library(GGIR) context("MXLX") test_that("MXLX is able to identify correct mean and timing of MX and LX", { Y = rep(1, 1440) # An M5 at 1:00 with M5 == 2 Y[61:360] = 2 # An L5 at 12:00 with L5 == 0 Y[721:1020] = 0 # A second 'M5' at 18:00 with M5 == 1.5 which we expect to find when only # the second half of the data is passed on Y[1081:1380] = 1.5 # Add some missing values as code should be able to handle this[20:30]) = TRUE # Full 24 hours out1 = MXLX(Y = Y, X = 5, epochSize = 60, tseg = c(0, 24), resolutionMin = 10) expect_false(all( expect_equal(out1$L5hr, 12) expect_equal(out1$L5, 0) expect_equal(out1$start_L5, 721) expect_equal(out1$end_L5, 1020) expect_equal(out1$M5hr, 1) expect_equal(out1$M5, 2) expect_equal(out1$start_M5, 61) expect_equal(out1$end_M5, 360) # When selecting only the first 12 hours we still expect to find M5 at 1:00 out3 = MXLX(Y = Y, X = 5, epochSize = 60, tseg = c(0, 12), resolutionMin = 10) expect_equal(nrow(out3), 1) expect_equal(out3$M5hr, 1) expect_equal(out3$M5, 2) expect_equal(out3$start_M5, 61) expect_equal(out3$end_M5, 360) # and L5 is now the first 5 hour block after M5 expect_equal(out3$L5hr, 6.3333, tolerance = 0.001) expect_equal(out3$L5, 1) expect_equal(out3$start_L5, 381) expect_equal(out3$end_L5, 680) # When only passing on the second 12 hours (note: Y is trimmed now) # we expect same L5 as 24 hours because L5 occurs in second half of the day # only differences are: # - indices are shifted to reflect new Y time series # - M5 is different because M5 occurs in first half of the day out4 = MXLX(Y = Y[721:1440], X = 5, epochSize = 60, tseg = c(12, 24), resolutionMin = 10) expect_equal(nrow(out4), 1) expect_equal(out4$L5hr, out1$L5hr) expect_equal(out4$L5, out1$L5) expect_equal(out4$start_L5, out1$start_L5 - 720) expect_equal(out4$end_L5, out1$end_L5 - 720) expect_equal(out4$M5hr, 18) expect_equal(out4$M5, 1.5) expect_equal(out4$start_M5, 361) expect_equal(out4$end_M5, 660) # When recording is short Y = 1 out = MXLX(Y = Y, X = 5, epochSize = 60, tseg = c(0, 24), resolutionMin = 10) expect_equal(nrow(out), 1) expect_true(all( })