.25, sex = factor(sex, levels = 0:1, labels = c("Female", "Male"))) library(survival) model <- coxph(Surv(time, status == "Died from melanoma") ~ sex + age, data = melanoma ) library(splines) nl_model <- addNonlinearity(model, "age", "ns", flex_param = 2:7, workers = FALSE ) if (!all.equal(model, nl_model)) { stop("Failed check coxph with ns") } nl_model <- addNonlinearity(model, "age", "ns", flex_param = 2:7, sig_level = .7, workers = FALSE ) if (length(all.equal(model, nl_model)) == 1) { stop("Failed check coxph with ns with sensitivity increased") } nl_model <- addNonlinearity(model, "age", "pspline", flex_param = "Asdasdsadasda", workers = FALSE ) if (!all.equal(model, nl_model)) { stop("Failed check coxph with pspline") } nl_model <- addNonlinearity(model, "age", "pspline", flex_param = "Asdasdsadasda", sig_level = .7, workers = FALSE ) if (length(all.equal(model, nl_model)) == 1) { stop("Failed check coxph with pspline with sensitivity increased") }