library(GGIR) context("g.IVIS") test_that("g.IVIS returns expected output value without missing data", { set.seed(1234) xx = rnorm(n = 1440) * 1000 Xi1 = rep(xx, 7) Xi2 = rep(0:7, each = 1440) T1 = g.IVIS(Xi1, epochSize = 60) T2 = g.IVIS(Xi2, epochSize = 60) expect_equal(T1$InterdailyStability, 1, tolerance = 0.01) # every day is the same, so we expect IS = 1 expect_equal(T2$InterdailyStability, 0, tolerance = 0.01) # every day is entirely different, so IS = 0 expect_equal(T1$IntradailyVariability, 2.244335, tolerance = 0.05) #within the day there is variation, so IV>0 expect_equal(T2$IntradailyVariability, 0, tolerance = 0.01) #within the day there is no variation, so IV=0 expect_equal(T1$phi, -0.1453851, tolerance = 0.001) expect_equal(T2$phi, 0.9982517, tolerance = 0.001) }) test_that("g.IVIS returns expected output value with missing data", { set.seed(1234) xx = abs(rnorm(n = 1440)) Xi1 = rep(xx, 7) Xi2 = rep(0:7, each = 1440)[1441:2880]) = TRUE[1441:2880]) = TRUE T3 = g.IVIS(Xi1, epochSize = 60) T4 = g.IVIS(Xi2, epochSize = 60) expect_equal(T3$InterdailyStability, 1, tolerance = 0.01) # every day is the same, so we expect IS = 1 expect_equal(T4$InterdailyStability, 0, tolerance = 0.01) # every day is entirely different, so IS = 0 expect_equal(T3$IntradailyVariability, 2.51238, tolerance = 0.05) #within the day there is variation, so IV>0 expect_equal(T4$IntradailyVariability, 0, tolerance = 0.01) #within the day there is no variation, so IV=0 expect_equal(T3$phi, -0.2577584, tolerance = 0.001) expect_equal(T4$phi, 0.9972666, tolerance = 0.001) })