library(GGIR) context("Chainof5parts") test_that("chainof5parts", { skip_on_cran() Ndays = 2 create_test_acc_csv(Nmin = Ndays*1440) create_test_sleeplog_csv(advanced = FALSE) fn = "123A_testaccfile.csv" sleeplog_fn = "testsleeplogfile.csv" metadatadir = paste0(getwd(), "/output_test") desiredtz = "Europe/London" dn = "output_test" do.parallel = FALSE if (file.exists(dn)) unlink(dn, recursive = TRUE) minimumFileSizeMB = 0 #-------------------------------------------- # isfilelist expect_true(isfilelist("file1.bin")) expect_true(isfilelist("file1.csv")) expect_true(isfilelist("file1.wav")) expect_true(isfilelist("file1.cwa")) expect_true(isfilelist("file1.gt3x")) expect_true(isfilelist(c("file1.bin", "file2.bin"))) #-------------------------------------------- # part 1 g.part1(datadir = fn, metadatadir = metadatadir, f0 = 1, f1 = 1, overwrite = TRUE, desiredtz = desiredtz, do.enmo = TRUE, do.anglez = TRUE , = TRUE, windowsizes = c(15,3600,3600), do.parallel = do.parallel, minimumFileSizeMB = minimumFileSizeMB, verbose = FALSE) expect_true(dir.exists(dn)) rn = dir("output_test/meta/basic/",full.names = TRUE) load(rn[1]) expect_equal(round(C$scale, digits = 5), c(0.98473, 0.98425, 0.98462), tolerance = 3) expect_that(nrow(M$metalong), equals(47)) # expect_that(M$metalong[2,1],equals("2016-06-23T09:15:00+0100")) # turned off because not consistent across machines, to investigate expect_that(nrow(M$metashort),equals(11280)) expect_equal(round(mean(M$metashort$ENMO), digits = 5), 0.02911, tolerance = 3) expect_that(I$monc, equals(3)) expect_that(I$sf, equals(3)) expect_that(I$dformc, equals(2)) expect_equal(C$npoints, 7494, tolerance = 5) #------------------------- # part 2 with data_masking_strategy = 3 g.part2(datadir = fn, metadatadir = metadatadir, f0 = 1, f1 = 1, idloc = 2, desiredtz = desiredtz, ndayswindow = 1, data_masking_strategy = 3, overwrite = TRUE, hrs.del.start = 0, hrs.del.end = 0, maxdur = Ndays, includedaycrit = 0, do.parallel = do.parallel, myfun = c(), verbose = FALSE) dirname = "output_test/meta/ms2.out/" rn = dir(dirname,full.names = TRUE) load(rn[1]) load("output_test/meta/basic/meta_123A_testaccfile.csv.RData") expect_equal(nrow(IMP$metashort), 11280) expect_equal(rle(IMP$rout$r4)$lengths[1], 10) expect_equal(rle(IMP$rout$r4)$lengths[3], 13) expect_equal(round(mean(IMP$metashort$ENMO), digits = 5), 0.00802, tolerance = 3) expect_equal(round(as.numeric(SUM$summary$meas_dur_def_proto_day), digits = 3), 1) expect_equal(SUM$summary$`N valid WEdays`, 1) expect_equal(SUM$summary$`N valid WKdays`, 2) # check the ndayswindow included is 24 hours exactly # ndayswindow = 1 with windowsizes = c(15, 3600, 3600) first_epoch_in_protocol = rle(IMP$rout$r4)$lengths[1] + 1 last_epoch_in_protocol = max(which(IMP$rout$r4 == 0)) expect_equal(last_epoch_in_protocol - first_epoch_in_protocol + 1, 24) # part 2 with data_masking_strategy = 3 and hrs.del.start = 6 and hrs.del.end = 6 g.part2(datadir = fn, metadatadir = metadatadir, f0 = 1, f1 = 1, idloc = 2, desiredtz = desiredtz, ndayswindow = 1, strategy = 3, overwrite = TRUE, hrs.del.start = 6, hrs.del.end = 6, maxdur = Ndays, includedaycrit = 0, do.parallel = do.parallel, myfun = c(), verbose = FALSE) dirname = "output_test/meta/ms2.out/" rn = dir(dirname,full.names = TRUE) load(rn[1]) expect_equal(nrow(IMP$metashort), 11280) expect_equal(rle(IMP$rout$r4)$lengths[1], 16) # removed 6 hours from the ndayswindow at the beginning expect_equal(rle(IMP$rout$r4)$lengths[3], 19) # removed 6 hours from the ndayswindow at the end # check the ndayswindow included is 12 hours exactly (24 minus hrs.del.start/end) # ndayswindow = 1 with windowsizes = c(15, 3600, 3600) first_epoch_in_protocol = rle(IMP$rout$r4)$lengths[1] + 1 last_epoch_in_protocol = max(which(IMP$rout$r4 == 0)) expect_equal(last_epoch_in_protocol - first_epoch_in_protocol + 1, 12) # part 2 with data_masking_strategy = 5 g.part2(datadir = fn, metadatadir = metadatadir, f0 = 1, f1 = 1, idloc = 2, desiredtz = desiredtz, ndayswindow = 1, strategy = 5, overwrite = TRUE, hrs.del.start = 0, hrs.del.end = 0, maxdur = Ndays, includedaycrit = 0, do.parallel = do.parallel, myfun = c(), verbose = FALSE) dirname = "output_test/meta/ms2.out/" rn = dir(dirname,full.names = TRUE) load(rn[1]) expect_equal(nrow(IMP$metashort), 11280) expect_equal(rle(IMP$rout$r4)$lengths[1], 15) expect_equal(rle(IMP$rout$r4)$lengths[3], 8) expect_equal(round(mean(IMP$metashort$ENMO), digits = 5), 0.03398, tolerance = 3) expect_equal(round(as.numeric(SUM$summary$meas_dur_def_proto_day), digits = 3), 1) expect_equal(SUM$summary$`N valid WEdays`, 1) expect_equal(SUM$summary$`N valid WKdays`, 2) # check the ndayswindow included is 24 hours exactly # ndayswindow = 1 with windowsizes = c(15, 3600, 3600) first_epoch_in_protocol = rle(IMP$rout$r4)$lengths[1] + 1 last_epoch_in_protocol = max(which(IMP$rout$r4 == 0)) expect_equal(last_epoch_in_protocol - first_epoch_in_protocol + 1, 24) # part 2 with data_masking_strategy = 5 and hrs.del.start = 6 and hrs.del.end = 6 g.part2(datadir = fn, metadatadir = metadatadir, f0 = 1, f1 = 1, idloc = 2, desiredtz = desiredtz, ndayswindow = 1, data_masking_strategy = 5, overwrite = TRUE, hrs.del.start = 6, hrs.del.end = 6, maxdur = Ndays, includedaycrit = 0, do.parallel = do.parallel, myfun = c(), verbose = FALSE) dirname = "output_test/meta/ms2.out/" rn = dir(dirname,full.names = TRUE) load(rn[1]) expect_equal(nrow(IMP$metashort), 11280) expect_equal(rle(IMP$rout$r4)$lengths[1], 21) # removed 6 hours from the ndayswindow at the beginning expect_equal(rle(IMP$rout$r4)$lengths[3], 14) # removed 6 hours from the ndayswindow at the end # check the ndayswindow included is 12 hours exactly (24 minus hrs.del.start/end) # ndayswindow = 1 with windowsizes = c(15, 3600, 3600) first_epoch_in_protocol = rle(IMP$rout$r4)$lengths[1] + 1 last_epoch_in_protocol = max(which(IMP$rout$r4 == 0)) expect_equal(last_epoch_in_protocol - first_epoch_in_protocol + 1, 12) # part 2 with data_masking_strategy = 2 and iglevels = 1 g.part2(datadir = fn, metadatadir = metadatadir, f0 = 1, f1 = 1, idloc = 2, desiredtz = desiredtz, data_masking_strategy = 2,overwrite = TRUE, hrs.del.start = 0,hrs.del.end = 0, maxdur = Ndays, includedaycrit = 0, do.imp = FALSE, epochvalues2csv = TRUE, iglevels = TRUE, do.parallel = do.parallel, myfun = c(), winhr = 16, MX.ig.min.dur = 14, verbose = FALSE) dirname = "output_test/meta/ms2.out/" rn = dir(dirname,full.names = TRUE) load(rn[1]) expect_that(nrow(IMP$metashort),equals(11280)) expect_equal(mean(IMP$metashort$ENMO), 0.029, tolerance = 3) expect_equal(as.numeric(SUM$summary$meas_dur_def_proto_day), 1, tolerance = 2) expect_equal(as.numeric(SUM$daysummary$`L16_ig_gradient_ENMO_mg_0-24hr`[1]), -1.12, tolerance = 2) expect_equal(as.numeric(SUM$daysummary$`L16hr_ENMO_mg_0-24hr`), c(33.5, 19.8333, 13), tolerance = 0.001) # part 2 # part 2 with data_masking_strategy = 1 g.part2(datadir = fn, metadatadir = metadatadir, f0 = 1, f1 = 1, idloc = 2, desiredtz = desiredtz, data_masking_strategy = 1,overwrite = TRUE, hrs.del.start = 0,hrs.del.end = 0, maxdur = Ndays, includedaycrit = 0, qM5L5 = c(0.2,0.4), winhr = c(3,10), do.parallel = do.parallel, myfun = c(), qlevels = c(0.5, 0.9), cosinor = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) params_output = load_params()$params_output = metadatadir, f0 = 1, f1 = 1, maxdur = Ndays, params_output = params_output) dirname = "output_test/meta/ms2.out/" rn = dir(dirname,full.names = TRUE) load(rn[1]) summarycsv = "output_test/results/part2_summary.csv" daysummarycsv = "output_test/results/part2_daysummary.csv" expect_true(dir.exists(dirname)) expect_true(file.exists(summarycsv)) expect_true(file.exists(daysummarycsv)) expect_that(nrow(IMP$metashort), equals(11280)) expect_equal(round(mean(IMP$metashort$ENMO), digits = 5), 0.02911, tolerance = 0.01) expect_that(round(as.numeric(SUM$summary$meas_dur_dys), digits = 5), equals(1.95833)) expect_that(ncol(SUM$daysummary), equals(34)) expect_equal(SUM$daysummary$`p50_ENMO_mg_0-24hr`, c(17.15, 33, 0), tolerance = 0.5) expect_equal(round(as.numeric(SUM$daysummary$`p90_ENMO_mg_0-24hr`)), c(44, 54, 41), tolerance = 1) expect_equal(mean(as.numeric(SUM$daysummary$`M3_ENMO_mg_0-24hr`)), 89.26, tolerance = 1) expect_equal(mean(as.numeric(SUM$daysummary$`M3_q40_ENMO_mg_0-24hr`)), 37.383, tolerance = 1) expect_equal(as.numeric(SUM$summary$cosinor_acrophase), 3.260855, tolerance = 1) expect_equal(as.numeric(SUM$summary$cosinorExt_beta), 109.618, tolerance = 2) #-------------------------------------------- # part 3 g.part3(metadatadir = metadatadir, f0 = 1, f1 = 1, anglethreshold = 5, desiredtz = desiredtz, timethreshold = 5,ignorenonwear = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE, do.part3.pdf = TRUE, do.parallel = do.parallel) dirname = "output_test/meta/ms3.out/" rn3 = dir(dirname,full.names = TRUE) load(rn3[1]) expect_true(dir.exists(dirname)) expect_that(round(sum(sib.cla.sum[,4:7]), digits = 0), equals(2957)) #-------------------------------------------- # part 4 g.part4(datadir = fn, metadatadir = metadatadir, f0 = 1, f1 = 1, idloc = 2, loglocation = sleeplog_fn, do.visual = TRUE, outliers.only = FALSE, excludefirstlast = FALSE, criterror = 1, includenightcrit = 0, #nnights = 7, colid = 1, coln1 = 2, relyonguider = FALSE, desiredtz = desiredtz, storefolderstructure = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE) dirname = "output_test/meta/ms4.out/" rn = dir(dirname,full.names = TRUE) load(rn[1]) vis_sleep_file = "output_test/results/visualisation_sleep.pdf" params_sleep = load_params()$params_sleep params_sleep[["loglocation"]] = sleeplog_fn = fn, metadatadir = metadatadir, f0 = 1, f1 = 1, params_sleep = params_sleep, params_output = params_output, verbose = FALSE) expect_true(dir.exists(dirname)) expect_true(file.exists(vis_sleep_file)) expect_that(round(nightsummary$number_sib_wakinghours[1], digits = 4), equals(6)) expect_true(as.logical(nightsummary$acc_available[1])) expect_true(as.logical(nightsummary$sleeplog_used[1])) #-------------------------------------------- #part 5 g.part5(datadir = fn, metadatadir = metadatadir, f0 = 1, f1 = 1, desiredtz = desiredtz, data_masking_strategy = 1, maxdur = Ndays, hrs.del.start = 0, hrs.del.end = 0, loglocation = sleeplog_fn, overwrite = TRUE, excludefirstlast = FALSE, do.parallel = do.parallel, frag.metrics = "all", save_ms5rawlevels = TRUE, save_ms5raw_format = "csv", part5_agg2_60seconds = TRUE, do.sibreport = TRUE, nap_model = "hip3yr", iglevels = 1, timewindow = c("MM", "WW", "OO"), possible_nap_window = c(0, 24), possible_nap_dur = c(0, 240), possible_nap_edge_acc = Inf, possible_nap_gap = 0) sibreport_dirname = "output_test/meta/ms5.outraw/sib.reports" expect_true(dir.exists(sibreport_dirname)) expect_true(file.exists(paste0(sibreport_dirname, "/sib_report_123A_testaccfile_T5A5.csv"))) dirname = "output_test/meta/ms5.out/" rn = dir(dirname,full.names = TRUE) load(rn[1]) dirname = "output_test/meta/ms5.out/" expect_true(dir.exists(dirname)) expect_true(file.exists(rn[1])) expect_that(nrow(output),equals(5)) expect_that(ncol(output),equals(160)) expect_that(round(as.numeric(output$wakeup[2]), digits = 4), equals(36)) expect_that(as.numeric(output$dur_day_spt_min[4]), equals(1150)) # WW window duration expect_that(as.numeric(output$dur_day_spt_min[5]), equals(1680)) # OO window duration dirname_raw = "output_test/meta/ms5.outraw/40_100_400" rn2 = dir(dirname_raw,full.names = TRUE, recursive = T) rn2_index = grep(pattern = "[.]csv", x = rn2, value = FALSE) expect_true(file.exists(rn2[rn2_index])) TSFILE = read.csv(rn2[rn2_index]) expect_that(nrow(TSFILE),equals(2820)) expect_equal(ncol(TSFILE), 14) expect_equal(length(unique(TSFILE$class_id)), 11) #GGIR suppressWarnings(GGIR(mode = c(2,3,4,5), datadir = fn, outputdir = getwd(), studyname = "test", f0 = 1, f1 = 1, = c(2,4,5), overwrite = FALSE, visualreport = FALSE, viewingwindow = 1, do.parallel = do.parallel, minimumFileSizeMB = minimumFileSizeMB, verbose = FALSE, storefolderstructure = TRUE)) suppressWarnings(GGIR(mode = c(), datadir = fn, outputdir = getwd(), studyname = "test", f0 = 1, f1 = 1, = c(), overwrite = FALSE, visualreport = TRUE, viewingwindow = 1, do.parallel = do.parallel, minimumFileSizeMB = minimumFileSizeMB, verbose = FALSE)) expect_true(file.exists("output_test/results/part2_daysummary.csv")) expect_true(file.exists("output_test/results/part2_summary.csv")) expect_true(file.exists("output_test/results/part4_nightsummary_sleep_cleaned.csv")) expect_true(file.exists("output_test/results/part4_summary_sleep_cleaned.csv")) expect_true(file.exists("output_test/results/file summary reports/old_report_123A_testaccfile.csv.pdf")) expect_true(file.exists("output_test/results/part5_daysummary_MM_L40M100V400_T5A5.csv")) expect_true(file.exists("output_test/results/part5_daysummary_WW_L40M100V400_T5A5.csv")) expect_true(file.exists("output_test/results/part5_daysummary_OO_L40M100V400_T5A5.csv")) dn = "output_test" #======================= # Different variations on part 4: #-------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------- # part 4 with sleepwindowType = TimeInBed and sleepefficiency.metric = 2 g.part4(datadir = fn, metadatadir = metadatadir, f0 = 1, f1 = 1, idloc = 2, loglocation = sleeplog_fn, do.visual = TRUE, outliers.only = FALSE, excludefirstlast = FALSE, criterror = 1, includenightcrit = 0, #nnights = 7, colid = 1, coln1 = 2, relyonguider = FALSE, desiredtz = desiredtz, storefolderstructure = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE, sleepwindowType = "TimeInBed", sleepefficiency.metric = 2) dirname = "output_test/meta/ms4.out/" rn = dir(dirname,full.names = TRUE) load(rn[1]) expect_true("sleeplatency" %in% colnames(nightsummary)) expect_true("sleepefficiency" %in% colnames(nightsummary)) expect_equal(round(nightsummary$sleeplatency[1], 3), 0.171) expect_equal(round(nightsummary$sleepefficiency[1], 3), 0.951) #-------------------------------------------- # part 4 with sleepwindowType = TimeInBed and sleepefficiency.metric = 1 g.part4(datadir = fn, metadatadir = metadatadir, f0 = 1, f1 = 1, idloc = 2, loglocation = sleeplog_fn, do.visual = TRUE, outliers.only = FALSE, excludefirstlast = FALSE, criterror = 1, includenightcrit = 0, #nnights = 7, colid = 1, coln1 = 2, relyonguider = FALSE, desiredtz = desiredtz, storefolderstructure = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE, sleepwindowType = "TimeInBed", sleepefficiency.metric = 1) dirname = "output_test/meta/ms4.out/" rn = dir(dirname,full.names = TRUE) load(rn[1]) expect_true("sleeplatency" %in% colnames(nightsummary)) expect_true("sleepefficiency" %in% colnames(nightsummary)) expect_equal(round(nightsummary$sleepefficiency[1], 3), 0.851) #-------------------------------------------- # part 4 without sleeplog g.part4(datadir = fn, metadatadir = metadatadir, f0 = 1, f1 = 1, idloc = 2, loglocation = c(), do.visual = TRUE, outliers.only = FALSE, excludefirstlast = FALSE, criterror = 1, includenightcrit = 0, nnights = 7, colid = 1, coln1 = 2, relyonguider = FALSE, desiredtz = desiredtz, storefolderstructure = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, sleepwindowType = "SPT") dirname = "output_test/meta/ms4.out/" rn = dir(dirname,full.names = TRUE) load(rn[1]) expect_true(file.exists(vis_sleep_file)) expect_equal(round(nightsummary$SptDuration[1], digits = 4), 18.0792, tolerance = 0.0005) expect_true(as.logical(nightsummary$acc_available[1])) expect_false(as.logical(nightsummary$sleeplog_used[1])) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Part 4 - daysleeper scenario by modifying the part 3 output & criterror = 0, and relyonguider=TRUE SPTE_end = c(37, 37) # turn into midday row2copy = which(sib.cla.sum$sib.onset.time == "2016-06-24T05:10:15+0100") newrow = sib.cla.sum[row2copy,] newrow$sib.onset.time = "2016-06-24T12:30:15+0100" newrow$sib.end.time = "2016-06-24T12:45:15+0100" sib.cla.sum = rbind(sib.cla.sum, newrow) sib.cla.sum = sib.cla.sum[order(sib.cla.sum$sib.onset.time),] sib.cla.sum$sib.period[1:11] = 1:11 part3_guider = "HDCZA" save(L5list, SPTE_end, SPTE_start, sib.cla.sum, tib.threshold, part3_guider, file = rn3[1]) g.part4(datadir = fn, metadatadir = metadatadir, f0 = 1, f1 = 1, idloc = 2, loglocation = c(), do.visual = TRUE, outliers.only = FALSE, excludefirstlast = FALSE, criterror = 0, includenightcrit = 0, nnights = 7, colid = 1, coln1 = 2, relyonguider = TRUE, desiredtz = desiredtz, storefolderstructure = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) dirname = "output_test/meta/ms4.out/" rn = dir(dirname,full.names = TRUE) load(rn[1]) vis_sleep_file = "output_test/results/visualisation_sleep.pdf" expect_true(dir.exists(dirname)) expect_true(file.exists(vis_sleep_file)) expect_that(round(nightsummary$number_sib_wakinghours[1], digits = 4), equals(0)) expect_equal(nightsummary$SptDuration[1], 16.15, tolerance = 0.01) expect_true(as.logical(nightsummary$acc_available[1])) expect_false(as.logical(nightsummary$sleeplog_used[1])) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Part 4 - DST+1 load(rn3[1]) changetime = function(x) { x = gsub("-06-", "-03-", x) x = gsub("-23T", "-26T", x) x = gsub("-24T", "-27T", x) x = gsub("-25T", "-28T", x) return(x) } sib.cla.sum$ = changetime(sib.cla.sum$ sib.cla.sum$sib.onset.time = changetime(sib.cla.sum$sib.onset.time) sib.cla.sum$sib.end.time = changetime(sib.cla.sum$sib.end.time) save(L5list, SPTE_end, SPTE_start, sib.cla.sum, tib.threshold, file = rn3[1]) g.part4(datadir = fn, metadatadir = metadatadir, f0 = 1, f1 = 1, idloc = 2, loglocation = sleeplog_fn, do.visual = TRUE, outliers.only = FALSE, excludefirstlast = FALSE, criterror = 0, includenightcrit = 0, nnights = 7, colid = 1, coln1 = 2, relyonguider = TRUE, desiredtz = desiredtz, storefolderstructure = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) dirname = "output_test/meta/ms4.out/" rn = dir(dirname,full.names = TRUE) load(rn[1]) expect_true(dir.exists(dirname)) expect_that(round(nightsummary$number_sib_wakinghours[1], digits = 4), equals(10)) expect_that(round(nightsummary$SptDuration[1], digits = 4), equals(7)) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Part 4 - DST-1 load(rn3[1]) changetime = function(x) { x = gsub("-03-", "-10-", x) x = gsub("-26T", "-29T", x) x = gsub("-27T", "-30T", x) x = gsub("-28T", "-31T", x) return(x) } sib.cla.sum$ = changetime(sib.cla.sum$ sib.cla.sum$sib.onset.time = changetime(sib.cla.sum$sib.onset.time) sib.cla.sum$sib.end.time = changetime(sib.cla.sum$sib.end.time) save(L5list, SPTE_end, SPTE_start, sib.cla.sum, tib.threshold, file = rn3[1]) g.part4(datadir = fn, metadatadir = metadatadir, f0 = 1, f1 = 1, idloc = 2, loglocation = sleeplog_fn, do.visual = TRUE, outliers.only = FALSE, excludefirstlast = FALSE, criterror = 0, includenightcrit = 0, nnights = 7, colid = 1, coln1 = 2, relyonguider = FALSE, desiredtz = desiredtz, storefolderstructure = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) dirname = "output_test/meta/ms4.out/" rn = dir(dirname,full.names = TRUE) load(rn[1]) expect_true(dir.exists(dirname)) expect_that(round(nightsummary$number_sib_wakinghours[1], digits = 4), equals(6)) expect_equal(round(nightsummary$SptDuration[1], digits = 4), 13.0792) #--------------------- # Part 1 with external function: exampleExtFunction = function(data=c(), parameters=c()) { data = data.frame(data, agglevel = round((1:nrow(data)) / (30 * 60 * 15))) output = aggregate(data, by = list(data$agglevel), FUN = mean) output = output[, -c(1, 2, ncol(output))] return(output) } myfun = list(FUN = exampleExtFunction, parameters = 1.1, expected_sample_rate = 3, # resample data to 30 Hertz before applying function expected_unit = "mg", minlength = 15, outputres = 15, colnames = c("A", "B", "C"), outputtype = "numeric", #"numeric" (averaging is possible), "category" (majority vote) aggfunction = mean, timestamp = as.numeric(Sys.time())) # for unit test only g.part1(datadir = fn, metadatadir = metadatadir, f0 = 1, f1 = 1, overwrite = TRUE, desiredtz = desiredtz, do.parallel = do.parallel, myfun = myfun, do.enmo = TRUE, do.anglez = TRUE, = FALSE, windowsizes = c(15, 300, 3600), chunksize = 2, do.en = TRUE, do.anglex = TRUE, do.angley = TRUE, do.roll_med_acc_x = TRUE, do.roll_med_acc_y = TRUE, do.roll_med_acc_z = TRUE, do.dev_roll_med_acc_x = TRUE, do.dev_roll_med_acc_y = TRUE, do.dev_roll_med_acc_z = TRUE, do.bfx = TRUE, do.bfy = TRUE, do.bfz = TRUE, do.hfen = TRUE, do.hfx = TRUE, do.hfy = TRUE, do.hfz = TRUE, do.lfen = TRUE, do.enmoa = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) rn = dir("output_test/meta/basic/", full.names = TRUE) load(rn[1]) expect_equal(ncol(M$metashort), 24) expect_equal(mean(M$metashort$B, na.rm = T), 24.673, tolerance = 3) expect_equal(mean(M$metashort$C, na.rm = T), -6.642, tolerance = 3) expect_equal(mean(M$metashort$EN, na.rm = T), 1.029, tolerance = 3) expect_equal(mean(M$metashort$angley, na.rm = T), 0.765, tolerance = 3) expect_equal(mean(M$metashort$roll_med_acc_x, na.rm = T), 0.729, tolerance = 3) expect_equal(mean(M$metashort$roll_med_acc_z, na.rm = T), 0.007, tolerance = 3) expect_equal(mean(M$metashort$dev_roll_med_acc_x, na.rm = T), 0.007, tolerance = 3) expect_equal(mean(M$metashort$ENMOa, na.rm = T), 0.03, tolerance = 3) if (dir.exists(dn)) unlink(dn, recursive = TRUE) if (file.exists(fn)) unlink(fn) if (file.exists(sleeplog_fn)) file.remove(sleeplog_fn) })