library(GGIR) context("g.readaccfile") test_that("g.readaccfile and g.inspectfile can read movisens, gt3x, cwa, Axivity csv, actigraph csv, and ad-hoc csv files correctly", { skip_on_cran() desiredtz = "Pacific/Auckland" configtz = "Europe/Berlin" params = extract_params(input = list(frequency_tol = 0.1, interpolationType = 1, desiredtz = desiredtz, configtz = configtz)) params_rawdata = params$params_rawdata params_general = params$params_general filequality = list(filecorrupt = FALSE, filetooshort = FALSE) dayborder = 0 # For Axivity csv files, we'll be able to read files with both unix and formatted (Y-M-D h:m:s) timestamps Ax3CsvFile = system.file("testfiles/ax3_testfile_unix_timestamps.csv", package = "GGIR")[1] Ax6CsvFile = system.file("testfiles/ax6_testfile_formatted_timestamps.csv", package = "GGIR")[1] Ax3CwaFile = system.file("testfiles/ax3_testfile.cwa", package = "GGIRread")[1] Ax6CwaFile = system.file("testfiles/ax6_testfile.cwa", package = "GGIRread")[1] GAfile = system.file("testfiles/GENEActiv_testfile.bin", package = "GGIRread")[1] gt3xfile = system.file("testfiles/actigraph_testfile.gt3x", package = "GGIR")[1] cat("\nActigraph .csv") create_test_acc_csv() filename = "123A_testaccfile.csv" on.exit({if (file.exists(filename)) file.remove(filename)}, add = TRUE) Icsv = g.inspectfile(filename, desiredtz = desiredtz) expect_equal(Icsv$monc, MONITOR$ACTIGRAPH) expect_equal(Icsv$dformc, FORMAT$CSV) csv_read = g.readaccfile(filename, blocksize = 10, blocknumber = 1, filequality = filequality, dayborder = dayborder, ws = 3, PreviousEndPage = 1, inspectfileobject = Icsv, params_rawdata = params_rawdata, params_general = params_general) expect_equal(nrow(csv_read$P$data), 3000) expect_false(csv_read$filequality$filecorrupt) expect_false(csv_read$filequality$filetooshort) expect_equal(sum(csv_read$P$data), 3151.11, tolerance = .01, scale = 1) cat("\nActigraph .gt3x") # actigraph .gt3x Igt3x = g.inspectfile(gt3xfile, desiredtz = desiredtz) expect_equal(Igt3x$monc, MONITOR$ACTIGRAPH) expect_equal(Igt3x$dformc, FORMAT$GT3X) expect_equal(Igt3x$sf, 30) EHV = g.extractheadervars(Igt3x) expect_equal(EHV$deviceSerialNumber, "MOS2E39180594_firmware_1.9.2") gt3x_read = g.readaccfile(gt3xfile, blocksize = 3000, blocknumber = 1, filequality = filequality, dayborder = dayborder, ws = 3, PreviousEndPage = 1, inspectfileobject = Igt3x, params_rawdata = params_rawdata, params_general = params_general) expect_equal(nrow(gt3x_read$P$data), 17640) expect_false(gt3x_read$filequality$filecorrupt) expect_false(gt3x_read$filequality$filetooshort) expect_equal(sum(gt3x_read$P$data[c("x","y","z")]), 2732.35, tolerance = .01, scale = 1) Mgt3x = g.getmeta(datafile = gt3xfile, desiredtz = desiredtz, windowsize = c(1,300,300), inspectfileobject = Igt3x) expect_true(Mgt3x$filetooshort) expect_false(Mgt3x$filecorrupt) cat("\nAxivity .cwa") Icwa = g.inspectfile(Ax3CwaFile, params_rawdata = params_rawdata, params_general = params_general) expect_equal(Icwa$monc, MONITOR$AXIVITY) expect_equal(Icwa$dformc, FORMAT$CWA) expect_equal(Icwa$sf, 100) EHV = g.extractheadervars(Icwa) expect_equal(EHV$deviceSerialNumber,"39434") cwa_read = g.readaccfile(Ax3CwaFile, blocksize = 10, blocknumber = 1, filequality = filequality, dayborder = dayborder, ws = 2, PreviousEndPage = 1, inspectfileobject = Icwa, params_rawdata = params_rawdata, params_general = params_general) expect_equal(cwa_read$P$header$blocks, 145) expect_equal(sum(cwa_read$P$data[c("x","y","z")]), 280.53, tolerance = .01, scale = 1) Mcwa = g.getmeta(Ax3CwaFile, desiredtz = desiredtz, windowsize = c(1,300,300), inspectfileobject = Icwa) expect_true(Mcwa$filetooshort) expect_false(Mcwa$filecorrupt) ax3_start_timestamp = cwa_read$P$data$time[1] Icwa = g.inspectfile(Ax6CwaFile, params_rawdata = params_rawdata, params_general = params_general) cwa_read = g.readaccfile(Ax6CwaFile, blocksize = 10, blocknumber = 1, filequality = filequality, dayborder = dayborder, ws = 2, PreviousEndPage = 1, inspectfileobject = Icwa, params_rawdata = params_rawdata, params_general = params_general) ax6_start_timestamp = cwa_read$P$data$time[1] cat("\nAxivity .csv") for (csvData in list(list(Ax3CsvFile, 200, -11.80, ax3_start_timestamp), list(Ax6CsvFile, 200, 14.84, ax6_start_timestamp))) { IAxivityCsv = g.inspectfile(csvData[[1]], params_rawdata = params_rawdata, params_general = params_general) expect_equal(IAxivityCsv$monc, MONITOR$AXIVITY) expect_equal(IAxivityCsv$dformc, FORMAT$CSV) csv_read = g.readaccfile(csvData[[1]], blocksize = 1, blocknumber = 1, filequality = filequality, dayborder = dayborder, ws = 1, PreviousEndPage = 1, inspectfileobject = IAxivityCsv, params_rawdata = params_rawdata, params_general = params_general) # For both ax3 and ax6 files, we expect 4 columns: timestamp and XYZ. # All gyro data in ax6 files gets ignored. expect_equal(ncol(csv_read$P$data), 4) expect_equal(nrow(csv_read$P$data), csvData[[2]]) expect_false(csv_read$filequality$filecorrupt) expect_false(csv_read$filequality$filetooshort) expect_equal(sum(csv_read$P$data[c("x","y","z")]), csvData[[3]], tolerance = .01, scale = 1) # check that the timestamps for the Axivity csv look the same as they did for # the original cwa version of the same file (this verifies that timestamp conversion # worked the same for both formats) expect_equal(csv_read$P$data$time[1], csvData[[4]], tolerance = .01, scale = 1) MAxCsv = g.getmeta(datafile = Ax3CsvFile, desiredtz = desiredtz, windowsize = c(1,300,300), inspectfileobject = IAxivityCsv) expect_true(MAxCsv$filetooshort) expect_false(MAxCsv$filecorrupt) } cat("\nGENEActiv .bin") # GENEActiv .bin IGA = g.inspectfile(GAfile, desiredtz = desiredtz) expect_equal(IGA$monc, MONITOR$GENEACTIV) expect_equal(IGA$dformc, FORMAT$BIN) expect_equal(IGA$sf,85.7) EHV = g.extractheadervars(IGA) expect_equal(EHV$deviceSerialNumber,"012967") GA_num_blocks = 2 GA_read = g.readaccfile(GAfile, blocksize = GA_num_blocks, blocknumber = 1, filequality = filequality, dayborder = dayborder, ws = 3, desiredtz = desiredtz, PreviousEndPage = 1, inspectfileobject = IGA) # As of R 4.0, an extra header row is extracted, which affects the positioning of the values. # expect_equal(as.numeric(as.character(wav_read$P$header$hvalues[7])),17) expect_equal(round(sum(GA_read$P$data[, 2:4]), digits = 2), -271.97) expect_equal(GA_read$endpage, GA_num_blocks) # print(GA_read$P$header) # expect_equal(as.character(unlist(GA_read$P$header[3, 1])), "216 Hours") MGA = g.getmeta(GAfile, desiredtz = desiredtz, windowsize = c(1,300,300), verbose = FALSE, inspectfileobject = IGA) expect_true(MGA$filetooshort) cat("\n Movisens") output_dir = "output_unisensExample" on.exit({if (file.exists(output_dir)) unlink(output_dir, recursive = TRUE)}, add = TRUE) if (file.exists(output_dir)) unlink(output_dir, recursive = TRUE) zip_file = "" on.exit({if (file.exists(zip_file)) unlink(zip_file)}, add = TRUE) if (!file.exists(zip_file)) { # link to a tagged release of Unisens/unisensR github repo movisens_url = "" download.file(url = movisens_url, destfile = zip_file, quiet = TRUE) } movisens_dir = "unisensR-0.3.4" on.exit({if (file.exists(movisens_dir)) unlink(movisens_dir, recursive = TRUE)}, add = TRUE) if (file.exists(movisens_dir)) { unlink(movisens_dir, recursive = TRUE) } unzip(zipfile = zip_file, exdir = ".") movisensFile = file.path(getwd(), "unisensR-0.3.4/tests/unisensExample/acc.bin") Mcsv = g.inspectfile(movisensFile, desiredtz = desiredtz) expect_equal(Mcsv$monc, MONITOR$MOVISENS) expect_equal(Mcsv$dformc, FORMAT$BIN) expect_equal(Mcsv$sf, 64) movisens_blocksize = 3000 movisens_read = g.readaccfile(movisensFile, blocksize = movisens_blocksize, blocknumber = 1, filequality = filequality, dayborder = dayborder, ws = 3, PreviousEndPage = 1, inspectfileobject = Mcsv, params_rawdata = params_rawdata, params_general = params_general) expect_equal(nrow(movisens_read$P$data), movisens_blocksize) expect_false(movisens_read$filequality$filecorrupt) expect_false(movisens_read$filequality$filetooshort) expect_equal(sum(movisens_read$P$data[c("x","y","z")]), 4383.67, tolerance = .01, scale = 1) expect_equal(movisens_read$endpage, movisens_blocksize) # read the next block (set PreviousEndPage to movisens_read$endpage) movisens_read2 = g.readaccfile(movisensFile, blocksize = movisens_blocksize, blocknumber = 2, filequality = filequality, dayborder = dayborder, ws = 3, PreviousEndPage = movisens_read$endpage, inspectfileobject = Mcsv, params_rawdata = params_rawdata, params_general = params_general) expect_equal(nrow(movisens_read2$P$data), movisens_blocksize) expect_equal(movisens_read2$endpage, movisens_blocksize * 2) # if the 1st sample of 2nd block is identical to the last sample of the 1st block, # this means that we calculated the startpage of the 2nd block incorrectly. expect_false(any(movisens_read2$P$data[1,] == movisens_read$P$data[nrow(movisens_read$P$data),])) # ad-hoc csv file # Create test file: No header, with temperature, with time. # The first row of the file will contain column names. # Have this file contain 6000 samples. We'll read it in 2 sets of 3000 lines, # and if there are any lines unnecessarily skipped, then the second attempt to # read a block of 3000 will return fewer than 3000 lines. N = 6000 sf = 30 x = Sys.time()+((0:(N-1))/sf) timestamps = as.POSIXlt(x, origin="1970-1-1", tz = configtz) mydata = data.frame(Xcol = rnorm(N), timecol = timestamps, Ycol = rnorm(N), Zcol = rnorm(N), tempcol = rnorm(N) + 20) testfile = "testcsv.csv" on.exit({if (file.exists(testfile)) file.remove(testfile)}, add = TRUE) write.csv(mydata, file = testfile, row.names = FALSE) # check that for files with no header, g.inspectfile() errors out if sampling rate is not specified as rmc.sf, or if rmc.sf == 0 expect_error(g.inspectfile(testfile, rmc.dec=".", rmc.unit.time="POSIX", rmc.firstrow.acc = 1, rmc.firstrow.header=c(), rmc.col.acc = c(1,3,4), rmc.col.temp = 5, rmc.col.time=2, rmc.unit.acc = "g", rmc.unit.temp = "C", rmc.origin = "1970-01-01"), regexp = "File header doesn't specify sample rate. Please provide rmc.sf value to process") expect_error(g.inspectfile(testfile, rmc.dec=".", rmc.sf=0, rmc.unit.time="POSIX", rmc.firstrow.acc = 1, rmc.firstrow.header=c(), rmc.col.acc = c(1,3,4), rmc.col.temp = 5, rmc.col.time=2, rmc.unit.acc = "g", rmc.unit.temp = "C", rmc.origin = "1970-01-01"), regexp = "File header doesn't specify sample rate. Please provide a non-zero rmc.sf value to process") AHcsv = g.inspectfile(testfile, rmc.dec=".", rmc.sf=30, rmc.unit.time="POSIX", rmc.firstrow.acc = 1, rmc.firstrow.header=c(), rmc.col.acc = c(1,3,4), rmc.col.temp = 5, rmc.col.time=2, rmc.unit.acc = "g", rmc.unit.temp = "C", rmc.origin = "1970-01-01") expect_equal(AHcsv$monc, MONITOR$AD_HOC) expect_equal(AHcsv$dformc, FORMAT$AD_HOC_CSV) expect_equal(AHcsv$sf, 30) # Read the file starting with row 1 (rmc.firstrow.acc = 1); this row contains column names. # Verify that full 3000 rows are still read. csv_read = g.readaccfile(testfile, blocksize = 10, blocknumber = 1, filequality = filequality, # blocksize is # of pages of 300 samples dayborder = dayborder, ws = 3, desiredtz = desiredtz, configtz = configtz, PreviousEndPage = c(), inspectfileobject = AHcsv, rmc.dec=".", rmc.sf=30, rmc.unit.time="POSIX", rmc.firstrow.acc = 1, rmc.firstrow.header=c(), rmc.col.acc = c(1,3,4), rmc.col.temp = 5, rmc.col.time=2, rmc.unit.acc = "g", rmc.unit.temp = "C", rmc.origin = "1970-01-01") expect_equal(nrow(csv_read$P$data), 3000) expect_false(csv_read$filequality$filecorrupt) expect_false(csv_read$filequality$filetooshort) expect_equal(sum(csv_read$P$data[c("x","y","z")]), -38.90, tolerance = .01, scale = 1) # endpage should be (# of rows read + 1) because for the next block we'll need to skip # not just the rows read but also the row containing column names. expect_equal(csv_read$endpage, 3001) # since the 1st row of the file contains column names, pointing rmc.firstrow.acc 2 # should lead to the same eaxt 3000 lines being read (the lines after the column names). csv_read2 = g.readaccfile(testfile, blocksize = 10, blocknumber = 1, filequality = filequality, dayborder = dayborder, ws = 3, desiredtz = desiredtz, configtz = configtz, PreviousEndPage = c(), inspectfileobject = AHcsv, rmc.dec=".", rmc.sf=30, rmc.unit.time="POSIX", rmc.firstrow.acc = 2, rmc.firstrow.header=c(), rmc.col.acc = c(1,3,4), rmc.col.temp = 5, rmc.col.time=2, rmc.unit.acc = "g", rmc.unit.temp = "C", rmc.origin = "1970-01-01") expect_equal(nrow(csv_read2$P$data), 3000) expect_false(csv_read2$filequality$filecorrupt) expect_false(csv_read2$filequality$filetooshort) expect_equal(sum(csv_read2$P$data[c("x","y","z")]), sum(csv_read$P$data[c("x","y","z")]), tolerance = .01, scale = 1) expect_equal(csv_read2$endpage, 3000) # reading the next 3000 lines should also give the same result for rmc.firstrow.acc == 1 or 2. csv_read3 = g.readaccfile(testfile, blocksize = 10, blocknumber = 2, filequality = filequality, dayborder = dayborder, ws = 3, desiredtz = desiredtz, configtz = configtz, PreviousEndPage = csv_read$endpage, inspectfileobject = AHcsv, rmc.dec=".", rmc.sf=30, rmc.unit.time="POSIX", rmc.firstrow.acc = 1, rmc.firstrow.header=c(), rmc.col.acc = c(1,3,4), rmc.col.temp = 5, rmc.col.time=2, rmc.unit.acc = "g", rmc.unit.temp = "C", rmc.origin = "1970-01-01") expect_equal(nrow(csv_read3$P$data), 3000) csv_read4 = g.readaccfile(testfile, blocksize = 10, blocknumber = 2, filequality = filequality, dayborder = dayborder, ws = 3, desiredtz = desiredtz, configtz = configtz, PreviousEndPage = csv_read2$endpage, inspectfileobject = AHcsv, rmc.dec=".", rmc.sf=30, rmc.unit.time="POSIX", rmc.firstrow.acc = 2, rmc.firstrow.header=c(), rmc.col.acc = c(1,3,4), rmc.col.temp = 5, rmc.col.time=2, rmc.unit.acc = "g", rmc.unit.temp = "C", rmc.origin = "1970-01-01") expect_equal(nrow(csv_read4$P$data), 3000) expect_equal(sum(csv_read3$P$data[c("x","y","z")]), sum(csv_read4$P$data[c("x","y","z")]), tolerance = .01, scale = 1) # Create test file: 2-column header, with time, # but sample rate not specified in the header N = 6000 sf = 30 x = Sys.time()+((0:(N-1))/sf) timestamps = as.POSIXlt(x, origin="1970-1-1", tz = configtz) mydata = data.frame(Xcol = rnorm(N), timecol = timestamps, Ycol = rnorm(N), Zcol = rnorm(N)) S1 = as.matrix(mydata) hd_NR = 10 hd = matrix("", hd_NR + 1, ncol(S1)) hd[1, 1:2] = c("ID","12345") hd[2, 1:2] = c("serial_number","30") hd[3, 1:2] = c("bit","8") hd[4, 1:2] = c("dynamic_range","6") S1 = rbind(hd, S1) S1[hd_NR + 1,] = colnames(S1) colnames(S1) = NULL testfile_two_col = "testcsv2col.csv" on.exit({if (file.exists(testfile_two_col)) file.remove(testfile_two_col)}, add = TRUE) write.table(S1, file = testfile_two_col, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE) # Create test file: 1-column header, with time, # but sample rate not specified in the header S1 = as.matrix(mydata) hd = matrix("", hd_NR + 1, ncol(S1)) hd[1, 1:2] = c("ID: 12345", "") hd[2, 1:2] = c("serial_number: 4321", "") hd[3, 1:2] = c("bit: 8", "") hd[4, 1:2] = c("dynamic_range: 6", "") S1 = as.matrix(mydata) S1 = rbind(hd, S1) S1[hd_NR + 1,] = colnames(S1) colnames(S1) = NULL testfile_one_col = "testcsv1col.csv" on.exit({if (file.exists(testfile_one_col)) file.remove(testfile_one_col)}, add = TRUE) write.table(S1, file = testfile_one_col, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE) for (testfile in c(testfile_one_col, testfile_two_col)) { # check that for a file whose header doesn't specify sampling rate, # g.inspectfile() errors out if sampling rate is not specified as rmc.sf, or if rmc.sf==0 expect_error(g.inspectfile(testfile, rmc.dec=".", rmc.unit.time="POSIX", rmc.firstrow.acc = 11, rmc.firstrow.header = 1, rmc.col.acc = c(1,3,4), rmc.col.time=2, rmc.unit.acc = "g", rmc.origin = "1970-01-01"), regexp = "File header doesn't specify sample rate. Please provide rmc.sf value to process") expect_error(g.inspectfile(testfile, rmc.dec=".", rmc.sf = 0, rmc.unit.time="POSIX", rmc.firstrow.acc = 11, rmc.firstrow.header = 1, rmc.col.acc = c(1,3,4), rmc.col.time=2, rmc.unit.acc = "g", rmc.origin = "1970-01-01"), regexp = "File header doesn't specify sample rate. Please provide a non-zero rmc.sf value to process") # check that for a file whose header doesn't specify sampling rate, # g.inspectfile() returns sf == rmc.sf if the latter was specified I = g.inspectfile(testfile, rmc.dec=".", rmc.sf = 80, rmc.unit.time="POSIX", rmc.firstrow.acc = 11, rmc.firstrow.header = 1, rmc.col.acc = c(1,3,4), rmc.col.time=2, rmc.unit.acc = "g", rmc.origin = "1970-01-01") expect_equal(I$sf, 80) } # Create test file: 2-column header, with temperature, with time, # and sample rate correctly specified in the header S1 = as.matrix(mydata) hd_NR = 10 hd = matrix("", hd_NR + 1, ncol(S1)) hd[1, 1:2] = c("ID","12345") hd[2, 1:2] = c("sample_freq","40") hd[3, 1:2] = c("serial_number","9876") hd[4, 1:2] = c("bit","8") hd[5, 1:2] = c("dynamic_range","6") S1 = as.matrix(mydata) S1 = rbind(hd, S1) S1[hd_NR + 1,] = colnames(S1) colnames(S1) = NULL testfile_two_col = "testcsv2col.csv" on.exit({if (file.exists(testfile_two_col)) file.remove(testfile_two_col)}, add = TRUE) write.table(S1, file = testfile_two_col, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE) # Create test file: 1-column header, with time, # and sample rate not specified in the header S1 = as.matrix(mydata) hd = matrix("", hd_NR + 1, ncol(S1)) hd[1, 1:2] = c("ID: 12345", "") hd[2, 1:2] = c("sample_freq: 40", "") hd[3, 1:2] = c("serial_number: 4321", "") hd[4, 1:2] = c("bit: 8", "") hd[5, 1:2] = c("dynamic_range: 6", "") S1 = rbind(hd, S1) S1[hd_NR + 1,] = colnames(S1) colnames(S1) = NULL testfile_one_col = "testcsv1col.csv" on.exit({if (file.exists(testfile_one_col)) file.remove(testfile_one_col)}, add = TRUE) write.table(S1, file = testfile_one_col, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE) for (csvData in list(list(testfile_one_col, ": "), list(testfile_two_col, c()))) { # check that g.inspectfile() returns sf value that was specified in the header, even if rmc.sf was also specified I = g.inspectfile(csvData[[1]], rmc.dec=".", rmc.sf = 80, rmc.headername.sf = "sample_freq", rmc.unit.time="POSIX", rmc.firstrow.acc = 11, rmc.firstrow.header=1, rmc.col.acc = c(1,3,4), rmc.col.time=2, rmc.unit.acc = "g", rmc.origin = "1970-01-01", = "serial_number", rmc.headername.recordingid = "ID", rmc.bitrate = "bit", rmc.dynamic_range = "dynamic_range", rmc.header.structure = csvData[[2]]) expect_equal(I$sf, 40) # check that g.inspectfile() correctly reads the sf value from the header I = g.inspectfile(csvData[[1]], rmc.dec=".", rmc.headername.sf = "sample_freq", rmc.unit.time="POSIX", rmc.firstrow.acc = 11, rmc.firstrow.header=1, rmc.col.acc = c(1,3,4), rmc.col.time=2, rmc.unit.acc = "g", rmc.origin = "1970-01-01", rmc.header.structure = csvData[[2]]) expect_equal(I$sf, 40) } # test decimal separator recognition extraction decn = g.dotorcomma(Ax3CwaFile,dformat = FORMAT$CWA, mon = MONITOR$AXIVITY, desiredtz = desiredtz) expect_equal(decn,".") decn = g.dotorcomma(GAfile, dformat = FORMAT$BIN, mon = MONITOR$GENEACTIV, desiredtz = desiredtz) expect_equal(decn,".") #also test one small other function: datadir = system.file("testfiles", package = "GGIR")[1] fnames = datadir2fnames(datadir = datadir, filelist = FALSE) expect_equal(length(fnames$fnames), 7) expect_equal(length(fnames$fnamesfull), 7) })