test_fixtures <- list() test_fixtures$empty_gql_response <- list( "data" = list( "group" = list( "projects" = list( "count" = 0, "pageInfo" = list( "hasNextPage" = FALSE, "endCursor" = NULL ), "edges" = list() ) ) ) ) test_fixtures$half_empty_gql_response <- list( "data" = list( "group" = list( "projects" = list( "count" = 445, "pageInfo" = list( "hasNextPage" = TRUE, "endCursor" = NULL ), "edges" = list() ) ) ) ) test_fixtures$github_repository_rest_response <- list( "id" = 627452680, "node_id" = "R_kgDOJWYrCA", "name" = "testRepo", "full_name" = "test_org/TestRepo", "private" = FALSE, "owner" = list( "login" = "test_org", "id" = 103638913, "node_id" = "O_kgDOBi1ngQ", "avatar_url" = "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/103638913?v=4" ), "html_url" = "https://testhost.com/test-org/TestRepo", "description" = NULL, "fork" = FALSE, "url" = "https://testhost.com/api/v4/repos/test-org/TestRepo", "forks_url" = "https://testhost.com/api/v4/repos/test-org/TestRepo/forks", "collaborators_url" = "https://testhost.com/api/v4/repos/test-org/TestRepo/collaborators{/collaborator}", "teams_url" = "https://testhost.com/api/v4/repos/test-org/TestRepo/teams", "events_url" = "https://testhost.com/api/v4/repos/test-org/TestRepo/events", "branches_url" = "https://testhost.com/api/v4/repos/test-org/TestRepo/branches{/branch}", "created_at" = "2023-04-13T13:52:24Z", "pushed_at" = "2023-12-21T20:36:23Z", "size" = 211L, "stargazers_count" = 2, "watchers_count" = 2, "language" = "R", "forks_count" = 0, "open_issues_count" = 3L ) test_fixtures$github_repositories_rest_response <- list( test_fixtures$github_repository_rest_response, list( "id" = 2222222222222, "name" = "testRepo2", "html_url" = "https://testhost.com/test-org/TestRepo", "url" = "https://testhost.com/api/v4/repos/test-org/TestRepo" ), list( "id" = 2222222222222, "name" = "testRepo3", "html_url" = "https://testhost.com/test-org/TestRepo", "url" = "https://testhost.com/api/v4/repos/test-org/TestRepo" ) ) test_fixtures$gitlab_repositories_rest_response <- list( list( "path" = "testRepo1", "_links" = list("self" = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/43400864"), "web_url" = "https://gitlab.com/mbtests/gitstats-testing-2" ), list( "path" = "testRepo2", "_links" = list("self" = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/43398933"), "web_url" = "https://gitlab.com/mbtests/gitstatstesting" ), list( "path" = "testRepo3", "_links" = list("self" = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/43398933"), "web_url" = "https://gitlab.com/mbtests/gitstatstesting" ) ) github_repository_node <- function(repo_name) { list( "repo_id" = "xyz", "repo_name" = repo_name, "default_branch" = list( "name" = "main" ), "stars" = 10, "forks" = 2, "created_at" = "2022-04-20T00:00:00Z", "last_activity_at" = "2023-04-20T00:00:00Z", "languages" = list( "nodes" = list( list( "name" = "R" ), list( "name" = "CSS" ), list( "name" = "JavaScript" ) ) ), "issues_open" = list( "totalCount" = 10 ), "issues_closed" = list( "totalCount" = 5 ), "organization" = list( "login" = "test_org" ), "repo_url" = "https://test_url" ) } test_fixtures$github_repos_by_org_response <- list( "data" = list( "repositoryOwner" = list( "repositories" = list( "totalCount" = 5, "pageInfo" = list( "endCursor" = "xyx", "hasNextPage" = FALSE ), "nodes" = list( github_repository_node("TestRepo"), github_repository_node("TestRepo1"), github_repository_node("TestRepo2"), github_repository_node("TestRepo3"), github_repository_node("TestRepo4") ) ) ) ) ) test_fixtures$github_repos_by_user_response <- list( "data" = list( "user" = list( "repositories" = list( "totalCount" = 5, "pageInfo" = list( "endCursor" = "xyx", "hasNextPage" = FALSE ), "nodes" = list( github_repository_node("TestRepo"), github_repository_node("TestRepo1"), github_repository_node("TestRepo2"), github_repository_node("TestRepo3"), github_repository_node("TestRepo4") ) ) ) ) ) gitlab_project_node <- list( "node" = list( "repo_id" = "gid://gitlab/Project/61399846", "repo_name" = "test_repo", "repo_path" = "test_repo", "repository" = list( "rootRef" = "main" ), "stars" = 8, "forks" = 3, "created_at" = "2023-09-18T00:00:00Z", "last_activity_at" = "2024-09-18T00:00:00Z", "languages" = list( list( "name" = "Python" ), list( "name" = "R" ) ), "issues" = list( "all" = 10, "closed" = 8, "opened" = 2 ), "namespace" = list( "path" = "test_group" ), "repo_url" = "https://test_gitlab_url.com" ) ) test_fixtures$gitlab_repos_by_org_response <- list( "data" = list( "group" = list( "projects" = list( "count" = 5, "pageInfo" = list( "hasNextPage" = FALSE, "endCursor" = "xyz" ), "edges" = list( gitlab_project_node, gitlab_project_node, gitlab_project_node, gitlab_project_node, gitlab_project_node ) ) ) ) ) test_fixtures$gitlab_repos_by_user_response <- list( "data" = list( "projects" = list( "count" = 5, "pageInfo" = list( "hasNextPage" = FALSE, "endCursor" = "xyz" ), "edges" = list( gitlab_project_node, gitlab_project_node, gitlab_project_node, gitlab_project_node, gitlab_project_node ) ) ) ) github_commit_edge <- function(timestamp, author) { list( "node" = list( "id" = "xxx", "committed_date" = timestamp, "author" = list( "name" = author, "user" = list( "name" = "Maciej Banas", "login" = "maciekbanas" ) ), "additions" = 5L, "deletions" = 8L, "repository" = list( "url" = "test_url" ) ) ) } set.seed(123) commit_timestamps <- generate_random_timestamps(25, 2023, 2024) commit_authors <- generate_random_names(25, c("John Test", "Barbara Check", "Bob Test")) test_fixtures$github_commits_response <- list( "data" = list( "repository" = list( "defaultBranchRef" = list( "target" = list( "history" = list( "edges" = purrr::map2(commit_timestamps, commit_authors, github_commit_edge) ) ) ) ) ) ) gitlab_commit <- list( "id" = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "short_id" = "xxx", "created_at" = "2023-04-05T12:07:50.000+00:00", "parent_ids" = list( "iiiiiiiiiiiiiii" ), "title" = "Test title", "message" = "Test title", "author_name" = "Maciej Banas", "author_email" = "testmail@test.com", "authored_date" = "2023-04-05T12:07:50.000+00:00", "committer_name" = "Maciej Banas", "committer_email" = "testmail@test.com", "committed_date" = "2023-04-05T12:07:50.000+00:00", "trailers" = list(), "extedned_trailers" = list(), "web_url" = "https://test_url.com/-/commit/sxsxsxsx", "stats" = list( "additions" = 1L, "deletions" = 0L, "total" = 1L ) ) test_fixtures$gitlab_commits_response <- rep(list(gitlab_commit), 5) test_fixtures$github_file_response <- list( "data" = list( "repository" = list( "repo_id" = "01010101", "repo_name" = "TestProject", "repo_url" = "https://github.com/r-world-devs/GitStats", "file" = list( "text" = "Some interesting text.", "byteSize" = 50L ) ) ) ) test_fixtures$gitlab_file_org_response <- list( "data" = list( "group" = list( "projects" = list( "count" = 3, "pageInfo" = list( "hasNextPage" = FALSE, "endCursor" = "xxxxxx" ), "edges" = list( list( "node" = list( "name" = "graphql_tests", "id" = "gid://gitlab/Project/61399846", "webUrl" = "https://gitlab.com/mbtests/graphql_tests", "repository" = list( "blobs" = list( "nodes" = list() # empty response for query, no files found in org ) ) ) ), list( "node" = list( "name" = "RM Tests 3", "id" = "gid://gitlab/Project/44346961", "webUrl" = "https://gitlab.com/mbtests/rm-tests-3", "repository" = list( "blobs" = list( "nodes" = list( list( "path" = "meta_data.yaml", "rawBlob" = "Some interesting text", "size" = 4 ) ) ) ) ) ), list( "node" = list( "name" = "RM Tests 2", "id" = "gid://gitlab/Project/44293594", "webUrl" = "https://gitlab.com/mbtests/rm-tests-2", "repository" = list( "blobs" = list( "nodes" = list( list( "path" = "meta_data.yaml", "rawBlob" = "Some interesting text", "size" = 5 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) test_fixtures$gitlab_file_repo_response <- list( "data" = list( "project" = list( "name" = "TestProject", "id" = "1010101", "webUrl" = "https://gitlab.com/mbtests/graphql_tests", "repository" = list( "blobs" = list( "nodes" = list( list( "path" = "README.md", "rawBlob" = "# graphql_tests\n\nThis project is for testing GraphQL capabilities.\n", "size" = "67" ), list( "path" = "project_metadata.yaml", "rawBlob" = "Name: GraphQL Tests", "size" = "19" ) ) ) ) ) ) ) test_fixtures$gitlab_search_response <- list( list( "basename" = "test", "data" = "some text with searched phrase", "path" = "test.R", "filename" = "test.R", "id" = NULL, "ref" = "main", "startline" = 10, "project_id" = 43398933 ), list( "basename" = "test", "data" = "some text with searched phrase", "path" = "test.R", "filename" = "test.R", "id" = NULL, "ref" = "main", "startline" = 15, "project_id" = 43400864 ) ) github_search_item <- list( "name" = "test1.R", "path" = "examples/test1.R", "sha" = "0d42b9d23ddfc0bca1", "url" = "test_url", "git_url" = "test_git_url", "html_url" = "test_html_url", "repository" = list( "id" = 627452680, "url" = "https://api.github.com/repos/r-world-devs/GitStats", "html_url" = "https://github.com/r-world-devs/GitStats" ), "score" = 1 ) test_fixtures$github_search_response <- list( "total_count" = 250, "incomplete_results" = FALSE, "items" = list( rep(github_search_item, 250) ) ) test_fixtures$github_search_response_large <- list( "total_count" = 1001, "incomplete_results" = FALSE, "items" = list( rep(github_search_item, 1001) ) ) test_fixtures$gitlab_files_tree_response <- list( "data" = list( "project" = list( "repository" = list( "tree" = list( "trees" = list( "nodes" = list( list( "name" = "R" ), list( "name" = "tests" ) ) ), "blobs" = list( "nodes" = list( list( "name" = "DESCRIPTION" ), list( "name" = "README.md" ), list( "name" = "project_metadata.yaml" ), list( "name" = "report.md" ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) test_fixtures$github_files_tree_response <- list( "data" = list( "repository" = list( "id" = "R_kgD0Ivtxsg", "name" = "TestRepo", "url" = "https://github.com/test_org/TestRepo", "object" = list( "entries" = list( list( "name" = ".Rbuildignore", "type" = "blob" ), list( "name" = ".Renviron", "type" = "blob" ), list( "name" = ".Rprofile", "type" = "blob" ), list( "name" = ".covrignore", "type" = "blob" ), list( "name" = "test.md", "type" = "blob" ), list( "name" = "test.qmd", "type" = "blob" ), list( "name" = "test.Rmd", "type" = "blob" ), list( "name" = "renv", "type" = "tree" ), list( "name" = "tests", "type" = "tree" ), list( "name" = "vignettes", "type" = "tree" ) ) ) ) ) ) test_fixtures$github_releases_from_repo <- list( "data" = list( "repository" = list( "name" = "TestProject1", "url" = "test_url", "releases" = list( "nodes" = list( list( "name" = "2.1.0", "tagName" = "v2.1.0", "publishedAt" = "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z", "url" = "https://test_url/tag/v2.1.0", "description" = "Great features come with this release." ), list( "name" = "1.1.1", "tagName" = "v1.1.1", "publishedAt" = "2023-09-28T00:00:00Z", "url" = "https://test_url/tag/v1.1.0", "description" = "Great features come with this release." ), list( "name" = "0.1.0", "tagName" = "v0.1.0", "publishedAt" = "2023-04-01T00:00:00Z", "url" = "https://test_url/tag/v0.1.0", "description" = "Great features come with this release." ), list( "name" = "0.1.1", "tagName" = "v0.1.1", "publishedAt" = "2023-05-02T00:00:00Z", "url" = "https://test_url/tag/v0.1.0", "description" = "Great features come with this release." ) ) ) ) ) ) test_fixtures$gitlab_releases_from_repo <- list( "data" = list( "project" = list( "name" = "TestProject", "webUrl" = "test_url", "releases" = list( "nodes" = list( list( "name" = "TestProject 1.0.0", "tagName" = "1.0.0", "releasedAt" = "2024-06-08T00:00:00+02:00", "links" = list( "selfUrl" = "test_url/releases/1.0.0" ), "description" = "This release comes with awesome features." ), list( "name" = "TestProject 2.0.0", "tagName" = "2.0.0", "releasedAt" = "2024-08-08T00:00:00+02:00", "links" = list( "selfUrl" = "test_url/releases/2.0.0" ), "description" = "This release comes with awesome features." ), list( "name" = "TestProject 0.1.0", "tagName" = "0.1.0", "releasedAt" = "2023-06-08T00:00:00+02:00", "links" = list( "selfUrl" = "test_url/releases/0.1.0" ), "description" = "This release comes with awesome features." ), list( "name" = "TestProject 3.0.0", "tagName" = "3.0.0", "releasedAt" = "2023-09-08T00:00:00+02:00", "links" = list( "selfUrl" = "test_url/releases/3.0.0" ), "description" = "This release comes with awesome features." ) ) ) ) ) ) test_fixtures$github_user_response <- list( "data" = list( "user" = list( "id" = "xxx", "name" = "Mr Test", "login" = "testlogin", "email" = "", "location" = NULL, "starred_repos" = list( "totalCount" = 15L ), "contributions" = list( "totalCommitContributions" = 100L, "totalIssueContributions" = 50L, "totalPullRequestContributions" = 25L, "totalPullRequestReviewContributions" = 5L ), "avatar_url" = "", "web_url" = NULL ) ) ) test_fixtures$gitlab_user_response <- list( "data" = list( "user" = list( "id" = "xxx", "name" = "Mr Test", "login" = "testlogin", "email" = "", "location" = NULL, "starred_repos" = list( "count" = 15L ), "pull_requests" = list( "count" = 2L ), "reviews" = list( "count" = 5L ), "avatar_url" = "", "web_url" = "https://gitlab.com/maciekbanas" ) ) ) test_fixtures$gitlab_user_search_response <- list( list( "id" = "xxx", "username" = "maciekbanas", "name" = "Maciej Banas", "state" = "active", "locked" = FALSE, "avatar_url" = "", "web_url" = "" ) ) test_fixtures$github_contributor_response <- list( "login" = "test_login", "id" = 11111L, "node_id" = "xxxxx", "avatar_url" = "", "gravatar_id" = "", "url" = "", "html_url" = "", "followers_url" = "" ) test_fixtures$github_contributors_response <- list( test_fixtures$github_contributor_response, test_fixtures$github_contributor_response, test_fixtures$github_contributor_response ) test_fixtures$github_open_issue_response <- list( "url" = "test", "repository_url" = "test", "labels_url" = "test", "comments_url" = "test", "events_url" = "test", "html_url" = "test", "id" = 111111L, "node_id" = "xxxxxx", "number" = 1L, "title" = "Test title", "user" = list(), "labels" = list(), "state" = "open" ) test_fixtures$github_closed_issue_response <- list( "url" = "test", "repository_url" = "test", "labels_url" = "test", "comments_url" = "test", "events_url" = "test", "html_url" = "test", "id" = 111111L, "node_id" = "xxxxxx", "number" = 1L, "title" = "Test title", "user" = list(), "labels" = list(), "state" = "closed" ) test_fixtures$github_issues_response <- list( test_fixtures$github_open_issue_response, test_fixtures$github_open_issue_response, test_fixtures$github_closed_issue_response ) test_fixtures$gitlab_issues_response <- list( "statistics" = list( "counts" = list( "all" = 3, "closed" = 2, "opened" = 1 ) ) ) test_fixtures$gitlab_languages_response <- list( "Python" = 100, "R" = 50 ) test_fixtures$github_user_login <- list( "data" = list( "user" = list( "__typename" = "User", "login" = "test_user" ), "organization" = NULL ) ) test_fixtures$github_org_login <- list( "data" = list( "user" = NULL, "organization" = list( "__typename" = "Organization", "login" = "test_org" ) ) )