R Under development (unstable) (2023-08-20 r84995 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > Sys.getenv("R_LIBS") [1] "D:\\temp\\RtmpAj55YZ\\RLIBS_2d3e42b45675f" > library() > require("GPArotation") Loading required package: GPArotation > search() [1] ".GlobalEnv" "package:GPArotation" "package:stats" [4] "package:graphics" "package:grDevices" "package:utils" [7] "package:datasets" "package:methods" "Autoloads" [10] "package:base" > Sys.info() sysname release version nodename machine "Windows" "Server x64" "build 20348" "CRANWIN3" "x86-64" login user effective_user "CRAN" "CRAN" "CRAN" > > fuzz <- 1e-6 > all.ok <- TRUE > > data(WansbeekMeijer, package="GPArotation") > > fa.none <- factanal(factors=2, covmat=NetherlandsTV, rotation="none") > > tst <- t(matrix(c( + 0.6972803, -0.3736554, + 0.7774628, -0.3184149, + 0.6832300, -0.3620428, + 0.6612198, 0.2361132, + 0.6972393, 0.3026050, + 0.7100285, 0.4059509, + 0.6353584, 0.3526947 + ), 2, 7)) > > if( fuzz < max(abs(fa.none$loadings - tst))) { + cat("Calculated value is not the same as test value in test WansbeekMeijer 1. Value:\n") + print(fa.none$loadings, digits=18) + cat("difference:\n") + print(fa.none$loadings - tst, digits=18) + all.ok <- FALSE + } > > > > fa.varimax <- GPFoblq(fa.none$loadings, method="varimax", normalize=TRUE) > > # with eps=1e-8 > # tst <- t(matrix(c( > # 0.229695829694226694, -0.757005882905721683, > # 0.325474298411086493, -0.774533969509160203, > # 0.227951538606475851, -0.738861531224136225, > # 0.634850649690308022, -0.299876110481063607, > # 0.707312661165822032, -0.278246783076943283, > # 0.789359884149245072, -0.214120439603779994, > # 0.698885205896135120, -0.199081171877497243 > # ), 2, 7)) > > # with eps=1e-5 > tst <- t(matrix(c( + 0.229698038368303409, -0.757005212686898243, + 0.325476558225504142, -0.774533019824047542, + 0.227953694341768043, -0.738860866094951829, + 0.634851524619887475, -0.299874258087383661, + 0.707313472988376213, -0.278244719250824557, + 0.789360508873491518, -0.214118136377292989, + 0.698885786741510029, -0.199079132641678647 + ), 2, 7)) > > if( fuzz < max(abs(fa.varimax$loadings - tst))) { + cat("Calculated value is not the same as test value in test WansbeekMeijer 2. Value:\n") + print(fa.varimax$loadings, digits=18) + cat("difference:\n") + print(fa.varimax$loadings - tst, digits=18) + all.ok <- FALSE + } > > > > fa.oblimin <- GPFoblq(fa.none$loadings, method="oblimin", normalize=TRUE) > > # with eps=1e-8 > # tst <- t(matrix(c( > # -0.0244898894997362740, -0.8055076884898763057, > # 0.0821776433220552660, -0.7883517482514345032, > # -0.0194442483441249758, -0.7847120136813017233, > # 0.6350106056917923514, -0.1038114236654337219, > # 0.7293893902400611085, -0.0495156037400738894, > # 0.8517915457391848078, 0.0588983480418694277, > # 0.7504355940804637859, 0.0408946221245683056 > # ), 2, 7)) > > # with eps=1e-5 > tst <- t(matrix(c( + -0.0244886312423446446, -0.8055069385602275922, + 0.0821788889356081659, -0.7883509906546982693, + -0.0194430219824419312, -0.7847112821295906260, + 0.6350108529538124325, -0.1038111848933331444, + 0.7293895650539216069, -0.0495153948664520185, + 0.8517915670863017708, 0.0588984825074335624, + 0.7504356301074717184, 0.0408947509009953206 + ), 2, 7)) > > if( fuzz < max(abs(fa.oblimin$loadings - tst))) { + cat("Calculated value is not the same as test value in test WansbeekMeijer 3. Value:\n") + print(fa.oblimin$loadings, digits=18) + cat("difference:\n") + print(fa.oblimin$loadings - tst, digits=18) + all.ok <- FALSE + } > > > cat("tests completed.\n") tests completed. > > if (! all.ok) stop("some tests FAILED") > > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.15 0.10 0.25