printInc <- FALSE test_that("Wrappers", { dataset <- SSBtoolsData("magnitude1") dataset$seq2 <- (1:nrow(dataset)-10)^2 # Table 3 in vignette a1 <- SuppressFewContributors(data=dataset, numVar = "value", dimVar= c("sector4", "geo"), maxN=1, printInc = printInc) a2 <- SuppressFewContributors(data=dataset, numVar = c("seq2", "value"), dimVar = c("sector4", "geo"), maxN=1, remove0 = "value", candidatesVar = "value", printInc = printInc) expect_identical(a1[names(a1)], a2[names(a1)]) a3 <- SuppressFewContributors(data=dataset, numVar = c("seq2", "value"), dimVar= c("sector4", "geo"), maxN=1, remove0 = "value", candidatesVar = "seq2", printInc = printInc) expect_false(all(a1$suppressed == a3$suppressed)) a4 <- SuppressFewContributors(data=dataset, dimVar = c("sector4", "geo"), maxN=1, remove0 = "seq2", candidatesVar = "value", printInc = printInc) expect_false(all(a1$nAll == a4$nAll)) expect_identical(a1[c("primary", "suppressed")], a4[c("primary", "suppressed")]) # A test of removeCodes in CandidatesNum with multiple charVar dataset$char2 <- dataset$company dataset$char2[7:15] <- "a" a5 <- SuppressFewContributors(data=dataset, dimVar = c("sector4", "geo"), maxN=1, numVar = "value", contributorVar = c("company", "char2"), removeCodes = list(company = c("B"), char2 = c("B","a")), printInc = printInc) # FALSE when removeCodesForCandidates = FALSE expect_false(a5[a5$sector4 == "Entertainment" & a5$geo == "Iceland", "suppressed"]) # Table 3 in vignette b1 <- SuppressDominantCells(data=dataset, numVar = "value", dimVar= c("sector4", "geo"), n = 1, k = 80, allDominance = TRUE, printInc = printInc) b2 <- SuppressDominantCells(data=dataset, numVar = c("seq2", "value"), dimVar= c("sector4", "geo"), n = 1, k = 80, allDominance = TRUE, candidatesVar = "value", dominanceVar = "value", printInc = printInc) expect_identical(b1[names(b1)], b2[names(b1)]) b3 <- SuppressDominantCells(data=dataset, numVar = c("seq2", "value"), dimVar= c("sector4", "geo"), n = 1, k = 80, allDominance = TRUE, candidatesVar = "seq2", dominanceVar = "value", printInc = printInc) expect_false(all(b1$suppressed == b3$suppressed)) dataset$value2 <- dataset$value dataset$value2[dataset$sector4 == "Governmental"] <- 0 dataset$value2[dataset$sector4 == "Agriculture"] <- 0 b4 <- SuppressDominantCells(data=dataset, numVar = "value2", dimVar= c("sector4", "geo"), n = 1, k = 70, allDominance = TRUE, singletonZeros = TRUE, printInc = printInc) expect_true(b4[b4$sector4 == "Governmental" & b4$geo == "Total", "suppressed"]) # With singletonZeros = FALSE, the result is FALSE # and revealing suppressed 0 cells is easy since Total=0 # If this is 12L, see code in max_contribution where do_drop0 = FALSE # Then the counting of contributors that includes 0s must be done differently expect_identical(max(b4$n_contr), 20L) dataset$company2 <- dataset$company dataset$company2[2] <- "B2" SDC <- function( ...) { SuppressDominantCells(data=dataset, numVar = c("seq2", "value"), dimVar= c("sector4", "geo"), k = c(70, 80), allDominance = TRUE, singletonMethod = "none", candidatesVar = "value", dominanceVar = "value", printInc = printInc, ...) } k <- SDC(contributorVar = "company") k0 <- SDC(removeCodes = "B", contributorVar = "company") k1 <- SDC(removeCodes = c("B", "B2"), contributorVar = "company2") k3 <- SDC(removeCodes = c("B", "B2"), contributorVar = "company2", removeCodesFraction = c(1, 1)) expect_identical(k0[-(12:13)], k1[-(12:13)]) expect_identical(k1, k3) k4 <- SDC(removeCodes = c("B", "B2"), contributorVar = "company2", removeCodesFraction = 0) k5 <- SDC(removeCodes = c("B", "B2"), contributorVar = "company2", removeCodesFraction = c(0,0)) expect_identical(k4,k5) expect_equal(sum(abs(k4[6] - k[6])< 0.001), 11) k6 <- SDC(removeCodes = c("B", "B2"), contributorVar = "company2", removeCodesFraction = c(0,1)) B2impact <- unique(as.vector(as.matrix(k4[which((1/k4[6]- 1/k6[6]) > 0.001), 1:2]))) expect_setequal(B2impact, c("Total", "Agriculture", "Portugal")) AgriculturePortugal <- which(k1$sector4 == "Agriculture" & k1$geo == "Portugal") expect_equal(k1[AgriculturePortugal, ], k6[AgriculturePortugal, ]) k7 <- SDC(removeCodes = c("B", "B2"), contributorVar = "company2", removeCodesFraction = 0.45) k8 <- SDC(removeCodes = c("B", "B2"), contributorVar = "company2", removeCodesFraction = c(0.45,0.45)) expect_identical(k7,k8) ranges <- c(range((1/k4[6]- 1/k7[6])/(1/k4[6]- 1/k1[6]), na.rm = TRUE), range((1/k4[7]- 1/k7[7])/(1/k4[7]- 1/k1[7]), na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal(ranges, rep(0.45, 4)) expect_warning({k11 <- SDC(contributorVar = "company", protectZeros = TRUE, removeCodes = c("A", "B", "C"))}) k12 <- SDC(contributorVar = "company", protectZeros = TRUE, removeCodes = c("A", "B", "C"), structuralEmpty = TRUE) expect_equal(sum(k11$primary), nrow(k11)) expect_equal(sum(k12$primary), sum(k12[6])) expect_warning({k13 <- SDC(protectZeros = TRUE, removeCodes = 3:4)}) k14 <- SDC(protectZeros = TRUE, removeCodes = 3:4, structuralEmpty = TRUE) expect_true(all(k13$primary[k13[6]==0])) expect_true(!all(k14$primary[k14[6]==0])) ############################################# # With negative values and several 0's ############################################ dataset$y <- dataset$value * rep_len(c(0, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 0), 20) dataset$w <- 1:nrow(dataset) dataset$f_company2 <- factor(dataset$company2) dataset$i_company2 <- as.integer(dataset$f_company2) # max abs sums asum_n <- function(x, n) sum(sort(x, decreasing = TRUE)[seq_len(min(n, length(x)))]) asum1 <- function(x) asum_n(abs(x), 1) asum2 <- function(x) asum_n(abs(x), 2) which.max2 <- function(x) { x[which.max(x)] <- NA which.max(x) } fraction <- c(0.3, 0.7) f <- function(g, y, w, fr) { a <- aggregate(list(y = y, wy = y * w), list(g = g), sum) a2r <- a[!(a[, 1] %in% c(2, 3)), 2] a3r <- a[!(a[, 1] %in% c(2, 3)), 3] a2na <- a[, 2] a2na[a[, 1] %in% c(2, 3)] <- NA fra <- rep(1, nrow(a)) fra[a[, 1] == 2] <- 1 - fraction[1] fra[a[, 1] == 3] <- 1 - fraction[2] c( sum1 <- asum1(a[,2]), sum2 <- asum2(a[,2]), sum1r <- asum1(a2r), sum2r <- asum2(a2r), sum = sum(abs(a[,2])), wsum = sum(abs(a[,3])), sumr = sum(abs(a2r)), wsumr = sum(abs(a3r)), fsum = sum(fra*abs(a[,2])), fwsum = sum(fra*abs(a[,3])), max1 = c(a[which.max(abs(a[,2])),1], NA)[1], max2 = c(a[which.max2(abs(a[,2])),1], NA)[1], max1r = c(a[which.max(abs(a2na)),1], NA)[1], max2r = c(a[which.max2(abs(a2na)),1], NA)[1], n = sum(!, n0 = sum(! & a[,2] == 0), nall = nrow(a), n0all = sum(a[,2] == 0) ) } # Calculate everything in a different way via model_aggregate() k <- SSBtools::model_aggregate(dataset, formula = ~sector4 * eu + geo * sector2, fun_vars = list(`sum1,sum2,sum1r,sum2r,sum,wsum,sumr,wsumr,fsum,fwsum,max1,max2,max1r,max2r,n,n0,nall,n0all` = list(f = c("i_company2", "y", "w"))), fun = c(f = f) ) for (var in c("max1", "max2", "max1r", "max2r")) { k[[var]] <- levels(dataset$f_company2)[k[[var]]] } SDC2 <- function( ...) { SuppressDominantCells(data=dataset, contributorVar = "company2", formula = ~sector4*eu + geo*sector2, k = c(95, 99), allDominance = TRUE, singletonMethod = "none", dominanceVar = "y", printInc = printInc, ...) } g0 <- SDC2() g1 <- SDC2(sWeightVar = "w") g2 <- SDC2(removeCodes = c("B", "B2")) g3 <- SDC2(removeCodes = c("B", "B2"), sWeightVar = "w") g4 <- SDC2(removeCodes = c("B", "B2"), removeCodesFraction = fraction) g5 <- SDC2(removeCodes = c("B", "B2"), sWeightVar = "w", removeCodesFraction = fraction) expect_equal(g0[["max1contributor"]], k[["max1"]]) expect_equal(g0[["max2contributor"]], k[["max2"]]) expect_equal(g1[["max1contributor"]], k[["max1"]]) expect_equal(g1[["max2contributor"]], k[["max2"]]) expect_equal(g2[["max1contributor"]], k[["max1r"]]) expect_equal(g2[["max2contributor"]], k[["max2r"]]) expect_equal(g3[["max1contributor"]], k[["max1r"]]) expect_equal(g3[["max2contributor"]], k[["max2r"]]) expect_equal(g4[["max1contributor"]], k[["max1r"]]) expect_equal(g4[["max2contributor"]], k[["max2r"]]) expect_equal(g5[["max1contributor"]], k[["max1r"]]) expect_equal(g5[["max2contributor"]], k[["max2r"]]) expect_equal(g0[["dominant1"]], k[["sum1"]]/k[["sum"]]) expect_equal(g0[["dominant2"]], k[["sum2"]]/k[["sum"]]) expect_equal(g1[["dominant1"]], k[["sum1"]]/k[["wsum"]]) expect_equal(g1[["dominant2"]], k[["sum2"]]/k[["wsum"]]) expect_equal(g2[["dominant1"]], k[["sum1r"]]/(k[["sumr"]]+1e-100)) expect_equal(g2[["dominant2"]], k[["sum2r"]]/(k[["sumr"]]+1e-100)) expect_equal(g3[["dominant1"]], k[["sum1r"]]/(k[["wsumr"]]+1e-100)) expect_equal(g3[["dominant2"]], k[["sum2r"]]/(k[["wsumr"]]+1e-100)) expect_equal(g4[["dominant1"]], k[["sum1r"]]/(k[["fsum"]]+1e-100)) expect_equal(g4[["dominant2"]], k[["sum2r"]]/(k[["fsum"]]+1e-100)) expect_equal(g5[["dominant1"]], k[["sum1r"]]/(k[["fwsum"]]+1e-100)) expect_equal(g5[["dominant2"]], k[["sum2r"]]/(k[["fwsum"]]+1e-100)) expect_equal(g2[["n_contr"]], k[["n"]]) expect_equal(g2[["n_non0_contr"]], k[["n"]] - k[["n0"]]) expect_equal(g3[["n_contr"]], k[["n"]]) expect_equal(g3[["n_non0_contr"]], k[["n"]] - k[["n0"]]) expect_equal(g4[["n_contr"]], k[["n"]]) expect_equal(g4[["n_non0_contr"]], k[["n"]] - k[["n0"]]) expect_equal(g5[["n_contr"]], k[["n"]]) expect_equal(g5[["n_non0_contr"]], k[["n"]] - k[["n0"]]) expect_equal(g0[["n_contr"]], k[["nall"]]) expect_equal(g0[["n_non0_contr"]], k[["nall"]] - k[["n0all"]]) expect_equal(g1[["n_contr"]], k[["nall"]]) expect_equal(g1[["n_non0_contr"]], k[["nall"]] - k[["n0all"]]) expect_equal(g2[["n_contr_all"]], k[["nall"]]) expect_equal(g2[["n_non0_contr_all"]], k[["nall"]] - k[["n0all"]]) expect_equal(g3[["n_contr_all"]], k[["nall"]]) expect_equal(g3[["n_non0_contr_all"]], k[["nall"]] - k[["n0all"]]) expect_equal(g4[["n_contr_all"]], k[["nall"]]) expect_equal(g4[["n_non0_contr_all"]], k[["nall"]] - k[["n0all"]]) expect_equal(g5[["n_contr_all"]], k[["nall"]]) expect_equal(g5[["n_non0_contr_all"]], k[["nall"]] - k[["n0all"]]) })